New kids on the block! all welcome!! 7 bfps so far!!

WOW ladies!! Didn’t think this thread would take off like it has. Great that we have all found a place to share our stories!

Faithhopelov3 – I can see the line now that Im on the computer!! Have you tested again??
Ltruns33 – We haven’t told people either. And I am getting very tired of hearing everyone else’s “happy news”! (also, many people use the ‘thanks’ button as a ‘like’ button)
HWPG – wow, you’ve been through a hard time. It must have been heart breaking to go from ttc to breaking up  Im glad to hear you are back in a positive place now. :hugs:
Esmerelda- It amazing how falling in love can change your out-look on life 

AFM: Im 26, OH is 34. I have PCOS, ttc since August this year. Cycles are ALL OVER THE PLACE :wacko:
Im on Metformin the last month, and we had our first specialist appointment on friday. She has given me tabs to bring AF on (Im currently on cd51) and I start clomid on cd2. bloods cd2 and cd21 also.

My main problem right now is that I had spotting yesterday and today, but not what I would call a period, so Im not sure what to label cd1. I think Im going to wait until I get a proper flow, and if that doesnt happen ill take the tabs she gave me to bring the period on.

I hate the messing around. all I want is normal cycles so I can have a little baby in my belly. I had notions of announcing it to our families christmas day. That obviously wont happen now, but I'd settle for a bfp new years eve!! :baby:

I love how the thread has taken off. I might add a test list to the front page if anyones interested? Il start with my own...

I have a few friends with PCOS, and have been with them through their journey! I can sympathize! Thank God they have made so many advances in medicine in the past few years when it comes to our bodies! Sometimes it is just a matter of finding out what works for your body!
Before last month, I never tested before af was supposed to show. Last month, since my LP was so long, I tested. Then again, I started taking vit b complex to lengthen my LP, so I shoulda known.... Silly me...
Hi ladies. I'm so glad to see how this thread has taken off. My ttc story: was married and started trying in jan 2008. My sister got married and pregnant in June, same month my ex was diagnosed with no sperm. One year later , after many talks about donor sperm, adoption, surgery, etc - we split. That was a very sad dark year, watching my sister (and everyone else in the world, it seemed!) go thru pregnancy and birth and all these experiences I wanted. Divorced in feb of 2010. Now I'm with my bf, and off bc since jan of 2012, actively trying since June. Each month that I get my period, I'm not just sad, but also so scared to go back thru the infertility I experienced before. Ironically, when we decided to try, so did my sister and best friend. They are both 22 weeks pregnant now. We just finished cycle six of trying; hoping for something exciting for Christmas. The end :) GL to each of you!

I know the feeling of seeing everyone around you having babies! It is insane how they just come in waves! I feel like every other week someone else is announcing their pregnancy! It will be our turn soon enough!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:
WOW ladies!! Didn’t think this thread would take off like it has. Great that we have all found a place to share our stories!

Faithhopelov3 – I can see the line now that Im on the computer!! Have you tested again??
Ltruns33 – We haven’t told people either. And I am getting very tired of hearing everyone else’s “happy news”! (also, many people use the ‘thanks’ button as a ‘like’ button)
HWPG – wow, you’ve been through a hard time. It must have been heart breaking to go from ttc to breaking up  Im glad to hear you are back in a positive place now. :hugs:
Esmerelda- It amazing how falling in love can change your out-look on life 

AFM: Im 26, OH is 34. I have PCOS, ttc since August this year. Cycles are ALL OVER THE PLACE :wacko:
Im on Metformin the last month, and we had our first specialist appointment on friday. She has given me tabs to bring AF on (Im currently on cd51) and I start clomid on cd2. bloods cd2 and cd21 also.

My main problem right now is that I had spotting yesterday and today, but not what I would call a period, so Im not sure what to label cd1. I think Im going to wait until I get a proper flow, and if that doesnt happen ill take the tabs she gave me to bring the period on.

