**New & Crazy** friendly group thread ((5 BFPs))

I didn't start feeling movement til very recently... I felt little "tickles" under the skin from like 18-19 wks on (it felt like a little earthworm crawling under my skin

but small kicks were about 20-21 weeks

now at 23 weeks, the kicks are several times a day.
As for proof that it really is OBL: https://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110502/ap_on_re_us/us_bin_laden_dna
Liz, have you and DH thought about baby names??

We actually have just started talking about baby names....

For the last 2 weeks, we like: Layla Joan Luiza Kxxxxxxxx

MIL is out of surgery and doing great! The tumor was about the size of a small watermelon, but blood loss was very minimal. It is cancer, but it was localized to the right ovary, which has now been removed. It hasn't spread at all which is obviously very good news! She'll need chemo but that won't start for about 4 weeks. Dr is very hopeful that she will recoop from this surgery faster then the last. Her last surgery was 8 1/2 weeks ago and she never went home. He's expecting her to go to rehab in a week and then home about 1 to 2 weeks after that.

FIL is still in Memphis. He went back there to "pack things up" but honestly I think he is thinking that MIL will come back to Memphis when she is well. But MIL has said she will NOT return back to Memphis because she has nothing there for her. Her children are in Indy and Chicago now, so whats in Memphis for her besides material possessions? And now that she knows we are "going to be TTC soon" as we put it (since we don't want to added stress of "are you pregnant yet!" questions) she really wants to be near her first grandchild.

But yea FIL made it very clear that he hates Indianapolis, even though he has no reason too. His excuses are week and lame. He said people are mean to him (Even though he had only visited south Indiana, which is four hours from here) He said people had funny last names and it would be hard for him to remember. He said it snows too much and that the summers are too mild. He said he likes the heat (even though he is not supposed to go out in high heat because of his blood pressure problems) He also said he doesn't really like being near DH anyway. Nice, way to make your son feel important!

Honestly I hope that he stays down there. I'm sick of his grumpy selfish arse! He's also gross, which I'm sure I've told you about how he can't hit the toilet seat and pee's all over the floor, the wall, the toilet, and BEHIND the toilet! How does one manage that!?

Anyway, she's back in her room now and we are probably going to leave soon to get some food and then come back and see her once she's more awake. She woke up and said "I Have NO idea what they did to me!" lol. And when we told her that her tumor is gone, she just said 'ohh, thats good!" lol.
WOW, sheer craziness!!

I think DH is doing the dishes for me.

My first appointment is tomorrow at 11.
MIL is out of surgery and doing great! The tumor was about the size of a small watermelon, but blood loss was very minimal. It is cancer, but it was localized to the right ovary, which has now been removed. It hasn't spread at all which is obviously very good news! She'll need chemo but that won't start for about 4 weeks. Dr is very hopeful that she will recoop from this surgery faster then the last. Her last surgery was 8 1/2 weeks ago and she never went home. He's expecting her to go to rehab in a week and then home about 1 to 2 weeks after that.

FIL is still in Memphis. He went back there to "pack things up" but honestly I think he is thinking that MIL will come back to Memphis when she is well. But MIL has said she will NOT return back to Memphis because she has nothing there for her. Her children are in Indy and Chicago now, so whats in Memphis for her besides material possessions? And now that she knows we are "going to be TTC soon" as we put it (since we don't want to added stress of "are you pregnant yet!" questions) she really wants to be near her first grandchild.

But yea FIL made it very clear that he hates Indianapolis, even though he has no reason too. His excuses are week and lame. He said people are mean to him (Even though he had only visited south Indiana, which is four hours from here) He said people had funny last names and it would be hard for him to remember. He said it snows too much and that the summers are too mild. He said he likes the heat (even though he is not supposed to go out in high heat because of his blood pressure problems) He also said he doesn't really like being near DH anyway. Nice, way to make your son feel important!

Honestly I hope that he stays down there. I'm sick of his grumpy selfish arse! He's also gross, which I'm sure I've told you about how he can't hit the toilet seat and pee's all over the floor, the wall, the toilet, and BEHIND the toilet! How does one manage that!?

Anyway, she's back in her room now and we are probably going to leave soon to get some food and then come back and see her once she's more awake. She woke up and said "I Have NO idea what they did to me!" lol. And when we told her that her tumor is gone, she just said 'ohh, thats good!" lol.
Are they still married??? :wacko:
Yes they are still married. MIL is perfectly fine if he just stays down there. She's put up with his crap for over 40 years and this is her last straw. She won't go and file for divorce or anything, she just will NOT move back to Memphis, theres no point!

And in other news, AF hasn't showed. I took another test but I think it was faulty as there was a big bubble/warp in the test where the positive would go.

And to make things better, I've been puking since 6 am. At one point I didn't even make the toilet, I puked ON the toilet while I was trying to open the lid. Which is NOT like me at all.

But I thought morning sickness wouldn't kick in til like 6-8 weeks!?

But also who knows because when you just spent an entire day in a hospital, I could just as easily have a bug.
you should call the company and tell them about the warped test.
you should call the company and tell them about the warped test.

It was a dollar store test, so I'm not really worried about it.

Starting to feel a bit crampy but I don't know if thats AF coming or from puking so much :cry:
Do you normally get AF on 16 DPO?

Nope, usually 13 or 14. I've never had an LP longer then 14. DH seems to think that I'm pregnant. He doesn't understand the puking lol. But he also knows me. He knows that usually when my stomach hurts, I puke and then I feel better. But yet I've been puking about once an hour since 6 am. I said I looked up because I was pretty sure MS didn't kick in til like 6 weeks, but I did read that if you are sensitive to hormones (Like getting nausous or throwing up from ovulation) that you can be extra sensitive and feel MS early. Now I don't ever throw up, but I often get bad heart burn from Ovulation. So who knows.

I just have to wait it out. DH is back at the hospital to see his mom, I didn't go for obvious reasons. Even if I wasn't puking I wouldn't see her in case it is a bug. So I have no way to go out and get a test because he has taken our only car (we sold my car last week to our neighbors, because we need the cash to fix up DH's old car, which doesn't need much to be drivable, but it needs new breaks and wheel bearings first) So I am stuck at home, puking with no tests.

Also I took my temp when I woke up. Even though I havn't been temping, my temp was well above my usual coverline of 97.2 Even though I woke up freezing, it was 97.9.
FXd for you Heather.

The shed that DH and FIL spent 2 days building was blown over our fence into the field behind the house last night. :( It's currently upside down and we don't know if it is salvageable. If it's not we can't afford a new one so I guess it will just be a loss.
Thanks Sheryl. I hope these are all good signs, but I feel too sick to get my hopes up!

And that sucks about the shed! I know the south has been getting hit pretty hard with storms.

If anything maybe you can look on craigslist. Sometimes I see things like fences, sheds, etc that people want to get rid of but they don't want to move it. So they will let you come and take it down for free or REALLY cheap. You can also post an add on the want section to see if anyone has a shed they want taken down for free :)
Holy crap Sheryl. That's an unfortunate turn of events.
I can't believe it "blew away!" What material is it?? Was it bad weather? Take a pic!

I hope it's MS. Can you text DH to buy some tests on his way back?
That is a good idea. Perhaps I will do that. Getting ready for my dr appointment soon.
https://photos.bravenet.com/212/756/377/3/808CBF341A.jpg https://photos.bravenet.com/212/756/377/3/C25BB6236E.jpg
Well here come the AF cramps. Looks like I'm out, AGAIN! I'm so sick of this :cry:

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