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Thanks for all the warm welcomes!! :flower:

tessa- have you a fertility friend chart that you could put a link on here so we can have a peek at!

I've recently started one... just finished transfering info over to it from the app I had on my phone. Fertility Friend seems to track a whole lot more, and I really like that! :thumbup:

But, I've not yet figured out how to post the chart here. I was going to do a ticker too, but it says I don't have enough info enter to calculate my luteal phase. Even tho I've entered all cycles for the past year! :shrug:
thanks foxy i think i was confusing my ff chart as my cm was forever changing and i didnt think it knew what to do...going to try and do an opk tomo afternoon to see what it says and for the next couple of days just incase i have a change in temps!

tessa- look forward to checking out your carnt remeber how to link it up from ff to bnb but im sure these lovely ladies will help you with that :)
Welcome Tessa :) If you go to "Homepage set up" then there will be a bit at the top that says "Your Charting Home Page Web Address" and then a link in a box. If you copy the link and put it in your signature then we can all get to it.

Hope that helps :)

Sorry the :witch: got you arein83.

Jamie your temps are looking good :thumbup: wishing you lots of luck hun :)
ok so my period's just ended and my temp dropped pretty that normal?
this is only my first month charting to i have no idea whats normal and whats not lol
Thank you Shazza!:thumbup:

I know it's not much yet, but let me know you all think!
Open to any/all suggestions!
Nice link Tessa! I submitted an answer to your poll : )

Hi Baby_Dixon! I think I have super low temps but my lowest is about a degree above yours. Probably perfectly normal though - you just have to get more temps in to establish your version of normal : )
Impatient, sorry to hear you got a BFN but those sound like promising signs. How long is your average luteal phase, do you know?

Sahrene, looking good for a possible ovulation on cd 7. Still need a few more days of high temps but looks promising!! Have a great time in Vegas, how fun!!

Sweetmama, so glad to hear the inspection went well, do you have an official move in date?

Foxy, glad to hear that your 2 year anniversary of ttc (this go around) is coming up soon, really hoping you get the attention and tests that you deserve. Can't wait to hear what you think of the SoftCups. Thanks for the well wishes. I had acupuncture today and she put 2 needles in my arms to help with that. I actually feel much better today, the white spots are still on my tonsils but I'm very prone to throat infections and usually time and extra vitamin c helps to clear them up.

Snuggs, so very happy that you are happy about AF coming and putting an end to the never ending cycle! Really hope this is a fresh start for you with a much earlier and definitive ovulation.

Nicole, I had a few words with your hormones and told them to play nice this cycle!! Glad you got some BD'ing in last night, always good to do whenever potential fertile cm is around.

Posh, glad to see you. Hope that the big O comes soon for you and then you can join us in the 2ww!

Jamie, thanks for the good thoughts on the chart. I let myself get excited the last few days so I'm really trying to ground myself to prevent disappointment in a week or so. I try to walk a fine line between hoping for a BFP but knowing that the odds are more in favor of a BFN. I really hope that gyn appointment turns into an OB appointment for you :) So far your temps look great!

AreIn, sorry that the witch got you. But on a positive note you have your first complete chart and that will really help you in this next cycle. Looks like you have a nice long luteal phase, good high post o temps. :hugs: to you!!

Xshell, glad to hear that you're seeing some positive ovulation signs. A miscarriage can really throw things off so it's totally possible to ovulate before a proper AF. Fingers crossed for you!! Oh and regarding the cm and how to record, just make sure you're not confusing his swimmers with ew or watery cm. I know sometimes I have a very hard time telling the difference. What I usually do is run the cm between my fingers. If it starts to get tacky and sticky after maybe 10 seconds I assume it's the swimmers. If it stays slippery then I mark it as ew or watery.

Tierney, thanks for thinking of me!! Your temps continue to look really good and your BD schedule was stellar so you really have a shot this month!!

Welcome Tessa! Link works great. I'm curious if the bleeding you experienced on cd's 30-33 wasn't really the start of a fresh cycle? That would put your ovulation at a normal cd 17 instead of cd 46 (which is considered late ovulation). Also, for your poll it may help if you include your BD schedule. I realize that's highly personal information but many women choose to include it on their public chart so folks can see if you hit your fertile window. If you want to include it I believe the option is under your Home Page Settings. Looking forward to watching your chart continue to develop!

