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Thanks for the support ladies.

Sorry about your BFNs Nicole and Sahrene.

I heard back from the clinic. They said I can have a scan, but wanted to warn me that it'll really only show if I have cysts on my ovaries! So, they recommended that before I cough up my hard earned cash, I see a new - hopefully more helpful GP and get some advice and request some more tests. They said I can of course have the scan if I choose to.

So, plan of action: register with new GP and get an appointment.

I've managed to get tickets for Colin Fry - Psychic Medium tonight. I'm so excited. I've always wanted to see him live. I took some time off work this afternoon, as I'm feeling pretty low right now and I've completely lost my appetite so feel pants! Not eaten properly since sat morning! Very unlike me.

I'm hoping a night out with OH will perk me up a bit. If only I can get rid of my bloody period pains and back ache :haha:
bernina - thanks for the info. I will definitley look into the tcm. I don't think I can face the needles though! :haha:

I hope your scan goes well today :)
Sweetmama, sounds like a great deal on the camera!! Have fun with it and your fan page has some really nice pics, great job! Looks like we've got lots of camera buffs on here. Here's one of my fav photos from our trip to Scotland last summer:

That's a great image Bernina, Feel free to become a fan on my page, I'll be putting more pics up as I learn more and take more great shots of things. And thank you, I try to take good pics, but sometimes I feel like I fail.

Thanks for the support ladies.

Sorry about your BFNs Nicole and Sahrene.

I heard back from the clinic. They said I can have a scan, but wanted to warn me that it'll really only show if I have cysts on my ovaries! So, they recommended that before I cough up my hard earned cash, I see a new - hopefully more helpful GP and get some advice and request some more tests. They said I can of course have the scan if I choose to.

So, plan of action: register with new GP and get an appointment.

I've managed to get tickets for Colin Fry - Psychic Medium tonight. I'm so excited. I've always wanted to see him live. I took some time off work this afternoon, as I'm feeling pretty low right now and I've completely lost my appetite so feel pants! Not eaten properly since sat morning! Very unlike me.

I'm hoping a night out with OH will perk me up a bit. If only I can get rid of my bloody period pains and back ache :haha:

I hope that you have a better night tonight, enjoy the show.

As for me I'm sure I ov'd last night because I was so friggen horney I jumped my DF twice at 1:00 am
Tessa - I think you are well covered on the bd front. I think another day's temp will make things clearer for you. I think your CM is throwing FF off slightly, that's all. :D

Yep! You were right! Today's temp changed my Ov to cd15
and gave me solid crosshairs! Thanks for the help!!! :flower:

I'm glad to hear they were honest and upfront with you about the scan.
Really hope you are able to find a good GP that can help you find some answers. :hugs:

Have fun at Colin Fry & let us know how it goes!
Have fun at the show Foxy, hope you're feeling better, cd 1 is always the hardest for me. Only uphill from here though!! Oh and the needles really aren't so bad, not at all what you'd expect. They're not exactly pleasant going in but are nothing like a shot or blood draw, just a tiny electric type feeling, almost like plucking a hair from your arm.

Sweetmama, next time I log on to FB I'll fan your page fore sure!

Tessa, glad you got yourself some solid crosshairs!

A little over an hour until my ultrasound appt. I'm nervous and just also want to get it over with and see what's going on in there! Will be first u/s since the surgery so also curious to see if things healed the way they should.
Show was brilliant! Well worth the money. Perked me up a lot and took my mind off TTC for a few hours :haha:

Going to try and relax in the run up to ov. Only another 16 days or so lol

bernina - hope all's ok after your scan x
Glad you had a great time Foxy, you very much deserved it!!

Ultrasound went well. Lining is nice and thick at 12mm, I guess 8 is considered good so I think my acupuncture is doing it's thing and the Clomid doesn't seem to have hurt things in that department.

Took them a while to find my follicles but eventually located the dominant one on the left side. Looks like it's around 18mm (I forget exact size) and he said it's looking good. They continue to grow about 2mm/day so I should ovulate in the next 2-3 days if all goes well.

No guarantees of course but at least I know we have a real shot this month. Told me to keep up the Clomid for another 4 cycles (if needed) and then to come back if not preg by that time. Also when I do get my BFP will go back and determine if progesterone or other support is needed to maintain pregnancy. Was very pleased that he brought that up on his own as I was wondering if I should go on it as a preventative measure due to previous losses.

