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Oh and welcome to PeaceLoveBaby I'm a nurse (NP's) as well, though I didn't really cover fertility charting in my 5 years of study. We did however study the cycle and the science of baby making:blush:. I mean cmon 5 years of study they should have made me an expert in this.. lol jk

Bernina good luck at the fertility specialist I hope they arm you with all the right information. :flower:
Hi Kita and welcome! It's hard to say what your chart is doing without knowing much about your cycles or when you ovulate. Since you say your cycles are generally 34ish days, I doubt that this is AF coming already, that would be significantly shorter. You may be preparing to O judging by all the fertile CM you are reporting. I'd say just :sex: and :sex: and :sex: until you get more info. And I agree with Foxy, next cycle (but hopefully there won't be one any time soon) try to find a BBT.

Kitty-My Christmas was great, thanks for asking. It was quite hectic, but now that it's over I am happy to relax. Hope yours was great as well! On my charts AF shows a day or two after the temp STARTS to drop, but I see that yours has jumped back up again, so I'm hopeful that your BFP will come soon!

Fifi-Temps are looking good, you may have an ID there on CD 24 too! FX'd for you hun!!

Shaerichelle-Sorry to hear that things are confusing. How long are your cycles usually? You might want to try testing again, it's been a few more days you might get a BFP!

Minime-Glad to see that you've got the homepage up and running. So sorry to hear about the rough time you had. Hopefully this will be your cycle. Your chart looks good for BDing, I have my FX'd for you during your 2ww.

Foxy-I know what you mean with TTC, it's so hard to make future plans when you don't know when/if a baby will show up. Planning life can get really hard. I hope the decision you make will be the best for you and your future babe. Hopefully BFP will be this month, so you can make some good decisions about your future. Hope you can still check in once in awhile with the parents around!

Bernina-I'm really sorry to hear about all the confusion with your cycle this month. Hope the fs can shed some light and help with some of the problems. Keep us posted about what she says. I know it's hard to keep a PMA when TTC is stressing you out. I truly believe that this will happen for you and we will be here with you every step of the way.

Moochacha-Temps are looking great!! Have fun on the camping trip!
As for my chart, things are still not too interesting, I think my EWCM might be starting, but there's not enough for me to call it yet. OH had to work a ridiculous # of hours yesterday, so we haven't even started :sex: yet! Hopefully tonight.

I ordered preseed like 2 weeks ago and it still has not shown up yet :cry:. I don't know if it's because of Christmas, or because I live in Canada and it's held up at the border :shrug:. However, I found a tiny drugstore near my house that carries it!! So I took a walk down this aft. and bought some :happydance:. I know that it has got mixed reviews on this thread, but I'm still sooo excited about trying it!
Shaerichelle-Sorry to hear that things are confusing. How long are your cycles usually? You might want to try testing again, it's been a few more days you might get a BFP!

I am going to try this friday. It will be 6 weeks from my period. I was every 30 days until I got my iud (no hormones). I hope I get a BFP because I feel like I am going crazy. Symptoms galore. I am not even thinking about it.
Hi Guys

Sorry, I have another question - told you I was new to charting lol.

I took my temps this morning and it says it has dropped???!! I thought after OV it was supposed to rise and stay high and then drop when AF due? I'm only 5 days DPO?

Cheers xx:shrug:
Hi minime.. Sometimes people get a dip when the egg implants however I don't think you are meant to get that before 7dpo. Having said that Fifi did last cycle and she was pregnant. Unfortunately it didn't work out but it shows it can happen. Otherwise it could be because your room was colder, you didn't sleep well etc xx
Hi minime.. Sometimes people get a dip when the egg implants however I don't think you are meant to get that before 7dpo. Having said that Fifi did last cycle and she was pregnant. Unfortunately it didn't work out but it shows it can happen. Otherwise it could be because your room was colder, you didn't sleep well etc xx

Ahh, thanks Fish&CHips! I didn't sleep too well as not feeling the best today so this may be something to do with it :)
Yep that sounds very likely. My temps went crazy when I didn't sleep well or if I was ill. x
I have another question! Not related to charts per se but about OV tests?

I currently use IC which cost about £7 on Amazon for 50. However, I see people mention the CB Smiley face ones and say they are much better. Whenever I check out the prices though they seem fairly expensive - about £15 for 7 sticks which I would easily use in one month.

