...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

Can I just say how cute my DH is with this kitten? He took him from me because he woke up and started crying again. He's trying to console him saying, "you miss your momma?" and talking to him and treating him like he's a baby. Ohh hhow I wish it was a real baby. :hugs:
Dane, I'm jealous... a day with DH at work would be so awesome. LOL

(Not that I work... but if I did... ;) )
Boy, my aging ass can't seem to keep up with you ladies!!! LOL!!!

Gdane- I'll say it again, that kitten is precious!!! Love his name. I have a big heart for neutered males...they are HUGE cuddlers in the long run. Ugh, And I'm so sorry about those god-awful cysts...it's a shame you need to wait to get help for them because of insurance issues! I think that sucks so much!

Mrs. B- Beautiful cupcakes!!! I bet there was a lot of work involved in them. Well done!

SLH- Best of luck this cycle...you just never know! I sure hope you catch that egg soon.

AllMacs- I completely feel for you. Please remember that your DH loves YOU, and that is NOT contingent on your ability to bear him children. Sure, we all want kids...but our marriages exist first because of the love we share with our spouses. That is the foundation, and children is an extension of that. Life can be so disappointing at times, but it's how you handle that together that matters. It'll happen when the time is right...no one can ever say you didn't try to fulfill this dream.

Tryin- Honey, I'm sorry about the bfn. I'm not going to pump you full of false hope. Don't be afraid to tell us what we can do to help you through the disappointment this time around. And the clomid thing? I beg of you to not get it over the web...that sounds so dreadfully risky. As far as the SA goes, I'd offer to manually help him. Make it hot for his ohorny ass, grab a cup at the last second, and whisk that sample off to the lab!!! LOL!!! It sounds like DH is quite a randy chap, so I'd just take advantage of that, and take that semen and sperm by force!!! He's got to reciprocate in this relationship. It can't always be about what YOU should be doing to get pregnant. He's got to do his part. So spuzz in a cup, bucko!!! Wookie COMMANDS it, so get to spankin' the monkey, pal!!!

I have been thinking. This is what I am going to do but I need your guys input.

If I am not pregnant by February, I am going to take a break. Here is where I am stuck though. Should I go back on birth control at the end of February, and get off of it in June and then start trying again after my 21st in July? OR should I stay off birth control entirely, and just avoid my fertile days? I have provera and stuff so I could start my cycle back up in July in case it decides to not come back if I decide to take BC.

PUH-LEASE tell me what you guys would do!
:hugs: allmacs. Sorry AF got you.

Thanks, hon. It sucks, but what are you gonna do?

I'm feelin ok about it right now... I usually am at this point. In a day or 2 I'll be ready to kill something, give up, and generally cause LOTS of misery.

I just don't know how to tell him.

Plus, this means I'll be ovulating while we're either at his mom's house or mine. Not exactly ideal. I already wasn't looking forward to this trip any more, but that's a whole other post.

Your cat is too funny.
Boy, my aging ass can't seem to keep up with you ladies!!! LOL!!!

Gdane- I'll say it again, that kitten is precious!!! Love his name. I have a big heart for neutered males...they are HUGE cuddlers in the long run. Ugh, And I'm so sorry about those god-awful cysts...it's a shame you need to wait to get help for them because of insurance issues! I think that sucks so much!

Mrs. B- Beautiful cupcakes!!! I bet there was a lot of work involved in them. Well done!

SLH- Best of luck this cycle...you just never know! I sure hope you catch that egg soon.

AllMacs- I completely feel for you. Please remember that your DH loves YOU, and that is NOT contingent on your ability to bear him children. Sure, we all want kids...but our marriages exist first because of the love we share with our spouses. That is the foundation, and children is an extension of that. Life can be so disappointing at times, but it's how you handle that together that matters. It'll happen when the time is right...no one can ever say you didn't try to fulfill this dream.

