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Hi again ladies,

do you know does fertility friend still indicate when it thinks you may have ov'd if you dont put results for opk in? or if all opks are neg does it automatically go on what the opk's say and no other symptoms to speculate when it think you have ov'ed?

thanks x
Hi Bernina,

I saw the huge temp drop this morning, and now I see that you have declared today CD1. Things were looking so good, I was so sad to see that :witch: got you :cry:, and I hope you are doing ok . On the bright side, you now have one full cycle charted and have something to compare to next time. Are you still gonna try the B100s with me this month? I really hope it'll help us with the spotting! Let us know how you're doing when you get a chance. :hugs:
Hi again ladies,

do you know does fertility friend still indicate when it thinks you may have ov'd if you dont put results for opk in? or if all opks are neg does it automatically go on what the opk's say and no other symptoms to speculate when it think you have ov'ed?

thanks x

I don't know the official answer to this question, but I've played that charting game and from what I can tell from it, FF uses the temp. as the main method to determine ov. If you have a sustained rise, it should tell you you o'd the day before it UNLESS you have chosen the OPK method to determine ovulation, then it will use only your OPKs I think.
Hi again ladies,

do you know does fertility friend still indicate when it thinks you may have ov'd if you dont put results for opk in? or if all opks are neg does it automatically go on what the opk's say and no other symptoms to speculate when it think you have ov'ed?

thanks x

Hi Kitty!

If you have contradicting signs, e.g. a temp rise but neg opk, or a pos opk but low cp, or high cp but sticky cm, etc etc etc, FF will gather together all the info and put in a dotted line instead of a bold red one. DO you have the VIP version? If so you can scroll down and it will tell you which of your signs is throwing everything out of kilter. If not, just experiment a bit. Note down your true data somewhere safe so you can type it back in, then play about a bit. Try altering temps slightly, or changing opks, or cp or whatever you want. You can even put info in for the future to see what would happen in certain scenarios! It's great way to get an insight into how FF thinks. When you're done, just delete everything you added in and put the "real" data back! Have fun! xxx
Hi All!

Foxy, I agree with what everyone has said, waking earlier prob caused the lower temps and since even the low temps are above the line then it won't make a big difference. Your chart is still looking great, temps well above the line, can't wait to see what tomorrow holds for you!!!

Fish, your chart is looking great too, nice high temps. Very interesting about the alcohol, that could def be a great sign.

Swanny, I agree with Fish and Magic, as long as your temps stay above that line then you're doing good. Ideally they should rise as you get further out from O, but I don't know that there's a definitive amount they need to go up by. Looking good!

Kitty, my experience with FF is that it doesn't put a lot of stock in monitor and opk readings. I entered in my last 2 cycles where the only data I had collected were my monitor readings and sporadic cm signs. Even though I had 2 peak days on my monitor it wasn't enough for FF to determine an O day. I had to go into override mode and set the day myself (based on what I knew about my temps this cycle). Magic has given you some great tips on how to tweak things a bit.

And yes, AF reared her ugly little head today. I had a feeling last night as the spotting got even darker (still not quite red at that point, but I could tell). When I woke up this AM before I even temped I could tell I was having period cramps. About mid morning I noticed the spotting had changed to bright red and then a few hours ago blood poured out when using the loo so there is no doubt she's arrived.

So while I'm disappointed I am going to put my PMA hat on and list the good things I have learned this cycle from charting.
  • I definitely ovulated this cycle
  • I had a nice defined thermal shirt and high temps which would indicate that my progesterone levels are probably fine
  • My luteal phase length of 12 days is good and average. No worries about being too short.

So the next steps for me are to get the day 3 blood work the fertility dr ordered for me (checks estrogen and follicle stimulating hormone). I plan to schedule the surgery to correct my uterine septum (heart shaped uterus) hopefully right after Christmas. I'll be down this cycle but apparently can start trying with the next one (Valentine's Day baby for those in the States!) I am definitely disappointed, I really thought some of my symptoms were textbook, but I realized with all that spotting that even if I were preg, it probably wasn't going to last long. Spotting 12 out of 30 days just can't be good.

Mystic, I think since this is a down cycle for me I'll stick to the b50 for now and see what the doctor has to say about the spotting. I'll post any information he's able to provide (not holding out a ton of hope that he'll have any real advice though!)

Thank you all for the hugs and well wishes, you don't know how much they mean to me!!! :hugs: :flower:

I will be eagerly watching your charts over the next few days and FX'd and sending loads of Christmas baby dust your way!!!!
I have to say Bernina, I completely admire your attitude. I'm so sorry you didn't get your BFP this month.. I genuinely thought this was your month. I didn't know you were going to have to have surgery. Let us know when you have a date booked so we can wish you well.

Kitty - magic is spot on. I had all negative opks down this month and I only got a dotted line. I then just took them all out and it just used my temps and gave me a normal line.

