Need a WTT buddy January 2014

Ok. I think I got it straight now. I guess I was thinking you'd be out of school for the summer? I never went during summer, but every program's different. I had friends who went to diff nursing schools and they did go during the summer. Ah, the words care plans make me want to cringe!! I hated them!! And they are so dumb. We hardly do those in real life. We have a plan of care, but it's nowhere near as in depth as they make you do in school!! And wow!! What a schedule! I don't miss those days at all!! It was rough then and that was before I was married and had a kid!! Bless your heart, you are one dedicated woman!!

So babybaker, you're a teacher right? Do you enjoy it? Sometimes I wish I'd have done that. But. Oh well too late now. I've often thought I may try to get on as a school nurse--best of both worlds-- but those jobs are hard to find, and you don't make as much money.

So Junemomma, I noticed you said you already ovulated. Do you track it? Are you on some form of BC? Just curious. I got the Mirena IUD put in at 12 weeks pp and sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice. I love that I don't have a period on it though. I haven't had a period in over a year! Since I got the IUD while I was still BF, I've since stopped BF but I guess the hormones from the IUD have kept me from getting a period. I just hope it comes back when I get it taken out when we're ready to start TTC again.
Trust me care plans havent gotten any better. Mine was 27 pages!! And I have to start my maternity careplan this weekend. Because of my med surge care plan being due yesterday I was t able to study as much for my med surge test, so I only got a 70 on it. Last week I got a 90. Big difference! I was so mad. Now I have this stupid maternity one I have to do. I'm not looking forward to it. Plus I have two tests I have to study for that are next week. I'm just ready for this semester to be over. Oh and they also gave us a group project that's due on August 13.
Lol now that I've got all that out of the way. I have an interview set for that hospital!!!:happydance: my interview is for next Friday at 3pm. Cross your fingers for me ladies!!! :hugs:
With my ovulation and such, I practice Nfp. So that's how I know when exactly I ovulated. I don't like the idea of putting hormones in my body. I had the mirena after having my youngest too. But it only stayed in a few months. It was causing a lot of problems. I was having cramping almost daily and it was causing a lot of cervical irritation. So they took it out. But Nfp has been great! We only have to get new supplies to chart once every six months and they aren't expensive at all. The appointments with the Nfp instructor are inexpensive as well and you don't have to go that often. I'm going once every 3 months right now because I just switched to a new instructor. After that I'll only go every 6 months.
Ok. I think I got it straight now. I guess I was thinking you'd be out of school for the summer? I never went during summer, but every program's different. I had friends who went to diff nursing schools and they did go during the summer. Ah, the words care plans make me want to cringe!! I hated them!! And they are so dumb. We hardly do those in real life. We have a plan of care, but it's nowhere near as in depth as they make you do in school!! And wow!! What a schedule! I don't miss those days at all!! It was rough then and that was before I was married and had a kid!! Bless your heart, you are one dedicated woman!!

So babybaker, you're a teacher right? Do you enjoy it? Sometimes I wish I'd have done that. But. Oh well too late now. I've often thought I may try to get on as a school nurse--best of both worlds-- but those jobs are hard to find, and you don't make as much money.

So Junemomma, I noticed you said you already ovulated. Do you track it? Are you on some form of BC? Just curious. I got the Mirena IUD put in at 12 weeks pp and sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice. I love that I don't have a period on it though. I haven't had a period in over a year! Since I got the IUD while I was still BF, I've since stopped BF but I guess the hormones from the IUD have kept me from getting a period. I just hope it comes back when I get it taken out when we're ready to start TTC again.

Yes ma'am, I am a middle school Spanish teacher and I LOVE my job, even on the rough days. I honestly can't imagine myself doing anything else. Yeah, school nurse positions are hard to come by.
Trust me care plans havent gotten any better. Mine was 27 pages!! And I have to start my maternity careplan this weekend. Because of my med surge care plan being due yesterday I was t able to study as much for my med surge test, so I only got a 70 on it. Last week I got a 90. Big difference! I was so mad. Now I have this stupid maternity one I have to do. I'm not looking forward to it. Plus I have two tests I have to study for that are next week. I'm just ready for this semester to be over. Oh and they also gave us a group project that's due on August 13.
Lol now that I've got all that out of the way. I have an interview set for that hospital!!!:happydance: my interview is for next Friday at 3pm. Cross your fingers for me ladies!!! :hugs:
With my ovulation and such, I practice Nfp. So that's how I know when exactly I ovulated. I don't like the idea of putting hormones in my body. I had the mirena after having my youngest too. But it only stayed in a few months. It was causing a lot of problems. I was having cramping almost daily and it was causing a lot of cervical irritation. So they took it out. But Nfp has been great! We only have to get new supplies to chart once every six months and they aren't expensive at all. The appointments with the Nfp instructor are inexpensive as well and you don't have to go that often. I'm going once every 3 months right now because I just switched to a new instructor. After that I'll only go every 6 months.

