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just in case I am not.. what kind are they?

These ones hun

They also came in handy after the MMC so I could check when HCG was out of my system. I find them very accurate and highly recommend. Cheaper than a bog standard superdrug/asda own too!!:hugs:
thanks very much. Yes its better to have those to test often FRER is getting expensive... at least hubby thinks so lol
thanks very much. Yes its better to have those to test often FRER is getting expensive... at least hubby thinks so lol

It's nice to confirm on the dearer one though lol. I never toldOH about half the tests I bought lol
Hey ladies,

Well I'm back and really energized!! Had a wonderful time camping though I think I smell like a backpacker and should really go for a shower since i spent all day yesterday bush walking, climbing up rocks and stuff and I haven't gone for a shower since then omg.. My husband I tell you... Pushes me too far sometimes lol joking. Though I'm glad he does because we saw the most beautiful coast line I've seen.

This is one photo I took from my iPhone I haven't gone through the rest. Highlight of our camping trip was saving a Koala that was resting an inch from the road. We have heaps of photos for him so i might up load one because everyone loves koala bears. This thing has massive claws mind you.

Anyway TTC news
Well since camping and waking up at 330am to bush walk for miles and miles i doubt my temps are going to count for past few days.

-TENDER BREASTS OUCH!!! Sleeping on my breasts really hurt they wake me up.
-Really bad heartburn :cry:

HAPPY NEW YEAR LADIES!!! and i hope i get to see lots of :bfp: over the year lots of love to you all. xX

PS sorry i just copied that from my journal I'm sooo tired.. Everyones chart is looking really good.

bernina - I am thrilled to hear that you have a plan now!! Wishing you all the best it sounds like you're in really good hands.

Foxy - Happy new years hun!!!
hi ladies.. i'm reallllyyyy new to charting.. I've only temped for the past two days, and I'm on CD8 now.. my huge question is.. is there any reason my last two temps would be so different?? I got 97.18 and 98.04.. I'm hoping this isn't a bad early sign!!!
hi ladies.. i'm reallllyyyy new to charting.. I've only temped for the past two days, and I'm on CD8 now.. my huge question is.. is there any reason my last two temps would be so different?? I got 97.18 and 98.04.. I'm hoping this isn't a bad early sign!!!

You're only on CD8 - don't worry, your temps can do all sorts in the first part of your cycle, and there are many things which can throw your temp off, especially at this time of year! It's your temps after OV that are important really, and even then you can have a couple off and still be ok, it's the trend that's important. Or at least that's what I am telling myself, I was hopeful when my temp was going up, now it's gone down a bit, but it is still over the cover line so hoping it's ok. Have lots of preg symptoms but I think some are in my head.
Fiona's phantom symptoms: cold type symptoms (had this last month w. chem), feeling nauseous, off wine, feeling emotional, veiny boobs, had weird sexy dream last night :blush: not something I do normally, esp as I have been totally off sex the past couple of weeks, sensitive sense of smell, sore legs, sore back, not sleeping well.

Hope everyone had a nice New Year and here's to lots of 2010 BFPs!!!:happydance:
Hi Hun, it's good that your AF hasn't arrived!! Why not test again tomorrow?

BFN :cry::growlmad:

Aww rubbish hun :hugs: BUT, still no AF so it's still not over yet!!

Thanks for the hugs. Today I am feeling so very very hungry. Tired as can be thinking of napping lol.

You so sound preggers lol. I have had loads of those tummy twinges I got with my first two pregnancies. Am trying not to get excited though but I am lol
Hi Hun, it's good that your AF hasn't arrived!! Why not test again tomorrow?

BFN :cry::growlmad:

Aww rubbish hun :hugs: BUT, still no AF so it's still not over yet!!

Thanks for the hugs. Today I am feeling so very very hungry. Tired as can be thinking of napping lol.

You so sound preggers lol. I have had loads of those tummy twinges I got with my first two pregnancies. Am trying not to get excited though but I am lol

I sure feel it lol. Stupid HPT I dont like em. I just made sugar cookies was so excited to put frosting on them. :nope: gag they taste is different. Steak sauce last night :nope: gag. Argh! Twinges are a good sign:) Where are you in your cycle again? Did you read the link I posted a while ago.
Hi everyone. Any room for a new girl? I'm been on this site a few weeks now. I came off the pill a few weeks ago now but cycle one I didn't understand how it all worked so missed out late due to late af. Cycle two we were unable to try as I was away so really this is my first official month of ttc. I'm currently on cd10. I have started to chart bbt and cm. Although no signs of ovulation just yet. Cycle one was 35 days and cycle two was 31 days after BCP so god knows how long next cycle will be. Have started to BD now just in case and don't think i'll stop til I get AF or BFP.

I don't know about you girlies but this is all very exciting and unnerving!!! :)
Happy New Years Ladies!!! I've missed a few days so I'm going too try to do my best to catch up with everyone. = )

Bernina- so glad to hear that your appiontment went well and your DR has a plan. Lol I love the flinstones vitamins part, one of my coworkers told me she took flinstones vitamins throughout her pregnancy. Her doctor recomended them because her prenatals caused nasuea.

Minimie2009 - I know what you mean about the VIP FF. I upgraded mine when I had 5 days left because I didn't know what I was going to do without all the extras. I got mine for 3 months just to be on the safe side. Hoping will both only the need the 1 month! = )

Shannon - chart stalking is one of the best ways to figure out your cycle and what changes to expect. At least it was for me = ) Now I'm addicted to looking at everybody's chart. Sorry about your bfn but as long as your AF hasn't arrived your still in the game.

