I am 4 DPO as of today. I am symptom spotting already! So last month when I got PG my pee smelled really bad which I have heard can happen. So I have not had it since the M/C, but now again this morning I had it happen to me again. UGH!!! I wish it was next weekend so I would know for sure. I also looked at my boobs and they look veiny too like when I was PG.
Sounds promising! Good luck!
The other day I was convincing myself that my boobs were bigger but if I need to convince myself they probably aren't. When I was pg my boobs' growth was fairly obvious. When I finally commented on them my DH said (in an appreciative tone)that he had noticed. lol
I'm starting to wish I tracked my cycles. It's annoying to not know when I ovulated. Before I fell pg I would get obvious ovulation symptoms so I didn't really need to--though when I finally did get pregnant I conceived two weeks after having the symptoms so I guess they didn't help me in the end. hee hee This is my first normal cycle since the miscarriage so I'm still learning what my new normal is. I'm just thrown off by the fact I had spotting last Wednesday. Was that ovulation spotting or what it implantation bleed (but I should be having symptoms by now if that were the case) or was it simply my body still fixing itself? I'm guessing it's the last one as it makes the most sense to me.
I'm just tired of wearing pads and liners all the time "just in case" AF decides to show unexpectedly. I'll probably test again this weekend if she doesn't come by then.
Im new here. I m/c this year and had a procedure done 2 months ago 1st af back aug 21 yippy. 1st ovulation sept 6. but progesterone only 8.0 on 7dpo.but maybe next month will be a stick bean.
Hey can I join you guys? I got my last BFP using soft cups and pre-seed so we'll definitely be using them again. I really hope to have a sticky bean by xmas!
Hi Starry, boob growth sounds promising to me!! Always amazes me how we notice these really little differences in our lovely female bods bet ya the guys woulnd't. When are you expecting AF?
Hey can I join you guys? I got my last BFP using soft cups and pre-seed so we'll definitely be using them again. I really hope to have a sticky bean by xmas!
Welcome positive, sorry for your lossand welcome aboard, where are you in your cycle x
Ok Guys here is the news
my progesterone was checked by the doc 7dpo and it was only 8. I am reading it should be more. anyways my temp droped Wed and today but my cervix is high. ff is saying i have a good chance of bpf but not so sure. any suggestions? I have backache but that is about it.
im out for a while again, i had to have biopsy on my cervix today and that means i cant dtd for 4 weeks, cd 13 today so if i dont ov in the next 2 days im completely out this month, very irregular ov anyway so i dont think i will
will be keeping my eye on you all though until i can join again xx
Ah thats poo huni but i second we can still all get a BFP for xmas of course we can , can i ask what biopsy was for? was it abnormal smear test? x