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8 days and I still have heavy af :cry: I wonder if this cycle is going to be super long because of my MC. MC at 8 weeks... It feels like I've missed out on a lot of time.

I keep forgetting to temp first thing in the morning. rawr!!! Hope everyone is doing well!!!

:hugs: Just wish I could give you a big.. :hugs:
Hi Ladies
This might be a little tmi but I have just been to the loo and my CM (on my nix) seems to be orange in colour!:wacko: there wasn't much there it was was quite creamy.
Any ideas anyone? :shrug:

Nice temp foxy :thumbup:
Took a test this morning and it was a :bfn: and then woke up with a higher temp so now FF says cant confirm ovulation and could have taken place between the 5th and 11th.. ugh.. IDK...Plus what symptom I was having I think is a uti! Oh this is not a good morning for me...

Ive not been on the thread for a few days. Soooo many pages to catch up on.

Sorry you're having a tough time Moochacha :hugs:

:hugs: to the girls that the :witch: found

And i saw there was a :bfp: on the thread, congrats angel x

I'm CD7 and still having heavy af (which is unusual) and ive been loosing seriously large clots (sorry TMI!). Ive been quite worried about it actually and ive been wondering if its possible to have a chemical with a bfn? My LP last cycle was 20 or 21 days... I feel so broken :cry:
Thanks Foxy and Nicole, I have this strange sense of things not working this month and I dont know why, think I will go and eat more chocolate, it always helps!
Snugggs thats a nasty AF, maybe you should ask to see a Dr about it? 7 days heavy like that isn't right. Hope you feel better soon.
Ladies I am curious about this whole charting thing, yesterday my temp was 96.63 and today it is 98.60 is that normal?
still getting cramps today but no af :shrug: im going to test in abit.. omg im so nervous :dohh:
Good luck BabyHopes!

:hugs: Moochacha - I hope your cycle moves on soon. Same for you Snuggs - I wouldn't care for that many days with a heavy flow!

Yahoo for all the crosshairs! Foxy - it looks like your cloverline is the same every month. Is that typical? FF put mine a bit higher this cycle and I'm not sure why...

I'm workin' a super bloat over here! No cramps yet though :shrug:
Good luck Babyhopes :)

Hoping AF stays away for you Jaimie.

My temps seem to always be the same ones each cycle - 96.80 (usually only 1 or 2 of those max), 97.20, 97.33, 97.45, 97.58, 97.60, 97.73, 97.86, 97.90, 98.04 & 98.17 :D I don't think I ever get any other than those (apart from a freakish 98.20 & 98.34 around Xmas / New Year time I think).

My thermometer was only a cheapie off the net, so maybe those are the only temps it has!! :haha:

ttcstill - sounds ok to me. Temps can fluctuate all over the place, particularly in the early part of your cycle.

Sorry your having a horrid AF snuggs :hugs:

JB3 - I'm sorry, I've never experiences that before, however I do remember seeing it mentioned in some other threads so you're not the only one! :D have you googled?

:hugs: moochacha

Sorry about the BFN sahrene - I agree with FF though, not seen a clear temp shift on your chart yet. Hoping it happens soon for you :D
So I signed up at FF....hoping this helps me more!!! Ive been cramping for almost a week now and am starting to think my mind got the best of me. I woke up this morning and got a :bfn: ! Im sooo bummed! I thought for sure this was our month....but still no sign of AF!!! So anyone with any more insight it would be greatly appreciated!!! :cry: Kinda feelin silly I was symptom spotting to the point I actually thought they were happeninging to me! My hubby says its cuz I really want another one so my mind is starting to think its happening! :nope:
JB3-Glad I could be of help to you yesterday. And might I say that I'm LOVING the recovery in the temps today! Your chart is looking promising!!

Good luck, hope that OPK means what it's supposed to mean!

Foxy-Yay!!!! It's nice that they disregarded your really high temps and gave you the lower coverline. You can definitely work with that. You also did an AWESOME job on your BD schedule this cycle, you must have a high reading on FF. You also hit those peak fertility days perfectly with the soft cups. You can rest assured this 2ww that you did everything humanly possible. Well done!!

Moochacha-Is that normal? Maybe you should go in to see your GP, my best friend had a miscarriage with d&c at close to 12 weeks and she did not bleed that long (granted she may be atypical). I think you should get it checked out you are losing so much blood. :hugs: I really hope it tapers off soon.

Helly-Don't worry yourself too much. Do you have many anovulatory cycles? Your O may be late, or you be o'ing right now, lots of girls have bad luck with OPKs. Even it is anovulatory cycle, unless you have them often it's nothing to worry about as, apparently we all have them from time to time and rarely know it. I think it's way to early to say that though, we just have to wait. Oh, and I wouldn't disregard anything until you get a good picture of what's going on.

Sahrene-I agree with foxy and FF. I am not convinced you O'd at all, but I see your confusion as your last cycle was only 16 days and you are now CD18. I think you are in for a longer cycle with much later O this time. What are your cycles normally in length?

Shannon-You dropped lower than 97.3 for the first time all cycle...maybe O is around the corner!

Thanks to the girls who dropped by my journal. 12 week scan tomorrow, can't wait!!
Queen Cole, sorry to hear what you're going through :flower:. I think we've all been down that road, where we wanted it so bad we "made" it happen! I guess we'll have to keep waiting and see, it's not over until the :witch: comes! If you signed up for FF could you put your last months temps in so you could share them with us? We could give you better insight if we can see the chart. Post us a link when you're ready! Good luck!
Sahrene-I agree with foxy and FF. I am not convinced you O'd at all, but I see your confusion as your last cycle was only 16 days and you are now CD18. I think you are in for a longer cycle with much later O this time. What are your cycles normally in length?

I had Mirena removed last month so I think that is why is was shorter but to tell you the truth before last month I wasn't paying much attention so IDK? The time that it originally O'd I didnt get a positive opk but I did get an almost darker than the test line so I thought I just missed my surge? Hmph...This is so complicated..
Sahrene, that explains a lot. Don't worry about your cycles at this point; you are just coming off BC so expect them to be a little strange before they settle in to something more regular. It's true, you may have missed the surge or you may not be ready to O yet. Just be safe and :sex: all the time until you see the temp shift. It will be your most convincing sign of O. It is all very confusing when you start out, but once you get it, a lot of things become more clear. You'll be happy you went around this learning curve. Good luck!!
mystic I love how you are keeping your chart going I did that with my 8 1/2 moth old..all tho it will only got up to like 98 days before ff starts taking days from the beginning of your cycle off.
Oooh, Good to know! Thanks Nicole!!! I should save what I have so far then. I've been keeping it going because of all the issues I've had, but I guess I could stop now. Although, now I'm liking the idea of having a full pregnancy charted, so it would be for nothing if the first part disappeared. Did you chart your whole pregnancy? Just want to know if it's doable!
Thanks Mystic, this is my first month charting, though Ive suspected several times I havent OV'd. I got + opk's the first two months and had nothing the last 4 months, though I did O last month as it showed in my temps. This is our last month before going to the Dr's anyways (my OH is over 35) so hopefully if I am having regular anovulatory cycles something should be done in the next few months.
Oooh, Good to know! Thanks Nicole!!! I should save what I have so far then. I've been keeping it going because of all the issues I've had, but I guess I could stop now. Although, now I'm liking the idea of having a full pregnancy charted, so it would be for nothing if the first part disappeared. Did you chart your whole pregnancy? Just want to know if it's doable!

I added my chart from my pg with Gregory Jr. take a look and you'll see what it does.

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