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Moochacha, I was going to ask the same thing!! If you could add a few months to your ttc time period, given all the trying you did in your past relationship. A little white lie in the ttc world isn't so bad now is it? :shrug:

I seem to be coming down with a throat infection. Woke up last night and could not get back to sleep, felt like there was a circus going on in my lower abdomen, my heart was racing, cold sweats and just generally uncomfortable. Not to mention I had a never ending thirst that kept me up drinking or using the bathroom all night. Not a very restful sleep and also not sure how accurate my temp is this morning. I will admit that I had happy thoughts that maybe everything I was feeling was implantation, but since I'm just on 5 dpo today and I noticed lots of white spots in my tonsils, I'm thinking it was all just the side effects of developing a nasty infection. I have acupuncture tomorrow so will definitely ask her to put in some needles to help combat that. Really want to avoid antibiotics if at all possible.

How is everyone else doing, what about my 2ww buddies?
Hi ladies,
Hope you are all ok. I too have noticed some lows on the thread, i do hope everyone is ok. :flower:
I have come on today, so feel like sh*te!
FF moved my O day from day 21 to day 29, and i don't know what the hell is going on. O on day 29 would mean i have a luteal phase of 7 days!! :cry:
I have only charted for 1 month and i don't think i've always done it right.

x x x x

I'm thinking you may have actually ovulated on cd 24 which would give you a normal luteal phase of 12 days. Foxy is right though, there are missing temps which is throwing FF off. Try to take your temp every day with this current cycle and FF should have an easier go at pinpointing your ovulation (I think you def are ovulating).
Hi, am having trouble posting my chart - seems to come up as the person who's viewing it's chart NOT mine. Or the homepage :s Any ideas please?? x

I'll make the assumption that you're using Fertility Friend as your charting site.

Go to your chart, then click on My Homepage on the left side. Then from that page click on Home Page Settings, again on the left side of the screen.

That should bring up a page with a url you can copy, that's the one you want to use.

Should look something like this (where your username or id is listed instead of bernina):
Hello ladies! Just thought I'd check in and tell you all that I tested today and BFN of course. I know its still early, but I went to the dollar store and stocked up so I couldn't resist. I have been having serious nausea off and on for a few days now. Its a really sick feeling in my upper stomach. It goes away if I eat, but comes right back. I wouldn't think a stomach flu would last for days. Maybe its just PMS, who knows???
Hi girls!! Well this is my first month charting and since I had a short cycle I may have O'd today but not sure I think I need one or two more days of higher temps if I am reading it correct. My cm was spot on but this is all so new to me.. We are trying for a girl so we bd'd Tues, Wed and Friday morning and no more..

If it doesn't happen this cycle I will be ok since we have a vacation planned to Las Vegas at the end of the month and it will be my first time going. If I am I will be ecstatic but if not I will hopefully have a clearer picture of my cycle and get down to business again next month!

So fingers crossed the next couple days are high and then I can start my 2ww..Or if not see where my cycle will take me next!

Our house inspection went awesome so we're one step closer to be in our house.
Morning ladies

Just very quick post as off to work:

I told my GP we have been TTC since June 08, we have actually been NTNP since then and actively TTC since July 09!

So, according to my medical records, it'll be 2 years in july! Then they have to take me seriously!

Sorry to hear your are feeling unwell bernina, hope you feel better asap xx
Sorry to hear that others have been feeling down. I've not been on as I didn't want to be all doom and gloom on the thread as have been feeling pretty disheartened and fed up myself lately :(

Nicole it is quite normal to think about the fact that you should be pregnant - I find myself doing it all the time. I should be 28/29 weeks now and it's breaking my heart knowing that I should be in the final part of pregnancy but instead I'm right back at the beginning and it's taking longer than I hoped to get pregnant again :cry: I know I shouldn't dwell on what should've been but it's so hard.

