New kids on the block! all welcome!! 7 bfps so far!!

Thank you!! I always told myself that I wouldn't test until I missed my period. And I'm so happy I didn't have to search for the line. It was so huge and overwhelming lol. But I also drove myself crazy googling the hell out of symptoms. :haha:

Sahnie, I was so so bloated for a few days and a little cramps off and on too but the bloated was a big sign for me because I wasn't even eating much. Good luck! Can't wait to see whose next!! :)
Y'all are making me want to test early!! haha! I'm testing monday! as y'all know I'm not a big symptom spotter! I think it's because I don't want to look for symptoms of pregnancy then look back and think "man! fooled me again!" It's the old adage "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me". BUT that being said.. I'm trying not to get google crazy.

THank goodness working 50-60 hours a week has kept me pretty busy! Making, giving and grading finals, plus coaching has kept me occupied up until now- but tomorrow is a half day! SO.. Will power after that!
Im so impatient just waiting to O :brat:
cd12...It better happen on saturday as I expect or Ill crack up. Also have the problem that we cant bd on the 25th or 26th as we are staying in my parents house :( If I o late we'll miss out altogether.
Ready, having been in taht situation before, what if you and DH "took a nap" in the afternoon? or declined to go for a walk? or perhaps you and him have a "last minute errand" to run? just bring your softcups for afterwards, and you'll be good to go! (i mean, worst case, you do it at night and someone hears and whats the big deal, in the long run, eh? it will be like a funny christmas family memory for when your child arrives ;) ) you do whatcha gotta do.....!
Bding in my parents house really isn't an option. We are not married. Together 4 years and living together 2.5 years of that. This Xmas will be the very first time we share a bed in my parents house!!!! We might just have to go for a drive at some point! Lol.
Y'all are making me want to test early!! haha! I'm testing monday! as y'all know I'm not a big symptom spotter! I think it's because I don't want to look for symptoms of pregnancy then look back and think "man! fooled me again!" It's the old adage "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me". BUT that being said.. I'm trying not to get google crazy.

THank goodness working 50-60 hours a week has kept me pretty busy! Making, giving and grading finals, plus coaching has kept me occupied up until now- but tomorrow is a half day! SO.. Will power after that!

I hope I will make it to Tuesday before testing. Definitely not today: My hubby had a little accident ice-skating at work and fell on his head. Luckily, he has not concussion, just a little bit bruised and ego wounded. At least Christmas break is starting tomorrow! :happydance:
Random do y'all know if you O late? I know it's too late for that for me this cycle. But I get pos opks pretty strong right when I should but since we are on month 8, I wonder if we focus our "energy" at the right time? I don't want to start temping bc I already wake up so freakin early (5:00) and am doing good to take care of my dogs and get ready for practice at 6:00 am! But are there any other signs y'all have of late O??
Random do y'all know if you O late? I know it's too late for that for me this cycle. But I get pos opks pretty strong right when I should but since we are on month 8, I wonder if we focus our "energy" at the right time? I don't want to start temping bc I already wake up so freakin early (5:00) and am doing good to take care of my dogs and get ready for practice at 6:00 am! But are there any other signs y'all have of late O??

I seem to ovulate pretty late on day 21. Usually, ovulation is accompanied by spotting and "PMS" for me. As soon as I have ovulated, progesterone starts to mess with my sleep patterns.
i know i Ov late - from temps and cm. after 6 months of tracking it, i just know now. also, i dont get opks til later - like, they tell you to start on day 10 testing, and i barely end up with enough when i finally get my pos. i now start with my opks on day 13 or so. i think if you DTD every other day, then the day of and the day after your first pos opk (and a third day if you can, but maybe not as important), you've got all your bases covered.
I took a pregnancy test this morning at 9dpo and it came back at a whopping negative. Not even the pretense of a second line. :cry: And then I discovered to drops of pink blood on the toilet paper. Normally, I would think that this means that AF would show her ugly face today, but she is not due until Monday.

