Hello Everyone! I need to vent and this is the only place i want to do it
My hubby and I are TTC and i am a little down right now (and i have been sick for 3 days)... We had a little problem with my first OB/GYN, so last month i switched and saw a new Dr. And she is great! she said just due to hearing about my irregular periods, being overweight and a few other symptoms she said i have PCOS. and prescribed me Metformin and Clomid.( I had just had my period April 29-May 6th) So she said we had missed that month. But to start the metformin once a day for 2 weeks and we would work up to 3 a day and i would take these all through the end of my first trimester. and that the next time AF appeared i would take the clomid. or if i didnt start to test. Well here is my problem.. I got a little upset due to the PCOS news I never went and got my meds until a few days ago. now i feel like i dont know a plan, I have not had a period since April 29th. so im guessing first step is to take a PG test and i need to start my metformin. im just so confused and mad at myself for getting off track...i want a baby so bad i am 23 years old my OH is 32 and i know he wants kids before he gets "too old" as he says... and just within the last 2 weeks i now have 3 people that are very close to me tell me they are pregnant... 2 of them got married a year after me.. one was just married this last december and she is due in September. I am very happy for them but upset at the same time it has not happened for us yet...... Sorry its so long just needed to get this off my chest and get some opinions from people who understand what im going through i just feel like crying
My hubby and I are TTC and i am a little down right now (and i have been sick for 3 days)... We had a little problem with my first OB/GYN, so last month i switched and saw a new Dr. And she is great! she said just due to hearing about my irregular periods, being overweight and a few other symptoms she said i have PCOS. and prescribed me Metformin and Clomid.( I had just had my period April 29-May 6th) So she said we had missed that month. But to start the metformin once a day for 2 weeks and we would work up to 3 a day and i would take these all through the end of my first trimester. and that the next time AF appeared i would take the clomid. or if i didnt start to test. Well here is my problem.. I got a little upset due to the PCOS news I never went and got my meds until a few days ago. now i feel like i dont know a plan, I have not had a period since April 29th. so im guessing first step is to take a PG test and i need to start my metformin. im just so confused and mad at myself for getting off track...i want a baby so bad i am 23 years old my OH is 32 and i know he wants kids before he gets "too old" as he says... and just within the last 2 weeks i now have 3 people that are very close to me tell me they are pregnant... 2 of them got married a year after me.. one was just married this last december and she is due in September. I am very happy for them but upset at the same time it has not happened for us yet...... Sorry its so long just needed to get this off my chest and get some opinions from people who understand what im going through i just feel like crying