Need a Clomid buddy!

My cm today is very stretchy and stuff so I'm hoping its a good sign. Maybe tonight or tomorrow I'll get a positive. Here's an updated photo (the number is cd and am or pm is when I took it)

Klabro- how you feeling?

Bab-- any more updates?


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Fingers crossed for some dark lines in the next couple days!!

I'm feeling pretty good really. I'm bloated and tired but that is really the only difference I notice in myself.
Lots of information at my procedure today...I had a sonohysterogram, and i definitely have a fibroid that needs to come out. If i don't get pregnant this month, surgery will be the beginning of the next cycle. They checked my ovaries while they were at it today, and my right one seems to be responding to the femara, so i hope I'll ovulate soon! The SA came back all good. My bloodwork confirmed pcos. An AMH level above 3 or 4 indicates pcos, and mine was 12.9! I also had to have my prolactin lab repeated because it was high and I may need meds for that. At least we have a plan, and aside from the fibroid I can take meds to fix everything else!
It sounds like you are on a roll drjo! Maybe you'll catch that egg and surgery will hold off for say 9 months or so :) ! It's super awesome you are getting things figured out!
DRJO- I'm glad you are finally getting your answers! PCOS isn't a fun diagnosis to receive but at least you know what it is now and can treat accordingly. The exciting thing for me is that they learn so much about it all the time so it is comforting to know that there are so many things we can do it "fix" it.
Ugh. I am having a bad day. My OPKs are still negative. I mean I can't be missing my surge unless it comes between like 5pm and 8am... So I am starting to lose hope on that end of things.

My dog is in surgery today because we have been battling with some kind of toe issue and yesterday the vet said it could be cancer and he needs it removed. Let me say, I was gutted. My little fur babies... They're all I have and I can't lose one. So we are spending an exorbitant amount of money on taking this toe off and getting him tested for cancer.

So, needless to say I am spiraling on an emotional roller coaster today. I won't know till late this afternoon how my fur baby is and I just want my stupid OPKs to turn positive. Rahhhh
Drjo- Sorry to hear about pcos. It is a bitch no matter how you look at it! Thankfully you are ahead of the game and seeing a fertility specialist.

klabro- Hope everything is going well!

1nce- Stay strong! Those tests need to turn soon <3
I completely understand your pain about your furbaby. I have more than any average person but I couldn't imagine life without them. They get spoiled rotten as if they were my kid and they help me get through shitty times. Prayers for your baby that everything will be fine after his surgery!

afm- bloods came back yesterday as hcg 7. It went down. And as if it was just waiting for me to find out, I started bleeding heavily overnight. I really don't want to work today but I don't want to explain why I need another sick day off after being gone for two days last week. I will just see if I can call it quits early today.
Drjo- Sorry to hear about pcos. It is a bitch no matter how you look at it! Thankfully you are ahead of the game and seeing a fertility specialist.

klabro- Hope everything is going well!

1nce- Stay strong! Those tests need to turn soon <3
I completely understand your pain about your furbaby. I have more than any average person but I couldn't imagine life without them. They get spoiled rotten as if they were my kid and they help me get through shitty times. Prayers for your baby that everything will be fine after his surgery!

afm- bloods came back yesterday as hcg 7. It went down. And as if it was just waiting for me to find out, I started bleeding heavily overnight. I really don't want to work today but I don't want to explain why I need another sick day off after being gone for two days last week. I will just see if I can call it quits early today.

Aw Bab-- I am heartbroken for you doll! I am so sorry for your loss. You do what you need to to heal. Go home, take a nap, pamper yourself. Thank you for your kind words about my dog. I hope you feel better my dear.
1nce-I am sorry about your fur baby. Sending positive thoughts your way. I have 3 dogs myself and they are a huge part of our family. I am sorry about those OPK's, don't give up hope yet, you WILL get there.

BAB-I am so sorry. I'm also sorry you are having to suffer through work when you should be able to cuddle up at home. I hope you are able to get some rest. Sending hugs your way.
Does anyone else get extremely fatigued after Clomid. I have felt since I have taken it like I have to blink my eyes to stay awake.
1nce- Yes I definitely did. There were a few times where I felt like I could barely keep my eyes open and just had to lay down and take a small nap.
Hi ladies. I start Clomid on the 18th (if AF arrives on time). I'm kinda nervous. I have this fear I'm gonna turn into this raging hormoned out psycho. My doc says most common is hot flashes and blurry vision. Sounds like fun. And then we do IUI too. So much to take in.

