Hi everyone and Happy New Year!!! DH and I took an impromtu trip up to Northern Michigan this past weekend so I'm very behind on this thread. We had a great time snowshoeing and just enjoying the scenery. Michigan is surrounded by lakes that are the size of small seas so the views were amazing although the temps were quite chilly dropping to below 0 F! I hope everyone had a very happy and safe New Year.
Thank you all for the kind words and well wishes about our fertility visit and our plan, so nice to have so much support!!
Fifi and Minime, I see both of your temps are still up and things are looking good. Don't let the early negatives get you down, you're not out until AF shows her face. Fifi, I'm sorry that you've been feeling down, ttc is such an emotional time and then you add to that the pain you've been in, I know it can't be easy. Sending you
and hoping tomorrow is a better day for you!
Fish, how are things with you, how are you feeling? Any upcoming doctors appointments or ultrasounds? Continued sticky glue to you!!!
Moochacha, that photo of the coast is amazing, where exactly is that at? It's a dream of mine to go backpacking along the Australian coast!!! Your chart and temps are looking really good, are you going to wait until 18 dpo to test? The spotting may be a great sign given you were 7 days away from ovulation at the time! So sorry for all you've been through and I really admire your positive attitude and hope I can learn from that!
Aspen, Martha, and Fairygirl welcome!!! If you haven't already don't forget to post a link to your chart in your signature so we can stalk it for you!
Nadira, your temps are looking really good, can't wait to see what the next several days have in store for you!
Teeny Weeny, thank you so much for sharing your story, that gives me so much hope. It looks like I'm getting ready to ovulate this cycle but I'm having mixed feelings about doing the BD in case I do get a BFP and it ends due to the septum. I guess I'll just let what happens happen, and chances are with all the spotting I've had I'm not really putting out a good egg and my lining is probably too thin to let anything implant. So I guess a little practice can't hurt
Continued sticky glue to you!!!! How have you been feeling? When do you get your first ultrasound?
Welcome back Magic, hope you had a great trip!
Shambaby, glad to hear you got your chart straigtened out and thank you very much for the tip on the vitamin A, I'll def make sure I look at the label before choosing my next vit.
Welcome Marissa, your chart is looking really good. Don't get discouraged by negative tests, some of our very own on this thread didn't get positives until 12 dpo!