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fifi - woo hoo :) I've got my eye on your chart over the next couple of days.

Kitty - I know how you feel, but keep your chin up, you never know!

Welcome minime - so sorry for you loss. Just tried to have a look at your chart, but it's just the link to the log in page for FF. You will need to go to your home page to set up a link :)

Bd'ing on xmas eve and boxing day is good, so fingers crossed for you this cycle. re the same temps, try taking your temp tonight and see if it is different to the last 4 readings, this should give you an idea as to whether your thermo is playing up.

Welcome again, looking forward to stalking your chart over the next couple of weeks :)

I have tried to change myfertility friend link but it just takes you to a weird wheel thing. How can I get you access to my chart?

So glad to have someone to chat to about this!!
Thanks so much! I just realised I still had my pregnancy ticker on saying I was 30 weeks
fifi - woo hoo :) I've got my eye on your chart over the next couple of days.

Kitty - I know how you feel, but keep your chin up, you never know!

Welcome minime - so sorry for you loss. Just tried to have a look at your chart, but it's just the link to the log in page for FF. You will need to go to your home page to set up a link :)

Bd'ing on xmas eve and boxing day is good, so fingers crossed for you this cycle. re the same temps, try taking your temp tonight and see if it is different to the last 4 readings, this should give you an idea as to whether your thermo is playing up.

Welcome again, looking forward to stalking your chart over the next couple of weeks :)

I have tried to change myfertility friend link but it just takes you to a weird wheel thing. How can I get you access to my chart?

So glad to have someone to chat to about this!!
Thanks so much! I just realised I still had my pregnancy ticker on saying I was 30 weeks

Minime, when you go to your "homepage setup", you need to choose the charts you want to display on your homepage. This at the bottom under the heading "published charts". Move your charts from the box on the right to the box on the left and that should display them on your home page. Hope that helps!! According to your wheel, you did a good job BD'ing, FX'd for you!

Will write more a bit later girls, once i've checked out the charts! Hope everyone is doing well today!
Mystic beat me to it minime :) follow her instructions and we should be able to see it.

I didn't want to mention the ticker earlier, I'm sure it must have been a very difficult time for you:hugs:

With any luck, we'll all have lovely sticky beans in 2010.

On a slightly different topic, I have decided to put further edcuation on hold till 2011. It would be sods law that I would fall pregnant either at the beginning, or half way through a university course if I started in 2010. Full time education would mean I'd have to leave employment, therefore no maternity pay/leave and only basic government maternity pay! :dohh:
If I stay in the NHS, then I get a decent maternity package and peace of mind that I have a stable income if a little one were to make an appearance!

Life is so bloddy complicated! I need to either win the lottery or marry an extremely fertile millionaire. I thnk my chances of either of these are pretty slim! :haha:

My parents are back to stay tomorrow till Tuesday, so I won't be around much. I will be dying to get on here and check in with you all:wacko:
fifi - woo hoo :) I've got my eye on your chart over the next couple of days.

Kitty - I know how you feel, but keep your chin up, you never know!

Welcome minime - so sorry for you loss. Just tried to have a look at your chart, but it's just the link to the log in page for FF. You will need to go to your home page to set up a link :)

Bd'ing on xmas eve and boxing day is good, so fingers crossed for you this cycle. re the same temps, try taking your temp tonight and see if it is different to the last 4 readings, this should give you an idea as to whether your thermo is playing up.

Welcome again, looking forward to stalking your chart over the next couple of weeks :)

I have tried to change myfertility friend link but it just takes you to a weird wheel thing. How can I get you access to my chart?

So glad to have someone to chat to about this!!
Thanks so much! I just realised I still had my pregnancy ticker on saying I was 30 weeks

Minime, when you go to your "homepage setup", you need to choose the charts you want to display on your homepage. This at the bottom under the heading "published charts". Move your charts from the box on the right to the box on the left and that should display them on your home page. Hope that helps!! According to your wheel, you did a good job BD'ing, FX'd for you!

