New to this and very nervous... (long)

(have a tendency to over-think and over-analyse absolutely everything and then have a full scale panic attack about how I can't possibly be expected to handle doing said thing)

I know exactly where your coming from with that one.

Its just a pain now as i am due to go back to college in sept to finish off my beauty therapists NVQ and am ready to start trying now, but know i cant if i wanna get my qualification.
Just see all my friends settling into family life and feel it is all passing me by a little bit.
Wanna grab the bull by the horns and go for it, rather nervous bout the m/s side of things though because i too have emet. Boooooo.

Where theres a will theres a way though ey????
You are one step ahead of where I was, at least you are wanting a baby. When I fell pregnant by accident I cried for 3 weeks because I wasn't ready.

Now that I have my little boy I don't regret a thing. I won't deny that I miss my old life, but I am thoroughly enjoying my new life. Throughout the pregnancy I didn't feel maternal, didn't enjoying having a baby kicking my insides and was completely petrified that I wouldn't love my own baby, but the moment he was born and they gave him to me I knew that everything would be ok. Its the most amazing feeling.

I'm going back to work full time on the first of September and I'm dreading it because I don't want to be away from my little boy for that long. I'm already trying to work out a way to only work half days, bugger the career.

Sounds like you've really been through the mill !
I'm glad those maternal hormones kicked in for you.
Whats it been like going back to work?


How're you feeling now Saara24?
My OH has opened up to the idea of us having a family but wants to wait 'till we've finished our 3rd year in business.
That's 16 months away - before we even start to try - and I'll be 32 !
I'm not pleased with it but I suppose its sensible.

Have you started trying for a baby yet - given time to think about it - is it becoming a reality or is it still scary?
I've been thinking about what you said - imagining yourself with a baby - doing the everyday stuff - and I can't really see it. I can imagine snap-shots but not 24-7....

Anyway - I hope its all going well - good luck!
That's 16 months away - before we even start to try - and I'll be 32 !
I'm not pleased with it but I suppose its sensible.


Hi there! sorry to be butting in when I don't know you LOL! but these sentences struck a chord with me. OK it's sensible to wait for business and financial reasons, but unfortunately our bodies don't wait for us. I'm 35 and had my little girl at 32. We have been ttc no.2 almost ever since, and i can tell you that ttc IS so much harder in your thirties. I don't feel like I'm 35, I don't look 35, but there is no deceiving ones body. My SIL was the same - she left it till 33 and discovered she was unable to have children. (They ended up adopting, so there was a happy ending, but that's not my point LOL!)

What I'm trying to say (incoherently it seems!) is please don't wait. It could easily take you a year to conceive your first, and it will be only more difficult for subsequent children. I think we as women these days feel we need to achieve EVERYTHING and we put child bearing in the list along with everything else, but what we don't realise, until it's too late, is that our bodies are much much much more fertile when we are in our late teens and early twenties.

Sorry and hope I haven't stepped over the mark. :hugs::hugs:
We're going for it :) (see ticker)

App booked for coil removal and everything. The lady seemed a bit bemused that I was booking it so early LOL - booked about three weeks ago for the 15th of October. She offered me last Thursday but that was a bit too scary.

Still can't imagine the whole baby thing - but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it when it's happening. My sis-in-law started training today to help me with work so we've got lots of plans for how to organise stock and how she'll be able to take over most of the work and stuff, so initially I'll be able to concentrate on just developing and improving our website, and then eventually I'll have the time to just lie in bed if I need to cos I'll hopefully be preggers!

I keep talking about it to OH but he doesn't seem very enthusiastic to talk about it LOL - we were at a trade show last weekend and I was saying things like 'when we come back here next February we might have an extra passenger on board!' - his response - 'oh, do you think we'll need to come back in February?' :lol:

It still doesn't seem real at all, but I turned 24 last week (my ID was a bit premature lol) and don't want to leave it. Business isn't going to change much, we're in our 5th year now and yes, it changes over the years but it always adapts to whatever is going on - I started when I was in uni and have since graduated and done other things, OH has worked while we had the business etc - you work around whatever else you need to do. We kept saying we'll wait until we're making more money or whatever, but tbh I'm not sure that'll happen until I stop buying stock!! (just keep seeing sparkly piercing bits we just NEED to stock!) So having me out of the picture will probably increase our profitability no end :D One thing I am glad we waited for was to buy our house and get settled into that - our previous flat wouldn't have been big enough.

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