Newbie, looking for buddies, me-ntnp#1!

Haha, Elberry, I'm only patient because the test hasn't been delivered yet and I'm too tight to go out and buy another one. I deliberately got one off amazon to stop me from testing early. Even Sunday might be a tad early too test considering I don't know for sure how long my cycle will/would be...

Right, everyone, must calm down! One step at a time (says she who was looking at cloth nappy options today...)

Hehe, you remind me of my husband :) I was sneaky and bought loads of ebay the other week really cheap-figured we might need them :)

I'm not sure how it works, but surely if you are pregnant enough to have symptoms then you are pregnant enough for it to show on a test?
Ahhhhh so excited for you :) I will be straight on this page on sunday after work :) :)
Fingers crossed! Symptoms keep appearing, crampy today, boobs still sore (particularly the left one), bit of a backache (but that could just be old age and cooler temperatures outside ;) ) and a tad short-tempered. Plus I could constantly eat at the moment, always feeling peckish/craving food.

I really have managed to convince myself now... I'll be so deflated on Sunday if it says "Not pregnant"... Oh well, best prepare myself for it and stay positive and ready to try again next month! :)

Sorry this has turned into "Ylanda's symptom spotting extravaganza" - what about you ladies?!?! When are you due to test???
Dont be sorry- where else can you discuss it all? And if the rest of them are like me we're all super excited for you!! :) :)

Hopefully you wont have to deal with the disappointment, but you're right, with my first cycle (that we had no idea about and just guessed our way through) I was really disappointed, but it wasn't too bad for me as I had all the symptoms of coming on so I was prepared! But it did just gee me up a bit to try harder next time :) (this month)

How old are you by the way? (you mention old age-but I'm not believing you :) )

I'm not actually sure when I'm due to test as have no idea when af is due! I always thought I came on around the 21st.
Last one was the 27/8 and I had a positive ov test last night so guessing that I am ov today/tomorrow-putting the dates into the little phone app that I have and playing around it would appear I have a 35 day cycle and due again on the 1st oct, but that doesnt seem right to me, we shall see!!
When do people tend to test? Is it before af is due or on the day? Either way I have agggggeeess to go :( :(
Awwww, thanks you guys, it really helps to chat about everything on here. :hugs: My other half just gets too excited - he has decided that we are pregnant and won't hear anything else now. He'll be more disappointed than me if it doesn't work out, I think! ;)

It would just be the most amazing thing ever if I got a positive on Sunday! I remember my gyno telling me ages ago that my ovaries are very productive and that she predicts I will be very fertile. But that was ages ago and I took the pill for another couple of years after that so who knows. But I'm definitely clutching onto that straw! ;)

The thing that makes me doubt/question my symptoms is that this is my first cycle of trying and like Elberry I have no idea what I'm doing in terms of ovulation/fertile days/timing etc. I kinda guessed around a bit with the phone app's default settings and when I saw loads of mucus one day I thought that's I have ovulated and we had sex the next few days. So who knows!

I'm 26 - today that feels like old age! ;)

I'm wondering if I should wait until Monday. Based on my guesstimation (similar to your again Elberry) period SHOULD come on Sunday (that's 28 days) but my last cycle was 32 so it could be as late as next Thu that I'm due. But the digital test says it's sensitive enough to detect up to four days before you're due so maybe it'll be ok. What do you think? Wait an extra day?

Elberry, just enjoy trying this month seeing as you've just ovulated. And once it's that time again we'll help you through the wait!
I know I don't post much but it's so nice to go through and read that you girls are going through and feeling the same ways I am!

Ylanda, like you I'm nervous about disappointment and my husband is convinced as well lol.

Ellberry my cycles have been way off too...I've been playing a guessing game.

My name is Leanne by the way. Princess is my cats name lol
Oh my god ylanda!!!!!!! :) :) :)

You're so patient not to be doing a test already :)

I noticed your 16month breast feeding badge caro, thats great!! I really hope I'm able to without too much trouble :)

God I talk like I'm pregnant (or type rather) Must reel it in!!!!:wacko:

Cheers chick, it was tricky initially but got there in the end ;)

Nope, no veiny-ness but definitely darker. Aaaaaah, this is so bloomin nerve wracking! Roll on Sunday!