Tryin- Honey, I'm sorry about the bfn. I'm not going to pump you full of false hope. Don't be afraid to tell us what we can do to help you through the disappointment this time around. And the clomid thing? I beg of you to not get it over the web...that sounds so dreadfully risky. As far as the SA goes, I'd offer to manually help him. Make it hot for his ohorny ass, grab a cup at the last second, and whisk that sample off to the lab!!! LOL!!! It sounds like DH is quite a randy chap, so I'd just take advantage of that, and take that semen and sperm by force!!! He's got to reciprocate in this relationship. It can't always be about what YOU should be doing to get pregnant. He's got to do his part. So spuzz in a cup, bucko!!! Wookie COMMANDS it, so get to spankin' the monkey, pal!!!

Wookie you crack me the heck up!!!! :haha:

Tryin, why the deadline?

If it was me, because of the horror stories I've seen, I think I'd avoid BC and just watch out for the fertile days... but you have to decide what's best for you.
Tryin, why the deadline?

If it was me, because of the horror stories I've seen, I think I'd avoid BC and just watch out for the fertile days... but you have to decide what's best for you.

My family is planning on taking me to Vegas for my 21st in July. I know this is kinda gay, and I shouldnt rely on it, but the physic, Gail, when I got another pregnancy reading from her since the first one didnt happen, it said that spirit saw me pregnant by February 2012 but since I was being too crazy about it, wouldnt give me a specific month. :shrug: If no bfp by february, I think a break would be in my favor.

I am terrified to go back on birth control though!! So I just am kinda stuck. :shrug: I have a couple months to think about it.

Thanks for your input. :hugs:
Boy, my aging ass can't seem to keep up with you ladies!!! LOL!!!

AllMacs- I completely feel for you. Please remember that your DH loves YOU, and that is NOT contingent on your ability to bear him children. Sure, we all want kids...but our marriages exist first because of the love we share with our spouses. That is the foundation, and children is an extension of that. Life can be so disappointing at times, but it's how you handle that together that matters. It'll happen when the time is right...no one can ever say you didn't try to fulfill this dream.

ROFL. Yeah, the thread seems to be moving pretty quickly... Matter of fact, *I* didn't see *your* post until Tryin quoted you.

You're SO aging, lol... I actually think (if I remember correctly) you're the only one in the thread whose intro I saw who is even remotely close to my age... I was starting to feel like a geezer too.

Thank you for your words. I definitely needed that. And you're right. My heart just breaks (for me)... and then it breaks all over again for him, every month. I want to be able to give it to him.
Tryin- I think I'm going to choose option "C", which is as follows:

DH MUST SPANK IT INTO A CUP!!! (But...he'll probably be more comfortable if you do the spanking, and then voila! Sperm sample!)

I'm only kidding. Kind of.

I guess I just resent how he gets to run the whole TTC show just by refusing to do the SA. I wouldn't allow him to control the whole deal like that...what about your needs and dreams, kiddo? ;)

Don't go on the pill. That's like throwing in the towel.
@gdane - I'm 12 dpo now, tested yesterday bfn. Planning to test again 12/22, if I can hold out that long. My friends danes are both harlequin girls (Maya and Sasha), beautiful house horsies. So sorry to hear of the loss of your puppy. :(

So let's see, about me... I married my dh June of 2001 and we decided we wanted kids pretty much right off the bat so I went off the pill in 9/2001. We were pretty laid back about it and just figured that the time wasn't right. So we continued NTNP until sometime in 2007. I finally went into the doctor and she said we needed to bd at least 1x every 3 days for a year before she would do anything. Nevermind I only had 1 period that year... So we did, and when we went back she had me go in for an ultrasound and diagnosed me with PCOS. She told me that since I was overweight she wouldn't refer me to an FS until I was at a healthy weight. So I spent 2.5 years loosing weight while ttc. I lost 95 lb and started to have more frequent cycles (still very irregular). So I went back to the doctor again. She advised me that since I had started to have periods more frequently 9 months ago that she wanted us to ttc for 3 more months. After the three months had elapsed I decided to hell with the doctor, I was done with fooling around. I referred myself to a reproductive endocrinologist. My first appointment was the worst, she looked at my ovaries and discussed my symptoms, she told me that most likely I had only ovulated 3 times in the last 10 years of ttc.

So I've now done 2 cycles of clomid with ultrasounds and hcg triggers, and next month we will be trying femara if I'm not pregnant this month.