I hate the messing around. all I want is normal cycles so I can have a little baby in my belly. I had notions of announcing it to our families christmas day. That obviously wont happen now, but I'd settle for a bfp new years eve!! :baby:

I love how the thread has taken off. I might add a test list to the front page if anyones interested? Il start with my own...

I would love to have normal cycles too! Even if I didn't always o, I'd take it! At least I'd have closure when AF shows up! AF never shows so I'm never sure what's really going on. Temping would NOT work for me either. Very frustrating. FX that AF shows for you soon and you can start your clomid :)
WOW ladies!! Didn’t think this thread would take off like it has. Great that we have all found a place to share our stories!

Faithhopelov3 – I can see the line now that Im on the computer!! Have you tested again??
Ltruns33 – We haven’t told people either. And I am getting very tired of hearing everyone else’s “happy news”! (also, many people use the ‘thanks’ button as a ‘like’ button)
HWPG – wow, you’ve been through a hard time. It must have been heart breaking to go from ttc to breaking up  Im glad to hear you are back in a positive place now. :hugs:
Esmerelda- It amazing how falling in love can change your out-look on life 

AFM: Im 26, OH is 34. I have PCOS, ttc since August this year. Cycles are ALL OVER THE PLACE :wacko:
Im on Metformin the last month, and we had our first specialist appointment on friday. She has given me tabs to bring AF on (Im currently on cd51) and I start clomid on cd2. bloods cd2 and cd21 also.

My main problem right now is that I had spotting yesterday and today, but not what I would call a period, so Im not sure what to label cd1. I think Im going to wait until I get a proper flow, and if that doesnt happen ill take the tabs she gave me to bring the period on.

I hate the messing around. all I want is normal cycles so I can have a little baby in my belly. I had notions of announcing it to our families christmas day. That obviously wont happen now, but I'd settle for a bfp new years eve!! :baby:

I love how the thread has taken off. I might add a test list to the front page if anyones interested? Il start with my own...

A test list is a good idea! I am going to test on the 14th! Unless I chicken out and wait until AF comes, which should be the 17th or 18th.
We aren't telling people either! Not even my best friend! I just cannot deal with all the questions!! "When are you going to start is hard enough!"
Well ladies, since we are all new on here we can all be ttc buddies! I don't think anyone does it on purpose, some of them have been on for a few months and have gotten to know each other! We are all on here for the same reason! But I am always looking for a ttc buddy! Especially since a lot of my friends have kids already!

I wish this was like Facebook where you could "like" things! I feel like the original poster says, and a few others but this is the most accurate (snd optimistic) reply. I do feel Like some threads are "exclusive" but i don't know! obviously you brought up a good topic bc we all seem to agree to some extent! anyways! Im glad i hot on here..its like such a good way to talk/vent/search info. Its so hard talking about ttc since a.) we havent told anyime we are trying bc we didnt think it woukd take time and b.) bc pregnant people and babies seem to be popping up like weeds all around me! How long have you all been ttc? I have been trying for 8 months- 3 of which not very hard- but still seems like a long time!

A friend of mine didn't start ovulating until 8 months after she stopped BC. Where you on BC for a long time? Have you been doing OPK's?

Hey! Thanks for the input on that. I was on Ortho but only for like one or two years total in my life. Not consecutively, and with my husband we've been using protection since we got married a year ago or doing natural family planning where you avoid certain days. I never liked the idea of putting hormon into my body so I never was good at taking bc. I think I am ovulating bc I get positives on OPKs, but my dr is testing my prolactin levels to make sure. We have had 8 months with WELL timed sex, and have been using preseed AND prenatals, no alcohol, decaf (mostly) etc. Dr said we're doing everything right. DH is getting a SA too so I am super happy that my dr. is doing that for us at only cycle 8. I am a big distance running addict: but after my last marathon in Sept. went down on my weekly running mileage and before running the marathon deliberately didn't freak out over gaining 5-7 lbs that upped my BMI into a more safe range (21). I haven't been running that much lately bc of my schedule so I know running hasn't been a factor. Even when I was running my highest miles I was still getting positive OPKs and regular cycles. Agh! I have no clue what's going on! I think the biggest thing about ttc is that is has caused me to doubt my body.

