...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

Thanks hun:hugs: af still not showed yet, im having some mild af type cramps but also some twinges and lower back pain and a heavy feeling in my abdomen, i really dont think im pg because upon reading your message regarding LPD i think im the same so i cant be can i?

Im soo pleased they have found a reason which can be sorted and im very excited for you:happydance: you will have your bfp in no time:cloud9: im still worried with my dh lsc and we had a good talk a few days ago and he is adament that if we cant get pg because of his problem then he will not even consider a donor:cry: and i just dont think i will cope as i want a baby more than anything.

Apple Blossom: im soo excited for you and wishing you the very best of luck:hugs:

Keekee: hope your feeling a little better hun:hugs:

Lullabybarb, Just because my LPD is short because of low progesterone doesn't mean that's what your problem is. Have you tried vitamins? Maybe they would help like they helped Kekee.

What was your husbands sperm count again? I forget. Are there any factors that could be causing it? There are things he can do to improve it. I don't know how low they are and if you and your husband could do IVF, but if his numbers were very bad you could get pregnant with ICSI. They inject one live single sperm into your egg. I hope and pray it won't come to that though. I think that zinc has helped my husband. I'm going to get him a multi vitamin as well. If it comes down to it and you need a donor, maybe your husband will have a change of heart.

KeeKee, I'm sorry you're sick :( I hope you feel better soon.

:hi: Tryinfor1. I'm bored too. I'm watching Maury right now on our 55" TV. We have a 46 in our bedroom. We are huge couch potatoes and love TV lol. I wouldn't mind getting a bigger one and maybe even an in home movie theatre when we move.

I hope you get a positive OPK before your husband leaves. Make sure you jump him before he leaves if you haven't gotten a positive OPK. I see lots of charts on FF where women get pregnant after having sex only once. Sperm can live for up to 5 days. How long is he going for?
Haha wow a 55 inch? That wouldnt even fit in our house! We have a small house, comfortable for us and a spare bedroom for the baby. We have a 46 inch in our living room that I originally bought for DH when he lived at his moms house. We could probably use a bigger one in there but we wanted to get one for our room really badly first. My brother is trying to convince my mom to buy him an 80 inch, which is supposed to be the biggest one I guess? Lol. Whatever. Like my mom has that kind of dough. He is such an idiot.

Got my present all wrapped up for my grandma! They look pretty good if I do say so myself. I should probably clean the house but I am AWFUL at house work. Drives DH mad. Lol.
I'm pretty bad when it comes to house work too which is why I felt that a peg bundy avatar here would be appropriate lol. I will, however, be a WAY better mom than her lol. Luckily for me, DH doesn't seem to mind. We are both messy people. I keep thinking about hiring a cheap maid. I put an ad on Craigslist once and got an overwhelming response. I guess lots of people out there are looking for work. After I thought about it more, I got kind of scared so didn't respond to anyone.

We live in a condo, so it's not that big but our TV is very thin and fits perfectly. I dread that everything is going to turn into 3D because I can't see in 3D. I'm totally blind in one eye. I go to 3D movies with DH and I don't get what all the fuss is about.

I can't wait to wrap Christmas presents. I'm not that good at it, but I love doing it. I can't wait for the day to wrap lots and lots of presents for my kids.
I had no idea you were blind in one eye! How interesting. I am blind too, not literally. But I cant see for shit. I hope everything doesnt turn into 3d also. I dont mind watching it every once in a while, but 3d gives me an awful migraine so I try to see the movie in the normal version.

Oh, to answer you earlier question, he will be gone totally December 5-7. He is leaving the fourth and coming back the 8th so it is really just those three days. But those could be the crucial days. Hopefully the egg pops before he leaves though. We are gonna dtd tonight, and then the first through the fourth. And hopefully that will be enough. I have seen lots of people get pregnant off having sex once too. I just get worried that his little sperm wont make it. He hasnt been smoking for the last couple months besides a couple slip ups so hopefully that helped the little guys!

I am not sure who Peg Bundy is.. what does she do?

I am taking FertilCM and you are supposed to drink four bottles of water atleast with it. I can barely handle two! I hope my cm is good when ovulation comes around!
I'm totally blind in one eye and practically blind in the other. I need glasses for both far away and close up. It's a pain in the butt. Laser surgery won't work for me.

There is a show called "Married With Children" Peg Bundy was the mother of the family. It was a very twisted comedy. Lots of people would probably be offended by the show, but it's my favourite. The husband has a crappy job and they are piss poor, but the wife spends all of his money and is an awful house wife. I was like 13 when it was popular and you are 9 years younger than me, so you probably would have been too young to remember it.