Will write more a bit later girls, once i've checked out the charts! Hope everyone is doing well today!

Brill thanks!! I think it may work now!! Sorry, I am being completely dense today - is that a pregnancy sign lol
Yey, it worked :) gonna have a good nosey now
I see what you mean about the same temps for several days running. Are you going to take your temp tonight, just to check your thermo is working ok :)
I see what you mean about the same temps for several days running. Are you going to take your temp tonight, just to check your thermo is working ok :)

Yes, In fact am going to dash up and get it now! Two mins
I see what you mean about the same temps for several days running. Are you going to take your temp tonight, just to check your thermo is working ok :)

Did it twice. Once after running up and down stairs and my husband asking me questions about cheese on toast lol -35.8

Again, with no interruptions - 36.3

So it's working, just weird in the mornings lol.

I started a poll on my FF chart hehe. I can see this is going to be addictive but it's made me feel much more positive :happydance:

I love that I have a thread to torture people with my chart on so thanks!!:hugs:
Glad to hear it's working. I'll be glued to your chart trust me - I'm addicted :)

P.S I blame bernina for getting me addicted to chat stalking as she created this thread!:haha:

Bernina - hope all is well with you :) Not seen you around much lately.
Well, I have to admit I'm still pretty new to charting, but I've not seen a chart with post ov temps that are identical for several days running. It'll be interesting to see what they do over the next few days. I think it's too early to speculate at the moment. Are your cycles normally regular?
Well, I have to admit I'm still pretty new to charting, but I've not seen a chart with post ov temps that are identical for several days running. It'll be interesting to see what they do over the next few days. I think it's too early to speculate at the moment. Are your cycles normally regular?

They were 32 days up until April. Mays AF didnt arrive and it turned up to be a chemical pregnancy. No period in June but then found out I had fallen pregnant again and miscarried 14 August at 12 weeks.

Been up the left since then really. About 7 weeks before I got a period after D&C, then 5 weeks until the next one. OV'd in November and got first 30 day cycle last AF and ov'd again so all looking positive now and hopefully continues!!

Been a bit of a weird time but as I say, the charting is giving me something to focus on and makes me feel more in control - even though I'm not really lol
Sounds like you've had a bit of a rough time - sorry to hear of your loss. Hopefully 2010 and will a better year for you.

I too find the charting takes my mind off things. Although, I am starting to get a little frustrated that although my body seems to be doing everything right, I have never had even a whiff of a BFP:nope:

Funny how you spend so many years trying to avoid pregnancy, yet when you want it, it avoid you!! :dohh:
Sounds like you've had a bit of a rough time - sorry to hear of your loss. Hopefully 2010 and will a better year for you.

I too find the charting takes my mind off things. Although, I am starting to get a little frustrated that although my body seems to be doing everything right, I have never had even a whiff of a BFP:nope:

Funny how you spend so many years trying to avoid pregnancy, yet when you want it, it avoid you!! :dohh:

Flip, you're not wrong! I was on the pill for 14 years and now I'm like a dog on heat trying to do what I have been avoiding all these year lol

How long have you been trying?
Fifi, I have read the first 2 books in the Ender Saga and loved them both. Actually for a change the second book to me was even better than the first. I was a bit leery to read the third in case it didn't measure up to the other two, but have since learned from a friend that he truly enjoyed the third book so I'm going to give it a go soon! My husband is really enjoying the Terry Brooks books, he picked one up while in Scotland and has probably read 5 or 6 of them so far. As for your temp drop that could be a very very good sign! Fingers crossed for you and lots of sticky glue coming your way!!