To answer your second question in another post... I check countdown to pregnancy every month to decide when to test, I usually just wait it out bc I don't have a test and dont want to go buy one (small town, kids I teach and coach may be in store or working! #smalltownproblems) but about a week after O, I usually get google crazy for implantation bleeding/testing/symptoms! Good luck this month ladies!
Well ladies, since we are all new on here we can all be ttc buddies! I don't think anyone does it on purpose, some of them have been on for a few months and have gotten to know each other! We are all on here for the same reason! But I am always looking for a ttc buddy! Especially since a lot of my friends have kids already!

I wish this was like Facebook where you could "like" things! I feel like the original poster says, and a few others but this is the most accurate (snd optimistic) reply. I do feel Like some threads are "exclusive" but i don't know! obviously you brought up a good topic bc we all seem to agree to some extent! anyways! Im glad i hot on here..its like such a good way to talk/vent/search info. Its so hard talking about ttc since a.) we havent told anyime we are trying bc we didnt think it woukd take time and b.) bc pregnant people and babies seem to be popping up like weeds all around me! How long have you all been ttc? I have been trying for 8 months- 3 of which not very hard- but still seems like a long time!

A friend of mine didn't start ovulating until 8 months after she stopped BC. Where you on BC for a long time? Have you been doing OPK's?

Hey! Thanks for the input on that. I was on Ortho but only for like one or two years total in my life. Not consecutively, and with my husband we've been using protection since we got married a year ago or doing natural family planning where you avoid certain days. I never liked the idea of putting hormon into my body so I never was good at taking bc. I think I am ovulating bc I get positives on OPKs, but my dr is testing my prolactin levels to make sure. We have had 8 months with WELL timed sex, and have been using preseed AND prenatals, no alcohol, decaf (mostly) etc. Dr said we're doing everything right. DH is getting a SA too so I am super happy that my dr. is doing that for us at only cycle 8. I am a big distance running addict: but after my last marathon in Sept. went down on my weekly running mileage and before running the marathon deliberately didn't freak out over gaining 5-7 lbs that upped my BMI into a more safe range (21). I haven't been running that much lately bc of my schedule so I know running hasn't been a factor. Even when I was running my highest miles I was still getting positive OPKs and regular cycles. Agh! I have no clue what's going on! I think the biggest thing about ttc is that is has caused me to doubt my body.

To answer your second question in another post... I check countdown to pregnancy every month to decide when to test, I usually just wait it out bc I don't have a test and dont want to go buy one (small town, kids I teach and coach may be in store or working! #smalltownproblems) but about a week after O, I usually get google crazy for implantation bleeding/testing/symptoms! Good luck this month ladies!

Haha, I grew up in a (semi) small town, so I know what you mean! I know that being an athlete can stop you from ovulating, but since you're getting positive OPK's, you should be good to go! Sometimes it is something so simple!
That is awesome of your doc. and your DH to do the SA! A lot of guys would be "freaked out" to do it, so that is great he is willing to! I thought about getting a home SA kit at Target or Walgreens before we even started TTC, just to make sure his little guys were good to go!
You could always buy them online to make it more confidential and you won't have to worry about anyone seeing them!
And I 100% agree about the BC thing! I have been on BC since I was probably 20 years old (off and on, but mostly on and have been on for the past 4-5 years straight) and I feel like it messed me up a little. (not too bad) My cycles even when I was off the pill my cycles were always 28 days, now, since getting off in Sept. I had a 35 day cycle and a 33 day cycle...I know it isn't that big of a deal, but now, who knows when I could expect for AF to arrive? Pretty much anywhere from 28-35 days. Annoying. :wacko:
Well ladies, since we are all new on here we can all be ttc buddies! I don't think anyone does it on purpose, some of them have been on for a few months and have gotten to know each other! We are all on here for the same reason! But I am always looking for a ttc buddy! Especially since a lot of my friends have kids already!

