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Morning Ladies

Fish - your temp is still up there! I also woke up early this morning and temped, retemped at normal time and it was the same! So I can't blame the lower temp on waking up early! Grr :(

Magic - I'm really nervous today too! - think I ate some dodgy food yesterday, as haven't been able to keep anything 'in' if you get what I mean!! (Sorry tmi!). Still no sign of AF, but I just have a feeling that she will show today.

Are you going to test again soon fish? I may hold out till thursday if she doesn't show.

Welcome everyone else - sorry, I will try to get to catch up properly tomorrow after my visitors leave.

Hi Foxy! Glad to see your temps are still high! The sickness is an amazing sign.. I'm so excited for you. I tested today with a cheapy internet strip and it was another negative. I'm saving my FRER test for a few more days. I started getting cramps yesterday (although they felt slightly different to AF cramps) but so far nothing today. Still getting lots of creamy cm. I just wish I could remember if this is normal or not.. I don't think it is. I'm so impressed that you haven't yet tested!! I'm going to see what my temps do over the next few days as I may not need to test if they take a dive. x
Oh I forgot to say my later temp was 36.77 which is way higher than my other temps. I would have got very excited if it was accurate!! Stupid body waking up early! lol x
Thanks for the compliment on BDing, my acupuncturist commented on it as well, as I explained to her my DH and I are very stubborn and determined!!! But also enjoy it too!!!
36.77 is certainly very high, hopefully the earlier one was wrong! Or implantation dip? Or is it too late for that? Either way it is still above your cover line.
Foxyloxy if it's the other end (iykwim) I had that last month when I was preggers (briefly), nausea and diarrhoea were quite bad, it was only when they went and the tiredness disappeared that I realised that it was over, then I started bleeding. So fingers crossed this is an early pregnancy symptom for you!
Well definitely ov'ing, had the darkest ever OPK strip today! The second line is actually darker than the control line. Thankfully have BD'ed plenty but will keep at it!
I'm hopeful but we have also been told repeatedly that we will probably need IVF and I am actually waiting on an appointment to see my new gynae at fertility clinic as when I saw her for the first time I had had the scan that showed the embryo. I have rather severe endo which has left me in constant pain for a year now, poo. But the chemical has got my hopes up that we can do it. In addition to charting and OPKs I have also changed my diet to the endo diet (cut out wheat and dairy), taking Chinese herbs, doing acupuncture and upping my exercise to try and lose the 3 stone I have put on with the endo treamtents and surgery.
But fingers crossed!
Fifi - good luck! Really h3ope you don't have to go for IVF :hugs:

FIsh and Foxy still looking really good - Foxy a slight dip means nothing, your temps are still fab! :thumbup:

CD1 for me today - I wasn't excpecting her today?! :shrug: I missed 2 days of temping last cycle and it turns out they were the most vital days! :dohh: Oh well onwards and upwards. Next ov for me will be between 2nd -8th Jan. :happydance:
Obviously the witch has been kind to you Magic! I'll enjoy watching your chart develop.

I've just had a migraine which I hope is a good sign. Clutching at straws really but what the hec. PMA x
wow, I had a significant temp drop this morning.....
Hi everyone!! Sorry I've been MIA the past few days, I used my last vacation day for the year to finish my holiday shopping, had a very productive day!

Wow you're gone for a bit and temps are rising, new folks are joining, new cycles are starting, so much has changed!!!

First off I want to say welcome to all our new newbies (since most of us except Magic are still rather new ourselves!) So happy to have new faces and new charts to stalk!!!! Make sure and put a link to your chart in your signature so we can stalk you properly!!!

Swanny, I see your temps have risen the past 2 days, great news and can't wait to see what tomorrow holds!

Fish, I just had to point out that your chart looks perfectly symmetrical for the last 7 days! Don't let those negative tests get you down. And I totally agree with you on the 2ww symptom spotting. I really thought this was our month so wanted to have nice documentation to share with others but it turns out all those signs were just random stuff and pretty meaningless. I don't think I'll go into nearly as much detail this cycle. And thank you for thinking of me and checking up on me, that really means a lot. I was definitely down on Saturday when AF finally showed, but realized with all that spotting something was not normal (if I had been preg) and was just ready to get on with the next cycle and see if the b vitamins finally kick in and help with my spotting. Sorry about your frustrating temps today. I did that to myself towards the end of the 2ww, I would get so excited to wake up I would toss and turn and wake up early and just totally throw off my temping. Just remember it's a trend and not just one temp, although I know that's hard advice as you approach the time AF would have shown up, if you're like me every trip to the restroom is a stressful event, I would peak right away to see if there was any AF in the toilet. I always used the earlier of the temps as they were lower and I'd rather a pleasant surprise the next day then to get my hopes up too much and be disappointed.

Nadira, you're getting close to the big O, can't wait to watch your chart during the 2ww!!!

Mystic, looks like we're only 3 days apart on our current cycle, so here's hoping for a very early 2010 BFP for us both!!! If AF had to come at least she's here and we're ready to start the next cycle. Glad to go through this with you!

Foxy, The creamy cm is a good sign to me as most books I have read state that you should be rather dry between O and AF. And while your temps did drop a bit, they are still very much above the coverline, so you are still in for sure!!

