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Just a quick note, looking at your chart, I actually think you ovulated on CD13! :) That would probably support the 3+ weeks.
Helly - dips can be both signifiant and insignifiant! A dip on CD6 is a good sign hun. And you don't need to have any symptoms to still get your BFP - just ask some of the ladies on here :) Don't give up hope just yet.
Ah thanks foxy, this thread has proved invaluable. Im just worried that temping wont work for me, i sleep crap (Saturday i woke up at 5.15am stressing i couldnt find my thermometer, OH not impressed lol) but slept then til 8.30 and took that temp as accurate then put it through the adjuster to get it to my normal time. This morning i rolled over and back again before taking my temp. Im not convinced im getting decent data, but i'll keep going with it.
Thank you all so much! You have helped me so much with temping and I really think it's the best way to get to know how your body works. I wish you all luck and am sending you lots of baby dust and I will be back to check on you all if you'll have me?!

Helly - I haven't felt like I've had many syptoms this month at all. Last month I was convinced I had implantation bleeding and then felt sick and dizzy....and then AF came so I obviously wasn't pg! But this month - not had anything that made me think I was pg at all.... It's not over till the witch shows her face. FXd for you and sending you lots of postive vibes.
I wouldn't worry too much helly - providing you don't get out of bed and jump around, your temps should be pretty accurate. As long as you get around 3 hours sleep before temping, you should be fine. It's the pattern you are looking for remember, not the individual temps :)
Just a quick note, looking at your chart, I actually think you ovulated on CD13! :) That would probably support the 3+ weeks.

You know I think you're right - that's what Ff told me at first (and I had a better conception score then too) and then it changed to day 17 which I wasn't so sure about.... but looking again, I agree. Although my OPKs didn't seem to work but I know they don't for everyone.
Ok well Is rushed to the chemist down the road and bought a test....and it's a BFP!!! I am in total shock and can't stop shaking. It's a clear blue and says that I'm 3+ weeks. I'm amazed and happy and scared all at one. My DH is away until Tuesday doing an exam for his job so I can't tell him till then but I'm so glad I tested because I was going mad before! I know it's early so I'm just keeping everything crossed!

Thank you for all your help and support. I hope you all get your BFP soon too! xxxx

Congrats Piesey!!!! So happy to see another from this thread get a BFP!!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :thumbup:

Moochacha, loving those high temps hun and that shy little bean of yours. Continued sticky glue to you!!

Foxy, your chart continues to look great, sticky glue to you as well.

To all those who have joined in the past week, welcome!! Looking forward to some BFPs coming up very soon!!!

I had my follow-up with the fertility specialist who performed my septum surgery and he said that my continual spotting (both pre and post ov) is a sign that my hormones are not working as they should. His next step was to prescribe 50mg of Clomid for me to start next cycle on cd 5. I know Clomid can do more harm than good for some (thin lining, dry up cm) but he has prescribed me the lowest dose and said to try one cycle using and with an ultrasound exam on cd 10 he'll be able to tell if I am one of the people Clomid works for, or if I'm one of the minority that it doesn't work for. I so wanted my acupuncture alone to help bring me back to balance, but I am also getting very impatient after 19 mos and just really want something that will force my body to do what it's supposed to be doing. If anyone here has experience with Clomid it would be great if you could share your story. I'm also looking over at the Long Term ttc forum as there are many ladies there who are on Clomid.

I have a few weeks to decide as I'm only on cd 12 of my current cycle. My temps are so erratic this month, higher than usual and just all over the place. Doesn't look like O is approaching anytime soon and I have no cm at all, just light spotting every single day. On a positive note it appears my cervix is getting a bit higher, so I guess there's a chance I'll ovulate this cycle.

I have to admit though that even with what's going on I do feel more positive than I have in a long time. Not sure if you just reach a point when ttc where you give in to the fact that it may not work, or if the acupuncture is helping to mellow me out. Just really trying to go with the flow this month and just see where we end up.

Thank you again for all of your support, you ladies are the very best!! :flower:
Hey bernina - sorry to hear your hormones aren't doing what they are supposed to do. Good luck with the clomid, I have no experience, but I hope it works for you. You so deserve your BFP. Glad you are feeling more positive this cycle. Getting the surgery out of the way must be such a relief for you. :D Perhaps, you won't even need to worry about the next cycle! Fingers crossed.

I am so relaxed about TTC this month, I'm almost horizontal! I think I have come to the conclusion that I am about as fertile as a piece of rock :dohh:, so if it happens, it happens!

If nothing has happened by June, I'm going to go back to the Dr's as it will have been 2 years of a mixture of NTNP and TTC.

My mind has been focused on deciding whether to apply for a position as a support worked in the mental health team that I am currently the Administrator for. It's something I have always wanted to do, but never had the opportunity to apply as I have not worked in this capacity before. Luckily, the team are supportive of my application, so I just have to decide whether to press the submit button by Wednesday or not!

I think part of me is hesitant to apply just in case a miracle has happened and I manage to get my BFP this month..... still, you can not put your life on hold can you?

Argh - that feels better :)

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Back to the daily grind tomorrow :dohh:
I just started charting in this past week. DH and I have one daughter who's 3. She was conceived by surprise about 2 weeks after our wedding (yes, my cycle started the day after our wedding!). We are now ready to try for another baby. Yay!:wohoo:

Unfortunately after having my daughter, I've neglected to keep track of my cycle lengths as I did before she was born. Before my daughter, my cycles averaged about 35 to 40 days.

And it just so happens that this cycle that I started charting with is absurdly long (going on over 60 days now!). I don't know if or when I ovulated, but I'm certainly looking forward to my period or some obvious signs of pregnancy. I've taken 5 HPTs and all have been BFNs.
I've just started charting my bbt and cm, so hopefully a pattern starts emerging soon.

Baby dust to everyone!:dust:
Hiya ladiess, I did another OPK just now and still positive... In fact this afternoon's is even darker than yesterdays or this mornings! is that normal? lol I've got nothing to compare to! How many days are you meant to see +OPKs? I'm not convinced these are working properly lol.

I have like a period type cramp... which could be ovulation pain, but I don't remember ever feeling it before. The EWCM is minimum to nil... don't seem to have hardly any this month! Apart from I had one day of it a few days back. And because we were staying with the in-laws I can't remember if that was the night we BD'd or not >.< I don't know if it makes a difference. I'm actually rather confused and advice would be appreciated :p lol

Kaede - yes, you can have several days of +ve OPK's. Just keep DTD and you should cover all bases :D
Bernina - Good to hear your fertility specialist is doing a thorough job. I hope the clomid helps and you get a stcky bean soon.
Foxy - Rant away, that is a hard predicament to be in with work. Why not apply and see how far you get? I'm sure whichever role you are in they will be supportive when you need to go on Materntiy leave?
:wave: Amberdawn. Don't forget to post us a link to your chart when you can. xx

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