I wish this was like Facebook where you could "like" things! I feel like the original poster says, and a few others but this is the most accurate (snd optimistic) reply. I do feel Like some threads are "exclusive" but i don't know! obviously you brought up a good topic bc we all seem to agree to some extent! anyways! Im glad i hot on here..its like such a good way to talk/vent/search info. Its so hard talking about ttc since a.) we havent told anyime we are trying bc we didnt think it woukd take time and b.) bc pregnant people and babies seem to be popping up like weeds all around me! How long have you all been ttc? I have been trying for 8 months- 3 of which not very hard- but still seems like a long time!

A friend of mine didn't start ovulating until 8 months after she stopped BC. Where you on BC for a long time? Have you been doing OPK's?

Hey! Thanks for the input on that. I was on Ortho but only for like one or two years total in my life. Not consecutively, and with my husband we've been using protection since we got married a year ago or doing natural family planning where you avoid certain days. I never liked the idea of putting hormon into my body so I never was good at taking bc. I think I am ovulating bc I get positives on OPKs, but my dr is testing my prolactin levels to make sure. We have had 8 months with WELL timed sex, and have been using preseed AND prenatals, no alcohol, decaf (mostly) etc. Dr said we're doing everything right. DH is getting a SA too so I am super happy that my dr. is doing that for us at only cycle 8. I am a big distance running addict: but after my last marathon in Sept. went down on my weekly running mileage and before running the marathon deliberately didn't freak out over gaining 5-7 lbs that upped my BMI into a more safe range (21). I haven't been running that much lately bc of my schedule so I know running hasn't been a factor. Even when I was running my highest miles I was still getting positive OPKs and regular cycles. Agh! I have no clue what's going on! I think the biggest thing about ttc is that is has caused me to doubt my body.

To answer your second question in another post... I check countdown to pregnancy every month to decide when to test, I usually just wait it out bc I don't have a test and dont want to go buy one (small town, kids I teach and coach may be in store or working! #smalltownproblems) but about a week after O, I usually get google crazy for implantation bleeding/testing/symptoms! Good luck this month ladies!

Haha, I grew up in a (semi) small town, so I know what you mean! I know that being an athlete can stop you from ovulating, but since you're getting positive OPK's, you should be good to go! Sometimes it is something so simple!
That is awesome of your doc. and your DH to do the SA! A lot of guys would be "freaked out" to do it, so that is great he is willing to! I thought about getting a home SA kit at Target or Walgreens before we even started TTC, just to make sure his little guys were good to go!
You could always buy them online to make it more confidential and you won't have to worry about anyone seeing them!
And I 100% agree about the BC thing! I have been on BC since I was probably 20 years old (off and on, but mostly on and have been on for the past 4-5 years straight) and I feel like it messed me up a little. (not too bad) My cycles even when I was off the pill my cycles were always 28 days, now, since getting off in Sept. I had a 35 day cycle and a 33 day cycle...I know it isn't that big of a deal, but now, who knows when I could expect for AF to arrive? Pretty much anywhere from 28-35 days. Annoying. :wacko:

DH is a little freaked out! But next Sunday we go! Ha poor guy he's been so supportive this whole time! 28-35 day cycles would be annoying! But I bet your body will settle into a routine and you'll be able to judge each cycle based on signs! Good luck, and I say test as early as 9-10 dpo bc sometime seeing the bfn isnth disappointing so much as it gives me closure for that month, and optimism for the next month!
Well ladies, since we are all new on here we can all be ttc buddies! I don't think anyone does it on purpose, some of them have been on for a few months and have gotten to know each other! We are all on here for the same reason! But I am always looking for a ttc buddy! Especially since a lot of my friends have kids already!

I wish this was like Facebook where you could "like" things! I feel like the original poster says, and a few others but this is the most accurate (snd optimistic) reply. I do feel Like some threads are "exclusive" but i don't know! obviously you brought up a good topic bc we all seem to agree to some extent! anyways! Im glad i hot on here..its like such a good way to talk/vent/search info. Its so hard talking about ttc since a.) we havent told anyime we are trying bc we didnt think it woukd take time and b.) bc pregnant people and babies seem to be popping up like weeds all around me! How long have you all been ttc? I have been trying for 8 months- 3 of which not very hard- but still seems like a long time!

