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...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

I don't think DH will allow me to purchase them right now with all the moving expenses and paying off my motorcycle. So my plan since the roommate is moving out is to BD EVERYDAY lol. I didn't get my monitor reset in time since I"ve been staying up late and sleeping in WAY later. So here's to hoping it's not messed up. But I have kinda noticed something that I think you all pointed out to me 3 months ago. Can you all take a look at my charts and tell me if I'm right or not. I'm pretty sure my LP is short. Or getting short.
Are you charting? I dont see any temps but it looks like you have a super short cycle
Lekker, I checked your chart, and I didn't see much data either. On some of your way earlier charts, your LP looked to be 11 days long or so. Now, it sort of looks like you only have 16 day cycles!!! If this is the case, you have a severe LP defect!!!!

Have you tried a B vitamin complex, red raspberry leaf tea, soy, or Vitex?
Yeah sorry about that the last 2 charts say 16 because I didn't chart while on vacation and last cycle. But see what I was talking about the 10 and 11 days long LP? I'm thinking about trying some fertilaid. I kinda might have talked the husband into it. I haven't tried any vitamins except my prenatal. I did that once and was taking a TON of vitamins a day and didn't even know what half of them were exactly for. <3
I'm sad to report that my hcg has dropped...from 55 to 21. Another miscarriage is impending.

Please pray for me. I have to get another beta done in 2 weeks, to see if my hcg is 5 or below. I am home from work, not bleeding, not cramping, and positively gutted.

I will not give up on this, and I'm not leaving BnB, or anything like that. I pray I will not need another D&C, and things take care of themselves naturally, and that Brad and I can try again as soon as possible.
Thank you. I'm sort of swinging between anger and complete despair right now. I just do not want another D&C. I want it to happen on it's own.
I'm so incredibly sorry :hugs: I font know what to say. Did they sway anything about progesterone suppositories
Hello Ladies. :flower:

Before I introduce myself, I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss, Wookie. It hurts my heart to see something like this happen to good women that try so hard to conceive. Never give up. :hugs:

So, I've been stalking you girls for a while now, even back from the CBFM Statistics thread! When I bought my CBFM, I searched the site for threads that I could join. I didn't want to just jump into a thread without reading the posts first, so it's taken me forEVER to catch up. I feel like I know all of you ladies personally :haha:, but none of you know me, so here we go... :)

As you can see from my sig, DH and I are both 29 years old. We met 7 years ago and have been married for almost 5. We've been TTC for 4 years. I, also, have a beautiful 13 year old step-daughter.

I've been diagnosed with PCOS/IR. My cycles are extremely erratic and it's very rare that I ovulate on my own. DH is perfect, no problems at all and his swimmers are fantastic. So, obviously, I'm the problem. :haha:

We tried for a year before talking to my OB about our options. She wanted to try Clomid, so I was given Provera to induce my period. She never came and, turns out, I spontaneously ovulated and conceived! Unfortunately, it ended in a m/c at 7 weeks.

A few months later, I started the Clomid. I took 4 rounds and didn't respond at all. Add Clomid Resistance to my laundry list of problems, lol. After that, my OB referred me to an FS. I then went through all of the testing.. blood work, AMH levels, FSH levels, had an HSG.. everything was fine and clear. I had a GTT, which confirmed my IR and that's when he diagnosed me with PCOS. Hubby had an SA and everything was perfect.

I've done 2 medicated and monitored cycles with injections and IUI. Everything went beautifully.. my follies grew to perfect sizes and the trigger shot made me ovulate. Unfortunately, neither worked. My last IUI was, actually, almost a year ago on Valentine's Day.

It started getting so expensive, even with our great insurance. Plus, the meds were making me absolutely crazy. There was so much stress, I just needed a break. It started out with only being a 3 month break, but things just kept coming up - financially and personally - and I could never find the right time to go back to my FS.

In October of last year, I decided that weight loss was the only thing I haven't tried, but you know how hard that is with PCOS. I got back on BCP, which worked to even out my hormones and I was able to lose 15 lbs. Doesn't sound like a lot, but I've heard that losing anywhere between 5-10% of your body weight is enough to kickstart fertility. I lost 8%, so I'm really hoping that's enough.

I just recently came off the BCP and got AF on Jan. 31. I was so excited to start using my CBFM, as I'm sure y'all know how it felt the first time! I started poas yesterday, I'm on CD7 today.

So, that's it! Sorry for the novel, lol. I really hope I can continue this journey with you ladies. I've been a BNB member for a couple of years and joined a few threads, but they would always fizzle out. I'm really hoping I can join yours. :) It looks like I'm doing everything backwards from the rest of y'all, lol. I'm sure I may have questions about my CBFM, and I'll also be more than happy to share any advice or answer questions about medicated cycles.

Good luck ladies! :hugs:
:hi: WELCOME!!!

