Tessa, the updated chart is looking great!! The answer to the cervix checking question has me cracking up!!!!
AreIn, glad to hear that your periods seem to be getting back to pre shots. Really hoping that's a positive sign for you!
Tierney, glad to see those nice high temps. CD 7 totally could have been implantation, fingers crossed for you!!!
Welcome Kayleigh Lou, glad to have you along for the ride with us! Pichi gave you some great advice on your chart, looking good so far. FF gave you dashed cross hairs because it didn't have as many pre ovulation temps as it normally likes, but obviously it was still able to estimate ovulation for you. Depending on how your temps look over the next week or so FF may adjust your ovulation date. I would keep using the OPK and continue BD'ing maybe every other day until you get 3 or 4 more days of temping. I also see you haven't noticed any fertile quality cm (egg white or watery). Do you normally notice this type of cm during your cycle? If so there is a very good chance that you did not yet ovulate. So def keep your eyes peeled for changes in cm.
Snuggs, was the flow bright red, or was it more of a brownish/pinkish color?
Sahrene, best of luck during the 2ww!! I hope the time goes by quickly for you!
Shannon, I had flat temps for several days on a few past charts. I checked my thermo and it wasn't a battery issue (I'm sure you already checked that out). No clue what caused it but FF was still able to determine my O day. Best of luck!
Firedancer, there's a really good chance you O'd on cd 17 or 18. Try putting in 2 days of high temps for weds and thurs (at least 97.8 or higher) and it will give you a preview of your crosshairs.
For all those who are frustrated with OPK's, I share your pain. I tried them for a few months but I O so late in my cycle that I never used them at the right time. I started using the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor back in September last year and I love it. It gives me much more advance warning of impending O than even my cervical mucus. The unit and test sticks are a bit pricey, but since I know my cycles I use fewer test sticks than it recommends each month, helps me to save some $$.
Nothing new with me. Creamy cm is about the only thing consistantly going on down there. Feel a few odd sensations in back and abdomen throughout the day, but that happens every cycle, so no news there.
Best of luck to everyone!!!