A friend of mine didn't start ovulating until 8 months after she stopped BC. Where you on BC for a long time? Have you been doing OPK's?

Hey! Thanks for the input on that. I was on Ortho but only for like one or two years total in my life. Not consecutively, and with my husband we've been using protection since we got married a year ago or doing natural family planning where you avoid certain days. I never liked the idea of putting hormon into my body so I never was good at taking bc. I think I am ovulating bc I get positives on OPKs, but my dr is testing my prolactin levels to make sure. We have had 8 months with WELL timed sex, and have been using preseed AND prenatals, no alcohol, decaf (mostly) etc. Dr said we're doing everything right. DH is getting a SA too so I am super happy that my dr. is doing that for us at only cycle 8. I am a big distance running addict: but after my last marathon in Sept. went down on my weekly running mileage and before running the marathon deliberately didn't freak out over gaining 5-7 lbs that upped my BMI into a more safe range (21). I haven't been running that much lately bc of my schedule so I know running hasn't been a factor. Even when I was running my highest miles I was still getting positive OPKs and regular cycles. Agh! I have no clue what's going on! I think the biggest thing about ttc is that is has caused me to doubt my body.

To answer your second question in another post... I check countdown to pregnancy every month to decide when to test, I usually just wait it out bc I don't have a test and dont want to go buy one (small town, kids I teach and coach may be in store or working! #smalltownproblems) but about a week after O, I usually get google crazy for implantation bleeding/testing/symptoms! Good luck this month ladies!

Haha, I grew up in a (semi) small town, so I know what you mean! I know that being an athlete can stop you from ovulating, but since you're getting positive OPK's, you should be good to go! Sometimes it is something so simple!
That is awesome of your doc. and your DH to do the SA! A lot of guys would be "freaked out" to do it, so that is great he is willing to! I thought about getting a home SA kit at Target or Walgreens before we even started TTC, just to make sure his little guys were good to go!
You could always buy them online to make it more confidential and you won't have to worry about anyone seeing them!
And I 100% agree about the BC thing! I have been on BC since I was probably 20 years old (off and on, but mostly on and have been on for the past 4-5 years straight) and I feel like it messed me up a little. (not too bad) My cycles even when I was off the pill my cycles were always 28 days, now, since getting off in Sept. I had a 35 day cycle and a 33 day cycle...I know it isn't that big of a deal, but now, who knows when I could expect for AF to arrive? Pretty much anywhere from 28-35 days. Annoying. :wacko:

DH is a little freaked out! But next Sunday we go! Ha poor guy he's been so supportive this whole time! 28-35 day cycles would be annoying! But I bet your body will settle into a routine and you'll be able to judge each cycle based on signs! Good luck, and I say test as early as 9-10 dpo bc sometime seeing the bfn isnth disappointing so much as it gives me closure for that month, and optimism for the next month!

Yeah, you definitely have a point there!
Good luck to you as well with the SA and everything else! Keep us updated on how all of the tests turn out! :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
Hey I was just wondering do people find that some threads are very hard to break into??? Im on a few different threads..some people are lovely and chat away..others only reply to each other and just ignore anyone else.

I wanted to check if this was common or if I am coming across wrong on threads!! :shrug:

So this thread originally began with the above post, but through it a few of us have found new buddies!! :happydance:
Feel free to say hi and to add your story. :flower:

-----------------Future :bfp:-------------------

Ready2Bmum -

Love it! Thanks for making this:hugs:
I'll just add a short bit about myself.. actively ttc for a few months, newly married:kiss:
This cycle ...I am due tomorrow, had a ridiculous faint positive a couple of days ago (I am trying to figure out if it's an evap line) and I plan to test almost every day from here on out if AF doesn't show:haha:.. I'll try not to, but let's be honest lol
looking forward for us all to have a place to chat xoxoxo
Ps Faith, I see a line, btw. :) did you retest?