That is good that your husband quit smoking. Mine quit smoking too. He's doing very well, but has had the odd breakdown. Could you slip your DH fertile aid for men? lol. I know he's more of NTNP kind of a guy. Are you using Preseed?

I think your bd'ing will be within the right time frame. I hope you get a positive OPK soon! I hope you get pregnant before 2012. That's my hope for everyone. I just get the feeling that we are going to be very lucky and get bfp's left right and centre.
SLH and Apple Blossom: I'm very excited for all your new endeavors. You'll have a baby in your arms before you know it. Be sure to keep us updated!

SLH: Did you try b100 complex? the b6 itself doesn't work. You need the other b vitamins to help it out. I tried b6 and it didn't work and there's lots of other girls that said that you need the b100 complex. Your peg bundy made me laugh.

Keekee: You've had a rough couple of months!! I hope you feel better soon!

Lekker: Now you got me all in the mood again! I didn't think michaels sold them! I'm going make a trip tonight. I know SLH thinks it's craziness but my moonstone hurt me and I'm not sure it was a right "fit" for me. Sometimes they say that the stones need to be for you. Mine gave me nightmares. Horrible nightmares. my green aventurine helped though. Lets see some pictures when you get yours done! i'm very excited!

Lull: Don't lose hope! I've seen girls not get their bfp until 14dpo!! The short LP is a problem, but sometimes you implant before "normal" time and you can still get pregnant..it's just harder. Have you talked about IUI for your hubbys lsc? I wouldn't consider a donor either so I know how he feels. I know everything will work out for you :hugs: Have you tried fertilaid? I noticed a huge difference with my hubbys..um...load after he started taking it.

MrsB: very excited for your tests too, be sure to let us know how they all go!

Tryin: On the moonstone thread (go check it out) every girl that had her moonstone bracelet break, they got their BFP...it's kind of creepy. I hope this is the case for you! :dust: I'm very jealous of your deal you got. I really wanted to get a tv for DH for christmas. Can't afford it though :(

She did tork me off. I didn't say anything though. I agree with you ladies though about it. As for the progesterone thing...my 2 sil's and my mil were sitting at the table at thanksgiving and sil (m) had problems conceiving and got pregnant with twins with IUI she had to use progesterone suppositories...sil (n) has problems with MC's...my mil started talking about trying for grand babies and said she knew we were all trying. N says, it's not getting pregnant, it's staying pregnant I have a problem with. M says, "have you tried progesterone suppositories?" N goes, "no I try to keep everything out of my butthole if i can help it" M goes, "they go up your vagina, not your butt" and my Mil beat me to it, says "well i guess that's your problem with getting pregnant!! You're using the wrong hole all this time!" HAHAHAA
What do you mean your moonstone hurt you? I totally miss out on 90% that's said since I've been working so much. Yes Michaels has all of them but you really really really have to look.
oh ouch! I looked at a ton online and they are all either too expensive or ugly. I know mine isn't going to be pretty because all 4 stones totally clash. I made one I was happy with and the pattern was even....way way too big but I'll work on it more if I'm slow at work. :)
Okay, so no comment on the moonstone thing LOL. Everyone on this forum hates me because of my skepticism. I have decided to never say anything negative again lol.

Gdane, I tried the vitamin b complex 100 because I have read the same thing that you said. B6 on it's own doesn't work.

My fertility specialist today knows how much I hate probes and having things shoved up me so he asked me if I was going to take the suppositories up the butt LOL. I said no of course and asked him if you could even take them up the butt and he said yes. He said they will work vaginally and up your butt. I will be taking mine up the miffy.
OMG, do you guys think someone came along and saw that I was such a skeptic so they put a fertility curse on me and this is why I'm having such a hard time conceiving? Uh oh. I found this forum after I started trying, so I'm probably just being paranoid. I blame it all on the depo.
I literally LOL at that. :haha:


I am attempting to watch an episode of married with children on hulu. I love Christina Applegate! Don't tell mom the babysitter's dead is one of my favorite movies! And I am pretty sure that Katy Segal (I think that is her name..) plays on 8 simple rules for dating my teenage daughter.

Jesus, hulu has a ton of commercials! WHAT THE EFF?!?!

I hope it is the case too! I thought about it as soon as it happened but it was so early in my cycle that it did.. would be weird. Lol.