Any advice?
Dojenstein- Hi!
You probably won't get too hormonal with clomid. The symptoms I had were fatigue, hot flashes, dizziness and mild nausea.
What dose are they starting you on?

1nce- Please keep us updated on your pups recovery! <3 Also, try taking an evening opk. I would usually get my +opk's at night :)

klabro- I am home now. Unfortunately the worst happened at work.. I passed most of the tissue there :/
I am doing better and distracting myself. Going to work on losing more weight and drinking spearmint tea for a while after this.
Dojenstein- Hi!
You probably won't get too hormonal with clomid. The symptoms I had were fatigue, hot flashes, dizziness and mild nausea.
What dose are they starting you on?

1nce- Please keep us updated on your pups recovery! <3 Also, try taking an evening opk. I would usually get my +opk's at night :)

klabro- I am home now. Unfortunately the worst happened at work.. I passed most of the tissue there :/
I am doing better and distracting myself. Going to work on losing more weight and drinking spearmint tea for a while after this.

Sorry BABTTC, that's so rough. And to be at work. I've been there and I can commiserate. For whatever that's worth.

They're starting me on 100mg on Clomid. I'm taking it days 3 - 7. I've also been prescribed Ovidrel which I guess is my trigger shot. I'm learning so much on these boards. I'm 41 and DF is 44. We both have all normal test results for our age but still...our age is our worst enemy at this point. I really hope we can nail it on the first try, but if not we'll just keep trying.
Lots of sad news on here lately :(
1nce- Sorry about your pup. I have 3 dogs and 2 cats so I can empathize.
bab- so sorry about the mc. I hope you take some time to heal and know we're hear if you need to talk.
2015-01-15 21.39.51.jpg today's opk. Sorry for the crappy picture...I was in a hurry. I'm supposed to call for my prolactin results tomorrow and call Saturday if I haven't seen a surge. Although I'm not sure if they'll just do an ultrasound or if theyd trigger me, so I'm not sure it's worth it.
OPK still negative as of this morning. And I ran out of cb digitals... So now I have to consider whether or not I want to pay 50 bucks for a new box...

All I've gotten this week is bad news. I need good news. Rahhh!
1nce...I definitely susuggest buying cheapies online. The clearblue ones are so expensive, especially with long or unpredictable cycles!

Afm, my prolactin labs aren't back yet. She said to call back on Monday afternoon :( I'm supposed to call tomorrow if I haven't seen a positive opk, and I'm actually having a fair amount of bleeding right now. I assume it's from having an hsg and the a sonohysterogram, but I'm wondering if the tube nicked my fibroid during one of the procedures to make it bleed. There is a small amount of tissue coming out now and then too, like uterine lining.
Hi ladies. Good morning. So I thought I would post this morning because I woke up really nervous and anxious this morning. AF is due today (I can feel it coming) and I start Clomid in 3 days. For some reason this "process" (we're doing IUI too) is starting to feel very real and I'm kinda freaking out.

Just wondering if anyone had a similar experience and how it's going now. Thanks so much!
Drjo-- I used cheapies too so I may just stick with them this cycle.. Since its seemingly unlikely I'm going to ovulate. That sucks your bleeding! You should call your doctor, did they tell you that's normal?

Dojenstein-- it does become real when you start getting procedures and testing done. I think it's a good real, because usually when you haven't wound up with a BFP naturally you get worried. Everything will go smoothly for you I'm sure... Maybe just pamper yourself a bit to get rid of that anxiety.

Bab-- how you feeling Hun? You doing ok?

Klabro-- how's everything with you?

Oh and ps -- my doggie is at home and snoring away. He is all bandaged up but he was super happy to be home. I Have to wrap up his bandage in plastic every time he goes outside to the bathroom... Kind of a pain in the butt, but he's worth it. My other pup is glad to see him home too. I get the test results back in a week or so on the pathology of the tumor.

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