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Hi Bernina, just reading your story....It is a different story but thought it might give you hope....
I have PCOS therefore a hormone imbalance and in November I had surgery on my ovaries (to try and regulate my hormones). For 7 yrs I suffered with irregular cycles and over the summer I had my AF for 3 1/2 months non-stop. That is why we were TTC for over 18 months. After surgery I was put on Provera for a week to induce a 'normal' AF and then started on round 1 of clomid (50mg) from CD2-6.
After waiting so long, I actually ovulated that month and got my BFP on Xmas Eve. I never thought it would happen.

So, surgery and clomid worked for me and I hope you have a very similar story soon.

FX'd for you. xx

What a beautiful ending and on xmas eve no less!!! Congrats that's wonderful. Sending you lots of sticky vibes :dust:
Wow Teeny Weeny that is a lovely story! Congratulations.

moochacha.. Hopefully it's not your AF. You can still spot when pregnant and you also get cramps so it really isn't over until the fat witch sings. I will keep everything crossed that your temp goes up tomorrow and that you get a BFP soon. x
Yay temp went back up again today! And if my cycle was sticking to it's normal length AF would be arriving today but don't think she is. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed!!!

Teeny Weeny - that's lovely, wish you all the best for the next 9 months!
Fairygirl and Martha - hello!
Moochacha - spotting can be a good sign. It's not over until the witch flies in!
Fish and Chips - how's it going? Got many pregnancy side effects yet?

Hugs to all x
Ooh Fifi I have everything crossed for you!!! Are you going to test?

I'm good thanks. Occasionally feeling nauseous and have sore BBs but other than that not much to report! Thanks for asking! xx
Glad you're not too badly affected with pregnancy sickness yet! My SIL is having a nightmare with it just now (she's about 10 wks I think).
I have tested with ICs twice now, on Hogmanay and yesterday but BFNs, I'm thinking about going to get Superdrug ones today. But compared this month and last month and temp is similar, just hoping it doesn't drop tomorrow which is what it did last month. Need to stop obsessing!!!
Glad you're not too badly affected with pregnancy sickness yet! My SIL is having a nightmare with it just now (she's about 10 wks I think).
I have tested with ICs twice now, on Hogmanay and yesterday but BFNs, I'm thinking about going to get Superdrug ones today. But compared this month and last month and temp is similar, just hoping it doesn't drop tomorrow which is what it did last month. Need to stop obsessing!!!

Good luck for your test hun!!

I did another one this morning an BFN. I am 9 dpo and know this is early but it's the ic's tests and are 10miu so quite accurate.

Bit rubbish really :-(
Ooh Fifi I have everything crossed for you!!! Are you going to test?

I'm good thanks. Occasionally feeling nauseous and have sore BBs but other than that not much to report! Thanks for asking! xx

Oooh, sore boobs and nauseous sounds good!! When will you test?
minime2009 don't forget that I got a negative on 10 and 11dpo. x
Hi girls! Im back from a week's break- I had no chance to chart as we were travelling around so much and the kids routines were wrecked but hoping to get a temp in tomorrow! Not sure if I've ov'd or not as getting ewcm but opks are not really dark enough and the last 2 months I've had random ewcm a week-ish before ov so who knows! I now have a lovely stash of opks and hpts from the UK so I'm raring to go! :yipee:
I guessed at my ov date. and I went back and ajusted my temp for cd8. I took it way late and was sweating when I woke up. what do you girls think?
Tested today with 10miu IC BFN again, not FMU though. Feeling really lousy/miserable today, like depressive miserable, part of me hopes this is a preg symptom as I suffered from depression on the Pill but more and more I am thinking AF will arrive any day now. Wish I knew why I was feeling so down. I've been in pain for over a year now and it is really limiting my life and we had a friend to stay yesterday and she is so lively and full of life I think it just made me realise how crap I am at the minute. Sorry to be so down. DH tries but he doesn't get that I am not upset with him, but with myself. Argh. A BFP would really make my day!
Hon dont get down. Its prob still to early. I am on CD 47 no AF BFN yesterday. I think HPTs are screwy. I am convinced I am preggo. I am not spending anymore money on HPT. I am gonna get a blood one done.
Tested today with 10miu IC BFN again, not FMU though. Feeling really lousy/miserable today, like depressive miserable, part of me hopes this is a preg symptom as I suffered from depression on the Pill but more and more I am thinking AF will arrive any day now. Wish I knew why I was feeling so down. I've been in pain for over a year now and it is really limiting my life and we had a friend to stay yesterday and she is so lively and full of life I think it just made me realise how crap I am at the minute. Sorry to be so down. DH tries but he doesn't get that I am not upset with him, but with myself. Argh. A BFP would really make my day!

:hugs: Hun I feel the same today and I too did a 10miu test and am convinced my AF will come now :-(

Have you been off work? I have and I have spent so much time reading stuff on here and I think I have been a bit obsessed the past couple of weeks. At least when working you have something to take your mindoff it for a bit at least :):hugs:

Your chart looks good (from what I have learnt lol) so heres hoping for both of us :)
ablacketer, minime2009 and fifi-folle all of your charts look good with the high temps :p

I have 2 dots now. But may have caught the flu so hoping thar doesn't ruin my chart.
Good morning/evening ladies,

Omg Yay my temp went up again this morning, nice and high. I should explain this spotting.

TMI warning:

Brownish tinged pinkish spotting very slight one wipe and it was gone.

I've never experienced anything like it before AF isn't due for another 7 days so I think I'm still in. :happydance:

I have my fingers crossed for everyone.

Welcome Back magicvw!!!

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