How are you managing to breast feed if you're working/he's at nursery? Sorry if this is a daft question...

When is it you usually find out the gender???

Not a daft question at all, nowadays he's only on one feed a day before bed :). I was on mat leave for a year so breastfed on demand during that time and eventually he gradually weaned so by the time I went back to work I was only feeding morning/evening :)

Fingers crossed! Symptoms keep appearing, crampy today, boobs still sore (particularly the left one), bit of a backache (but that could just be old age and cooler temperatures outside ;) ) and a tad short-tempered. Plus I could constantly eat at the moment, always feeling peckish/craving food.

I really have managed to convince myself now... I'll be so deflated on Sunday if it says "Not pregnant"... Oh well, best prepare myself for it and stay positive and ready to try again next month! :)

Sorry this has turned into "Ylanda's symptom spotting extravaganza" - what about you ladies?!?! When are you due to test???

Don't be daft hun! once we've celebrated your bfp on sunday ;) we'll cheer the next person on!! its sooo exciting! I'm still a way away from ovulating :dohh:, annoys me ovulating late in my cycle!!
ps ylanda, 26 is NOT old :rofl:

Leanne I'll try and remember that and not call you princess! I'm Caroline...but you can call me Caro (I'm sure that wasn't too hard to guess ;))
I'm Jen, btw!

When are you going to test, Leanne? I think my husband is more convinced than me but in his defence he doesn't know as much about the trickiness of ovulation and fertile days and timing. He basically thinks unprotected sex = pregnant! If only...

It's my own fault that I'm guessing, should have waited a few months using condoms before trying to get my cycles into some sort of rhythm...
Na, you;d still be guessing even if you knew when you were due ;) xx
I guess I would be...

Have just read on here that someone got their BFP after their left boob was incredibly sore and they had cramps on the LHS, as well - so glad I'm not the only one with lopsided symptoms! And her getting her BFP has now obviously got my hopes up even higher... Gosh, someone make the time speed up and make it Sunday already!
your gonna hate me for saying this bit i got my bfp 11dpo with alex...!!
Ahhh dont start confusing me with different names!! I already have to have another tab open with the thread open so I can double check who wrote what, you may have guessed that as all my replies are in order etc :) (I'm Lauren :) )

26 is def not old, now 27 on the other hand..... ;) I do feel old sometimes, can definitley feel my body is older than it should be, but thats what 10yrs of doing a horribly physical job does! :(

Ylanda- I would never have guessed Jen!?!?! :) I think you should test when ever you feel ready to, I can imagine being far too excited and impatient to wait, but at the same time too scared to do it just in case its negative (which yours wont be) :( Did you only get the one? or did you buy a multipack type thing? I don't think I can hold out for you waiting until sunday though..... ;)

Leanne, keep on reading, if it helps you then great :) We'll know you're there now too :)

Caroline you have done it now, I will be using up my little cheap tests everytime I have a symptom :)
oh god, I'm confused with the names already :rofl:

just correct me if I get it wrong!!

Lauren has a good point though Jen, where on earth did your username come from!? Mind you Lauren's not exactly guessable from ellberry :haha:

and sorry but that's what IC's are for ;), I used them loads and got the tinyest smidge of something on the edge of one which made me do a FRER and two lines popped up, never thought that was actually going to happen :haha:. It took another few days to get a decent line on the IC which makes me question how good they really are! I've not bought any this time, although do have some superdrug ones upstairs where I convinced myself last month :dohh:
Haha, Ylanda is a name from a book I love from when I was a teenager. I started using it as an alias back then and whenever I'm stuck for a username this one comes back up.

What are ICs, Caro? Cheap tests?

Yeah, I only bought the one test - part wishful thinking, part me being tight yet snobby (insisting I want a "proper" one but only wanting to spend the money on one). Have already spoken to my husband that he might need to hide it from me once it arrives. ;) I'm considering waiting until Monday now, actually, as I have a ridiculously early start on Sunday and will need to dash out before 8am, I'd rather not be rushed and have the chance to discuss the result of the test... But that means another day waiting!!!

