Need advice on combo feeding..


Mother of a beautiful boy and gorgeous girl
Jan 22, 2013
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I am expressing breastmilk at the moment as my boy is struggling to latch on every time. So if he doesn't latch I express and if he does I do it anyway to make sure the breast is empty.
However, the midwife suggested topping up with formula too as I wasn't producing quite enough for what he needed.
My question is that he seems to be very hungry when he wants a feed and I'm not sure how much he should be having now. Every midwife is telling me something different. He seems to be having about 90-100ml of a combination of BM and formula and he is a week old, he weighs around 7lb 10oz. Does this seem right?
To be honest I can't imagine that you're not producing enough for him. Newborn babies are meant to feed and feed and will always take more from a bottle even if you have literally just finished bf them. If you want to exclusively bf then I suggest not giving him any top up. Let him feed from you as much as he wants. At this stage it will seem like he is feeding 24 hours a day. It's normal. It doesn't mean he isn't getting enough. It means he is getting your supply up. He will go through growth spurts where he will feed more for a day or two. It should calm down after a few weeks and he may start going a couple of hours between feeds.

If you actually want to combi feed then that's fine but I would wait a bit longer before you strt giving him any bottles as he may succumb to the dreaded breast/bottle confusion. I combifeed. I introduced a bottle at bedtime from 8 weeks old. Every one told me it would lead to me stopping bf but 8 months on and he's still enjoying mummy milk. I have introduced a small bottle in an afternoon too as I am at work two afternoons a week but he doesn't often take this milk, preferring instead to wait for me to get home. I think when I first started giving him a bottle I made him 6oz of milk but think he probably only took about 4oz.

Good luck. PM me if you want any support xx
My main problem is that he won't latch on every time and he has only been able to latch onto one breast as my nipple is too flat on the other. So I'm sometimes only able to express 60ml and other times I am able to express 90ml.
I feel like I'm doing everything wrong but he seems so hungry and I have no idea what to do. I can't get him latching on all the time and he just gets hysterical.
Sounds like you're having a tough time. Good for you for persevering. Have you managed to see a lactation consultant? If not then I would really recommend it. Mickey could latch but struggped to stay latched. A LC sorted us right out. Ask your MW. Most hospitals have them or have access to them and it's your right to see them. It's their job to sort out bf problems in an effort to increase bf rates. Xxxx
I agree about seeking a lactation consultant. They helped me immensely with the BF'ing issues I was having. Good luck and great job at sticking with it!
I think that is a good amount.
Your situation sounds a lot like mine, right down to the feeding from one side because the other nipple is flat. My little guy has had such a hard time latching from day 1 and we are just, just starting to see some improvement. He had a posterior tongue tie which was clipped but we haven't seen any drastic changes yet... It's so frustrating when they just struggle with latching on! My LO is 3 weeks and 8lbs and we've been giving him 3oz, or 90ml of expressed milk after nursing/attempting to nurse but today especially he still seems hungry after that... I've brought him back to the breast where he'll latch on again and maybe get a few gulps before either falling asleep or just pulling away. If he still seems hungry I've given him another half ounce or so.

How are you managing with everything? I'm so exhausted but hoping it will all pay off. I agree about seeing a lactation consultant, I'm about to go to an appointment in an hour and this will be our 7th trip I believe!
90-100 ml is a huge amount!
That is over 3oz!

I think 1-2oz is normal for a 1 week old.

Also, how much you express is not indicative of how much you produce.
1. Nursing will stimulate your breasts better than any pump can
2. When you nurse you are holding your baby and it triggers a hormonal response which causes you to produce more milk. You dont feel that way when you pump. Some try to mimic that response by looking at videos or pictures of their baby while they pump or smelling their clothing, blankets etc. to get greater milk production but nothing can compare to nursing and honestly, it sounds like your production is just fine.

It is normal for a baby to take a bottle after a feeding, it doesnt mean the baby is hungry. They will overeat and it can be problematic, especially early on.

You can try a SNS if you want to but truthfully, it sounds like you are doing great!
I have decided to just stick with expressing my milk rather than having him in the breast. The problems weren't getting any easier even after I went for help. He was just getting hysterical everytime he tried and then I was getting upset. My midwife has always told me that a happy mum makes a happy baby and at least this way he is still getting my milk. I know I won't produce as much by expressing and that it won't last as long but he is much happier and healthier now which is the most important thing to me. My midwife has also suggested to carry on with topping up with formula if I am not producing enough milk for each feed.
I know some people may think I gave up too easily but baby and I are happy.
That's what is important Shortstuff! Trust your instinct and you can't go wrong :hugs:

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