My goodness, you are a busy little bee. I will definitely keep my fingers crossed that you get the position.

I don't like the idea of putting hormones in my body either. My body is way too sensitive. I tried the mini pill shortly after I had my lo and it depeleted my milk, so since that we've been doing the pull-out and pray method:haha: AND of course, I track my CM. I haven't charted my BBT yet because I still get up 2-3 hours each night.:dohh:
Good luck with your tests this week Junemomma! And FX'd all goes well with your interview Friday, hope you get the job!!

So glad you love your job Babybaker!! Spanish! That's awesome! I only know like 5 words in Spanish! Ha! And I took it one year in HS and for a semester in college. I used to know more, but as you know, if you get out of practice, it's easy to forget.

I'm also sensitive to hormones and changes going on around me too. When I was on night shift, I didn't ovulate!! I had to switch to days when we started TTC. It totally messed up my TSH (thyroid) when I was on nights. But 2 months after I went to days, it was corrected. And my period has always been effected if I was stressed or went on vacations or anything like that. I think that's why I haven't had a period yet with the Mirena. But that's why I went with it in the first place since the hormones stay in the uterus and aren't systemic like with the pill or implant. When I was on the pill (way back when), I had serious weight gain, like 20 lbs, that I couldn't get rid of; and as soon as I stopped taking it, I lost all the weight. But I had lost all my baby weight and was back to pre-preg weight pretty quickly but in the last month I have gained 5 lbs!! I don't know if it's because I stopped breastfeeding or from the Mirena? I also haven't been exercising or watching what I eat either. So who knows.

Hope y'all have had a good weekend. Today is my only day off till I go back to work tomorrow, so I'm gonna spend the rest of the day playing with my little man!! I've missed him!!
awww, enjoy your day off with your little man hun! I know how it is, I feel like I never see my kids. My daughter is an hour away at her grandparents house this summer just because we can't afford a summer camp for her, so I havent seen her in weeks. Not only that but with my DH and I both being in school, it makes it difficult to keep her home by herself all day every day. :(
Hope both you ladies are having a great weekend!!!!
Good luck with your tests this week Junemomma! And FX'd all goes well with your interview Friday, hope you get the job!!

So glad you love your job Babybaker!! Spanish! That's awesome! I only know like 5 words in Spanish! Ha! And I took it one year in HS and for a semester in college. I used to know more, but as you know, if you get out of practice, it's easy to forget.

I'm also sensitive to hormones and changes going on around me too. When I was on night shift, I didn't ovulate!! I had to switch to days when we started TTC. It totally messed up my TSH (thyroid) when I was on nights. But 2 months after I went to days, it was corrected. And my period has always been effected if I was stressed or went on vacations or anything like that. I think that's why I haven't had a period yet with the Mirena. But that's why I went with it in the first place since the hormones stay in the uterus and aren't systemic like with the pill or implant. When I was on the pill (way back when), I had serious weight gain, like 20 lbs, that I couldn't get rid of; and as soon as I stopped taking it, I lost all the weight. But I had lost all my baby weight and was back to pre-preg weight pretty quickly but in the last month I have gained 5 lbs!! I don't know if it's because I stopped breastfeeding or from the Mirena? I also haven't been exercising or watching what I eat either. So who knows.

Hope y'all have had a good weekend. Today is my only day off till I go back to work tomorrow, so I'm gonna spend the rest of the day playing with my little man!! I've missed him!!

Yes, a language is very easy to forget if you don't use it often. That is odd about your weight gain of 5 lbs. - glad you got off your other weight gain though. That was my main concern with after I had my lo - I was afraid that I wasn't going to lose the weight. Thankfully I'm back down to my pre-pregnancy weight, I'm not sure if it's because I'm breastfeeding, but hey, I'll take!!

Hope you had a good weekend with your little Jack. :)

Edited to add: Oh and I will definitely be watching the Bachelor Pad now that I know Kalon will be on there. I can't stand him, but yet, I have to see it now.:haha:
How has the week gone for you ladies so far? I can't believe we're nearing the end of July already. Scary!!! I will officially be an advanced med surge student in 4 weeks!!! I'm so excited yet so worried I won't pass next semester.
yeah maybe jan 2014 here too im from UK :) 2nd baby that is ttc.. my 1st was born in 2011 :)
Welcome to our little thread misstrouble :) I'm pretty sure all of us are jan 2014. Tell us a little about yourself! And if you have any questions please feel free to ask :)