Foxy, thanks for the soy information, that's very helpful. I may find out tomorrow from fertility specialist that my hormones are off and could benefit from clomid. If that is the case I'm going to have to research trying soy for a cycle or two before I go to the clomid. Sorry to hear that going to school full time isn't working out for you this go around, but it looks like you did your homework and made the best decision for your circumstances. Love the comment about the fertile millionaire!! Fertility should be one of the check boxes on those matchmaker websites! Also, glad to hear that I'm taking others along for the addicting game of chart stalking, it's no fun to go it alone!! :)

Kita, welcome!! Looking at your chart you very well may have ovulated on cd 22. There isn't quite enough pre-o temp information and FF will need 2 or 3 more days of higher temps before it can try to pinpoint your o day. How long are your average cycles? cd 22 is a bit late on the average for ovulation, but definitely a possibility. If it is your AF drop, my personal experience is that AF shows up on the day of the temp drop or the very next day. Of course that's just me.

Moochacha, glad to see your temp went back up today. Can't wait to see what the next few days hold for you!!

kitty_girl, your temps are looking GREAT! 15 dpo! I know you took a test and it was negative today, but you're not out until AF shows her ugly little head! How long have your cycles been in the past?

minime, welcome!! Sorry to hear about your mmc, but glad that your body is back to normal and ovulating, that's a very good sign! You may want to make sure the batteries are good in your thermometer, flat temperatures are a sign that the batteries are getting low.

shaerichelle, sorry to hear that your body is not cooperating this month. I'm sorry if I missed a previous post where you may have answered this, but have you taken a hpt yet? Are your cycles normally this long or is this an exception? :hugs:

Welcome PeaceLoveBaby!! If you'd like others to keep up with your chart go ahead and put a link in your signature. If you have any questions getting things set-up go ahead and post a question and someone will answer very soon. Best of luck to you!

I've had a confusing 2 days. I'm currently on cd 11. Period lasted a day longer than usual and then I have been spotting the last 2 days. At first it was just some old brown discharge, so I didn't make too much about it. But then when checking my cervix I found bright red blood. Not much, just enough to coat my fingernail, but very weird for so early in my cycle. Then the next few times using the loo I've found small clumps of pink discharge. So very frustrating! I have an appt with my fertility specialist tomorrow and will definitely bring this up. I don't know if my hormones are off or if my cervical polyp is back or what. Just feel like this cycle isn't going to work anyways. Of course I'll still chart and time BD'ing but I'm feeling a bit down because of it. I never had spotting problems prior to my chemical in August but really think my body should have healed by now. I was only at 5 weeks and never had a symptom except for a positive HPT and all my scans have been normal (except for the heart shaped uterus). I'm trying to think positive thoughts and just hoping the dr will have some advice (although realistically I'm not expecting much). I guess when I do have my surgery next month to correct the septum if there is something wrong with my lining (like endo) or if my polyp came back, they should be able to find that and clear it up at the same time. Just kind of tired of playing the waiting game right now. Sorry for the rant, just frustrating when the body doesn't cooperate.
This is cycle #6 of ttc with current partner - 18 months of NTNP.

5 years of NTNP with ex partner (although I'm thankful I didn't end up pregnant whilst with him!).

How about you?
Hi bernina - sorry you are feeling down at the moment hun. Hopefully seeing the FS will give you some answers or atleast an idea of what may be going on. I hope it's just a blip and things will turn out just fine for you. What's that old saying.... what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.... I reckon half of us should enter world's strongest woman! haha

Seriously though, I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything is fine and this is just your body having a good old clear out before a new tenant moves in :)

Keep us updated with the FS :)
Fifi, I have read the first 2 books in the Ender Saga and loved them both. Actually for a change the second book to me was even better than the first. I was a bit leery to read the third in case it didn't measure up to the other two, but have since learned from a friend that he truly enjoyed the third book so I'm going to give it a go soon! My husband is really enjoying the Terry Brooks books, he picked one up while in Scotland and has probably read 5 or 6 of them so far. As for your temp drop that could be a very very good sign! Fingers crossed for you and lots of sticky glue coming your way!!