Sorry for the book!
@gdane - I'm 12 dpo now, tested yesterday bfn. Planning to test again 12/22, if I can hold out that long. My friends danes are both harlequin girls (Maya and Sasha), beautiful house horsies. So sorry to hear of the loss of your puppy. :(

So let's see, about me... I married my dh June of 2001 and we decided we wanted kids pretty much right off the bat so I went off the pill in 9/2001. We were pretty laid back about it and just figured that the time wasn't right. So we continued NTNP until sometime in 2007. I finally went into the doctor and she said we needed to bd at least 1x every 3 days for a year before she would do anything. Nevermind I only had 1 period that year... So we did, and when we went back she had me go in for an ultrasound and diagnosed me with PCOS. She told me that since I was overweight she wouldn't refer me to an FS until I was at a healthy weight. So I spent 2.5 years loosing weight while ttc. I lost 95 lb and started to have more frequent cycles (still very irregular). So I went back to the doctor again. She advised me that since I had started to have periods more frequently 9 months ago that she wanted us to ttc for 3 more months. After the three months had elapsed I decided to hell with the doctor, I was done with fooling around. I referred myself to a reproductive endocrinologist. My first appointment was the worst, she looked at my ovaries and discussed my symptoms, she told me that most likely I had only ovulated 3 times in the last 10 years of ttc.

So I've now done 2 cycles of clomid with ultrasounds and hcg triggers, and next month we will be trying femara if I'm not pregnant this month.

Sorry for the book!


Have you seen our other posts? Lol. This, my dear, is in NO WAY a book.

I am so sorry that your doctor jerked you around like that. I feel like she should have helped you a hell of a long time ago.

If you dont mind me being nosy, how old are you? I just know everyone elses age and I am a nosy person. Lol :blush:
Tryin- I think I'm going to choose option "C", which is as follows:

DH MUST SPANK IT INTO A CUP!!! (But...he'll probably be more comfortable if you do the spanking, and then voila! Sperm sample!)

I'm only kidding. Kind of.

I guess I just resent how he gets to run the whole TTC show just by refusing to do the SA. I wouldn't allow him to control the whole deal like that...what about your needs and dreams, kiddo? ;)

Don't go on the pill. That's like throwing in the towel.

I know. It makes me sad he wont go. Lol. I LOOOOVE your posts though!!!! Lol. They are hilarious! I can see his point, we are very young. It just does suck because I would like more than anything to be a mommy. But I should also respect his wishes also. He can wait for the kids and is only ttc because I talked him into it. :haha: At least I got him to the point to where I could go off birth control and him be like "alright..." Lol. he isnt as in this as I am.

I dont think I will go back on the pill now that I think about it. I will just avoid my most fertile days. I do hope that I just become pregnant before this point though. Lol then it wont matter!

I do hope that you guys will allow me to be in this group even though I will technically be wtt because I will be on a break. I would miss everyone WAY TOO MUUUCHHHH!!
Sorry I am posting so much everyone. Lol. I am being miss chatty tonight..
@gdane - I'm 12 dpo now, tested yesterday bfn. Planning to test again 12/22, if I can hold out that long. My friends danes are both harlequin girls (Maya and Sasha), beautiful house horsies. So sorry to hear of the loss of your puppy. :(

So let's see, about me... I married my dh June of 2001 and we decided we wanted kids pretty much right off the bat so I went off the pill in 9/2001. We were pretty laid back about it and just figured that the time wasn't right. So we continued NTNP until sometime in 2007. I finally went into the doctor and she said we needed to bd at least 1x every 3 days for a year before she would do anything. Nevermind I only had 1 period that year... So we did, and when we went back she had me go in for an ultrasound and diagnosed me with PCOS. She told me that since I was overweight she wouldn't refer me to an FS until I was at a healthy weight. So I spent 2.5 years loosing weight while ttc. I lost 95 lb and started to have more frequent cycles (still very irregular). So I went back to the doctor again. She advised me that since I had started to have periods more frequently 9 months ago that she wanted us to ttc for 3 more months. After the three months had elapsed I decided to hell with the doctor, I was done with fooling around. I referred myself to a reproductive endocrinologist. My first appointment was the worst, she looked at my ovaries and discussed my symptoms, she told me that most likely I had only ovulated 3 times in the last 10 years of ttc.

