...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

They are very nice!!! I could never do anything that creative. When I make cupcakes I just spread chocolate icing on them and that's it lol.

They look very yummy! I want one. Actually, I think you gave me a great idea. I'm going to make cupcakes later after we decorate our tree!
@gdane - Wow what a beautiful kitty! I love the name kuzco! I'm a cat lover, I like dogs too, but cats are my fav. My best friend has great danes and cats! So sorry to hear that your insurance sucks, a twisted ovary sounds terrifying. Sending good thoughts and a prayer your way.

@ Mrs B - I'm surprised that the Dr didn't give you provera to force a period before you started the clomid. That's what they had to do for me the first round. Then again everyone is different so hopefully the Dr is just tailoring your treatment to your body. Crossing fingers that the clomid works for you, and that you're able to visit your family.

SLH - When I had my HcG trigger it faded super fast too, maybe its normal? At very least you should be able to do an early results test, and if you get a positive you'll know its real. :dust: About the progesterone, did you ask if they would give you the pill version?

Allmac - sorry to hear that the witch is on her way, Mine should be here next week most likely. I feel your pain regarding your husband. Mine cares more than I do. It's a blessing and a curse. I don't think I could still be ttc if my hubby wasn't supportive, but on the other hand dealing with his depression over a bfn is the last thing I need on the lowest part of my month when I'm trying to deal with the news.

Tryin- So sorry to hear about your BFN, it sucks getting them the worst when you've gotten your hopes up. Crossing all my crossables that you're wrong and its just too early. What a crazy dream! Talk about a jumble of emotions that would cause!

AFM - More craziness from my Dh. Yesterday my temps had dropped which made me start to go pessimistic again despite the triphasic chart (I've heard from a lot of people that had them and they didn't mean anything.) My husband has his hopes all up and was saying that it was super cold in the room yesterday morning (and he is right it was). So last night he turned up the heater, way too much. It was boiling and I woke up 3-4 times last night. I had to explain to him this morning high temps won't make me pregnant and I cant trust my temp from this morning at all. Poor sweet guy.

On the good side my temp skyrocketed even though I had to strip in the middle of the night and couldn't bear the covers, on the downside i have no idea how much is legitimate, and how much is due to my sweety's faux pas.

I love that my man is so supportive, but I know he is going to be impossible to live with if this month is another bfn.
Well ladies I hope you all are doing great! Welcome to the new gals! The cabin was nice but I stayed sick the entire time. Yesterday I started getting a headache that still hasn't went away. I started getting very naseuous and barely made it back from dinner. This morning woke up head still hurting and came so close to puking all over the bed. I'm laying on the sil's couch right now. I took an imatrex after I took 2 excedrin pms caps since that's all I had that might help with a headache and now I feel really weird and even sicker. Ugh if it gets worse I'm going to the er since that's te only choice I have. My insurance won't cover me any other way. :(
Preempting any dryness from the Clomid, Do any of you guys recommend preseed or conceive plus?
Preempting any dryness from the Clomid, Do any of you guys recommend preseed or conceive plus?

I used preseed and Softcups. Used a lil of the preseed on him since I did have dryness issues and I put a little preseed in the softcup to combat any potential mucus issues. It was functional at the time, we will find out in 6 days or so if it made the difference for me on cycle 2. If it didn't then the FS is moving me to femara since my follies turn out tiny with clomid.
abitjaded, your chart is looking good! Maybe the heat isn't affecting your temp. When I went to the cottage in the summer there was no AC and I was boiling hot, but my temperature never went up like yours. FX'd it's your month!

Lekker, I'm sorry you're sick :( At least you should be better by Christmas. I hope your headache goes away and you don't need to go to the ER.

Mrs. B, I didn't have any ewcm this month, but usually I get it. I forgot to use preseed this month though. I do have some and used it last month and liked it. Usually things irritate me, but it didn't. I didn't even feel it inside.

I couldn't resist, I just had to pee on an FRER. My dollar stick barely picked up a line today and I have never seen a positive FRER, so I just had to see what it was like lol. I know I'm totally nuts. The weird thing is that if I used it for a pregnancy test I would have thrown it away too soon thinking it was negative because it seemed like it took forever for the second line to come up. I only saw one line at first and thought it was negative. I put the test down to do something, and when I came back there was a faint line.

ugh!!! I'm seeing the commercial for the cradle again! It says " An unexpected pregnancy can turn your life upside down, and when it does call the cradle." It's making me think that adoption will be my only option.
Oh, LOL. No, it's not a positive pregnancy test. It's from my HCG trigger shot. I wish it was real.
aww sorry i didnt realise oh well good luck when u get it am sure it will be a late chrissy present for you both, ive given up trying now but have just popped back to see if any of my over 45 friends have gotten their + as im 45 on the 28th id had enough after 5 years of trying, but i wish you all the best hun fingers tightly crossed for you xx
Neither got me pregnant. Lol I'm taking fertile cm I'll respond to the rest of you later :)
Got a bit of bad news today.