Am I looking at the right things and are they this expensive?
Minime09- First of all hello. I use the One Step Ov tests from Amazon, they work fine for me, although personally I am thinking of ditching them next month if we don't get BFP this month. The CB ones are too expensive for me, esp as it is something that you just pee on then throw out, almost had a heart attack at the price of FRER HPT last month! I am sticking with ICs for now.
AS for implantation dips, from what I have read it can be anywhere between 6dpo and 12dpo, last month my acupuncturist looked at my chart and thought I ov'd at CD14 so I would have been 11DPO when I had the dip. I really am not sure about the +ve OPK either last month or this month, hence why I am taking a month off them next month if we're not pregnant.
I really have got my hopes up this month and wish I didn't. Can someone bring me back down to earth please?

Bernina - I know what you mean about the subsequent Ender books, you should also read the Bean stories as I think they may even be better than Ender. One of DH's pressies was actually the latest Ender book Ender in Exile. Sorry you are having weird bleeding, I had spotting for years before discovering I had severe endo, if you have it on your cervix it can bleed if knocked from what I understand. Hopefully the FS can give you some answers, when are you seeing them?
ugh, my chart is all over the place this month. I think I Oved day before yesterday.
Hi ladies,

I hope your all doing great?
Mystic - i know my temp has gone back up.... im getting so frustrated BFN yesterday yet still no AF... do you know if i AF could still be on her way with a high temp. I just wanna get it overwith now. grrrr
IM rather grumpy today i ate some noodles and i have wicked heartburn which isnt helping.
I hope everyone else is having a better day today than me.

lots of dust and sticky glue to you guys x
Minime09- First of all hello. I use the One Step Ov tests from Amazon, they work fine for me, although personally I am thinking of ditching them next month if we don't get BFP this month. The CB ones are too expensive for me, esp as it is something that you just pee on then throw out, almost had a heart attack at the price of FRER HPT last month! I am sticking with ICs for now.
AS for implantation dips, from what I have read it can be anywhere between 6dpo and 12dpo, last month my acupuncturist looked at my chart and thought I ov'd at CD14 so I would have been 11DPO when I had the dip. I really am not sure about the +ve OPK either last month or this month, hence why I am taking a month off them next month if we're not pregnant.
I really have got my hopes up this month and wish I didn't. Can someone bring me back down to earth please?

Bernina - I know what you mean about the subsequent Ender books, you should also read the Bean stories as I think they may even be better than Ender. One of DH's pressies was actually the latest Ender book Ender in Exile. Sorry you are having weird bleeding, I had spotting for years before discovering I had severe endo, if you have it on your cervix it can bleed if knocked from what I understand. Hopefully the FS can give you some answers, when are you seeing them?

Thanks FIFI
I too was shocked at the price of pregnancy tests so bought a pile of IC on those too. Needed them with the MMC to see when hormone was out of my system and they worked fine!

It's so hard to gauge OV time but the charting defo helps. Hopefully my temperature rights itself as it's clearly to early for this implantation dip you guys are talking about as I am only 5 days DPO. Bummer lol
Thank you all for the very kind words, made me feel so much better reading them. :hugs: to all!!

Kitty, how long are your average cycles? I have seen charts where AF would start with a high temp but would then drop as expected on cd 2 or cd3, so that is a possibility. But I really hope AF stays away and those temps stay nice and high! I know it's frustrating to be in limbo with no BFP and no AF. Hope you get your answer one way or the other soon (but I know which way I'm hoping for!!)

Fifi, thanks for the tip on the Bean books, adding them to my wishlist now! I bet DH loved getting the Ender book for Christmas.

Ablack, you def could have ovulated on CD 12 or 13, however even though on this chart your temp today looks high, compared to your post ovulation temps last cycle, you're still below your coverline. I know temps can change cycle to cycle of course, but just wanted to try to give you some perspective. If you did ovulate on CD 12 or 13 then you're still in the running, you got some BD'ing in at a good time. I would def keep up with the BD'ing though in case you haven't yet ovulated.

DH and I met with the fertility specialist today. We were told the results of all of our blood tests were normal (genetic testing for both of us, day 3 egg age test for me, and some other autoimmune tests for me). So that is good news. I brought up my spotting and he said that based on the cd 11 scan he did last month that it would appear I have a hormone imbalance. I asked if I had a progesterone problem and he said most likely I have a problem with estrogen and progesterone in both phases of my cycle. He said very rarely do women have one or the other as they are both dependent upon each other. He indicated that this could indeed be the reason for all of my mid cycle bleeding. I'll get more into the spotting and his recommendations regarding that in a minute.

