Newbie!! TTC on clomid CD4 would love a buddie

Shame, I really feel for you ladies, I honestly had no side effects whatsoever on the Clomid - they sound awful! :nope:

An update from me. My temp took a massive nosedive yesterday - by half a degree C! Still negative opks twice a day though. :shrug: I then went to the loo last night and noticed this light pink (probably bright red, but very diluted!) blood mixed in with clear CM, but only when I wiped. I frantically googled it, but couldn't find anything, so eventually posted on here. The advice that came back was that it might be ovulation spotting. :shrug: My temp shot back up again this morning, but not an ovulation temperature, so who knows what that was! But the spotting has gone.

I went to the Fertility Specialist this morning for my appointment, fully expecting to walk out of there really disappointed and down. Well, I'm completely the opposite! It was such a positive appointment and he just asked me a few questions, then prescribed 100g Clomid for 6 rounds and also gave me a prescription for Provera, in case I don't O this month and need it. I can't even explain how happy I am that he's done this all on my first appointment - those of you in the UK will know what a struggle it is to get anything done on the NHS, so I'm really, really happy :happydance:

He also asked for a SA from my hubby and has booked me in for a lap/dye/something else I can't remember the name of and eventually, if needed, ovarian drilling (the thought of which doesn't excite me very much). :wacko: But what DOES excite me is that he's taken me seriously and isn't going to waste time dilly dallying around and has actually DONE something, which I've been waiting a year for. So a massive relief! :thumbup:

How is everyone today? :winkwink:
Wow thats FANTASTIC news!!!! yipeeeeeeee!!!! yey !!!

Are you having 21 day progesterone tests to confirm 0? What dose clomid where you on before? I'm so happy for you!!

As for me well my cm is non existent atm bding even with preseed last night was a little unconfertable not something that has ever been a problem grrr hoping its as i'm so early in cycle as i don't tend to 0 untill cd17 at the earliest. I've been to a new gp this morning as i've moved house and never got around to changing well he was extreemly helpful and gave me repeat forms for 21 day prog tests and a form for beta hcg incase i get a pos pg test - how easy was that?!! my previous gp was a nightmare!!!! I even get a print out of the results to take to specialist if i need them as he is in a different nhs area.

Hope your all ok ladies!!
I was given 100mg and got a Day 21 reading of 50 on that, so he said today that he'd keep me on 100mg, because I obviously had a good reaction to it, but wasn't over-stimulated.

I have got 2 Day 21 request forms from him, so yes, will go for blood tests 7 days after I detect ovulation on my chart. :winkwink:

It seems to be a good week all round for new NHS doctors, YAY! :happydance: That's really positive news for you.
yey good news all around! FX we both 0 soon!!!
Hi girls Im back! Had such a lovely time - oh and I really relaxed. Back to reality now though! I have a lot of catching up to do on here!

NIKS!!!!!!! Sooo good to come back and hear your goood news! Huge congrats to you!!! Im so pleased for you :happydance: Glad to hear everything seems to be going well and you are taking it easy. You have to stick around and keep us posted.

Well a little update on me, I am on CD17 - was hoping to o whilst on holiday but nada on the opks so went in for a scan yesterday and there was just one follie at 23cm and lining was at 10cm so they gave me a trigger shot and I should o today! A bit disappointing that there was just one but better than nothing and at least I have a shot this cycle! :thumbup: Now onto the dreaded 2ww...

Right Im going to go back and read the posts over the last week to catch up! Ill be back!
CDN - Glad to hear that your hubby's surgery went well! Nearly time for testing how are you feeling? CD11 is way early to get a bfp so you are definitely still in. Excited for you! Fingers and toes crossed!

Nimbec - boo the witch got you last round :growlmad: I see you are using Robitussin this round - has that helped with cm? I have been using pre-seed this month because my cm last cycle was thick and creamy at o time. Id be interested to hear if it works as I might try it next cycle if no luck this round. FXd for a 1st August birthday bfp for you!!!

LKPone - ace news about your new GP!! Thats amazing! Have you scheduled a lap and dye? I am thinking about asking for one if this round doesnt work. Any sign of o on your own yet? If not, when will you start taking the Provera?

Brooksbaby - have you started your Clomid yet?

Mommy81 - Welcome! I see you said this is your last round of Clomid - what are the next steps for you? Have you o'd yet this cycle?

One other thing I forgot to mention - my doc said yesterday that if this round of Clomid doesnt work he will start me on injectables instead as they have a slightly better success rate...does anyone know anything about injectables at all?
Hello ladies,

After 4 days of brown discharge.... I started bleeding heavily yesterday :cry:... My doctor said that i am hving a miscarriage and they cant do anything now... So apparently this bean was not a sticky one :cry: ... So i will be sitting out one cycle mostly and be back trying with you ladies.
Oh no Niks Im so sorry :hugs: that is so devastating. The only consolation (if there is one) I suppose is that you know you can get pregnant. Its just a matter of time until you get your sticky bean. Hope you are ok - we are all here for you honey xxx
You are correct atleast i know i can get pregnant.... I was very depressed yesterday bt today i am fine... I am consoling myself by thinking that it is good that i lost the baby now instead of progressing further and then loosing it... And my husband is so supportive that he makes me forget everything.

