...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

Thanks hun:hugs: af still not showed yet, im having some mild af type cramps but also some twinges and lower back pain and a heavy feeling in my abdomen, i really dont think im pg because upon reading your message regarding LPD i think im the same so i cant be can i?

Im soo pleased they have found a reason which can be sorted and im very excited for you:happydance: you will have your bfp in no time:cloud9: im still worried with my dh lsc and we had a good talk a few days ago and he is adament that if we cant get pg because of his problem then he will not even consider a donor:cry: and i just dont think i will cope as i want a baby more than anything.

Apple Blossom: im soo excited for you and wishing you the very best of luck:hugs:

Keekee: hope your feeling a little better hun:hugs:

Lullabybarb, Just because my LPD is short because of low progesterone doesn't mean that's what your problem is. Have you tried vitamins? Maybe they would help like they helped Kekee.

What was your husbands sperm count again? I forget. Are there any factors that could be causing it? There are things he can do to improve it. I don't know how low they are and if you and your husband could do IVF, but if his numbers were very bad you could get pregnant with ICSI. They inject one live single sperm into your egg. I hope and pray it won't come to that though. I think that zinc has helped my husband. I'm going to get him a multi vitamin as well. If it comes down to it and you need a donor, maybe your husband will have a change of heart.

KeeKee, I'm sorry you're sick :( I hope you feel better soon.

:hi: Tryinfor1. I'm bored too. I'm watching Maury right now on our 55" TV. We have a 46 in our bedroom. We are huge couch potatoes and love TV lol. I wouldn't mind getting a bigger one and maybe even an in home movie theatre when we move.

I hope you get a positive OPK before your husband leaves. Make sure you jump him before he leaves if you haven't gotten a positive OPK. I see lots of charts on FF where women get pregnant after having sex only once. Sperm can live for up to 5 days. How long is he going for?
No im only taking folic acid, i have purchased some vit b50 complex but also heard ladies say that that it has made their lp even shorter, dh sperm count results said that he needs to have it done again, he is putting it down to having a transplant 2 yrs ago as he is now on anti rejection drugs and also a load more medication including insulin as he is diabetic, IVF is out of the question with my age, im not sure about icsi, i feel im not sure about anything anymore with my dr saying im not ovulating but then cbfm and smiley digis and ff confirming that i have:dohh: i am booked in to see a fertility specialist on thursday so maybe i will be able to find out soon, my dr reffered me only as my dh goes to a different surgery to see his dr but will fs test us both im wondering, as for zinc, does the dr have to prescribe it? dh willing to give anything a try as long as it does not cause any problems with the medication he is already on.

Zinc is a vitamin and you can buy it anywhere that would sell vitamins.

How did your doctors confirm ovulation, was it by an ultrasound? The reason why I ask is because my progesterone levels were very low and from what I have read my progesterone numbers would NOT indicate ovulation, but my ultrasound did. If you have low progesterone they can give you something to help. My doctor seemed to be very optimistic about it.

Good luck with your appointment. I can't wait to hear what they say.
21 day progesterone bloods hun, dr says it did not confirm i had ovulated, very frustrating not knowing:shrug: thanks for your support:hugs: im now 11dpo and still no signs of af, had some twinges again:dohh: can you tell im still in hope:coffee:
There is still hope! I didn't like that big temperature drop though, but your temps are all over the place so I don't know what to think.

The fertility specialist will help you.

I know I'm getting AF any minute now because my dog started to be weird like he always does before AF. It's so strange. I wonder if he can smell it? lol.
Sorry, rambling again. I must get on peoples nerves too SLH. Lol. You dont get on mine though, just so you know!

I love it when you ramble because it doesn't make me feel left out lol. I think I may have scared some people away like Pookabear. Oh, how I miss Pookabear.

Thanks for your Clomid experience. I'm very excited to take it too. I have to take it from cycle days 3-7 50mg. I have noticed that seems to be the average starting dosage.

Yeah I took it 3-7 my first month and 50mg works amazing for me. I am nervous about not getting pregnant this cycle though. IDK how many more clomid cycles my doc is going to give me before he makes DH do a SA..which he wont do. lol. I have no idea if I will ovulate if I dont take clomid. Makes me super nervous!!

I took it 2-6 this time.. hoping it moves up my ovulation. My first cycle, I took it 3-7 and ovulated cd15..which I think I said already. So I am praying that taking it 2-6 knocks it to cd14. :)
SLH: I had hot flashes with clomid and I found my mood was better taking it in the morning rather than at night. If you have any questions, you can ask!

