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Need bump buddies - April 2013


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2012
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hello ladies!

Sooooo I'm 5weeks pregnant and due on 25th April 2013! Is anyone else due around that time who would like to be bump buddies?

I'm slightly earlier, april 4th. Is this your first? Second? My other dd is 15 so its a bit like going back to number one! ;-)
I'm due on 30th and 4 weeks today I think with my second baby :)
Im due 25th april with my second... Ill be ur bump buddy
Hello ladies :)

I have just found out that I am pregnant today! :D
We had been ttc for 5 months but today was when af was due, and I was feeling positive and this is the first month I have resisted testing until today! I had a very deep second line on a frer this morning and a "Pregnant" 2-3 weeks on a clearblue digital. So I am 4 weeks today and so excited :)

This is our first pregnancy and I don't know anything. I don't have any friends who have had babies, my mum passed away last year so I don't have her to ask. What do I do? I have arranged a dr appointment for Thursday evening but I have no idea what happens from now on!

Congratulations to all you lovely ladies and I would love to be bump buddies...i'm estimating my due date of 29th April.

H&H 9 months to all :) xxx
Hello ladies, I also got my BFP this month :D I am not entirely sure of a due date as my cycles were so irregular - but on an "average" cycle I will be due around 4th April 2013! So very excited, would love to keep in touch! How is everyone feeling? x
:happydance:Congratulations everyone!

I returned from my honeymoon to find a BFP! We have been hesitant to get too excited after we had an early miscarriage at 5 weeks this past February... But the lines are just getting brighter and brighter, so it seems like baby is strong this time!

We are due April 24, 2013!
wow its so nice to know we're all due at the same time and hopefully we can share our worries/joys together! I'm feeling ok so far.... I mc at 12 weeks back in March and had the most terrible morning sickness with that pregnancy! My only symptoms this time appear to be peeing an awful lot and I'm huuuuungry all the time! But my sickness didn't start until 6 weeks last time.... How are you ladies feeling? Any symptoms? Xxx
My first symptom was my sense of smell - it was driving me crazy! I now have sore boobs, have been feeling sick on and off allllllll day for the past few days, and could sleep standing up! This is our first so not entirely sure what to expect and when! Have you seen you doctor/midwife yet? x :flower: x
wow its so nice to know we're all due at the same time and hopefully we can share our worries/joys together! I'm feeling ok so far.... I mc at 12 weeks back in March and had the most terrible morning sickness with that pregnancy! My only symptoms this time appear to be peeing an awful lot and I'm huuuuungry all the time! But my sickness didn't start until 6 weeks last time.... How are you ladies feeling? Any symptoms? Xxx

How far are you? (sorry I forget, it's hard keeping up on here!)
I am like 4 weeks and 2 days...I have been having bad lower back aches when standing up for the past three days, but it's eased off now. I am feeling sicky at certain times in the day but not been sick. It's worse today than yesterday so doesn't look good...may be having bad sickness soon...but hoping not!
I am very thirsty lately. And today i'm tired. But apart from that all seems fine.

How about you ladies, how you feeling?

I have my first dr appointment tomorrow night...feeling nervous, not sure why, just I suppose i'll worry until I see that gorgeous scan of our baby xxx
Hey everyone I'm due April 27 2013, looking for a bump buddy ?.
Hello ladies :)

How are we all this week? And welcome to all new ladies.

So I am 6 weeks today :) And our baby is the size of a lentil! And it should now have a heartbeat. How exciting!

I have my first midwife appointment booked at 9 weeks (3 weeks time on 25th) so this will something to look forward to. So at the moment it is just a waiting game.

How are you ladies feeling? I am hungry a lot of the time! And I feel sick in waves throughout the day. But haven't been sick. I think a lot of it is related to food, like just after I eat I often feel a bit sick. And I seem to be wanting more savoury food than sweet things. Very unlike me.