Anyway am getting ready for ov later in the week - probably Thursday or Friday. OH is going away to Barcelona on Thursday evening but am planning on squeezing in :sex: before he goes and trying out a softcup. Tryng to remain positive and hopeful for this week
Sorry to hear your feeling down shazza. I can understand why you are feeling that way, it must be so hard.

I too am due to ov on Friday and have a pack of softcups - going to start using them on wednesday!

Good luck hun x
Morning Ladies,

Just a quick stop by as i meant to be working :comp:

I am so happy this morning, the :witch: got me!!!

I sound crazy, i know, but all of those :bfn: were getting me down and with my cycle being nearly 60 days long with no obvious sign ov OV, i just wanted to get the cycle over and done with...

..Here's to 1CD :wine:

Love and :dust: to you all
Sorry to hear that others have been feeling down. I've not been on as I didn't want to be all doom and gloom on the thread as have been feeling pretty disheartened and fed up myself lately :(

Nicole it is quite normal to think about the fact that you should be pregnant - I find myself doing it all the time. I should be 28/29 weeks now and it's breaking my heart knowing that I should be in the final part of pregnancy but instead I'm right back at the beginning and it's taking longer than I hoped to get pregnant again :cry: I know I shouldn't dwell on what should've been but it's so hard.

Anyway am getting ready for ov later in the week - probably Thursday or Friday. OH is going away to Barcelona on Thursday evening but am planning on squeezing in :sex: before he goes and trying out a softcup. Tryng to remain positive and hopeful for this week

sorry about your loss!! :hugs:
Its hard to let go I think some people think as soon as the bleeding stops we should forget..we dont.. I does get easier but it still hurts.
Morning Ladies,

Just a quick stop by as i meant to be working :comp:

I am so happy this morning, the :witch: got me!!!

I sound crazy, i know, but all of those :bfn: were getting me down and with my cycle being nearly 60 days long with no obvious sign ov OV, i just wanted to get the cycle over and done with...

..Here's to 1CD :wine:

Love and :dust: to you all

I know how you feel! Congrats on starting your new cycle...thats always the next best thing:)
Morning Ladies,

Just a quick stop by as i meant to be working :comp:

I am so happy this morning, the :witch: got me!!!

I sound crazy, i know, but all of those :bfn: were getting me down and with my cycle being nearly 60 days long with no obvious sign ov OV, i just wanted to get the cycle over and done with...

..Here's to 1CD :wine:

Love and :dust: to you all

I'm glad you're glad honey..I'm so glad you can move on now with a new cycle.. :hugs:
Thankyou Impatient and Nicole :hugs:

I never thought i'd be so happy to have AF

Hope your temps stay high now for you both ans get those BFP rolling in for March :D
I have been doing opk and getting negatives..but my cervix was high yesterday almost couldnt reach it and I had a little stretchy cm when I checked my cervix than this morning my temp has gone up some and my day time temps are even higher then normal..but this happened 2 days in a row on cd 9 & 10 with high temps (all tho that could have been left over fever maybe?) I didnt add the high temps I added two lower temps..I dont know if Ive od becasue of the neg opks...mmmmmmmmm guess I'll see what the next few days bring. :wacko: gosh I hope this isn't the start of another messed up cycle..
Nichole...I would say if you see that EWCM get BDIng girl!! Better safe than sorry lol I don't check my cervix anymore because I can't find it to save my life!!! And trust me, I've been up there pretty high! Is it possibe to go right past it?
I guess it could be so low you go right past it.. I'm not sure. lol
I did dtd last night so if I did o hopefully got it..
opps...sorry, I mean Nicloe lol I have a friend that spells it with a h so I'm used to spelling it that way!!

Lots of sticky :dust: to you Nicole!
I'm sorry that theres alot of down people on here, I hope everyone's PMA kick's in soon - although I know thats sometimes easier than said :haha:
I've been lurking but not posting, just trying to get the boring part of the cycle out of the way, so i'm hoping I will be back pretty soon.
Good luck to those in the 2ww, and :hugs: to everyone else.

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