Lull: I hope everything works out for you. That's gotta be super frustrating!

So, I was thinking, I'm anemic and my prenatal has some iron in it so I didn't take any more. Well my hubby takes it so I'm taking it too now, I figure if the metformin gives me diarrhea and the iron plugs you up...they should cancel each other out...right?

I went to michaels, ended up with some rose quartz, green aventurine, red coral, turqoise and I couldn't find any genuine moonstone, only the fake stuff so i'm going to cut my anklet i think, or just not even worry about the moon stone. Like, I said, I'll try anything. I ended up spending more than I wanted, but hopefully I can just make a few more bracelets and send them a few of you gals. They were 40% off though!

My dh is gone for another half hour so I'm sitting here trying to pay bills, eating skittles and probably going to make my bracelet. Hmm...I'm kind of bored too. I tried getting Kaya to sit still to get a picture of her with a santa hat on, but she won't let me :nope:
Tryinfor1, maybe your body will be used to ovulating, so once you can't take Clomid anymore you will ovulate on your own. Hopefully, you won't need anymore and you get your bfp. I have read that doctors usually don't prescribe it for more than 6 months, but I have no idea how true that is. My doctor gave me 3 repeats and I have no idea what happens after that.

I wonder if there's a way you can sneak in a sample of your husbands SA. Wow, I sound like a very sneaky person, but I'm really not. I think that your husband will change his mind. He's aware that you want a baby, so I bet he will come around soon. I wanted a baby before my DH did, and I was shocked when I heard the words come out of his mouth that he too wanted a baby. Gee, a few months ago he didn't want to take vitamins or do anything like get a SA done, but now he takes his vitamins every day and he has even gave up baths, something that he loves to improve his numbers. He says things that I thought he never would say. He's all into this fertility stuff and wants a baby just as much as I do. I think that your husband is going to feel the same way as you do soon.

Gdane, did you go to Michaels just to get moonstones? LOL.

Maybe lacking iron is the reason why you haven't gotten pregnant and it will help you. I think this is going to be your month though. I know, I say it every month lol.

My dog never lets me put things on him. I'm going to put his antlers on him soon and take a picture. I'm not sure if I should take him to see Santa this year or not.
.random thought: my nips are not hurting like usual after ovulation....maybe I didn't really ovulate? :shrug:
.random thought: my nips are not hurting like usual after ovulation....maybe I didn't really ovulate? :shrug:

Then you should BD just incase. My nipples are killing me. Maybe you're pregnant so they're not hurting you.
I have decided that I'm going to do a preseed experiment. I'm going to put it with DH's sperm and look under the microscope to see if they are still alive and well. I have read conflicting information on the internet. I'm not sure if I should use it next month or not.
3dpo would be too early dont you think? I dint know what to think. Why would my temps go up after my first peak like usual
Ohhhh can't wait to see the result! I've wondered the same!

I just realized, dh and I have been married a year and a half today!
Looking at my chart I'm totally confused. Usually I'm up to like 98 my temp didn't go up that far s and my nips don't hurt but I broke out, my cp was hso the day of supposed ovulation and it was lfc right after ovulation and I'm getting creamy cm. I dont like that my temp didn't go up like usual
3dpo wouldn't be too early. Your temps don't seem to be as high as they usually are after O, so I wonder if maybe you didn't O. I have no idea. It does look like you have a biphasic pattern on your chart though.

I'm going to do the experiment tomorrow because the :spermies: need a break and I'm tired. I will let you know what happens though. I know someone else did an experiment with spit and she said it killed most of them.
We were typing at the same time. Maybe you did O and your temps are just lower because you're colder or something? lol. I think you should BD just to be safe, but all of your other signs point to ovulation.
Hi ladies,

Gdane: dont know what to think of your chart, oh but i so hope this is it for you. I never found any real moonstone either and i have been looking for ages, as I make bracelet etc and I was going to make one weird Huh!

SLH: the preseed experiment sounds good, we used that stuff religiously.

Tryin: cant help with the clomid hun thats one thing Ive never had to take out of the allsorts that I have taken :haha:.

AFM, Ive got a horrible urine infection right before the most important appt ever and I go get one, Im flushing my system out with lots and lots of water, Im sure I will get rid of it by the time wed rolls around or I will have to wait another 3 mths and that really is not an option.
Apple blossom, lots of cranberry juice and or supplements. I take then everyday. It really helps even when I feel one coming on I just take like 2 or three and lots of water and it clears it up.