Moochacha - your trip looks like it was absolutely beautiful! Your symptoms look great and your temps are high, fx'd for you.

Welcome Aspen & Martha and any other new ladies. You'll love it here. Lot's of great ladies and info.

Sorry if I missed anybody

As for me I'm 5dpo today and my temps are higher this month than they were last month. I'm thinking this might be because of the b-6 I'm taking. Either way I hope it's a good sign. I also O'd later than I thought I would but my opk test line was darker and thicker than the control line. Hoping these are all good signs. I'm going to try to wait to test untill saturday, but I doubt I will. = )

Looking forward to lots of BFP's in 2010!!
Hey all, started charting yesterday at CD9. Purely to satisfy my need to know what is going on after 4 irregular cycles post BCP. I am a number cruncher at heart and already loving looking at the charts!

:dust: Looking forward to seeing lots of BFPs! :dust:
Hey ladies,

Omg i had a dip in temp today and I'm 11 dpo :cry: but now I have slight spotting and I'm all crampy, I slept the whole day away as well. I hope this isn't AF!!!

What do you think it could be? I'm not due to have AF for another 8 days!! :(
Hey all, started charting yesterday at CD9. Purely to satisfy my need to know what is going on after 4 irregular cycles post BCP. I am a number cruncher at heart and already loving looking at the charts!

:dust: Looking forward to seeing lots of BFPs! :dust:

Hey Fairygirl and welcome!!!

We are all chart stalkers at heart!!
Thank you all for the very kind words, made me feel so much better reading them. :hugs: to all!!

Kitty, how long are your average cycles? I have seen charts where AF would start with a high temp but would then drop as expected on cd 2 or cd3, so that is a possibility. But I really hope AF stays away and those temps stay nice and high! I know it's frustrating to be in limbo with no BFP and no AF. Hope you get your answer one way or the other soon (but I know which way I'm hoping for!!)

Fifi, thanks for the tip on the Bean books, adding them to my wishlist now! I bet DH loved getting the Ender book for Christmas.

Ablack, you def could have ovulated on CD 12 or 13, however even though on this chart your temp today looks high, compared to your post ovulation temps last cycle, you're still below your coverline. I know temps can change cycle to cycle of course, but just wanted to try to give you some perspective. If you did ovulate on CD 12 or 13 then you're still in the running, you got some BD'ing in at a good time. I would def keep up with the BD'ing though in case you haven't yet ovulated.

DH and I met with the fertility specialist today. We were told the results of all of our blood tests were normal (genetic testing for both of us, day 3 egg age test for me, and some other autoimmune tests for me). So that is good news. I brought up my spotting and he said that based on the cd 11 scan he did last month that it would appear I have a hormone imbalance. I asked if I had a progesterone problem and he said most likely I have a problem with estrogen and progesterone in both phases of my cycle. He said very rarely do women have one or the other as they are both dependent upon each other. He indicated that this could indeed be the reason for all of my mid cycle bleeding. I'll get more into the spotting and his recommendations regarding that in a minute.

As for the uterine septum he told me it's about 3/4" and goes about 1/3 of the way down. DH and I decided to go ahead with scheduling the surgery which should be at the end of January. I reluctantly agreed to go on birth control pills for no more than 14 days after he explained how they help to reduce bleeding and the uterine lining so that he can get a much better view of what's going on. I was originally very against this idea but after a bit more reading and talking to the DR I do believe there is a valid reason for doing so. So I get to start those lovely things on cd 1. The procedure will be done at an outpatient surgery center and I will be under general anesthesia. They'll go in through my cervix in a procedure called metroplasty. Should just be normal period cramping for recovery and then after 1 normal period we can start ttc again :)

As for the hormone imbalance he suggested a round of clomid on my first cycle after the surgery. I'm still thinking if I want to do that, but I definitely need to do something about the darn spotting and to make sure I put out nice ripe eggs!

So that's my long story, thanks for taking the time to read. We're still going to try this month and I'll be temping and charting all throughout the next few months. Will be very interesting to see if/how the clomid adjusts my cycle. If any of you lovely ladies have experience with clomid I'd love to hear how it worked (or didn't work) for you. Thanks again!!!!

I forgot to add the best part! I pointed out to the dr that all of my spotting problems started when I switched from a generic prenatal to a fancy one with a separate DHA capsule. I asked if I could get a script to go back on the generics. He said I should pop a Flintstones vitamin instead! I totally thought he was joking but he said that it has everything that is needed (including iron and folic acid) and even the resident sitting with us said that's what she used during her pregnancy!! How funny is that. For those outside the US Flintstones vitamins are chewables that are given to children and are known for tasting really really good, especially the purple Dino dinosaur shaped ones!

Hi Bernina, just reading your story....It is a different story but thought it might give you hope....
I have PCOS therefore a hormone imbalance and in November I had surgery on my ovaries (to try and regulate my hormones). For 7 yrs I suffered with irregular cycles and over the summer I had my AF for 3 1/2 months non-stop. That is why we were TTC for over 18 months. After surgery I was put on Provera for a week to induce a 'normal' AF and then started on round 1 of clomid (50mg) from CD2-6.
After waiting so long, I actually ovulated that month and got my BFP on Xmas Eve. I never thought it would happen.

So, surgery and clomid worked for me and I hope you have a very similar story soon.

FX'd for you. xx

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