Congrats Piesey!!!! So happy to see another from this thread get a BFP!!!!
Moochacha, loving those high temps hun and that shy little bean of yours. Continued sticky glue to you!!
Foxy, your chart continues to look great, sticky glue to you as well.
To all those who have joined in the past week, welcome!! Looking forward to some BFPs coming up very soon!!!
I had my follow-up with the fertility specialist who performed my septum surgery and he said that my continual spotting (both pre and post ov) is a sign that my hormones are not working as they should. His next step was to prescribe 50mg of Clomid for me to start next cycle on cd 5. I know Clomid can do more harm than good for some (thin lining, dry up cm) but he has prescribed me the lowest dose and said to try one cycle using and with an ultrasound exam on cd 10 he'll be able to tell if I am one of the people Clomid works for, or if I'm one of the minority that it doesn't work for. I so wanted my acupuncture alone to help bring me back to balance, but I am also getting very impatient after 19 mos and just really want something that will force my body to do what it's supposed to be doing. If anyone here has experience with Clomid it would be great if you could share your story. I'm also looking over at the Long Term ttc forum as there are many ladies there who are on Clomid.
I have a few weeks to decide as I'm only on cd 12 of my current cycle. My temps are so erratic this month, higher than usual and just all over the place. Doesn't look like O is approaching anytime soon and I have no cm at all, just light spotting every single day. On a positive note it appears my cervix is getting a bit higher, so I guess there's a chance I'll ovulate this cycle.
I have to admit though that even with what's going on I do feel more positive than I have in a long time. Not sure if you just reach a point when ttc where you give in to the fact that it may not work, or if the acupuncture is helping to mellow me out. Just really trying to go with the flow this month and just see where we end up.
Thank you again for all of your support, you ladies are the very best!!