And btw ladies....I'm so excited to say...... I GOT THE JOB!!!!! She's waiting on the background check to come back so I'm suppose to call her Monday after my clinical. I'm so excited!!! I can't believe this is another step toward our future. I can hardly believe I will be an employee at a hospital. I've only ever dreamt of being a nurse and I'm almost halfway there!!! My semester ends in 3 1/2 weeks :-D
Next semester is suppose to be the hardest. Ugh! So not looking forward to it. My brain is already fried, I'm not sure how I'll make it thru the fall semester. The. I just heard today they are revamping our last semester (which starts in the spring- jan-April) its our practicum and leadership semester. Well it's been rather easy for all other cohorts and now there's word it's being revamped for the fall semester. I'm not looking forward to two tough semesters. Last semester was suppose to be rather "easy", half time, not too much work. Anyway, i'll keep you all posted! :)
Welcome to our little thread misstrouble :) I'm pretty sure all of us are jan 2014. Tell us a little about yourself! And if you have any questions please feel free to ask :)

And btw ladies....I'm so excited to say...... I GOT THE JOB!!!!! She's waiting on the background check to come back so I'm suppose to call her Monday after my clinical. I'm so excited!!! I can't believe this is another step toward our future. I can hardly believe I will be an employee at a hospital. I've only ever dreamt of being a nurse and I'm almost halfway there!!! My semester ends in 3 1/2 weeks :-D
Next semester is suppose to be the hardest. Ugh! So not looking forward to it. My brain is already fried, I'm not sure how I'll make it thru the fall semester. The. I just heard today they are revamping our last semester (which starts in the spring- jan-April) its our practicum and leadership semester. Well it's been rather easy for all other cohorts and now there's word it's being revamped for the fall semester. I'm not looking forward to two tough semesters. Last semester was suppose to be rather "easy", half time, not too much work. Anyway, i'll keep you all posted! :)

Congrats again on the job :happydance: One more step closer to reaching all the goals. Oh that stinks that might be revamping your LAST semester. I hope not!

Hope everyone has a good rest of the week!
Welcome Misstrouble!!

Congrats on the job Junemomma!! Super excited for you! That sucks they are changing up your curriculum. Hopefully it won't be too tough on you. Yay for being almost through with this semester!! Enjoy the break!!

How have you ladies been? I've been super busy lately. Blah. But, I'm off till next Tuesday!! Yay!! We have what's called the Neshoba County Fair coming up starting Friday and it lasts till the next Friday. It's called Mississippi's Giant House Party. It's like the biggest thing that happens where I live. It's hard to explain, but it's not like your ordinary fair or carnival. There's like 500-600 fair cabins around the whole fairgrounds where people come stay for the whole week. There's music and horse racing and politics. And it's like one big, huge party that lasts a whole week. Everybody we know goes to it and most everyone we know has a fair cabin. And we eat, and drink, and drink some more and visit with people that we don't see very often. It's so much fun!! I can't wait to take Jack to his first fair!! Here's a link to the Fair's website if y'all feel like checking it out to get a better idea of what I'm talking about.

I hope you all have a good rest of the week and weekend!!
hey girlies off on holiday on sat so really busy then again on a weekend trip in august so been keeping my mind distracted. anyone on cerazette coming off at end of 2013? my friend was telling me to come off it a few months before TTC so do you guys think that is a good idea?? say nov 2013 if want to start ttc in jan 2014? thanks :flower:
Do you ladies want to come up with a name for our thread? It can be our own little thread group. We should post some ideas then vote on it and I can change the title. What do you think?
Welcome Misstrouble!!

Congrats on the job Junemomma!! Super excited for you! That sucks they are changing up your curriculum. Hopefully it won't be too tough on you. Yay for being almost through with this semester!! Enjoy the break!!

How have you ladies been? I've been super busy lately. Blah. But, I'm off till next Tuesday!! Yay!! We have what's called the Neshoba County Fair coming up starting Friday and it lasts till the next Friday. It's called Mississippi's Giant House Party. It's like the biggest thing that happens where I live. It's hard to explain, but it's not like your ordinary fair or carnival. There's like 500-600 fair cabins around the whole fairgrounds where people come stay for the whole week. There's music and horse racing and politics. And it's like one big, huge party that lasts a whole week. Everybody we know goes to it and most everyone we know has a fair cabin. And we eat, and drink, and drink some more and visit with people that we don't see very often. It's so much fun!! I can't wait to take Jack to his first fair!! Here's a link to the Fair's website if y'all feel like checking it out to get a better idea of what I'm talking about.

I hope you all have a good rest of the week and weekend!!

That looks like it's a blast. So much different from what we have here every year. Enjoy! Take some pics of Jack and his first Mississippi Giant House Party.
hey girlies off on holiday on sat so really busy then again on a weekend trip in august so been keeping my mind distracted. anyone on cerazette coming off at end of 2013? my friend was telling me to come off it a few months before TTC so do you guys think that is a good idea?? say nov 2013 if want to start ttc in jan 2014? thanks :flower:

I've never taken cerazette, but I always think it's a good idea to stop a couple of months before TTC so your body can get all the hormones out. Plus, it took me a month or so to ovulate.
Do you ladies want to come up with a name for our thread? It can be our own little thread group. We should post some ideas then vote on it and I can change the title. What do you think?

Sounds good! I'll try and get my creative juices flowing - it's never easy for me.:haha:

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