...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

Awww. :nope: I'm sure its not sensitive enough FRERs are 15 miu, where digis are usually 25 miu. We all saw your 2nd line on your FRER and you know its darker irl. So your Digi will show up tomorrow morning. Don't stress.
What's the sensitivity of it? FRER's are more sensitive I think. I have read that digital tests sometimes don't work until after your period is due. Don't be sad yet. That FRER is positive, so as far as I'm concerned you're pregnant.

Have you taken the digital out of the case? Maybe you'll be able to see a line, but the digital didn't pick it up because it might be too faint. Yesterday, I could barely see a line on my dollor store test but the frer was dark. Your frer isn't as dark as mine so there's no way a test that isn't as sensitive would pick up the hormone.
My dollar store test was 25 miu and I could barely see a line and my FRER was way darker than yours.
I wouldn't worry about that digi, Tryin...

I don't blow smoke about tests... if I can't see a line, I'll either say so or just not say anything... but there was a SOLID VERY APPARENT line on your FRER.

Just give it a day or 2... not only could it have been too early, but that wasn't FMU, either.

You're preggers, girl. Don't worry about it.
I have no idea abit. I threw the box away a long time ago. I keep all my ttc stuff in a little bag and the box wouldnt fit in there. Lol.

I am gonna go get some more frers later tonight and use them with FMU.

Thanks for all the support everyone! :hugs:
I thought digis were 50mui?

If a digital is 50 mui miu (whatever lol), you have nothing to worry about. It was way too sensitive to pick up anything. If I could barely see a line on my dollar store 25 stick, but a way darker line FRER, then you are pregnant end of story LOL. Take a digital in a couple of days.
Sorry for the bad grammar and spelling. I'm too excited to pay attention lol.
I think its miu slh you crack me up. And yes believe allmacs she will tell you if she doesn't see a line shes been with me since the beginning


First of all, you ARE pregnant. I see a nice visible line on your FRER, albeit faint, which is completely normal at 12 dpo.

Secondly, let's get this hpt thing straight.

FRER=25 miu
Most digis (including Clearblue)=50 miu

If a digi is telling you "not pregnant" you'll have to wait a couple of days, as hcg doubles every 2 days, on average. You're most likely still around the 25 miu mark with your beta levels, in order for the FRER to pick up a bfp at all, so don't worry!!!

What you need to do, is run out, and get some good over the counter prenatal vitamins w/folic acid. DO NOT STRESS ABOUT CRAMPING. If you're not bleeding, or your cramps aren't heavy or borderline awful, you have no cause to worry.

I've had a missed miscarriage a bit later in the first trimester, so I have not experienced regular early miscarriage symptoms. I did not have any cramping, but I began bleeding moderately at 10 weeks. I have participated regularly in the Loss forums, and those ladies who have experienced a typical chemical or miscarriage usually have A LOT of pain, And/or heavy bleeding.

My point being, AF cramps are a normal part of early pregnancy. Your uterus is already beginning to expand. Just wait until you pee your pants while laughing one day, are wide awake at 3:00am for no reason, cry during stupid commercials, and crave jalapeno poppers with your frosted flakes cereal. Oh, that's all around the corner, honey!!!!!

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! Try not to worry. A warm (not overly hot) bath will help the cramps. As long as it's not warm enough to raise your overall body temperature, it's fine.

I'm so happy that you're no longer obligated to spank DH off into a cup now, against his will and all! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that you're expecting, he HAS to be super nice to you. He CANNOT be a douche-packer. He can't say things like he's going to "beat you"...I'm telling you now, that once your pg hormones start to rage, he will need to take the high road, grow up, and be Mr. Nice Guy Incarnate. If he is less than Mr. Wonderful-I-Cook-Dinner-& Rub-Wife's-Feet-With-A-Smile, I will swing by your place, and put the hammer of justice down on his ass! Ask my ex-husband what that looked like!!! LOL!!!

Okay. I am so frickin' happy we now have 2 bfp's on here!!!
Oh my days Ladies! I go away for 1 day and come back to find that not old have there been like 10 pages of comments today! But TWO :bfp:s!!!



