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I copied and pasted this from the the board..but really wanted to know what you girls think..

I'm confused I've been doing opks twice a day and gotten nothing but my temp started rising yesterday.. I was sick and had high temps from cd 2 to cd 7 was normal cd 8 then went up cd 9 & 10 all tho I think that was due to being to hot and maybe my fever still coming down (so I logged two lower temps)...but my bbts were fine and normal cd 11, 12 had a dip on cd 13 then rise on cd 14 and today cd 15 its even higher.
I know FF still needs s few temps, but can anyone take a peek at my chart and tell me if you think my o was yesterday? I'm not totally sure my OPK would have been negative. I normally take it at 4p, but I had to pee at 1p, whereas normally I hold it longer. I drank a bit of water, not too much, but I wonder if it could have diluted it?
Last month I got 3 + OPKs, so I was a bit surprised to only get 1 now. I'm still taking one today to see if it is also neg.

it looks to me like cd 17 and you just had a slow rise (its very normal)
As for opk I've gotten a thermal shift and no pos opks at all.. :wacko:
Thanks Nicole. I have noticed you are very good at this!
I hope if it is CD17, I've got my BDing covered. Now I'm kicking myself for taking Friday off LOL Last month, using just OPKs, I o'ed on CD20, so I was thinking I had a few days yet.
Thanks Nicole. I have noticed you are very good at this!
I hope if it is CD17, I've got my BDing covered. Now I'm kicking myself for taking Friday off LOL Last month, using just OPKs, I o'ed on CD20, so I was thinking I had a few days yet.

haha thank you I've been doing it off and on for over 4 years I read as much as I can...
Your bding is fine! I wouldnt worry about that. :thumbup:
OPKS are evil lol
Yah, I dont like the opk's.I was so excited because I thought they were going to make everything so much easier but I find using them a pain in the I am fine just temping, charting and bding.. :)
Yah, I dont like the opk's.I was so excited because I thought they were going to make everything so much easier but I find using them a pain in the I am fine just temping, charting and bding.. :)

I couldnt agree more lol
And you know the things you drink affect opks. to much water dilutes it to much caffeine gives false pos blah blah blah lol
Okay why would I have flat temps for 3 days? I am getting frustrated. I am supposed to O today and have been having o twinges for a week now.

I'd say you're going to O any day now, maybe today or tomorrow! That is what my temps did before I Od. Good luck
Okay why would I have flat temps for 3 days? I am getting frustrated. I am supposed to O today and have been having o twinges for a week now.

Have you tried changing your battery or maybe you need to change you thermometer?
I've been using OPKs for over a year. They were such a pain to begin with but using them is just like temping, it's all about your pattern. Everyone is different and you just have to get used to how your body releases LH. I know mine surges between 2 and 3 in the afternoon and will stay elevated if I really have O'd. If it's just a surge without the pop, it will drop 12 hours later.
Yah, I dont like the opk's.I was so excited because I thought they were going to make everything so much easier but I find using them a pain in the I am fine just temping, charting and bding.. :)

I couldnt agree more lol
And you know the things you drink affect opks. to much water dilutes it to much caffeine gives false pos blah blah blah lol

OMG...Nicole!! I din't know caffeine gives false postiives! Thats why I always got a positive Saturday afternoon. I'm at home drinking coffee all morning long!! this makes complete sense for me! Wish I knew that sooner. I'm not wasting my money on those anymore. Thanks for the info!!
Tessa, the updated chart is looking great!! The answer to the cervix checking question has me cracking up!!!!

AreIn, glad to hear that your periods seem to be getting back to pre shots. Really hoping that's a positive sign for you!

Tierney, glad to see those nice high temps. CD 7 totally could have been implantation, fingers crossed for you!!!

Welcome Kayleigh Lou, glad to have you along for the ride with us! Pichi gave you some great advice on your chart, looking good so far. FF gave you dashed cross hairs because it didn't have as many pre ovulation temps as it normally likes, but obviously it was still able to estimate ovulation for you. Depending on how your temps look over the next week or so FF may adjust your ovulation date. I would keep using the OPK and continue BD'ing maybe every other day until you get 3 or 4 more days of temping. I also see you haven't noticed any fertile quality cm (egg white or watery). Do you normally notice this type of cm during your cycle? If so there is a very good chance that you did not yet ovulate. So def keep your eyes peeled for changes in cm.

Snuggs, was the flow bright red, or was it more of a brownish/pinkish color?

