**New & Crazy** friendly group thread ((5 BFPs))

There going to call me. He said he'd put a note on my chart to call me first. I thought he was joking until I heard him tell the nurse that! He's so nice. I'm glad I found a good family doctor :)
Heather, thinking good things for you. Let us know.
I'm so nervous. I'm prepared for the worst but obviously hoping for the best. I mean how nice would it be to be 5+1 tomorrow? lol.
it'd be pretty sweet... try to sleep tonight!!! I bet it feels like christmas eve :)
I took a nap at like 6 pm because I had a raging heading, so I'm not tired yet lol.
So they don't know what is making you feel so terrible??
I think I'm going to break from this group for awhile. No offense ladies, as I'm really happy that you got your bfp's and that your pregnancies are progressing well. But its just hard for me right now to see all the baby talk. :cry:
Hello ladies

I am logging in after a long long time, been off radar and sorry for that. It was intentional. I needed to kinda take a break from bnb. Please don't take me otherwise ladies, I am happy for every one who are pregnant but I kept on thinking why not me and I am sorry for that. Well its been 10 cycles for me and nothing, all BFNs. Last week I saw my gynae. She said that since DH had a normal SA test and I ovulate regularly, she wanted to put me on clomid. However I refused to go on clomid since I dont wanna mess my cycles. She also suggested to go for a HSG test but our insurance doesn't cover :( Since we hail from India, so DH and I have decided to move back to our native in another 6 months time, may be earlier than that if not later. At least we can afford the costs there. We want to go for a few cycles of IUI, if nothing then IVF may be.

I am sorry for not having informed you earlier but I really wanted this break. One of my friends got pregnant in the first month of TTC in February. I remember after talking to her over the phone, I cried buckets, cursing myself why cant it be me? But sadly enough in early April she lost the baby. My heart went out to her, some how I felt bad that I had cried so much upon learning about her pregnancy. Its good to know ladies that you all are progressing well with your pregnancies, touch wood, and I feel genuinely happy for all of you.

Its become increasingly difficult for me to live here. All my husband's colleagues and their respective families live in the same apartment complex. Many are expecting babies and we keep on attending baby showers. Its tough for me because I am invariably asked when is my turn, my eyes almost start watering while answering them but why don't people understand that it isn't that easy for all to make babies. I am blessed that I have an extremely supportive husband- a shoulder I can cry on and he has been immensely patient all this while. I know moving back to India won't be easy since I have this extended family who always keep on asking about babies. But my husband did talk with his dad about we not being able to conceive and I did the same with my mom, so hopefully the message must have passed to the extended family by now. I also intend to go back to teaching after returning to India. I couldn't apply for a job here since I never applied for a work permit, thought I would conceive and have a baby:cry: but alas it was not to be. We are probably going through one of the toughest phases of our marriage but we try to be happy- at least my husband tries to make me happy.

Liz, TL

Congratulations on finding that its a baby girl for both. All this while that I was off radar I so much wanted to know about the sex and am so happy now since I remember both especially Liz wanting to have a girl. Now we are waiting on Sheryl to know about the sex of the baby.


How are you doing? You must be counting days now.

Ready, Sheryl

How have you been doing honey? Sorry I haven't been able to read much.


I understand what you must be going through sweetie:hugs: but we will be blessed soon hopefully.

Its amazing how we haven't met each other and yet how much I missed you all this while. I am once again sorry for not being in touch but I hope you will understand ladies. I may not be frequent here but I shall keep in touch.
Hi Anne. I'm sorry your having a hard time too. It really sucks.

If you ovulate regularly, why would the Dr want to put you on clomid? That doesn't even make sense?
Yeah thats what I told her as well that it really doesn't make sense when my cycles are like clockwork and I know I ovulate pretty regularly. She told that somehow it has been seen people normally conceive within 3 months of taking clomid for no apparent reason. However I refused to do so and am happy I took this decision. Heather I don't know why your af is late if your tests are negative. In my last cycle I was 7 days late for my af for the first time in my life and was so so hopeful but af did arrive. I also had this uncomfortable feeling and very sore and painful bbs. Hope things sort out soon for you honey.
Welcome back Anne. We are hoping to find out the sex of our baby early next month after DH finishes his rough semester of summer school.
Hi Anne, so glad to hear that you are taking the steps you need to in order to take care of yourself. I have been thinking about you a lot in the last couple of weeks, and wanted to pass on that I met another couple over the weekend who tried for 4 years, then, just when they were ready to start fertility treatments they fell PG. I know we've all heard those stories, but I'd never met anyone in real life before who'd had that happen and I found it heartening.

I totally understand that this BNB thing is difficult. We all bond when we're all struggling with the same issue--TTC--but our journeys can't stay the same forever, and we wind up needing different supports. I hope you're finding the ones that feel best for you.

Not sure if you'll check in again and get this message, but if you do, know that I'm hoping and wishing all the best for you. I hope that your journey finds you with a little one in your arms one way or another, no matter the challenges it takes to get there. Take care of yourself.

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