First of all, you ARE pregnant. I see a nice visible line on your FRER, albeit faint, which is completely normal at 12 dpo.

Secondly, let's get this hpt thing straight.

FRER=25 miu
Most digis (including Clearblue)=50 miu

If a digi is telling you "not pregnant" you'll have to wait a couple of days, as hcg doubles every 2 days, on average. You're most likely still around the 25 miu mark with your beta levels, in order for the FRER to pick up a bfp at all, so don't worry!!!

What you need to do, is run out, and get some good over the counter prenatal vitamins w/folic acid. DO NOT STRESS ABOUT CRAMPING. If you're not bleeding, or your cramps aren't heavy or borderline awful, you have no cause to worry.

I've had a missed miscarriage a bit later in the first trimester, so I have not experienced regular early miscarriage symptoms. I did not have any cramping, but I began bleeding moderately at 10 weeks. I have participated regularly in the Loss forums, and those ladies who have experienced a typical chemical or miscarriage usually have A LOT of pain, And/or heavy bleeding.

My point being, AF cramps are a normal part of early pregnancy. Your uterus is already beginning to expand. Just wait until you pee your pants while laughing one day, are wide awake at 3:00am for no reason, cry during stupid commercials, and crave jalapeno poppers with your frosted flakes cereal. Oh, that's all around the corner, honey!!!!!

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! Try not to worry. A warm (not overly hot) bath will help the cramps. As long as it's not warm enough to raise your overall body temperature, it's fine.

I'm so happy that you're no longer obligated to spank DH off into a cup now, against his will and all! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that you're expecting, he HAS to be super nice to you. He CANNOT be a douche-packer. He can't say things like he's going to "beat you"...I'm telling you now, that once your pg hormones start to rage, he will need to take the high road, grow up, and be Mr. Nice Guy Incarnate. If he is less than Mr. Wonderful-I-Cook-Dinner-& Rub-Wife's-Feet-With-A-Smile, I will swing by your place, and put the hammer of justice down on his ass! Ask my ex-husband what that looked like!!! LOL!!!

Okay. I am so frickin' happy we now have 2 bfp's on here!!!

B&B needs a "like" button.
Hi Ladies,

Im sorry to intrude but I wondered If I might ask your advice about CBFM. Its my second month using it, and Im BBT charting too. so anyway the first month I used 10 sticks and I got my highs and peak and then my temp went up as you'd expect. this month - Im on my second 10 sticks and till today I got all "lows" but my temps went up a few days ago. I thought I was having a cycle without ovulation, but today "high" has appeared....
Im a bit confused, and wondered if you ladies who have more experience of the cbfm might have experienced this??

thank you so much and sending you all :dust::dust::dust:
Purplelou, hey!

First of all, I see you've suffered some losses...I'm very sorry. I have miscarried also, and totally feel your pain. It just makes the desire for that next bfp much more desperate, you know?

Since you're on 2nd cycle with CBFM, it still may be trying to figure out your cycles. Another thing, is that you probably haven't "O"ed yet, and your temps are reflecting a rise, but not necessarily from ovulation. The only other thing I can think of, is that perhaps the monitor did not pick up your LH surge...perhaps you had a very short evening surge that your monitor missed. I believe that can happen. If I were you, continie using the monitor this cycle, as it could still peak. I would continue BDing every day to every other day, until you stop getting highs, or after your peaks, and your chart indicates another thermal shift.

Hope that helps!


First of all, you ARE pregnant. I see a nice visible line on your FRER, albeit faint, which is completely normal at 12 dpo.

Secondly, let's get this hpt thing straight.

FRER=25 miu
Most digis (including Clearblue)=50 miu

If a digi is telling you "not pregnant" you'll have to wait a couple of days, as hcg doubles every 2 days, on average. You're most likely still around the 25 miu mark with your beta levels, in order for the FRER to pick up a bfp at all, so don't worry!!!

What you need to do, is run out, and get some good over the counter prenatal vitamins w/folic acid. DO NOT STRESS ABOUT CRAMPING. If you're not bleeding, or your cramps aren't heavy or borderline awful, you have no cause to worry.