Here is what confuses me/I find strange/makes me hopeful:

My temperatures have not yet dropped to the before ovulation level and last cycle, this happened the time AF arrived. Normally, I have tons of milky white discharge before AF. Today, nothing. I am still super bloated, my tummy is crampy, my breasts are full and have blue veins, the areolas seems brown instead of pink, I have suddenly many Mongomerry glands. Here is my chart:

What do you ladies think? Should I cave for this cycle?
My Ovulation Chart

sahnie, still far too early to tell. symptons sound good, but we all know those symptoms overlap with pos and negs. you're not out yet though!
I took a pregnancy test this morning at 9dpo and it came back at a whopping negative. Not even the pretense of a second line. :cry: And then I discovered to drops of pink blood on the toilet paper. Normally, I would think that this means that AF would show her ugly face today, but she is not due until Monday.

Here is what confuses me/I find strange/makes me hopeful:

My temperatures have not yet dropped to the before ovulation level and last cycle, this happened the time AF arrived. Normally, I have tons of milky white discharge before AF. Today, nothing. I am still super bloated, my tummy is crampy, my breasts are full and have blue veins, the areolas seems brown instead of pink, I have suddenly many Mongomerry glands. Here is my chart:

What do you ladies think? Should I cave for this cycle?
My Ovulation Chart


Hang in there it's still early. I tested this Am at 10 dpo and got a negative but Im not counting it out just yet. Too many symptoms are leading me to believe otherwise.
i know i Ov late - from temps and cm. after 6 months of tracking it, i just know now. also, i dont get opks til later - like, they tell you to start on day 10 testing, and i barely end up with enough when i finally get my pos. i now start with my opks on day 13 or so. i think if you DTD every other day, then the day of and the day after your first pos opk (and a third day if you can, but maybe not as important), you've got all your bases covered.

See, I ovulate like clockwork, and my cycle varies from 26-28 days. We always DTD pretty regularly ahead of and on most fertile days and a few after. We try three times a week throughout the month! Grr I just still can't wrap my head around why we aren't pregnant yet! I don't "symptom spot" any more bc I know I've seen every kind if symptom during our 8 months and nothing has happened. A few days ago I was "feeling it" like this was our month, but now I'm not so sure! I'm gearing up for the disappointment but it will be a sad time of year for disappointment!
i know, LT, i really really know. we've only been at it six months but in that time my sister and best friend both got pregnant, on their second cycle, because they had sex "when it was slippery" (i.e. no opks, no temping, no nothing). it's frustrating and sad every month, and going to celebrate Christmas this year with my sisters big ~30 week belly is going to be even more tough. so i get it. big hugs to you.
i know, LT, i really really know. we've only been at it six months but in that time my sister and best friend both got pregnant, on their second cycle, because they had sex "when it was slippery" (i.e. no opks, no temping, no nothing). it's frustrating and sad every month, and going to celebrate Christmas this year with my sisters big ~30 week belly is going to be even more tough. so i get it. big hugs to you.

Ah thanks so much HWPG! I needed that. I try to keep telling myself "if this isn't your month then that's just one more month life can be all about you and hubby" or I can run one more half marathon without having to worry about bring pg.Or that home remodeling we've been wanting to do before having a kid- maybe we can start that. So I know either way there's good things about us not being pg yet!

But let's be honest, after going "all in" every month sometimes when you feel AF coming its depressing!

Best BEST of luck to you and everyone else this holidays season! I hope Wanting and S get to enjoy their sweet BFPs :) and I hope we all are one month closer to ours :)
i know i Ov late - from temps and cm. after 6 months of tracking it, i just know now. also, i dont get opks til later - like, they tell you to start on day 10 testing, and i barely end up with enough when i finally get my pos. i now start with my opks on day 13 or so. i think if you DTD every other day, then the day of and the day after your first pos opk (and a third day if you can, but maybe not as important), you've got all your bases covered.

See, I ovulate like clockwork, and my cycle varies from 26-28 days. We always DTD pretty regularly ahead of and on most fertile days and a few after. We try three times a week throughout the month! Grr I just still can't wrap my head around why we aren't pregnant yet! I don't "symptom spot" any more bc I know I've seen every kind if symptom during our 8 months and nothing has happened. A few days ago I was "feeling it" like this was our month, but now I'm not so sure! I'm gearing up for the disappointment but it will be a sad time of year for disappointment!