WOW ladies!! Didn’t think this thread would take off like it has. Great that we have all found a place to share our stories!

Faithhopelov3 – I can see the line now that Im on the computer!! Have you tested again??
Ltruns33 – We haven’t told people either. And I am getting very tired of hearing everyone else’s “happy news”! (also, many people use the ‘thanks’ button as a ‘like’ button)
HWPG – wow, you’ve been through a hard time. It must have been heart breaking to go from ttc to breaking up  Im glad to hear you are back in a positive place now. :hugs:
Esmerelda- It amazing how falling in love can change your out-look on life 

AFM: Im 26, OH is 34. I have PCOS, ttc since August this year. Cycles are ALL OVER THE PLACE :wacko:
Im on Metformin the last month, and we had our first specialist appointment on friday. She has given me tabs to bring AF on (Im currently on cd51) and I start clomid on cd2. bloods cd2 and cd21 also.

My main problem right now is that I had spotting yesterday and today, but not what I would call a period, so Im not sure what to label cd1. I think Im going to wait until I get a proper flow, and if that doesnt happen ill take the tabs she gave me to bring the period on.

I hate the messing around. all I want is normal cycles so I can have a little baby in my belly. I had notions of announcing it to our families christmas day. That obviously wont happen now, but I'd settle for a bfp new years eve!! :baby:

I love how the thread has taken off. I might add a test list to the front page if anyones interested? Il start with my own...

I am so glad you all see it !!!!

I retested and the background was like yellow/pink it was clearly a dud so I'm going to test again tomorrow morning! I will be sure to let you all know:hugs:
:growlmad: A little vent; (not about TTC!) So every year we all get together and bake Christmas cookies at my mom and dad's. Today was suppose to be the day we did it this year...go figure, we are having a blizzard in Minnesota! The one thing I was really looking forward to (especially to get my mind off the TWW!) and now I me and DH cannot go! They live about 25 minutes away and it just wouldn't be worth it to drive out there! On top of that, DH had to go into work this morning, he never works on Sunday's (he is a banker) but he had an important meeting today with some clients and he had to work around their schedule (today being the day they could meet) so now my anxiety is through the roof with him having to drive in this crap! Ahhhhhh:cold::cold::cold: I HATE Minnesota weather!

On a brighter note, anyone testing today?
Aww I'm sorry to hear you're having a crap day :'( :hugs:
Maybe you could bake at home to stay occupied??

I'm not testing, but VERY happy as AF FINALLY arrived about half an hour ago!! No more silly spotting. I can start Clomid tomorrow and make our baby this month :happydance:
Hi everyone,

I am new here, first time poster! DH and I just started trying for #1 and I am very excited. Sorry to hear you are feeling ignored- I have had that happen on several forums so I am giving here a try :) Well hopefully we can all connect and help each other out or at least relate :)
Aww I'm sorry to hear you're having a crap day :'( :hugs:
Maybe you could bake at home to stay occupied??

I'm not testing, but VERY happy as AF FINALLY arrived about half an hour ago!! No more silly spotting. I can start Clomid tomorrow and make our baby this month :happydance:

Thanks! That's the price I pay for living in Minnesota!
WOOP WOOP!! That's awesome! Is it your first round of clomid?
Hi everyone,

I am new here, first time poster! DH and I just started trying for #1 and I am very excited. Sorry to hear you are feeling ignored- I have had that happen on several forums so I am giving here a try :) Well hopefully we can all connect and help each other out or at least relate :)

Welcome!! And congrats on TTC! This has been a pretty good thread so far! I think a big issue is too many people are on one thread, I have been on one where there are probably 30 different women posting on there and it kinda gets confusing! You forget who is testing when and who has gotten their BFP and all of that. (Don't worry, this one isn't too packed yet, so we're happy you joined!)

So, it is your first month! Are you doing OPK's or any charting yet?
My story so far....