Welcome BabyDixon! It's totally normal for the temp to drop dramatically when AF starts. Some see a dramatic drop the day AF arrives, others a gradual ramp down over the course of AF. It's also normal for pre ovulation temps to be all over the place. Mine only level out a few days before ovulation, the first part of my cycle looks like a heart monitor.

Sticky glue to our recently pregnant ladies and those in the 2ww, baby dust to those approaching O, and PMA to those the witch got.
I think my normal Luteal Phase is around 14 days, but I can't be sure. Hopefuly I know either way in a couple days. I HATE waiting!!!! Your chart is looking nice:)
Bernina - Yes we move in on March 30th, isn't that crazy!!! 2.5 weeks away OMG.

Can anyone tell me an answer to a semi-stupid question? When you enter your temps on fertility friend and you get the .25 or whatever after your 36 degrees do you round the number after the point up if the second number after the point is a five or higher? I'm wondering if I should
Okay...I have taken a look at a whoooole lotta people's charts and idk...maybe I'm just too new to this to get it but...I just DO NOT see how anyone can look at a chart for a minute and tell anything about it..........I don't see how fertility friend can judge ovulation and I REALLY don't see how anyone could determine upcoming ovulation before the temp spike afterward...maybe I'm just too new & inexperienced but...I'm confused...

It seems to me like they all look like heart monitors...up & down up & down...It just doesn't seem clear...idk...I'm new lol.
Welcome Tessa! Link works great. I'm curious if the bleeding you experienced on cd's 30-33 wasn't really the start of a fresh cycle? That would put your ovulation at a normal cd 17 instead of cd 46 (which is considered late ovulation). Also, for your poll it may help if you include your BD schedule. I realize that's highly personal information but many women choose to include it on their public chart so folks can see if you hit your fertile window. If you want to include it I believe the option is under your Home Page Settings. Looking forward to watching your chart continue to develop!

Oh thanks for catching that bernina! Really appreciate all the help getting started!
I just went and changed it to show my BD days!

I thought that CD looked funny. Should look better now! ;)
Sweetmama26- You mean if your temp is 36.25, then you round up to 35.3? I suppose you could, but it makes more sense to me to put in your actual temp. It would be more accurate that way.

baby_dixon- after several cycles, ladies are able to see when ovulation is approaching by their cm and cp on their charts. To really be sure when ovulation is coming you have to use OPKs or a fertility monitor. They let you know when ovulation is coming in the next day or two. Charting simply confirms what OPKs and the monitors tell you. If they say ovulation is coming and then your chart never shows a thermal shift, then you probably didn't ovulate. And if you chart does confirm it, then you can reasonably ponder whether pregnancy is possible (by when you bd, etc). The charts are also helpful by letting you know when to test by how many dpo you are. :thumbup:

I wish my ovulation would arrive already for me! I've been using OPKs everyday now since cd 5 since I have no clue when ovulation normally is for me. I'm just being anxious. Waiting is so difficult.:wacko:
:hugs: AreIn83 :hugs: I'm so sorry the witch got you, and I'm sorry the POAS gods were teasing you! This was your first cycle of ovulating though, right? Well let's celebrate that and roll on to the next big try. I hope your charting experience will help you pinpoint your fertility window with much success!

I'm hoping so, too. I'm not too upset, just tired, ya know? But AF has already gone, it was only a day and half. Normally I would be questioning this because it's something different than what has been the norm for me for the last year and half. However, this is what my periods were like before those damn shots so I'm hoping it's a good sign.

You girls are great!
Don't round your temps up or down - far more accurate at 2 decimal places and gives a clearer pattern :)

By the way - Morning ladies.

Catch up later, must remove bum from bed and head to work!
Just had to share this!... I am currently taking the free charting course at FertilityFriend and I'm on Lesson 9: Cervix Position, Optional Fertility Sign. So I'm taking the quiz and the question reads, "If you feel uncomfortable checking your cervix or cannot recognize the changes:

c.) You should have your best friend check it for you."

I about fell in the floor laughing at that one. Such a vivid image! :rofl:
hey everyone. just thought i'd pop in so see how everyone is getting on ^__^
hey pichi, hope your little beans nice and snuggled in!

Arein83 your little ones really cute x

OMG Tessa was that really an answer! lol

Well my temps stayed high so im hoping that the dip may have been implantation but dont want to get my hopes up to much!

Tierney: your chart looks good :D fingers crossed for you and the rest of the girls xx

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