So now DH and I need to get down to some baby making sessions over the next few days!!
Hi Bernina.. I know you posted a huge post to me last week, but I was moving and packing.. Let me see if I can find it and I will respond...
*Shannon*, did you and DH have a nice honeymoon in New York? How long did you try acupuncture? I've been doing acu and traditional Chinese herbs since mid January and really feel it's helped my body to get back to normal. My mid cycle spotting (pre and post ov) has stopped, creamy cm has returned and I just feel better in general. I know what acupuncturist you go to can make all the difference, I was lucky to find one that specializes in fertility problems so feel that they have the experience needed to help sort me out. With your cycles being so long I really wish you could find a doctor who would do a pregnancy blood test, then prescribe you Provera to bring on a period and possibly Clomid to induce ovulation. Many women are going this route (Fitzy on the TCM thread for one) and at the very least it gives you more of a chance to conceive since your cycles will be shorter. I know you have been through so much and it really sounds like you've called around and tried to get some help, but I would keep trying to find a specialist who will really work with you. I didn't receive the specialized attention I needed until we went to an actual fertility specialist. I thought I would need referrals and it would cost so much money, but even if I didn't have insurance the dr visits and ultrasounds really didn't add up to too much.

We did have a nice honeymoon in NYC. I did it acu for 4 weeks. The acu never gave me herbs and the last 2 sessions she seemed rushed and all over the place. I am trying to find doc to help but they all get me in there and then they say they cant help or I am to complicated. ALl my visits are out of pocket so I am so tired of wasting money. I tried chaste tree berry it gave me severe cramps. Ugh each midwife visit is $400.00 .. I dont want to waste money. LAst time they told me to try for 2 more months and come back! How can you try when you dont ov. My acu is for fertility...which makes me nervous. I dont know if we are gonna bother with a fertility specialist. I am just at a loss and giving up hope day by day.

How are things with you?
Glad you had a nice honeymoon in NYC, what a fun city. DH and I are headed to Chicago next week and I'm really looking forward to the break. We'll both be working during the days but I work from the hotel and he usually gets out pretty early so plenty of time to walk around and enjoy the sights (and the food!)

I'm so sorry you had a poor experience with acupuncture, I've had doctors like that before. Very frustrating to spend hard earned money on someone who doesn't seem to give you the time of day.

Have you checked out the book The Infertility Cure by Dr. Randine Lewis? Some of the ladies on the Acupuncture/TCM thread recommended it so I checked it out of the library and sure learned a lot. She's a western trained doctor who studied in China and is a big proponent of combining eastern and western medicines. It has a checklist you fill out based on your common period signs and just general overall health (cold hands/feet, low sex drive, do you sleep hot or cold, etc) and based on your answers she helps to narrow down what you may be deficient in and recommends herbs you can buy online or even at health food stores that could help balance things out. Also gives you some pressure points to massage to stimulate different areas depending on where you're at in your cycle. Since you haven't had luck with the acupuncturist maybe doing some of the things in the book could help you out for a much lower cost.

How long were your cycles prior to the miscarriage in January? Were they normally this long? We know you can get pregnant (that's half the battle at least) so I'm wondering if this is just an anovulatory cycle as your body adjusts after the loss. Hormones can do crazy things to our body that's for sure.

I'm really sorry that you're going through this and no doctors are offering to help you find answers. You have every right to be feeling blue and I really wish there was some way to kick those ovaries into high gear. I think you're doing the right thing by keeping up your charting, it may not seem like it right now, but it will be worth it.

:hugs: and know that I'm thinking of you and keeping you in my thoughts. :flower:
Glad you had a nice honeymoon in NYC, what a fun city. DH and I are headed to Chicago next week and I'm really looking forward to the break. We'll both be working during the days but I work from the hotel and he usually gets out pretty early so plenty of time to walk around and enjoy the sights (and the food!)

I'm so sorry you had a poor experience with acupuncture, I've had doctors like that before. Very frustrating to spend hard earned money on someone who doesn't seem to give you the time of day.

Have you checked out the book The Infertility Cure by Dr. Randine Lewis? Some of the ladies on the Acupuncture/TCM thread recommended it so I checked it out of the library and sure learned a lot. She's a western trained doctor who studied in China and is a big proponent of combining eastern and western medicines. It has a checklist you fill out based on your common period signs and just general overall health (cold hands/feet, low sex drive, do you sleep hot or cold, etc) and based on your answers she helps to narrow down what you may be deficient in and recommends herbs you can buy online or even at health food stores that could help balance things out. Also gives you some pressure points to massage to stimulate different areas depending on where you're at in your cycle. Since you haven't had luck with the acupuncturist maybe doing some of the things in the book could help you out for a much lower cost.

How long were your cycles prior to the miscarriage in January? Were they normally this long? We know you can get pregnant (that's half the battle at least) so I'm wondering if this is just an anovulatory cycle as your body adjusts after the loss. Hormones can do crazy things to our body that's for sure.

I'm really sorry that you're going through this and no doctors are offering to help you find answers. You have every right to be feeling blue and I really wish there was some way to kick those ovaries into high gear. I think you're doing the right thing by keeping up your charting, it may not seem like it right now, but it will be worth it.