I called my dr this morning, as I said, and told them I started AF today. That isnt true but whatever. Lol. I wanted the clomid. She called me back and said she called it in.

THEN, she called me at noon and I freaking knew what she was going to say. And she said it.

The DR is not going to prescribe you clomid anymore unless your husband gets a SA.

The down part, my husband refuses to get one, which you guys all knew. I have begged him and asked him again today over lunch. He said no, which is no surprise and it will happen when it does. We are only 20 and 24 so it will happen. :( He did say he would get one if we are not pregnant by the time I graduate college..in a year and a freaking half. :cry:

I have no clue if I will ovulate without the clomid. If I do, that will be freaking awesome and I wont worry about it so much. Maybe I will take soy to help out but if I dont, then I am out for an entire year and a half.

I am quite sad about this. My friend said to go to a different DR. Lol. But I have gone to the same obgyn for several years and it would just suck to switch and then what if the new dr doesnt give me clomid anyway and says DH will need a SA first? Plus, you really are not supposed to take clomid for more than 6 months. I am on month four whenever AF shows. :shrug: I am literally stuck.
I'm sorry tryinfor1. You never know he might change his mind. I remember when my husband wanted to ntnp instead of trying. It was so depressing, but then my DH totally surprised me when he turned to me and was like, "I want a baby". I'm surprised that men don't want to know what their sperm count is like. I would be so curious to know. I didn't think I would be able to get my husband to do a semen analysis in a million years, but I think he got concerned when it wasn't happening for awhile, so we bought an at home sperm kit. It is a requirement at our fertility clinic, so eventually he had no choice. If you can't get him to go willingly, can you collect a sample and bring it in to a lab? If you live within 45 minutes of one you can bring it in from home.

Here's a stupid idea (LOL), have you ever thought of maybe buying Clomid online? A women from another thread I belong to does that because her doctor won't give it to her. I know it's dangerous, but if you do research you could probably find somewhere good to get it. And of course don't take it for more than 6 months.
I have thought of it but IDK if I would be willing to do that. Lol. I would be too scared they did something freaky to it.

And we do live within 45 minutes that I am aware of. GAH. It just sucks! Lol. I wouldnt know how to collect the sample myself though. :shrug:

Thanks for the ideas. I am really just freaking out that I will not ovulate after clomid. If I do, like I said, I wont be too madly upset cause at least I will still have chances. If I dont, then that is when I would have an issue.
SLH: There is NO way you can already be out at 2dpo!! Chin up girl! Yes I take ibuprofen or tylenol for it. But most of the time I just deal with it. I ended up taking some tylenol last night because my hip hurt so bad. I also think it's a good thing your tests are fading. That way when you get your real one, you'll know it! I LOVE the FRER picture! :) I'll get some more pictures...don't you worry! haha. I'm a picture freak!

MrsB: Thank you! He was cute when he didn't meow nonstop! I don't know what his freaking deal is but he's driving me bonkers! I've tried getting him to go to the litter box, he's peed, but I haven't seen any poo in there. He drinks water, and I don't know if he's eating his food. I thought it was a little weird too your doc didn't put you on provera first but I guess that's why they went to school and not us! let us know how the clomid goes! Is she monitoring you with ultrasounds? I wonder what the pain in your lower abdomen as about?? Are you still temping this month? I can't wait til you Ov either! I know how you feel! I used to be in your shoes before clomid. Girls were running circles around me and I hadn't even gotten ONE attempt! cd70 rolls around and you're like..."REALLY!?!?" man. i'm praying the clomid works for you! OHHH Those cupcakes look delicious! And I don't like cupcakes!! I'd stare at them all day though lol! Ok, so the preseed vs conceive plus...Conceive plus lasts longer, but preseed felt better...neither has gotten me pregnant. I'm taking fertilecm...it's supposed to help you get MORE fertile cm and also improve your lining to promote and help implantation. I can tell a difference for sure. I'm only on cd8 and I have lots of watery cm.