What is IR First of all? LoL. Secondly, I'm so so so sorry for your loss and so sorry of everything you've been through. Makes me feel like a whiny hooker when I only have PCOS (that I know of) and only been ttc a little over a year. At least you did conceive once so you know it is possible! It's still a struggle though. A painful sucky struggle. Feel free to stalk all of our journals, we've been kind of venturing out there more. Everyone is awesome on this thread...I'm surprised you even wanted to join after my little situation with the other girl that joined not that long ago...but I'm glad you are here! Haha. I swear I'm not really a bitch!! I'm on cd5 so I'm not that far behind you cycle wise right now and seeing the FS for the first time tomorrow about IUI...not going to lie, you kind of discouraged me a little seeing those didn't work for you! Have you tried vitex or anything like fertilaid? Vitex really helped me with my pcos and I actually got back on it for these cycles that I'm not on clomid. It's natural and helps regulate your horomones. Like I said, Great to have ya, and I know you've been trying a lot longer than me, but if you have any questions about anything I've done to try and help pcos, go ahead an ask because I'm sure I'll pick your brain a little about IUI!
Welcome AMB. Sorry to hear about your story :( But I'm glad you've joined us to keep trying.

Wookie...I am SO SO sorry! I am crying for you right now as my heart is broken for you. :( I would come hug you if I could.
Thanks, everyone. I can't bear the grief at times. At other moments I'm a bit better, and then I feel hopeless.

I did call the nurse practitioner again about an hour ago, as I had some questions, such as if I'll need a D&C, do I have to wait for a 3rd miscarriage before I have answers, etc. Well, I won't need a D&C, most likely, and apparently the bleeding and cramping will show up possibly in the next few days...since the embryo was so small, it may just seem like a bad AF. They do want me to wait 1 full regular AF cycle to try again, and it's up to me if we want to try Clomid, or a couple of natural cycles first. I think we'll opt for trying naturally for a couple of months before Clomid again. I do need to wait for a 3rd miscarriage before they opt for testing, as the first 2 are treated as flukes. I don't really buy that, but I guess I have no choice.

My DH has been great...obviously he's sad too, but he's taking good care of me.
Welcome Amb! Thanks for your kind words! It sounds like you've been through the ringer too, huh? I pray we can all conceive, and have sticky beans in the near future!
So happy to hear your dh is taking care of you wooks. I could punch your dr for not doing anything until a third :gun: but it wont happen! :hugs:
Gdane I just noticed your ticker says 1 days till you start with the FS! Congrats and I wish you so much good luck...Tommorrow? right!
Thanks, girls! What a warm welcome. :)

I did see the incident with the other new girl, Gdane, so I was a little nervous! Haha. I know you're not a bitch, I've been following y'all for a while and I think all of y'all are great and what a wonderful support group. :) I'm so glad I can be a part of it. I'll definitely be checking out y'alls journals, as well.

Whether we've been trying for a year or 10 years, we all, equally, know and understand the struggles. Please don't feel bad! :hugs: Thank you for your sincere words, it means a lot. :flower:

IR = Insulin Resistance. Usually, it's the underlying cause of PCOS, but not always. It's, basically, your body not responding to insulin the way it's supposed to. It causes your hormones to get out of whack, which, in turn causes the PCOS.

I'm so sorry I discouraged you about the IUI! Everyone is different and maybe it will work for you on the first try! I only had 2 and it makes me wonder if I would have just sucked it up and done another cycle, if it would have worked. But, it just wasn't meant to be at the time.

Will you be doing a medicated cycle or is it just IUI? The IUI, itself, is a breeze. It's the medications that made me crazy, lol. I'm so excited to hear about your FS appt tomorrow and I'm sure you're relieved to get the ball rolling. It's somewhat comforting to leave everything to your FS, lol.

I've seen you girls talking about Vitex, so I ordered some. I think I'll go through this first cycle, since coming off BCP, without it and see how well my cycle goes before I start taking it. But I've heard it works wonders with irregular cycles, so I'm pretty excited about trying it. :)

I'm super excited about my CBFM, too. I tried using OPKs for a few months over the last year and I couldn't ever pick up a surge. It's not surprising since my cycles were so few and far between. Hopefully, my little bit of weight loss will help even things out.

Please feel free to ask anything you'd like, I'm an open book. :) And I'm sure I'll be picking your brain about the CBFM! Good luck at your appt tomorrow! :hugs:
Lekker: Yes Today is the day we meet with the FS! We're doing a more in depth SA where they check to see if DH's sperm is carrying DNA and then I don't know what they're doing with me! I'll let you guys know how it goes! I invited you to stalk my jounral lekker! When are you two ladies starting your journal?!?

Amb: You know what I just noticed? Your name probably stands for amber but my initials with my maiden name was AMB. :haha: random. IR :dohh: I'm so ********. I have a book on PCOS and I'm on metformin. it just didn't click I guess. I think have IR too. After I got off BCP I started to gain weight and I feel like if I don't have sugar I'm going to die. I get all hot and shaky. I actually wondered if I was diabetic but I'm really not a ton over weight. I just gained some after bcp. :grr: We will do medicated IUI. If you check out my charts You will see when I started charting I was having like 60 plus day cycles...then the next two cycles 45-42 day cycles I was on vitex then I went to clomid and had perfect 28 day cycles. My body obviously needs a little help! I'm on metformin XR right now because the regular stuff was horrendous to me. I just got my cousin on vitex actually. She's very excited about it. She's having the same problems I did starting off bcp. Stupid horomones!! I'm not using my CBFM right now...it got way too expensive and I got to know my body so I"ll know when I'm going to O. But if you have any questions definitely let us know!

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