By the way do any of ladies have any idea if i should be taking some days off from work... Or is it fine if i start work from tomorrow.
If I were you I would take a couple of days off to rest your body - probably a good idea to take it easy x
Niks omg I'm so so so sorry :( It's a truely horrible feeling! I took a few days off as I was all over the place mentally and also had nasty cramps. Please give yur body chance to recover otherwise it will delay things in the future!

I'm assuming your having one natural cycle then back to clomid? They do say that you are more fertile the month after as your body is already geared up so you never know....I was told to carry on straight away with clomid but i'm guessing you maybe futher along than i was. (((((HUGS))))

SGLady I'm really pleased you had a lovely time away, hopefully your body is nice and relaxed so the sperm will meet that egg!!! I haven't started the robittuin yet as you take it 5 days before you expect to 0 but i'll definately let you know if it works!! I'm really hoping it does together with using preseed!

Hope everyone is ok!
The doctor has not advised me anything about further course of action... According to her the pregnancy has only progresswed till 4.5 weeks... I will call her sometime and ask her how should i proceed now.
Niks i'd call sonner rather than later as i was told to start the next round of clomid straight away ie use the miscarrage as a period...((hugs))
Oh, Niks. I'm so sorry to hear your news. Take it easy and let your mind and body heal a bit.
Oh Niks, I'm so sorry! :cry: That's so awful, I'm really sorry. I agree, take some time off - as much as you feel you need. :hugs:
LKPone - ace news about your new GP!! Thats amazing! Have you scheduled a lap and dye? I am thinking about asking for one if this round doesnt work. Any sign of o on your own yet? If not, when will you start taking the Provera?

I know! The Fertility Specialist was so brilliant, a real 'human', if you know what I mean. When my hubby and I left the appointment, he said to me 'Don't give up, you have everything to play for'. I really thought that was lovely, none of the other doctors I've seen have ever put a human face on it before, so I was really pleased. And SO relieved, because I was fully expecting to feel really despondent about it.

He's put me on the waiting list for a lap & dye and ovarian drilling if needed. It's a 3-month waiting list though, which is why he's put me on it now. :winkwink: I haven't O'd on my own, and still haven't had a positive opk, even though I had some weird pink with clear CM spotting on Sunday (but only once, when I wiped, nothing since). Still no idea what that was. My temp took a massive nosedive that day and again today... answers on a postcard! :shrug:

He said if I haven't had AF by CD32, I must do a pregnancy test and then start the Provera. :D
LKPone that really is good news. We ttcers always only want a PLAN this is what some docs fail to realise!! Fx you 0 quickly i wonder if the drop in temp is in prep for 0 sometimes you get a drop before the spike!!
Hello everyone

I had a very good appointment with the doctor today... she was so patient and answered all our questions.
So the plan for now is.... She did a scan and I have passed everything so she sees no point in waiting and told me that I should consider first day of bleeding as day1 and start the third round of clomid from tomorrow that is CD5 - 9 .... She has also prescribed me baby asprin to help the uterus lining... and asked me to call her as soon as I get a bfp this time and she will prescribe me meds to support pregnancy. She is really hopeful that I will be able to conceive soon.

She is the one who has done my Lap and dye and she has not charged us anything until now... She even told DH today that she is not going to charge until we are successfully pregnant.

I feel so relieved that we dont have to do any waiting and continue our ttc journey.
Hi ladies,

How are you all getting on? Not much news from me - Im on 2dpo and feeling fine. OH and I bd'd every day for the last 5 days so hopefully it will do the trick! No symptoms or anything yet but its obviously way too early.

Why does time go so slowly? Lol. I just want to hurry up and test already!

Hope you are all fine. LKPone and nimbec, any sign of o yet?
Niks! :hugs: Wow, that is some understanding doctor - hold on to her, because there aren't many like that around. I'm so relieved that you have the support you need and I'm so glad that you don't have to have an enforced waiting period and you can carry on as normal - it'll probably make the world of difference for both of you mentally. Good luck, I have everything crossed for you :winkwink:

SG, 2DPO, YAY! No O for me yet. :nope: Have a look at my chart... it's gone crazy, after having been SO nice and smooth and identical to my last cycle's chart up until about CD15/16 or so, it then took the nosedive and then another one, so who knows what is happening! :shrug:

I have a fun theory though... and I promise, it is only for fun, I don't actually believe this!

My usual BBT before Provera and Clomid was sub-36 degrees C. Average was probably around 35.8 or so. Last cycle, my temps were well above 36 and in fact, my coverline was 36.17! Now that I'm unmedicated, my temps, understandably, have gone back down to the lower range, BUT... and here's where my fun theory kicks in... I was chatting to my friend the other day and I was joking around, saying that for the first half of my cycle, my temps were lower than last cycle, but still higher than they usually are when not on meds. My 'very' medical opinion is that it was still the effects of the meds from last cycle. Then they elevated slightly on CD9 and I had 2 dips 7/8 days later with that tiny bit of pink/CM spotting. So my theory is that those 2 dips were my TWINS implanting! :haha: So until AF finally arrives (or I have to take Provera to bring it on - probably in about 10 days), I'm growing imaginery twins :thumbup:

How is everyone else today?

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