Fun fact: I'm currently lying on the couch, no bra on, with a hot water bottle stuffed down my hoodie, trying to ease the soreness of my boobs. They are so swollen, can barely get them into my bra! And I'm a D cup already, this is nuts!
Jen, the sore boobs sound like a promising symptom!

I bought a 3 pack of clear blue tests today and took one because I couldn't resist and it was negative. Im pretty sure that means im definitely out for this month but I'm okay with it. If af comes on Saturday or Sunday at least I'll have had 2 cycles in a row that are 36/37 days which will make it easier for next month!
Leanne, I'm certainly hoping it is a real pregnancy symptom, not just period-related. i've also been to the loo like three times in the past two hours - definitely not normal for me! Would it be normal that symptoms last for a few days and then disappear?

Sorry you had a negative result but glad to hear you're ok with it. :hugs: Fingers crossed your period shows on time and you have the timing nice and easy for next month! :flower:
Woohoo! Just found the quick reply button which means I can just scroll up and down!!! :)
Yes, what are ics and frer??

Ellberry is just a variation on my first initial and the last part of my new surname, I didnt want to put my real name just in case someone I knew came on here and guessed, but then I ended up using my dogs as the picture and anyone who knows me would know straight away it was me anyway! doh! :)
I quite like it now though, may use it for everything in future :)

Jen I cant believe you are so patient, but completely get your point about being rushed!!

Haha, I can just imagine that :) That is such a good sign though!! Will be so shocked if you dont get a positive!! :) :)

Husband has literally just gone back to work! After tuesday nights little visit home where we had done the naughty after dinner feeling a bit stuffed we decided to get busy first then eat after...which turned out great for me, as I had not yet started cooking dinner (only spag bol out the jar) so I insisted that I absolutely must stay in bed with my legs up and read a book for at least 10min, therefore he had to cook dinner :) :) Might have to try that one again in future :)
I think FRER are first response tests (a brand of pregnancy tests) - correct me if I'm wrong.

We'll see how long my patience lasts once the test has actually arrived! ;)

Haha, I love the legs-up-in-the air trick! Good thinking! And fingers crossed a fast swimmer made it all the way to the eggy while your husband was busy in the kitchen!!! :hugs:

So, best get to bed, hubby has been very sweet looking after me nursing my sore boob(s) - I think he's secretly enjoying the fact that they are also quite swollen! ;) They're are too sensitive to touch, though, so he'll need to keep his paws off!

Here's a nice thought before I sign off for the night: THE WEEKEND STARTS TOMORROW!!!!!! :) Night night all! x
Ahhhh that would make sense, thanks :)

I'm hoping he had a good swimmer tonight :) Weird to think tonight could be the night :) ahhhhhh!!!!! :) I'm working tomorrow so wont be home until 10ish, which means no sexy goings on then...fingers crossed tonight was enough!!!!!

I bet your husband is loving it!! I know mine does on the odd occasion mine swell up and he's not even a boob man! ;) Bet he is finding it hard to keep his hands to himself though :)

Hope you manage to sleep well with your swollen mammaries :)

I have to work on sunday-boo!!! :( Did have today off mind so can't complain too much!!
Have a good friday everyone :) Night xx
I like catching up on here of an evening, great reading material :coffee:

The names, I'm gonna try and remember everybodies! I'm a Jen too though so that would cause some confusion :wacko: I'm happy for you to use my screen name!

Lauren i think ic's stand for internet cheapies, the pregnancy tests you can buy in like groups of 30 on ebay. Husband having to make the dinner, I like it!! Hope you catch that egg with the past few nights efforts. :winkwink:

Jen, you've got loads of great symptoms, fingers crossed for a positive this weekend, or on monday if you hold out till then. :thumbup:

Leanne, sorry you're out this month glad you're okay with it. I'm right there with you got AF today!

Caro, I always have all the questions for you! Hope you don't mind me nosing. You said you got your bfp at 11dpo, did you have regular cycles and how long were they? Just wondering if 11 days was close to when you expected AF. Did you have symptoms that made you test or were you just testing everyday?

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