Newbie!! TTC on clomid CD4 would love a buddie

Thanks brooksbaby I can give you some hope I got a bfp my first month of clomid - unfortunately it was a chemical :( but fx for you!! When did you take last provera pill?
Nimbec, I took my last Provera on Friday. I am feeling kind of bloated and achy today, so hoping maybe today is the day. Since it'll be my first round of Clomid, the dr wants me to come in for bloodwork on CD3 to make sure I'll respond to Clomid. (And then I'll start CD5 if all goes well).
Niks--Congratulations! I love hearing success stories, so keep us posted on how things are going.

Nimbec--I'm waiting for AF to get here (after Provera), so hopefully we'll be trying together in July. FX'd that it's OUR MONTH!

Cdn--Exciting times. Not to make you want to test even more, but I can't wait to hear what happens. Was this your first month of Clomid? I'm going to be starting in July too (if AF ever gets here) and would *love* to hear a first month success story from someone. Feeling optimistic!

Yep, first round. :) I am just SOOOOO happy that I ovulated! I messed up on which day I O'd though, so didn't BD closer to O....but I think we SHOULD still be OK. DH has good spermies. ;)

I'll definately keep you ladies posted.
Hey ladies! :flower:

How are you all today? Happy 4th July to those of you in the US! Hell, Happy 4th July to all of us! :haha: Please, please have some New York Cheesecake for me if you can... I was in New Jersey for 4th July 3 years ago and had the most amazing cheesecake I've ever had in my life and I'm just telling everybody in the US to have some for me today!

SO... I have an ovulation question. Seeing as I have absolutely NO idea what ovulation feels like, because on Clomid, I didn't feel a thing, even though I definitely O'd and I've never ovulated before that, I just wanted to check something. Last night, when I was on my way home from work on the train, I had a 'tugging' feeling, but on BOTH sides at the same time. It lasted for about 10 minutes. That's the only way I can really describe it, like a pulsating kind of tugging. It wasn't massively uncomfortable, but I definitely could feel it (if that makes sense?).

Do you think that was my ovaries gearing up for it? I definitely haven't yet, because my temp hasn't spiked, but wondering if that may have been a positive sign? Of course, it might not have been ovulation pain at all! :wacko:

It doesn't help that I'm having CM intermittently, which I have no idea how to record! Yesterday, when I wiped, I had a large-ish 'glob' of very clear, very stretchy CM - looked like EWCM, but thicker. But it was ONLY on the paper, nothing else and only that one time. This has been happening for a few days now - only when I wipe, and nothing else in sight! Very annoying, because I have no idea how to record it in FF!
Hey ladies! :flower:

How are you all today? Happy 4th July to those of you in the US! Hell, Happy 4th July to all of us! :haha: Please, please have some New York Cheesecake for me if you can... I was in New Jersey for 4th July 3 years ago and had the most amazing cheesecake I've ever had in my life and I'm just telling everybody in the US to have some for me today!

SO... I have an ovulation question. Seeing as I have absolutely NO idea what ovulation feels like, because on Clomid, I didn't feel a thing, even though I definitely O'd and I've never ovulated before that, I just wanted to check something. Last night, when I was on my way home from work on the train, I had a 'tugging' feeling, but on BOTH sides at the same time. It lasted for about 10 minutes. That's the only way I can really describe it, like a pulsating kind of tugging. It wasn't massively uncomfortable, but I definitely could feel it (if that makes sense?).

Do you think that was my ovaries gearing up for it? I definitely haven't yet, because my temp hasn't spiked, but wondering if that may have been a positive sign? Of course, it might not have been ovulation pain at all! :wacko:

It doesn't help that I'm having CM intermittently, which I have no idea how to record! Yesterday, when I wiped, I had a large-ish 'glob' of very clear, very stretchy CM - looked like EWCM, but thicker. But it was ONLY on the paper, nothing else and only that one time. This has been happening for a few days now - only when I wipe, and nothing else in sight! Very annoying, because I have no idea how to record it in FF!

The tugging feeling is one of the symptoms of ovulations.... Though i cant say for sure as i did not feel anything at all last month. As for the CM clomid does strange things to it.... I did not even see any cm so i dont think you need to worry much abt that.
I had a hell of a day today... Was spotting in the morning and was very dizzy so landed in er.... I had an early scan and we can just see a sac so the doctor said that i mostly ovulated late and i am abt 4 weeks pregnant now.... She want to get a quantitative beta hcg done today and on saturday to compare my hcg levels... Also she has asked me to take off from work and rest for abt a week.... I am feeling so nervous... It will take atleast 10 days now to establish if everything is normal with me.

How are you all doing by the way?
:hugs: I know this is easier said than done, but just try to relax... think of it as a forced holiday and enjoy it! :winkwink:

Thanks for your reply to my question - I'm not on Clomid this month, so just waiting to see if I ovulate on my own.

Did you use Preseed or anything similar like that? I've been using Preseed and have just ordered some Geritol Complete tabs, which I've seen are really highly recommended - not necessarily for ttc, but just generally. Only problem is, they come from the States, so I've had to have them shipped to my cousin in New Jersey and then she will post them to me in the UK, I just hope they arrive in time for my next cycle! :wacko:
Awww NIks stay positive! spotting in EP is common i've got everything crossed for you!!!!!!!!

Lkpone how are you feeling today? any sign of 0? i'm araid i cant really answer your question as i have niggling cramps throughout the whole month :(

Had to stop myself buying MORE pg tests in supermarket today i have 3 at home and am determind not to test until 13dpo (approx 1st August)......but i was soooooo tempted to buy more today!!!
Niks, FX'ed everything goes well for you and the little bean. Let us know how you're doing!