Inkdchick: Do you want to be part of our thread? We're very welcoming!! :)

Allmacs: I'm sorry the witch is on her way. I'm not sure how to tell DH. Maybe don't tell him and he will forget??! I know, long shot, but you never know if you don't mention it. DH says it sucks but just picks up and says well, heres another month to try. I know it's wearing on him too. Maybe he has no one to talk to? Maybe send him to a forum like ours..I'm sure one exists!

Tryin: I'm hoping its too early! Like I said I wish you temped! :hugs: if it's a true bfn. Hopefully this dream is a glimpse of the near future. I felt the same way at 8 months. In some ways its gotten easier, because it's like a way of life for me now, but kind of worse too. It's hard to explain. What would you like in your siggy? I would try the soy if your DH refuses to get a SA. I'd keep on him though about it. I think he needs to do his part. He's making me mad that he won't do that for you.

abitjaded: HEY!! And welcome! It's so nice to have a girl ask to join and then actually stick around and post! We've had a few ghosts lately lol. Let me know your test date so I can get you added to the front screen and lets hear your history like all us girls gave! You sound like very sweet girl so far! :dust: Thanks for the compliment on my kitty. what color danes does your friend have? Kaya is my baby. We used to have another one but she died about a month ago. :( She wasn't even eight months. Your chart DOES look amazing! I hope it stays up! I have seen triphasic charts (including my own) that mean nothing and triphasic charts that mean something! Fx'd for you! That's cute of your DH to worry about your temps so much. :awww:

Lekker: I'm so sorry you're feeling like crap! Seems to be the trend lately! I hope you didn't have to go to the ER..>That's never fun.

AFM: My cat finally shut up. He is sleeping on top of my computer right now. LoL. The silence is HEAVEN. He literally has not stopped crying since I got him. Like I said to mrsb, the fertilecm is definately doing its job! I feel like I'm peeing myself and this never happens before I ovulate!! :happydance: I'm debating on whether or not to BD tonight or let the little spermies build up. The closest I feel like we got to a bfp is when we didn't DTD as much...its the chart that had the implantation dip, who knows, maybe i'm crazy. I'm not using my monitor this month because I didn't buy any sticks. We're just going to dtd every few days until my temp rise. Work was pretty fun today. We forgot Dh's car at my work last night so he rode into work with me today thinking he was going to leave right away and go home and get his truck then come back to town and get some sheetrock and stuff with his mom. Well, my boss friend loves to talk and he wants to be friends with DH so he said they could just take his truck and so they went and did all that stuff and came back we all had lunch and pretty much hung out all day...so DH spent the whole day at work with me pretty much. LoL. I LOVE my job. I got hot bosses as eye candy, they pay for lunch everyday, the guys are HILARIOUS, they give us gas cards every month and actually let us know we're appreciated and I work pretty awesome hours too. I just love it! :yipee: After work I came home and cleaned and listen to my cat meow his head off. Kuzco and Kaya are getting along a lot better kaya was sniffing him and he started purring and tried rubbing against kaya like he thought kaya was trying to pet him or something. He thinks you guys are pretty funny :blush: :haha:

Wheres keekee, buckles and lull? I sure miss appleblossom too :hugs: Hope you guys are all okay!! :hi:
Mrs B, those cupcakes are BEAUTIFUL. I'm trying to learn to bake... but have never made anything so yummy looking!

Tryin, I'm so sorry... but holding out the tiniest hope that maybe it was just too early to test, and your witch is going to stay away. Then DH's SA won't matter!

SLH, don't count yourself out so fast! Maybe you're just feeling differently because of the trigger and stuff?

Abitjaded, that cracks me up. I've thought of messing around with the thermostat too, but obviously, that's backwards. I just want to see those high temps so bad, sometimes I have to remind myself it's the baby that makes the temps, not the other way around. :rofl:

AFM, not sure what I'll say to The Hubs tonight... he's working late... again, and I hate to do this to him. I guess I'll wait until the witch is here in full force, just in case the spotting and temp drop are a fluke.

ROFL, who am I kidding? Of course they're not flukes. But I'm a chicken and not ready to tell him, especially after a day like today.
Thanks Gdane. It pisses me off too. Lol. :haha: BUt I cant force him to take one. I will stay on top of it but I dont think he is going to budge. He USUALLY gives me what I want. This is literally the ONLY thing that he has not given me in the entire four years we have been together. He even bought me a car cause I asked him for one when I turned 19. Lol. He is being nicer too which is a least a plus.

I am trying to decide what to do if I dont get a bfp by february. Should I go back on birth control and try again after my 21st? I just cant decide. :( I really want to ntnp but at the same time, if it doesnt happen by then I kinda want to take a break and go to vegas for my 21st like my family is planning. :shrug: It will only be a five month break..

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