Next Sale - buy online now


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2006
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With this code GP4 (lifted from another forum).

Basically replace the last 3 digits of the item code (usually X38) with GP4 and you can order your sale items now!

Lists of sale items are available on their website. It means having 3 browsers open, 1 to check what the item is, 1 to list it in quick shop and 1 with the list of the sale items but it's worth it. Some items have sold out already!!
im confused :?

i cant see any sale stuff.?


i hate to think i am missing out on bargins. i lurve next
ahh i think i have sussed it out :D
How do I get the sale item list up? Help! :)

And how can you register? I can only see an option for existing customers?
Woah! There's gonna be £20 off a pair of trousers i love!!! Pitty i can never buy offline :roll: I'm somewhere between size 14 and 16 and it changes from shop to shop. I'll go when the sale starts. Really want these trousers though:
Minxy said:
How do I get the sale item list up? Help! :)

And how can you register? I can only see an option for existing customers?

for sale stuff type in

i didnt no how to register but just read this in Q&A
Registering with Next
Once you have chosen the item you wish to purchase you proceed to checkout. To complete your purchase, you need to register your details.

If you are a new customer , the screens will guide you through the registration process and you will be given a customer number. Please use this, along with your postcode and date of birth to sign in with on future visits to this site.

If you are an existing customers you can sign in with your customer number, date of birth and post code.

Please see our Frequently Asked Questions section for more details on next day delivery, free returns and other advantages of shopping at Next

does any one no if i can return them to the store if they are no good?
I bet you all the outfits Ive just bought Rebecca will be in the sale :twisted: I buy all Bex's clothes from Next. Think I will go up on the 27th but people are like vultures at their sales :roll:
Thanks D!

Have just been dragged off Next website by OH who tells me we DON:T need clothes and can't afford it!

but I'm waiting until he goes to bed... :twisted: :-$
luckily for me and do actually need new trousers, mainly because my ones are a good inch or more too short. i hate having long legs. no shops in my town sell long lengths :roll:
sooooooooooooooooooooooo upset i just picked out loads of bits got well excited i had to phone them as my address dont come up when i put in my postcode as its a brandnew house and they said i need to be credit checked and i failed :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

i had a bil of £100 ready aswell i have the money on my card but they said no :cry:
Maybe a blessing in disguise-no more debt or u could end up like me :lol:
why'd you need a credit check dionne?
If you apply for a Next account you do - or you can just pay by CC or debit card.

Is everyone ok now with getting on there?
£70 spent! :oops:

Although £35 of that was on a great pair of boots, less than half price!!! The rest was for the little guy. Despite what OH says, he DOES need clothes, he's growing out of everything so fast.
no i was just ordering to pay on line but my address is not reconised so i couldnt order the bits then.
they said i have to do it over the phone and they will credit check me????

Dionne if you pay by debit/credit card then they shouldn't need to credit check you - I think they only do that if you're applying for a Next account.
if they ask me to order it over the phone as the internet aint excepting my address. can i give them that code? what if they ask how i got it :oops:
Say you were given it instore by someone who said that new customers can use it or some crap like that :lol:
I wouldn't worry, it's probably been leaked by Next on purpose so they can sneakily start their sale a bit early :)

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