Sahrene, best of luck during the 2ww!! I hope the time goes by quickly for you!

Shannon, I had flat temps for several days on a few past charts. I checked my thermo and it wasn't a battery issue (I'm sure you already checked that out). No clue what caused it but FF was still able to determine my O day. Best of luck!

Firedancer, there's a really good chance you O'd on cd 17 or 18. Try putting in 2 days of high temps for weds and thurs (at least 97.8 or higher) and it will give you a preview of your crosshairs.

For all those who are frustrated with OPK's, I share your pain. I tried them for a few months but I O so late in my cycle that I never used them at the right time. I started using the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor back in September last year and I love it. It gives me much more advance warning of impending O than even my cervical mucus. The unit and test sticks are a bit pricey, but since I know my cycles I use fewer test sticks than it recommends each month, helps me to save some $$.

Nothing new with me. Creamy cm is about the only thing consistantly going on down there. Feel a few odd sensations in back and abdomen throughout the day, but that happens every cycle, so no news there.

Best of luck to everyone!!!
See all problems for me.. I drink alot of fluids, I have a bladder the size of a pea anyways so I cant hold it for that long and I am never in the same place in the afternoon to pee at the same time.. I don't drink too much caffein but I think the day before I ovulated or two I got the darkest line I have has out of the 12 tests I used yet it still wasn't darker than the control line so IDK....Everything else lined up sex drive which is null and void now, CM watery to egg white and very high cervix slightly open. Now I am low and sticky..

Now my brain is thinking way too much..I cant shut it off. Did I feel something, I think I have cramps, I just feel off, constipated and have had terrible headaches..LOL. My body is going coo coo....LMAO!!!
Thanks Bernina-I hope so too. I'm ready to get back to normal.
Sara, I wanted to tell you that your lil girl is just adorable! Each time I see that pic it makes me smile :)
Sara, I wanted to tell you that your lil girl is just adorable! Each time I see that pic it makes me smile :)

I agree, she is precious and just brightens my day looking at that pic!! :flower:

P.S. She totally has DH's nose and your smile!!! What a cutie!
Hi ladies
as its my first month charting and Im not too sure what I'm looking for would any of you lovely ladies have a peek at my chart please.
when should I see a temp rise? I was expecting it to peak this morning but it seems to have gone the other way. I did have to temp an hour earlier than usual but should that have made a difference? I still got 3 hours sleep.
I have done an opk this afternoon and it is getting lighter so I am assuming I have o'd in the last 2 days.
Im also getting quite uncomfortable cramping in my lower tummy, near my pubic line could this be o pain?
I dont like when my posts dont show.

Imaptatient.. thanks for the hope dear.
Bernina.. thanks for letting me know I was wondering.
Arein83...tested with a different thermometer same thing. Plus my other one is new! Sigh..
Sara, I wanted to tell you that your lil girl is just adorable! Each time I see that pic it makes me smile :)

I agree, she is precious and just brightens my day looking at that pic!! :flower:

P.S. She totally has DH's nose and your smile!!! What a cutie!

Thank you girls. Don't let that smile fool you, she's as onry as they come but we love it. Just yesterday she was marching upstairs to her room and DH tells her to come back down to pick up some of her toys and her response was "Well, sh*t..." It took everything I had not to laugh out loud. DH tells her, "Don't say that word, it's not nice for little girls". She just shrugged and kept walking like whatever, Dad. Hilarious!
I dont like when my posts dont show.

Imaptatient.. thanks for the hope dear.
Bernina.. thanks for letting me know I was wondering.
Arein83...tested with a different thermometer same thing. Plus my other one is new! Sigh..

Then maybe like Impatient said, you're getting ready to pop your eggy!!!! I was just going by what I had read on FF.
Ok, I need some opinions. I'm doing what I said I wouldn't, over-analyze and offer TMI. AF came Saturday morning, woke me up, you know you just know when she's come? I had some major cramping up until about noon. Cramping stopped but I only used 3 tampons throughout the entire day. Flow was medium-heavy initially then tapered off. Sunday, flow was light. I used 2 tampons during the day, put one in before bed and took it out Monday morning. There was only just some minimal blood, old looking. And nothing since. AF came and went in 36 hours. Even this was kind of short for my usual, old short visits. I kept waiting today to see if she would pop back up, which happened a lot in the past and nothing. Any insight? Thoughts? Opinion? Even if it is just to tell me to quit being such a ridiculous B and drop it, already.

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