I wish I had your attitude. I have myself so geared up to get a BFP this month if I dont I am going to scream very loudly. I already swore to myself that If this month is unsuccessful i will NOT symptom spot next month if I die trying. It seems SO Much more disappointing when you truly believe you are pg and then getting a no. At least if you don't have any expectations there is no disappointment.
i know, LT, i really really know. we've only been at it six months but in that time my sister and best friend both got pregnant, on their second cycle, because they had sex "when it was slippery" (i.e. no opks, no temping, no nothing). it's frustrating and sad every month, and going to celebrate Christmas this year with my sisters big ~30 week belly is going to be even more tough. so i get it. big hugs to you.

Ah thanks so much HWPG! I needed that. I try to keep telling myself "if this isn't your month then that's just one more month life can be all about you and hubby" or I can run one more half marathon without having to worry about bring pg.Or that home remodeling we've been wanting to do before having a kid- maybe we can start that. So I know either way there's good things about us not being pg yet!

But let's be honest, after going "all in" every month sometimes when you feel AF coming its depressing!

Best BEST of luck to you and everyone else this holidays season! I hope Wanting and S get to enjoy their sweet BFPs :) and I hope we all are one month closer to ours :)

VERY Valid Points!!!!!!

I dont now about you but living your live like your pg and then not can get annoying. For example, I felt like i was getting a UTI last night so I went to the pharmacy to get meds bc I cant get ahold of my doctor. The pharmacist advised I shouldnt take anything they had on the shelf if I could possibly be pg and to just drink cranberry juice. For that suffering- I want my darn Positive!!!!!!

Hang in there... it will happen its only a matter of time.
Hey ladies! Decided to pop in again to see how everyone is doing!

Wanting: CONGRATS ON YOUR BFP!! That is AWESOME!! Are you going to tell the family for Christmas or wait?

Sahnie: THOSE WERE MY SYMPTOMS! When I saw the blue veins, I KNEW something was up! That is a very positive sign! I tested at 8do and got a BFN, tested again at 12-13 dpo and that's when I got my BFP, so I have no idea if I would have tested at 9-11 dpo if I would have gotten a BFP!

Lt: I am doing good! We haven't told a ton of people..(DH is dying to tell everyone at work, but I told him he has to wait until beginning of Feb.) I HAD to tell my bff, told her even before I told DH! He was fine with it, he even said, I always knew she would know before me! I have told a few other close girlfriends and DH has told 3 of his good friends. We are waiting to tell family until Christmas Eve! AHHH tomorrow! It has been very hard keeping it in, especially from my sister!
First tri is hard! You see quite a few women having mc in first tri sometime I get very emotional about it.
Doctor won't see me until 8 weeks! :cry: Which would be January 10th and of course the nurse that does the first visit blood work is only there on Wednesdays, so I have to wait until the 16th just to get my blood work done then WAIT again until the 22nd to actually see my OB! Pretty frustrating!

Ready2bmum: How is clomid for you? I remember you getting AF not too long ago, so you should be O soon, correct?

Sorry I can't comment to everyone! I read through most of the posts and I don't remember where everyone is in their cycle!

:dust::dust::dust::dust: TO ALL OF YOU! And congrats to the BFP's!
SMGP, thank you!!

OH and I have both told a few close friends but we are telling my family Christmas Eve and his family on Christmas Day. I'm just afraid of my mom finding out before I can surprise her, I live in a small town lol. I framed some wedding pictures of me and him with each of our families for one of their presents from us. We taped a picture of a stork carrying a baby to the picture frame in front of the wedding picture with the word "SURPRISE!!" on it. I'm so excited for them to see it and figure it out!! I have also had a hard time keeping it a secret, especially from my mom and my sister!! I'm so proud of myself tho, I CANT keep a secret lol....

My back hurting is probably my biggest symptom right now. It's crazy how much it hurts. My boobs hurt too, but they do before AF anyways so I'm used to it. I find myself holding them while walking down stairs to keep them from bouncing too much. It hurts! lol :haha:

Have a wonderful day ladies!! :flower:
I am out for this month ladies. :cry: My body is getting ready for a visit from the witch. My basal temperatures dropped back to pre-ovulation values. That's what happened last cycle, too, and low and behold Af appeared. At least she has the decency to announce herself in advance!:dohh:

But there are somethings I am grateful for this second cycle off the BCP:
- my body seems pretty regular despite having been on thr pill for 15 years
- I know that I ovulated this cycle
- Supportive online cycle buddies
- my hubby who is so supportive that he requests now updates from FF every morning! :cloud9:

Merty Christmas everybody!


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