So I've now done 2 cycles of clomid with ultrasounds and hcg triggers, and next month we will be trying femara if I'm not pregnant this month.

Sorry for the book!


Have you seen our other posts? Lol. This, my dear, is in NO WAY a book.

I am so sorry that your doctor jerked you around like that. I feel like she should have helped you a hell of a long time ago.

If you dont mind me being nosy, how old are you? I just know everyone elses age and I am a nosy person. Lol :blush:

I'm 29 now. Dh and I got married 2 weeks out of high school. One of those crazy things that shouldn't work out but somehow did. Funny thing is sooooo many people speculated that I was pregnant lol.
@gdane - I'm 12 dpo now, tested yesterday bfn. Planning to test again 12/22, if I can hold out that long. My friends danes are both harlequin girls (Maya and Sasha), beautiful house horsies. So sorry to hear of the loss of your puppy. :(

So let's see, about me... I married my dh June of 2001 and we decided we wanted kids pretty much right off the bat so I went off the pill in 9/2001. We were pretty laid back about it and just figured that the time wasn't right. So we continued NTNP until sometime in 2007. I finally went into the doctor and she said we needed to bd at least 1x every 3 days for a year before she would do anything. Nevermind I only had 1 period that year... So we did, and when we went back she had me go in for an ultrasound and diagnosed me with PCOS. She told me that since I was overweight she wouldn't refer me to an FS until I was at a healthy weight. So I spent 2.5 years loosing weight while ttc. I lost 95 lb and started to have more frequent cycles (still very irregular). So I went back to the doctor again. She advised me that since I had started to have periods more frequently 9 months ago that she wanted us to ttc for 3 more months. After the three months had elapsed I decided to hell with the doctor, I was done with fooling around. I referred myself to a reproductive endocrinologist. My first appointment was the worst, she looked at my ovaries and discussed my symptoms, she told me that most likely I had only ovulated 3 times in the last 10 years of ttc.

So I've now done 2 cycles of clomid with ultrasounds and hcg triggers, and next month we will be trying femara if I'm not pregnant this month.

Sorry for the book!


Have you seen our other posts? Lol. This, my dear, is in NO WAY a book.

I am so sorry that your doctor jerked you around like that. I feel like she should have helped you a hell of a long time ago.

If you dont mind me being nosy, how old are you? I just know everyone elses age and I am a nosy person. Lol :blush:

I'm 29 now. Dh and I got married 2 weeks out of high school. One of those crazy things that shouldn't work out but somehow did. Funny thing is sooooo many people speculated that I was pregnant lol.

I got engaged right out of highschool at 18 and then I got married at 19 so I get what you are saying! I am 20 now. xx
My advice is to push for what you want, don't let anyone tell you that it will happen eventually, to just relax because you're young. Not knowing I had PCOS was miserable, I was obese and didn't even know it wasn't my fault. I'm now at a healthy weight, which is nice, but it hurts so much to realize that I would have a 9 or 10 year old now if I had stood up for myself. My god son is 9 and he is so much fun. My life is so much better for knowing him and his momma. She is my best friend, (the Great Dane owner,) and 5 months pregnant right now, which hurts a bit, but is the reason I finally pushed forward and got a FS. We were going to get prego together, but she got impatient and had her iud out and got pregnant 3 months later. Hrm I'm rambling again. I will blame the PMS hormones, I'm not used to them since I only cycled every 9 months until just over a year ago.
Abitjaded, what a nightmare. I just can't believe that you've been in limbo this long with what's happening to your body. It breaks my heart for you, really. I certainly hope you're now on the right track, and your questions and issues get resolved. You deserve nothing less.
I agree with everyone else, Jaded.

Your doctor SUCKS.

I'm so glad you are at a healthy weight now, but you shouldn't have had to do so much on your own.

Congrats for taking it into your own hands, though, and good luck!
I seriously hope that you all take this as me breaking the "curse" cuz I swear I didn't mean to join your thread 2 days before my BFP...

I'm in so much shock. This feels like a cruel joke cuz it can't really be true.


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