Nimbec--hopefully you won't need those extra pregnancy tests because the 3 at home will give you the answer you want! (Although if I ever get a BFP I'll probably buy 10 more tests just to make sure, haha).
I am feeling fine today... As doctor has given me progesterone to support my pregnancy so the spotting seems to have stopped now... Bt still I am very scared.
:hugs: I know this is easier said than done, but just try to relax... think of it as a forced holiday and enjoy it! :winkwink:

Thanks for your reply to my question - I'm not on Clomid this month, so just waiting to see if I ovulate on my own.

Did you use Preseed or anything similar like that? I've been using Preseed and have just ordered some Geritol Complete tabs, which I've seen are really highly recommended - not necessarily for ttc, but just generally. Only problem is, they come from the States, so I've had to have them shipped to my cousin in New Jersey and then she will post them to me in the UK, I just hope they arrive in time for my next cycle! :wacko:

I did not use anything except for clomid and folic acid in this cycle. I will keep my F'Xed for you that you dont even need preseed in next cycle and get ur bfp in this cycle itself:flower:
Thanks! :flower:

No sign of O though :cry: Last cycle on Clomid, I had my first positive opk on the evening of CD14 and ovulated on CD16. I'm on CD15 and this morning's one was still negative. The weird thing is that when I do a chart overlay with last month, this month's chart is literally identical! :wacko: I don't know how to do it so that I can show you guys, but it is exactly the same! But no positive opks... so I honestly don't think I'm going to O on my own this month :nope: Very frustrating, but what can you do!? :shrug:

I have my FS appointment at 9am on Monday, so I'm just going to beg and plead for him to give me Provera and Clomid, because I know it works for me... but I just have to convince him (which I'm not that optimistic about!).

I'm glad that the spotting has stopped, it seems like the progesterone is working :thumbup:
Thanks! :flower:

No sign of O though :cry: Last cycle on Clomid, I had my first positive opk on the evening of CD14 and ovulated on CD16. I'm on CD15 and this morning's one was still negative. The weird thing is that when I do a chart overlay with last month, this month's chart is literally identical! :wacko: I don't know how to do it so that I can show you guys, but it is exactly the same! But no positive opks... so I honestly don't think I'm going to O on my own this month :nope: Very frustrating, but what can you do!? :shrug:

I have my FS appointment at 9am on Monday, so I'm just going to beg and plead for him to give me Provera and Clomid, because I know it works for me... but I just have to convince him (which I'm not that optimistic about!).

I'm glad that the spotting has stopped, it seems like the progesterone is working :thumbup:
Opks are not very effective way and i think you should go by your chart... I did not get any positive opks last cycle.... The spotting started again 3hrs before... Bt my doc has said it will take ssome time for it to settle down. Its not exactly spotting... Its like a muddy brown discharge.
HI Nimbec!

I am also 300 and TTC for 15 months now! I am one my 3rd cycle of Clomid.....and my last. I am really getting discouraged that I won't get pregnant :(

Have you had any symptoms from Clomid??
Well ladies...I broke down and finally tested. :bfn: :(

I had my CD 24 blood tests today but won't have the results until Monday. My chart just doesn't look good to me. :(
Hi all! Mommy81 I know how you feel it's soul destroying!!! I get horrid flushes and a few nasty headaches also it makes me extremely tired grrrrr damn stuff but hey at least it makes me 0 ! I'm pretty down with it all this month I've lost my pma :( what cd are you on? Fx this is your cycle!! Do you get symptoms? What is the next step for you after clomid? I've been told that Ivf is my only option :( very expensive!! Fx I won't need it :)

Lkpone I agree with Niks look at your cm! An identical chart is a positive thing plus you may just o slightly later fx hun

Cdn do sorry for you bfn it's still early tho - your not out until witch shows!

Niks I'm so pleased you are ok!!!
Hello everyone

I am feeling fine today and enjoying the forced holiday.

Mommy81-i welcome! I underwtand that how u feel.... Ttc journey is very exhausting.... Just keep your chin up and things will turn out fine.

Nimbec - I hv my fingers crossed for u... I hope u wont need to go the ivf way.... I will just say that these things hv a way of wtking when u least expect them to.

Cdn - just hang on there as nimbec said all is not lost till witch arrives.
Nimbec- I am on CD 17, and I have Ovulated each month on Clomid, but no positives yet :( my first month on Clomid I was 4 days late, but was dissapointed with a neg pregnancy test. I have horrible hot flashes and heightened emotions on Clomid, my poor hubby!
My next step would be IVF, but our insurance doesn't cover any infertility, so we are thinking about doing acupuncture. Have you heard any success stories with accupunture? I am so nervous nothing will work! Wish you lots of luck!

Niks- thanks for the welcome :) congrats on your BFP!!
Mommy 81 it seems as if we are the same then! Well i tried accupuncture and it really wasn't for me (i really wanted it to work) but I reacted really badly to when final needle went in - ended up extreemly sweaty and nauseus and i'm not at all afraid of needles (i'm a trained nurse!) I felt so awful can't bring my self to go back. There are some success stories tho!!! I'm going to try reflexology next.....

Yes i'm very emotional on the Clomid ugh poor other half. I didn't 0 untill CD22 on first round so don't panic there is still plenty of time - i've heard some as late as CD29!

We had a lovely night away in a spa hotel on Friday it was really nice to unwind and try not to think about ttc. Of course this was impossible as everywhere i look i seem to see pg women or young babies :( but we had a lovely time none the less.

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