I got my temp spike t today! Either from progesterone cream or my fertility bracelets that I just made and wore to bed...slh.... ;)
i found this thread from the old one and hope i can join you, its my first month using CBFM and today is only cd3 so ive not used it properly yet! but im excited!!
:hi: Kitty! Good luck and :dust: to you!

I got another email from that girl...I asked if she would skip all that other stuff and go straight to IUI and she said yes. I also asked if she stayed with the specialist or if she went back to her regular doctor...turns out her and I have the same exact doctor! How creepy is that!!? This is her email:

You really can't preschedule your appointment, because it all depends on how big your follicles are. They will keep a close eye on them and I think when I went in, they saw my follicles were ready, gave me the shot in the butt and then they scheduled the IUI the next day. You basically have to just call Hansen and they will schedule you for bloodwork and go over your meds and they will want to see you on about the 3rd day of your period to start the whole process. They will have you come in, they will take a look to be sure you don't have cysts, they will prescribe you the Clomid or Femara or whatever. You will take those for the 5 days or so and they will have you go back in a few days after you finish those to see how big your follicles are and if they aren't growing like they are supposed to, they might have you take some shots in the stomach (Menopur- about $75 a shot with no insurance coverage) for 2-3 days and you go back in and they measure you again and give you more shots if necessary or they will give you the trigger shot to trigger ovulation (I think around $60- we always did the trigger shot but they do give you the option to just wait it out to ovulate on your own and they say to have sex every other day for around 10 days but I always thought the shot was easier and pinpoints your ovulation better) and they will schedule you the next day or so for the IUI. If I could go back and do it all over again, I would have definately done the IUI right away. One thing about the trigger shot is that it is made out of the pregnancy hormone, so you have to be careful when testing because you WILL test positive for around 10-14 days after the shot is given. For me it was usually around 10 days and I would pee on the stick and the line would fade and fade and fade and then when it started to get darker in the next few days I knew it was a real positive. We went through so many disappointing cycles and spent so much money on shots and drugs and had all that heartache and I really believe if we had just done the IUI, it would have happened sooner for us. Another girl at work is going through all of this stuff too, and she had her first IUI earlier this month and it was unsuccessful so she is going to be doing it again. We were lucky that it worked the first time for us but I know we would have just kept doing the IUI since it increases your chances by so much.

With Hansen, he will watch over you until around 10-12 weeks. He will do early ultrasounds with you and get you started on any meds you need to take (like I had to start a folic acid supplement and stay on the Metformin for the first 12 weeks) I want to say I had about 3 ultrasounds with him before I was 12 weeks... which is a lot but I was super paranoid with the twins since I had lost twins before but he is really understanding when it comes to that. After 12 weeks, you start to go see your OB that you choose. I switched over to (Hospital A), since I live about 4 blocks from there and I see Dr. McKay. She is a twin herself and the reason we picked her is because we had gone to one of those "Maybe a Baby" classes at (hospital A) where they talk about having a baby and give you the tour of the hospital and birthing rooms and things and Dr. McKay was one of the speakers and both of us liked her.

So yeah! Let me know if there is anything else!
If anyone wants to see pictures of Kaya and Nala when they were wee little babies...click "Stalk my Journal!" In my signature!! :) I put up a few pics at the end of the thread.
Well, I may be out this month yet again. I'm either 11 dpo or 13 dpo (depending on how you interpret my FF chart), and I tested last night and this morning...BFN. My temps are still up, which is sort of unusual at this point for me on my chart, but whatever.

My monitor is still asking for sticks...still getting high fertility. Out of a brand new box of 30, I have 12 left, so I've had 18 highs this month. Ugh. I'm going to reset it on CD 1, when AF shows up, which could be between today and Saturday.

I'm calling the doctor for a FS referral this week.
Hi Kitty and welcome :hi:!

Gdane, thanks for posting your friend's emails :thumbup:. It's really interesting, great that you have the same doc too!

wookie :hugs: hope you get your FS appointment soon honey.

SLH can't wait to hear the results of your experiment! Gotta love a bit of scientific research :thumbup:.

Pook - where are you?

Lul, tryin, apple b, buckles, mrs b, lekker :hugs: girls.

AFM SA mission accomplished today so that's one more thing to tick off the list. Got my appointment for my ultrasound in a couple of weeks (that'll be weird, I'll have neckache trying to see the screen :haha:) and that's about it. I'm feeling better today but still so incredibly tired. And still pissy about my great chart but BFN. I'll never get excited about a 7DPO dip again :growlmad:.

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