I am so bored. I cant wait for DH to get home! We are gonna go to Taco Bell, rearrange the bedroom, and go to the bedroom :winkwink: Lol! I have been so exhausted these past few days! Clomid really makes me freaking tired! I woke up an hour and twenty minutes after I was supposed to today! lol. I got to school on time but I was really tired!

Sorry, I am rambling like a crazy woman. I just dont have much to do..or actually, I have plenty to do. :haha: I just dont feel like it.
Lol slh everyone its entitled to their opinions were all adults here! You make me laugh thats the only reason I said anything...my out look is this....its doesn't hurt so why not try it? I'm willing yup try anything honestly
Tryinfor1, I'm a crazy rambling person too. I must get on peoples nerves. What are forums for, right?

I should have told you that Katy Segal is the one who played Peggy and is on my avatar. She looks way different. I loved that movie with Christina Applegate too. I watched it all of the time when I was a kid.

It sounds like you are going to have a fun night with DH, that's very good.

Sorry about the Clomid. I'm always tired, so I wonder if it's going to make me more tired when I take it. Do the side effects go away once you stop taking the pill? I can't wait to start a new cycle.
Oh yeah I am really excited for you to be starting clomid! I bet once you get started on the progesterone and clomid you will get your bfp in no time!

I thought it was Katy Segal in the picture. I just didnt know for sure. She looks much younger and the bright red hair makes me look different.

My side effects with clomid have varied. First cycle, I didnt really have any except depression from cd7-cd21. I went through a bad time then. Second cycle, I had some hot flushes but nothing major. This cycle it seems to be hitting me the hardest. I have had bad hot flushes where DH woke me from my sleep because I was sweating so badly, I could be crying one second and totally fine the next and EVERYTHING makes me cry!, headaches, and it is making me want to just sleep all the time, even now. I havent taken it since cd6 and I am on cd9.. I think. Side effects usually last until like 7dpo and then by that time, PMS has taken over and it is still hell. Lol

GDane: we dont have any freaking money either if it makes you feel any better. We wanted a tv for the bedroom a couple years ago and we finally said, we are just gonna buy the damn thing. Lol. We waited all year for black friday and didnt go buy anything else because we bought the tv. We still have to get some people their christmas presents. We set a 30$ limit on everyone so we didnt spend more than like $250 on everyone for christmas.

When we get our income tax next year, we are gonna paint our house and pretty soon we are gonna redo the bathroom! My grammy gave us a tub out of the lakehouse because she decided to remodel and then we bought shower doors. We get to file as married also with DH income and because we are filing married and he isnt filing single, we should get lots more money back! I cant wait to paint the house honestly! Whoever flipped it, painted it all beige. BLAH.

Sorry, rambling again. I must get on peoples nerves too SLH. Lol. You dont get on mine though, just so you know!
Lekker i have been wearing a moonstone bracelet right from the start of ttc and i have had no luck yet:nope: but fingers crossed for you.
Thanks hun:hugs: af still not showed yet, im having some mild af type cramps but also some twinges and lower back pain and a heavy feeling in my abdomen, i really dont think im pg because upon reading your message regarding LPD i think im the same so i cant be can i?

Im soo pleased they have found a reason which can be sorted and im very excited for you:happydance: you will have your bfp in no time:cloud9: im still worried with my dh lsc and we had a good talk a few days ago and he is adament that if we cant get pg because of his problem then he will not even consider a donor:cry: and i just dont think i will cope as i want a baby more than anything.

Apple Blossom: im soo excited for you and wishing you the very best of luck:hugs:

Keekee: hope your feeling a little better hun:hugs:

Lullabybarb, Just because my LPD is short because of low progesterone doesn't mean that's what your problem is. Have you tried vitamins? Maybe they would help like they helped Kekee.

What was your husbands sperm count again? I forget. Are there any factors that could be causing it? There are things he can do to improve it. I don't know how low they are and if you and your husband could do IVF, but if his numbers were very bad you could get pregnant with ICSI. They inject one live single sperm into your egg. I hope and pray it won't come to that though. I think that zinc has helped my husband. I'm going to get him a multi vitamin as well. If it comes down to it and you need a donor, maybe your husband will have a change of heart.

KeeKee, I'm sorry you're sick :( I hope you feel better soon.

:hi: Tryinfor1. I'm bored too. I'm watching Maury right now on our 55" TV. We have a 46 in our bedroom. We are huge couch potatoes and love TV lol. I wouldn't mind getting a bigger one and maybe even an in home movie theatre when we move.