As for the uterine septum he told me it's about 3/4" and goes about 1/3 of the way down. DH and I decided to go ahead with scheduling the surgery which should be at the end of January. I reluctantly agreed to go on birth control pills for no more than 14 days after he explained how they help to reduce bleeding and the uterine lining so that he can get a much better view of what's going on. I was originally very against this idea but after a bit more reading and talking to the DR I do believe there is a valid reason for doing so. So I get to start those lovely things on cd 1. The procedure will be done at an outpatient surgery center and I will be under general anesthesia. They'll go in through my cervix in a procedure called metroplasty. Should just be normal period cramping for recovery and then after 1 normal period we can start ttc again :)

As for the hormone imbalance he suggested a round of clomid on my first cycle after the surgery. I'm still thinking if I want to do that, but I definitely need to do something about the darn spotting and to make sure I put out nice ripe eggs!

So that's my long story, thanks for taking the time to read. We're still going to try this month and I'll be temping and charting all throughout the next few months. Will be very interesting to see if/how the clomid adjusts my cycle. If any of you lovely ladies have experience with clomid I'd love to hear how it worked (or didn't work) for you. Thanks again!!!!

I forgot to add the best part! I pointed out to the dr that all of my spotting problems started when I switched from a generic prenatal to a fancy one with a separate DHA capsule. I asked if I could get a script to go back on the generics. He said I should pop a Flintstones vitamin instead! I totally thought he was joking but he said that it has everything that is needed (including iron and folic acid) and even the resident sitting with us said that's what she used during her pregnancy!! How funny is that. For those outside the US Flintstones vitamins are chewables that are given to children and are known for tasting really really good, especially the purple Dino dinosaur shaped ones!
Hi Bernina,

Im pleased you now have a plan to hopefully get you well on the way to your BFP and i hope it wont be to longer wait for you, get chewin those purple dinosaurs :D

I havent had a period for a long long time, and even then i was on the implant and bcp's and to be honest i didnt pay much attention to the legnth of my cycle so i have no idea, some of the research i have been doing is that it could just be a long cycle, of the effect of having been on birth control, so i dont really know. Im just gonna keep temping and keep waiting... im back to work tomorrow which should take my mind off things and with any luck i shall know one way or the other in a few weeks if not sooner.
Wishing you a bucket of babydust to save for after the BCP's :) xxx
Hi ladies, I am so confused. Here is my chart.

Last night I had two spots of pinkish brownish blood. I starred at it for a minute, lol. Thought thank god AF is here. Nope... She isnt. I just had two spots.. around 11:30 went to bed and had a backache from hell and my breasts have been hurting so bad for the past few days sometimes I dont want to even touch them. I am on CD 43. Anyone have any thoughts?
Shannon, I would say that the spotting coupled with your temp drop today most likely indicates AF is on her way. Many start with very light spotting for several days before the dark red of AF shows up. I'm one of those people, I spot for about 5 days of very light brown/pink prior to AF. Then when she shows there is no mistake she's arrived. The spotting I experience doesn't even require a panty liner as it mostly comes out when using the bathroom while AF requires a pad and sometimes a tampon too! I'd much rather a BFP and no AF for you, but I'm sure you're more than ready to just get on with your next cycle so I'm hoping she gets here very soon so you can get on with ttc. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Kitty, my guess is that you are right and it's just your body taking some time to regulate after having the implant removed. And again in your case if you can't get a BFP this time I at least hope AF shows up soon so you can get started with a fresh cycle.

Who would have thought there would be times when we couldn't wait for AF to just show up!
You never know Kitty you might have had a late implantation which would explain the dip. the HPT would only pick up a positive a few days after. FX xx
Shannon, I would say that the spotting coupled with your temp drop today most likely indicates AF is on her way. Many start with very light spotting for several days before the dark red of AF shows up. I'm one of those people, I spot for about 5 days of very light brown/pink prior to AF. Then when she shows there is no mistake she's arrived. The spotting I experience doesn't even require a panty liner as it mostly comes out when using the bathroom while AF requires a pad and sometimes a tampon too! I'd much rather a BFP and no AF for you, but I'm sure you're more than ready to just get on with your next cycle so I'm hoping she gets here very soon so you can get on with ttc. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Who would have thought there would be times when we couldn't wait for AF to just show up!

Ugh, I would agree with the spotting, but I never spot at the begining, usually the end. But I sure wish she would show. I have about had it!

ANd I agree I used to hate her showing. Now I am more than ready for her to show.
i think i will give it another week and if no af.. test again. there isnt much else i can do but wait :) thanks for your wisdom ladies, always much appreciated.

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