Fifi, it definitely looks like you O'd, great news!!! FF should recognize it after 2 more days of high temps and then draw the red crosshairs for you. Sorry to hear about your previous chemical and the endo, :hugs: I'd love to learn more about the acupuncture you're receiving. I have seriously been looking into starting that up in the new year but just not sure exactly what it involves. I've been doing yoga for about a year now and really really love it. It's totally toned up my body and from what I've read it can really help to naturally balance the hormones and stimulate all of the internal organs. You mentioned that you would like to up your exercise so I just wanted to let you know that I think Yoga is a great option. You still need cardio if you're trying to loose weight, but it's a wonderful addition to any routine.

Magic, since it had to come anyway, I'm glad AF got you sooner rather than later. Also glad to see that we're also pretty close on our cycles, looks like I'm right between you and Mystic. Looking forward to what the new year brings for us all.

ablack, another person close to my schedule, we're going to have a good ride this month, lots of support for sure. I wouldn't worry about a temp drop (or spike) that early in your cycle. Can be due to lots of things and should even out prior to ovulation. The other folks do have a good point though, is it possible you could ovulate very early in your cycle? I did have a small temp drop the day before ovulation (although not nearly as marked as yours).

A little update on me. I had planned to have my surgery this cycle to correct a uterine septum but after talking to the nurse have learned it's too late to do it this cycle (they have to do it within the first 10 days of your cycle and with the holidays there is no time) so on a positive note I'm in with you guys this go around! Plan to have the surgery sometime in late January if AF shows her ugly little head. The DR wanted me to go on birth control pills so they could do it at anytime during my cycle but I said no way. I don't need to introduce another chemical into my body to mess things up further. Let them figure out a way to schedule it within that 10 day window, I don't think it should be too hard! I have an appt next week to further consult about the surgery and get the results of all the bloodwork we had done (genetic testing for DH and I and FSH and estrogen levels for me).

If I get wrapped up again and unable to post I want to wish everyone a very happy holiday season and a very fruitful and BFP new year. I am so glad to have each and every one of you in my life and look forward to growing our friendships (and our bellies) in the new year!!!
You are so sweet Bernina.. I'm so pleased you are back. You've been missed!

Well I ended up using the later temp as FF says everyone is different and my temps are normally only off if I temp at the wrong time or if I'm ill. I will keep it in mind though and wont get too excited! My cramps have stopped today and I've had a migraine so I'm really not sure what is going on but I'm feeling fairly pessimistic after the BFN.

Are you trying again this month or having a month off like you mentioned? x
Hi there, I have come to the end of the first month with Clomid. I am currently on Cd29 and awaiting my AF. My day 21 blood test said I ovulated so i am guessing the :witch: will be here any day.

I think I should start charting BBT as the OPKs I used were negative when indeed I did ovulate but unsure when!! I am guessing I ovulated Cd14-16 as this would be mid-luteal phase??- am I right?? I have never had a regular cycle, so the ticker at the bottom is a hazardous guess!!

Can anyone help me with a start to temp charting please...I'm sure it will help me in decifering my 'fertile' days!!

Oh, I did a HPT the other day and it was a :bfn:.

So onto round 2 of clomid I go.........
Well I've played around with temping a bit but would like to get serious about and would love to join you girls here. I'm currently in the tww and hoping not to see the witch but I'm pretty sure I'll be charting soon! Boooo..... but I hope to find out about my cycles through temping and I hope you girls can help me!! :hugs:
Hiya Fish! I just updated my previous post to add a status about my surgery. Looks like I'm in this cycle and looking forward to it!!!

I am eagerly waiting for tomorrow to see what your next temp will be. I know those negative tests are hard to swallow, but they really don't mean much until you're several days past your usual AF date. I know so many get early positives, but there are just as many who don't show anything until 14 dpo. So hold that chin up and keep those fingers and legs crossed :)
That's great news Bernina. I'm glad you're with us for another cycle and then you can get your op and continue! I'm glad you told the dr that you would not go back on to a pill contraception. It took me ages to get it out of my system! I can't wait to follow your new chart! Oh and make sure you do say hi again before Christmas!! x

Hi Teeny Weeny and StonesWife. I used internet opks this cycle and everyone was negative but I'm pretty sure I ov-ed. For that reason charting has been great for me. It's fairly simple. Have you both got a BBT thermometer? You need to take you temp every morning when you first wake up before doing anything else ie whilst you are still lying there not moving. Also try and do it the same time each morning. Then log your temps on a chart such as the one on Fertility Friend. Us ladies can then talk you through the results. Happy charting! xx
Welcome Teeny and Stones!

Teeny, I would suggest reading the very first post in this thread (27 pages back, haha!). I put some very basic information in there and some links that will get you started. You definitely need a Fertility Friend account (it's free) and there are some great FAQs and tutorials on the site itself. There's also a book that had been recommended to me and I now highly recommend it as well (Taking Charge of your Fertility). Take a read and then post back with any questions you still have, there are many girls in all different timezones so there should be someone on here almost 24x7! Fertility Friend (FF for short) even allows you to enter when you took your Clomid on the chart, it's such a wonderful tool.

Stones, I think you'll soon be addicted to charting along with the rest of us although I do hope your 2ww ends with a BFP and you don't have to discover charting for at least 9 months :)
its possible I guess, both of my previous pregnancies were concieved on my period... usually I jump all over on my period but not that much.

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