So, I am doing okay. How about you? Any dr appointments? I wonder if they do things differently in other countries than here in England.
Any way love to hear how you are all doing :flower:
Hi all:
Just got a BFP last week and it looks like I'm just over 7 weeks. Got a BFN when AF was due but a week and a half later, still no AF and boobs were soooo sore. Have gotten to BFPs and according to my cycle, it looks like I'm due around April 18, 2013. TTC for 4 months and am super excited!! Would love to be bump buddies with others due April 2013 as this is our first and I've got no idea what to expect!
Haven't been sick, but have felt waves of nausea in mid-morning and often just after supper. Haven't been super hungry (which surprised me) and already had my first food aversion.
Curly 413 Hi! Wow to get your bfn must have been so sad but then to get a bfp with no af, what a lovely surprise! I have heard this happens and in a way you have less time to wait! We found out the day af was due so was 4 weeks and 1 day...only 2 weeks have passed, it's going too slow!

Realbeauty86 I'm due 29th April too! And your name having 86 were you born in 86? If so, I was too :)
So what's your story? :)
Ps...I have no idea what to expect either. I don't know anyone who has had a baby, never really been around babies and I don't even have any female family members to turn to who have had babies!
So girls we are in this together :)
Hi ladies! I'm about 6.5 weeks now, the tickers say my EDD is April 25 :)
Excited for my first scan tomorrow! Have any of you ladies had one yet?
Curly 413 Hi! Wow to get your bfn must have been so sad but then to get a bfp with no af, what a lovely surprise! I have heard this happens and in a way you have less time to wait! We found out the day af was due so was 4 weeks and 1 day...only 2 weeks have passed, it's going too slow!

Realbeauty86 I'm due 29th April too! And your name having 86 were you born in 86? If so, I was too :)
So what's your story? :)

Hi, yes the 86 means I was born in that year lol. its crazy to meet someone the same age and same due dates :thumbup: I cant believe you have never been around babies.... i have been around them all my life smh... i'm going to add you to my contact list. we may have a lot in common :flower:
Curly 413 Hi! Wow to get your bfn must have been so sad but then to get a bfp with no af, what a lovely surprise! I have heard this happens and in a way you have less time to wait! We found out the day af was due so was 4 weeks and 1 day...only 2 weeks have passed, it's going too slow!

Realbeauty86 I'm due 29th April too! And your name having 86 were you born in 86? If so, I was too :)
So what's your story? :)

Yes - it was discouraging to get my BFN (2 actually, the one AF was due and one 3 days later).
I have been doing some research and since my cycle is 35 days I actually think my due date is the 25th of April, not the 18th. So I thought I was 7.5 and now I think I'm only 6.5.Guess I will wait and see what the doc says.

Have my first doctor's appt tomorrow to get bloodwork etc done. It weirds me out that I got 2 BFN and now positive (and VERY clearly positive). Hope all is ok and it's not an indication of anything wrong - I am not letting myself get too excited until I go to the doctor's, get everything confirmed and have my first "dating" u/s. Am I alone in being cautiously (super) excited about this?
Curly 413 Hi! Wow to get your bfn must have been so sad but then to get a bfp with no af, what a lovely surprise! I have heard this happens and in a way you have less time to wait! We found out the day af was due so was 4 weeks and 1 day...only 2 weeks have passed, it's going too slow!

Realbeauty86 I'm due 29th April too! And your name having 86 were you born in 86? If so, I was too :)
So what's your story? :)

Hi, yes the 86 means I was born in that year lol. its crazy to meet someone the same age and same due dates :thumbup: I cant believe you have never been around babies.... i have been around them all my life smh... i'm going to add you to my contact list. we may have a lot in common :flower:

Realbeauty so is this your first baby?
It's only me and my sister who is 25. We don't live by any relatives and none of my friends have had kids yet, so yup don't know a lot!

We got married 2 years ago and since then i've been desperate to start a family and only this year we were in the right position to do so. And it is so exciting! :flower:

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