I hope you get a positive OPK before your husband leaves. Make sure you jump him before he leaves if you haven't gotten a positive OPK. I see lots of charts on FF where women get pregnant after having sex only once. Sperm can live for up to 5 days. How long is he going for?
No im only taking folic acid, i have purchased some vit b50 complex but also heard ladies say that that it has made their lp even shorter, dh sperm count results said that he needs to have it done again, he is putting it down to having a transplant 2 yrs ago as he is now on anti rejection drugs and also a load more medication including insulin as he is diabetic, IVF is out of the question with my age, im not sure about icsi, i feel im not sure about anything anymore with my dr saying im not ovulating but then cbfm and smiley digis and ff confirming that i have:dohh: i am booked in to see a fertility specialist on thursday so maybe i will be able to find out soon, my dr reffered me only as my dh goes to a different surgery to see his dr but will fs test us both im wondering, as for zinc, does the dr have to prescribe it? dh willing to give anything a try as long as it does not cause any problems with the medication he is already on.
Thanks hun:hugs: af still not showed yet, im having some mild af type cramps but also some twinges and lower back pain and a heavy feeling in my abdomen, i really dont think im pg because upon reading your message regarding LPD i think im the same so i cant be can i?

Im soo pleased they have found a reason which can be sorted and im very excited for you:happydance: you will have your bfp in no time:cloud9: im still worried with my dh lsc and we had a good talk a few days ago and he is adament that if we cant get pg because of his problem then he will not even consider a donor:cry: and i just dont think i will cope as i want a baby more than anything.

Apple Blossom: im soo excited for you and wishing you the very best of luck:hugs:

Keekee: hope your feeling a little better hun:hugs:

Lullabybarb, Just because my LPD is short because of low progesterone doesn't mean that's what your problem is. Have you tried vitamins? Maybe they would help like they helped Kekee.

What was your husbands sperm count again? I forget. Are there any factors that could be causing it? There are things he can do to improve it. I don't know how low they are and if you and your husband could do IVF, but if his numbers were very bad you could get pregnant with ICSI. They inject one live single sperm into your egg. I hope and pray it won't come to that though. I think that zinc has helped my husband. I'm going to get him a multi vitamin as well. If it comes down to it and you need a donor, maybe your husband will have a change of heart.

KeeKee, I'm sorry you're sick :( I hope you feel better soon.

:hi: Tryinfor1. I'm bored too. I'm watching Maury right now on our 55" TV. We have a 46 in our bedroom. We are huge couch potatoes and love TV lol. I wouldn't mind getting a bigger one and maybe even an in home movie theatre when we move.

I hope you get a positive OPK before your husband leaves. Make sure you jump him before he leaves if you haven't gotten a positive OPK. I see lots of charts on FF where women get pregnant after having sex only once. Sperm can live for up to 5 days. How long is he going for?
No im only taking folic acid, i have purchased some vit b50 complex but also heard ladies say that that it has made their lp even shorter, dh sperm count results said that he needs to have it done again, he is putting it down to having a transplant 2 yrs ago as he is now on anti rejection drugs and also a load more medication including insulin as he is diabetic, IVF is out of the question with my age, im not sure about icsi, i feel im not sure about anything anymore with my dr saying im not ovulating but then cbfm and smiley digis and ff confirming that i have:dohh: i am booked in to see a fertility specialist on thursday so maybe i will be able to find out soon, my dr reffered me only as my dh goes to a different surgery to see his dr but will fs test us both im wondering, as for zinc, does the dr have to prescribe it? dh willing to give anything a try as long as it does not cause any problems with the medication he is already on.

Zinc is a vitamin and you can buy it anywhere that would sell vitamins.

How did your doctors confirm ovulation, was it by an ultrasound? The reason why I ask is because my progesterone levels were very low and from what I have read my progesterone numbers would NOT indicate ovulation, but my ultrasound did. If you have low progesterone they can give you something to help. My doctor seemed to be very optimistic about it.

Good luck with your appointment. I can't wait to hear what they say.
Sorry, rambling again. I must get on peoples nerves too SLH. Lol. You dont get on mine though, just so you know!

I love it when you ramble because it doesn't make me feel left out lol. I think I may have scared some people away like Pookabear. Oh, how I miss Pookabear.

Thanks for your Clomid experience. I'm very excited to take it too. I have to take it from cycle days 3-7 50mg. I have noticed that seems to be the average starting dosage.

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