Newbie, looking for buddies, me-ntnp#1!

Sorry newbie hopefully next month...atleast your next ov is closer :)
Ive still no AF maybe with implant removal I just didnt ov last month, had cramps last night and other symptoms so hopefully hormones are reorganising themselves! Going on honeymoon next week so hope AF stays away now...after next weds she is no longer welcome!'re very quiet, hope you're ok?

hope all the new ladies (and old :)) get your bfp's very soon! xx're very quiet, hope you're ok?

hope all the new ladies (and old :)) get your bfp's very soon! xx

I'm struggling a little at the moment Caro :( my feelings at the moment are that I'm broken and feel like I've failed at being female :( now on CD155 and still no signs of anything happening. :cry: just feeling down in the dumps about it xx're very quiet, hope you're ok?

hope all the new ladies (and old :)) get your bfp's very soon! xx

I'm struggling a little at the moment Caro :( my feelings at the moment are that I'm broken and feel like I've failed at being female :( now on CD155 and still no signs of anything happening. :cry: just feeling down in the dumps about it xx

:hugs: hun, something will kickstart your cycles at some point and you most def have not failed at anything! pm me if you wanna have a chat at all more privately xxx
Hello Ladies, I guess Im wandering in here now too.
After recently dropping the bombshell on my OH that I wanted another child. I asked him if it was worth me starting a new pack of pills and we agreed not to :) So AF is now coming to an end , not going to be charting or anything this time around, just enjoying each other and seeing what happens :)'re very quiet, hope you're ok?

hope all the new ladies (and old :)) get your bfp's very soon! xx

I'm struggling a little at the moment Caro :( my feelings at the moment are that I'm broken and feel like I've failed at being female :( now on CD155 and still no signs of anything happening. :cry: just feeling down in the dumps about it xx

Willow mummy my friend had a similar problem. They were trying for months and nothing was happening she knew dr wouldnt do anything until after 12months of trying so she told him it was 18months she was worried because her mum had problems ttc too. she had bloods taken through out the next 2months and was told she wasn't ovulating she was devastated. Her DH took her away for a week to cheer her up came home a week later AF was late and she got her BFP. Sometimes these things happen when you least expect it.
Keep the hope you never know whats around the corner and by no means are u a failure!!!!!
Thank you Lola, that was a lovely message and really helped, thank you again :) xx
Hope everyone is doing well. Emma, I'm really sorry that this journey has been so long and frustrating for you. I keep hoping for a positive update from you.

Welcome to all the newbies- I hope that your BFPs are just around the corner.

As for me, I got a peak at my little one last Monday but it was about 2 days too early to do the NT test so I get another look on Friday! I can't wait. The first trimester worry is starting to fade a little but still pretty nervous most of the time.

Have a great week everyone!
Thank you :) glad to hear that the worry is starting to fade a little for you, hope all is well with your 'bump' :hugs: xx
hey everyone! i just joined today and i am supposed to be o'ing this week so we will so glad to finally find ppl in the same boat bc i dont want to tell friends and family wut me and hubbs r doing but i dont want to constantly be talking to him about this either lol
Welcome TandB. The ladies here are great! So friendly.

AFM, husband is still convinced something isn't normal with my bbs!! I believe the bleeding I had was af. Tested very early and get bfn, so he wants me to test again. I'm waiting to o and bding when we can!

GL everyone!!
Hi TandB hope your journey to a BFP is a short one! Good Luck newbie!
Were going away tomorrow and hoping for a honeymoon baba....due to Ov while were away so its worth a try!
Hi ladies, just checking in to say hello and I hope you're all doing well! Keeping my fingers crossed for you all - keep the faith and it can be done!!!

Emma, sorry to hear you've been feeling so low!!! :hugs: How long until your next appointment?
Had my first appointment with the Doctor today i started my AF today so she took my blood test today and also on the 21 st day and also DH will go for a

I am so as we have been TTC from last 9 months waiting for the test results .Going to be a long month. Anyone else had their first appointment or want to share their feelings and journey of TTC..
Lauren - just over 2weeks till my next appointment as that'll then be 6months since I came off the pill and stiiilllll no period! *sighs*

Oooh Lola where are you going on honeymoon?! Hope you have a lovely time :)

Welcome Swatipunshi :hi: hope you find this thread helpful :)

Emma xx
Emma, I hope the next two weeks are super busy and fly by for you. When you get to the doc, be insistent (to the extent of being annoying if you have to) about getting something to kick start your cycles. I can't even begin to imagine your frustration. Am crossing fingers, toes, eyes, legs and everything else possible tht they help to find a solution for you. Big virtual hugs!

Welcome swatipunshi!!!
Emma, I hope the next two weeks are super busy and fly by for you. When you get to the doc, be insistent (to the extent of being annoying if you have to) about getting something to kick start your cycles. I can't even begin to imagine your frustration. Am crossing fingers, toes, eyes, legs and everything else possible tht they help to find a solution for you. Big virtual hugs!

Thank you :) when I last went the doctor said she'll send me for a scan to look at my ovaries cos although I've been tested for PCOS it could've been missed. This whole thing is driving me mad and some days I feel so deflated about it all, today's a fairly good day though :)

In currently in the process of setting my own online shop which when I launch I shall reveal to you all, I'm very excited about and am focussing a lot of my energy on it :) :) :)

Hope everyone is all okay :) xx

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