Foxy, thanks for the soy information, that's very helpful. I may find out tomorrow from fertility specialist that my hormones are off and could benefit from clomid. If that is the case I'm going to have to research trying soy for a cycle or two before I go to the clomid. Sorry to hear that going to school full time isn't working out for you this go around, but it looks like you did your homework and made the best decision for your circumstances. Love the comment about the fertile millionaire!! Fertility should be one of the check boxes on those matchmaker websites! Also, glad to hear that I'm taking others along for the addicting game of chart stalking, it's no fun to go it alone!! :)

Kita, welcome!! Looking at your chart you very well may have ovulated on cd 22. There isn't quite enough pre-o temp information and FF will need 2 or 3 more days of higher temps before it can try to pinpoint your o day. How long are your average cycles? cd 22 is a bit late on the average for ovulation, but definitely a possibility. If it is your AF drop, my personal experience is that AF shows up on the day of the temp drop or the very next day. Of course that's just me.

Moochacha, glad to see your temp went back up today. Can't wait to see what the next few days hold for you!!

kitty_girl, your temps are looking GREAT! 15 dpo! I know you took a test and it was negative today, but you're not out until AF shows her ugly little head! How long have your cycles been in the past?

minime, welcome!! Sorry to hear about your mmc, but glad that your body is back to normal and ovulating, that's a very good sign! You may want to make sure the batteries are good in your thermometer, flat temperatures are a sign that the batteries are getting low.

shaerichelle, sorry to hear that your body is not cooperating this month. I'm sorry if I missed a previous post where you may have answered this, but have you taken a hpt yet? Are your cycles normally this long or is this an exception? :hugs:

Welcome PeaceLoveBaby!! If you'd like others to keep up with your chart go ahead and put a link in your signature. If you have any questions getting things set-up go ahead and post a question and someone will answer very soon. Best of luck to you!

I've had a confusing 2 days. I'm currently on cd 11. Period lasted a day longer than usual and then I have been spotting the last 2 days. At first it was just some old brown discharge, so I didn't make too much about it. But then when checking my cervix I found bright red blood. Not much, just enough to coat my fingernail, but very weird for so early in my cycle. Then the next few times using the loo I've found small clumps of pink discharge. So very frustrating! I have an appt with my fertility specialist tomorrow and will definitely bring this up. I don't know if my hormones are off or if my cervical polyp is back or what. Just feel like this cycle isn't going to work anyways. Of course I'll still chart and time BD'ing but I'm feeling a bit down because of it. I never had spotting problems prior to my chemical in August but really think my body should have healed by now. I was only at 5 weeks and never had a symptom except for a positive HPT and all my scans have been normal (except for the heart shaped uterus). I'm trying to think positive thoughts and just hoping the dr will have some advice (although realistically I'm not expecting much). I guess when I do have my surgery next month to correct the septum if there is something wrong with my lining (like endo) or if my polyp came back, they should be able to find that and clear it up at the same time. Just kind of tired of playing the waiting game right now. Sorry for the rant, just frustrating when the body doesn't cooperate.

Thanks! I don't even know how to change the battery so will maybe just get a new one when my next AF comes - sorry if - PMA!
This is cycle #6 of ttc with current partner - 18 months of NTNP.

5 years of NTNP with ex partner (although I'm thankful I didn't end up pregnant whilst with him!).

How about you?

Well you know how accurate you kinda need to be so I guess you were lucky with previous partner and just think, 6 months isn't that long with the new one:)

I came off BCP last October in preparation to start trying New Year. Both got stage fright though and didn't even have sex in January lol. So February this year would be the answer!
Good Morning ladies!!!

Welcome Minime!!! Yay another chart to stalk and yes its sooo addictive hehehe..

Hey foxy i think its great that you're going to put off study!! Thinking of your little beanie!!! Fx for you this cycle.

Fifi :dance: sending you lots of :dust:

I love this thread, I think I'm addicted to this thread lol... My temp is still raising but all the symptoms that I've been feeling have gone besides the consent full feeling, I have to say that I'm happy the cramps have gone.

Hubby and I are going camping tomorrow morning for a couple of days :D I can't wait to catch up on all the charts when i get back.

:dust: :dust::dust:

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