Never was interested in having kids, my plan was to be on the depo injection until menopause (I'm 38), happy with no periods etc as it suited my lifestyle and job. But then, I met & fell in love with the man of my dreams. Well I met him last year and we got together in June. I'd just had an injection in June when he told me, he wanted to be a daddy. So I decided to why not, I'm ready to be a mummy.

My injection's 12 weeks was up at the end of August. I'm waiting for my body to settle down, hormones are all over the place, going from rage, to crying and hornyness. The poor man doesn't know what has hit him at the moment. I have no regular cycle but I know its early days and it will take time for the depo to be out of me completely, I was on it nine years. I'm trying to be patient, but I'm not and want to be pg now.

That is a fun story! (About you and DH)
Sometimes after being on BC for so long, it takes awhile for things to get back to "normal." A friend of mine didn't start ovulating until 8 months after she got off BC. I have heard some women O the month after stopping and some can take up to a year. Hopefully it won't take that long for you, but if it takes a little while, don't be alarmed, it is perfectly normal!
I have a stupid question! So, since probably 2-3 days after O, my boobs have been sooooooooo sore!!!!! AF isn't due until the 17-19th and they usually get sore 4-6 days before AF (Even when I was on BC) I think December (possibly November ) was my first month O'ing since I got of this normal for them to hurt this bad from a few days after O? I know after you O, progesterone is released and that can sometimes cause sore boobs and symptoms that mock pregnancy, but I have never had it this early in my cycle! I am 7-8 DPO now.
When DH and I were BD'ing last night he went to get frisky with them (Sorry, TMI) and I said, nope, watch it with them! And he was like oh, great, you're going to get it in a few days now! (he is clueless about my cycle but knows my boobs get sore a few days before AF) I am not even telling him about any symptoms or anything...want it to be a total surprise and don't want him to get his hopes up if I am not.
Hi everyone,

I am new here, first time poster! DH and I just started trying for #1 and I am very excited. Sorry to hear you are feeling ignored- I have had that happen on several forums so I am giving here a try :) Well hopefully we can all connect and help each other out or at least relate :)

Welcome!! And congrats on TTC! This has been a pretty good thread so far! I think a big issue is too many people are on one thread, I have been on one where there are probably 30 different women posting on there and it kinda gets confusing! You forget who is testing when and who has gotten their BFP and all of that. (Don't worry, this one isn't too packed yet, so we're happy you joined!)

So, it is your first month! Are you doing OPK's or any charting yet?

HI! Sorry to hear you are having crappy weather in Minnesotta! We are in NJ and it is okay here... just cold! I am hoping for no snow! We need the reprieve here after the hurricane! Do you have anything to make Christmas cookies at home? I know its not the same but maybe something to keep your mind off the weather and being home? Fingers X'd DH gets home safe!!!

It is our first month- I am not charting with temp because I forgot (duh!) and didnt want to start mid-cycle so next month for sure if this one doesnt work out! I am doing an OPK but I am not too confident, I have a lot of the signs of ovulation but have been getting negatives so far but I am going to stick it out.

PS> Your wedding pic is beautiful!
I have a stupid question! So, since probably 2-3 days after O, my boobs have been sooooooooo sore!!!!! AF isn't due until the 17-19th and they usually get sore 4-6 days before AF (Even when I was on BC) I think December (possibly November ) was my first month O'ing since I got of this normal for them to hurt this bad from a few days after O? I know after you O, progesterone is released and that can sometimes cause sore boobs and symptoms that mock pregnancy, but I have never had it this early in my cycle! I am 7-8 DPO now.
When DH and I were BD'ing last night he went to get frisky with them (Sorry, TMI) and I said, nope, watch it with them! And he was like oh, great, you're going to get it in a few days now! (he is clueless about my cycle but knows my boobs get sore a few days before AF) I am not even telling him about any symptoms or anything...want it to be a total surprise and don't want him to get his hopes up if I am not.

Hm, I honestly don't know for sure. But I have heard that tenderness is very common after O. Fingers X'ed for you!

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