Glad you're not too badly affected with pregnancy sickness yet! My SIL is having a nightmare with it just now (she's about 10 wks I think).
I have tested with ICs twice now, on Hogmanay and yesterday but BFNs, I'm thinking about going to get Superdrug ones today. But compared this month and last month and temp is similar, just hoping it doesn't drop tomorrow which is what it did last month. Need to stop obsessing!!!
Good luck for your test hun!!
I did another one this morning an BFN. I am 9 dpo and know this is early but it's the ic's tests and are 10miu so quite accurate.
Bit rubbish really
Tested today with 10miu IC BFN again, not FMU though. Feeling really lousy/miserable today, like depressive miserable, part of me hopes this is a preg symptom as I suffered from depression on the Pill but more and more I am thinking AF will arrive any day now. Wish I knew why I was feeling so down. I've been in pain for over a year now and it is really limiting my life and we had a friend to stay yesterday and she is so lively and full of life I think it just made me realise how crap I am at the minute. Sorry to be so down. DH tries but he doesn't get that I am not upset with him, but with myself. Argh. A BFP would really make my day!
Hun I feel the same today and I too did a 10miu test and am convinced my AF will come now
Have you been off work? I have and I have spent so much time reading stuff on here and I think I have been a bit obsessed the past couple of weeks. At least when working you have something to take your mindoff it for a bit at least
Your chart looks good (from what I have learnt lol) so heres hoping for both of us
I guessed at my ov date. and I went back and ajusted my temp for cd8. I took it way late and was sweating when I woke up. what do you girls think?
Glad you're not too badly affected with pregnancy sickness yet! My SIL is having a nightmare with it just now (she's about 10 wks I think).
I have tested with ICs twice now, on Hogmanay and yesterday but BFNs, I'm thinking about going to get Superdrug ones today. But compared this month and last month and temp is similar, just hoping it doesn't drop tomorrow which is what it did last month. Need to stop obsessing!!!
Good luck for your test hun!!
I did another one this morning an BFN. I am 9 dpo and know this is early but it's the ic's tests and are 10miu so quite accurate.
Bit rubbish really
i only got my BFP 14 days past Ov. At 12 days past it was a BFN... so you are still in the running.
FX'd for you sweet. xx
moochacha, what caused the low temp on 5dpo? Liking your temps abouve the coverline.
I like the implantation theory moochacha! Sorry for your loses. Keep positive
oops forgot to post my chart!! and trying to figure it out. will post asap! x
Martha the link you have posted is taking me to my own chart, the link you want to use is at the top of "Home Page Setup" page, hope that makes sense.oops forgot to post my chart!! and trying to figure it out. will post asap! x
Minime your temp is back up again, if you are pregnant it can go triphasic (have another jump) if not then your temp will drop for AF, mine last month started dropping then bleeding started but that was chemical pregnancy so not sure what it would do on a normal cycle. I also tested again with FMU and an IC but the line I kind of saw was imaginary I think, although I saw the same yesterday but convinced myself I was seeing things, like only there if you look at a certain angle, I really think I was just seeing what I wanted to see. Thinking about buying a CB Digital!