Appetite came back today and haven't felt nauseous. Poo. x
I'm new to charting this is my 2nd month charting, 4 month ttc. I'm on FF and I'm hoping I won't be charting much longer. I'm on CD 7 waiting for ovulation, it will be good to have something to keep me busy during the wait for the tww.

Lost of baby dust to everyone!
I'm new to charting this is my 2nd month charting, 4 month ttc. I'm on FF and I'm hoping I won't be charting much longer. I'm on CD 7 waiting for ovulation, it will be good to have something to keep me busy during the wait for the tww.

Lost of baby dust to everyone!

Welcome Nadira!:hi:

Glad to have you in our group, as you can probably tell there's a great bunch of girls hanging out at this thread. You can also probably tell that we are pretty nosey :^o, when it comes to stalking each other's charts can you post a link to your FF chart? :dust: to you!
Bernina, I'm glad to hear that you have not lost your PMA. I know it's disappointing to have to start all over, and it really sucks that you have to take a month off. But, it's best to get these problems taken care of so you can go into 2010 with improved chances :thumbup:. I hope all goes well with the doc, tests and operations, :flower: I'm sending positive vibes and good luck your way! I also hope you have plans to continue checking in with us even if you aren't trying this cycle.
I'm glad to be a part of this thread and here is the link to my chart. I didn't chart my temp during AF last month, I did this month and my temps were all over the place.

My Fertility Chart
Bernina - I'm so sorry the witch got you! :grr: Everything was looking so good for you! I don't know about the spotting - I have suffered for years and don't know why I spot. When I got my last BFP the first inkling I had was when the spots didn't start before af! SOrry you have to take a month off but hopefully after your op you'll be all set for a Valentines BFP! (By the way Valentines is international - not just the US :winkwink:

Nadira Welcome! Can you put the link to your chart in your siggy so that it shows with every post? Helps us stalkers keep track! :thumbup:

Just wanted to add to the above re how FF interprets - your charts are automatically set to Advanced, but you can change the setting to OPK if you use them or a monitor more than temps, or Fertility Awareness if you mostly go by CM/CP (I think). It's under settings.

FF totally cocked up for me this month! First it gave me dotted lines on CD9 :shock: then a dotted line on CD14, then a solid on CD14 aftert I changed my CP from medium to high, then I realised that I didn't ov till cd19!! So I have had to put in a manual override (that's why it's blue). Grrrrr.
Welcome nadira!! Mystic is right.. this is a lovely thread with lovely ladies who are also very helpful! I see you and Mystic will be going through this cycle together which will be nice.

I might be naughty and test tomorrow. The only problem is my chart looks really similar to last cycle's where I obviously got a BFN. :(
Has anyone else been checking out Foxy's chart? Her temps look amazing!!! I think this might be her month. Hopefully she'll be back online soon to see how she's doing. x
I see she's going to test tomorrow. I might join her although it'll only be 10dpo for me. x
Hello Ladies

Just a quick post to say hello whilst I have the chance (it's doing my head in not being able to get on here! ). So sorry AF got you bernina.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to read all your posts so that I can respond directly to each of you - but promise I will do when my parents head off to my brother's on Wednesday.

I'm excited that my temp is still up today - heading off to Winchester Xmas market shortly so hopefully AF won't decide to come with me! haha

Thanks for keeping an eye on me whilst I'm not around. I'm not gonna test till probably Wednesday if AF isn't here!

Catch you all soon
Your chart is looking good too Fish&Chips. Are you gonna test tomorrow or hold out for a couple of days? x
Foxy your temps look soooo good!! Much better than last month's, I have a really good feeling about this for you! I have my fx'd for :af:

Fish and Magic, you ladies are still flying high with a couple of possible IDs :thumbup:

Nadira, thanks for posting your chart. As Fish says, we are probably going to go through this pretty close to together, I'll be watching you too!!
Hi girls,
Would love some chart stalkers! This is my second month charting, but fifth month ttc. I have severe endo, had 2 ops to remove it, been on hormone treatments, none of it has worked, we were told to ttc now otherwise we might not be able to if we leave it. I'm 30, DH is 32, been together for 9.5 years now. Had a chemical last month, saw the bean on ultrasound but it went just a few days later. Fx for this month!
Thanks Foxy and Mystic. I think I might test tomorrow but all my signs seem to have gone. I have got my appetite back and have been able to have a small glass of wine. I used a cheap test this morning and think I saw an evaporated line as I looked some time later and even then it was so faint that I may have imagined it anyway!!

Foxy, I'm so impressed that you are waiting until Tuesday. Have you still got any symptoms?

How about you Magic? Any symptoms? Our charts are quite similar actually. As Mystic spotted. Although your temps are much higher than mine.

Welcome Fifi! I'm going to have a look at your chart now. Hopefully you will get your BFP soon. x

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