:hugs: and know that I'm thinking of you and keeping you in my thoughts. :flower:

Wow Just read up on the book. I am going to go tomorrow and buy it. I think the CBFM is a waste of money for me. DH and I bd enough so that is not the issue. It is hormones and its my body. I always have had irregular cycles.. but ttc didnt start out well. I was raped a month after starting and took plan b. Then my cycle was 3 weeks later and then I got pregnant and had the loss on that 64 day cycle and now this cycle is longer.. Had irregular cycles most of my life, but for 2 years with a non hormone iud I had my af the 21st of every month. So I will run to get the book tomorrow and hope that it helps!

Charting is an annoyance to me at the moment. I feel lately like throwing my thermometer.. its crazy. If I go by the cm.. I will have been fertile all month.
I hope you have a great time in Chicago.. A break is always nice from the normal everyday! I could use another break myself.

thank you bernina :hugs: Glad the u/s went well today:happydance:
Bernina - I'm glad to hear that your scan went well, and Shannon don't give up hope, I've been reading in my book and there are A LOT of things I didn't know could cause fertility issues that do so maybe try looking into some of that, I don't know them all off hand so I'll have to get back to you on that one, I know for sure one is Thyroid issues though.
Thyroid has been checked in Jan.. all bloods, adrenals, etc. All normal ..

I am trying not to. I thought for sure that a doctor would assist me. I have seen 5 people in the past 2 months.. 3 in the past 3 weeks.
Thyroid has been checked in Jan.. all bloods, adrenals, etc. All normal ..

I am trying not to. I thought for sure that a doctor would assist me. I have seen 5 people in the past 2 months.. 3 in the past 3 weeks.

Sorry I forgot to mention my book is called getting pregnant I forget who its by though, I'll have to get back to you on thursday after I'm unpacked and have internet again.
Thyroid has been checked in Jan.. all bloods, adrenals, etc. All normal ..

I am trying not to. I thought for sure that a doctor would assist me. I have seen 5 people in the past 2 months.. 3 in the past 3 weeks.

Sorry I forgot to mention my book is called getting pregnant I forget who its by though, I'll have to get back to you on thursday after I'm unpacked and have internet again.

Okay:) I understand I am packing myself. I just moved yesterday:sleep:
Isn't that gettng pregnant book by Zita West? I only ask as I was thinking of buying it myself.
Glad you had a great time Foxy, you very much deserved it!!

Ultrasound went well. Lining is nice and thick at 12mm, I guess 8 is considered good so I think my acupuncture is doing it's thing and the Clomid doesn't seem to have hurt things in that department.

Took them a while to find my follicles but eventually located the dominant one on the left side. Looks like it's around 18mm (I forget exact size) and he said it's looking good. They continue to grow about 2mm/day so I should ovulate in the next 2-3 days if all goes well.

No guarantees of course but at least I know we have a real shot this month. Told me to keep up the Clomid for another 4 cycles (if needed) and then to come back if not preg by that time. Also when I do get my BFP will go back and determine if progesterone or other support is needed to maintain pregnancy. Was very pleased that he brought that up on his own as I was wondering if I should go on it as a preventative measure due to previous losses.

So now DH and I need to get down to some baby making sessions over the next few days!!

That's brilliant, glad it went well. Sounds like you've got a good doctor there! Fingers crossed for BFP v soon!

Shannon I am so sorry your cycle is still a mess. I really don't know what to suggest. I would hope a fertility specialist could help but understand that it's exhausting going from one doc to another. How did the move go? We're trying to sell our flat and move to a house but I've been here 12 years so dreading the actual packing and moving!!!
Sweetmama don't think we've chatted yet but I hope your move goes well!

Another book suggestion is The Fertility Plan (Sami David and Jill Blakeway), another one combining western medicine and holistic therapies.
My acu suggested it and I read it compulsively! Also read The Fertility Diet (Sarah Dobbyn) was a bit too restrictive for my liking, a bit too OTT. Not read the Zita West one Shazza talks about, need to see if they have it in the library (one good thing about living in the capital of Scotland, we have a great selection of books in the libraries! Not looking forward to discovering what the libraries are like where we plan to move to)
Off to drop off DH's second sample for SA, they open for one hour only!
I have had a quick look at that book and think I am going to buy it, I had a flick through some of the pages and a quote caught my eye,

'Oh, what power is motherhood, possessing a potent spell. All women alike fight fiercely for a child'​
Oh how true!

Im glad that the u/s went well and I am really pleased that they are taking good care of you, it seems that your in good hands, I hope that I get the same response when I visit the docs after this cycle - (ever the pessimist!)
Bernina!! FX and have some fun tying to make that sticky bean!!!

Shannon- I am so sorry but dont give up! Keep digging for that piece of truth that will make your dream come true..

My temp is dropping so I expect the witch shall fly in tomorrow.. :( At least I will have one night in Vegas without her..:)

We leave this afternoon!! So I will be gone a few days during the uneventful part of my cycle anyways....

Sahrene my temp is dropping and I'm waiting for her to..if one temp I adjusted is right she'll be here tomorrow if not then she'll be here sometime today.

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