I've had a missed miscarriage a bit later in the first trimester, so I have not experienced regular early miscarriage symptoms. I did not have any cramping, but I began bleeding moderately at 10 weeks. I have participated regularly in the Loss forums, and those ladies who have experienced a typical chemical or miscarriage usually have A LOT of pain, And/or heavy bleeding.

My point being, AF cramps are a normal part of early pregnancy. Your uterus is already beginning to expand. Just wait until you pee your pants while laughing one day, are wide awake at 3:00am for no reason, cry during stupid commercials, and crave jalapeno poppers with your frosted flakes cereal. Oh, that's all around the corner, honey!!!!!

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! Try not to worry. A warm (not overly hot) bath will help the cramps. As long as it's not warm enough to raise your overall body temperature, it's fine.

I'm so happy that you're no longer obligated to spank DH off into a cup now, against his will and all! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that you're expecting, he HAS to be super nice to you. He CANNOT be a douche-packer. He can't say things like he's going to "beat you"...I'm telling you now, that once your pg hormones start to rage, he will need to take the high road, grow up, and be Mr. Nice Guy Incarnate. If he is less than Mr. Wonderful-I-Cook-Dinner-& Rub-Wife's-Feet-With-A-Smile, I will swing by your place, and put the hammer of justice down on his ass! Ask my ex-husband what that looked like!!! LOL!!!

Okay. I am so frickin' happy we now have 2 bfp's on here!!!

I love you too! LOL. You are so sweet! Thank you for clearing up the digi thing. It makes me feel better that the digis are double the sensitivity of the frers. I am getting some more frers later and gonna pee on one tomorrow and hope that the line is darker!

I am still in shock. It doesnt feel real. I dont feel different. Lol. The cramps have stopped which is nice but they sometimes come back. Not bad to where I cant do anything, just feel like normal af cramps. And I keep getting random pinches in my ovaries.

I havent told DH yet, I want to make sure the line is nice and dark before I do. I imagine I will tell him on the 22. That will be our 4 year anniversary. I keep looking at the test just like WTF. Lol.

And DH is being a lot nicer. We dtd yesterday so he has calmed the eff down. Haha. I cant wait to share the news with him! I think he will freak out. Mostly because of money but I think he is going to be so excited to be a daddy!!

I do have prenatals. I have been taking for three months! With the highest dose of folic acid!

Thank you so freaking much for your kind words. You made me feel so much better about the cramping and about the hpt thing. I just cant wait till the digi says pregnant and not Not Pregnant. Lol.

Telling my family is going to be a BIT of a different story.

OH GOD. Earlier, I shoved my test under the couch cause DH was coming towards me. He tried to lift the couch and I jumped on top of it because I didnt want him to see the test. I had to make up a story about how I bought him another christmas present and shoved it under there and dint want him to see. I felt bad about making it up but I want a nice DARK frer to show him, not a faint ass line. Anyway, now I am off to walmart to get MORE presents for him. What is even worse, I said they were sexual presents. OYVAY! :dohh:

I just cannnnnnttttt belieeeeve it! I hope that the frer wasnt defective.. I used a frer from the same box yesterday morning and it was a bfn. SO I dont think it was!

Since i got a faint line on the 10miu test, I think that maybe my hcg levels rise a little slower than normal. I mean, the 10miu test was 10dpo so I guess it would make sense that the frer would pick up now at 12dpo and not yesterday.

I am just like "AHHHH!!!!!"

I cant wait to make a new siggy!!


First of all, you ARE pregnant. I see a nice visible line on your FRER, albeit faint, which is completely normal at 12 dpo.

Secondly, let's get this hpt thing straight.

FRER=25 miu
Most digis (including Clearblue)=50 miu

If a digi is telling you "not pregnant" you'll have to wait a couple of days, as hcg doubles every 2 days, on average. You're most likely still around the 25 miu mark with your beta levels, in order for the FRER to pick up a bfp at all, so don't worry!!!

What you need to do, is run out, and get some good over the counter prenatal vitamins w/folic acid. DO NOT STRESS ABOUT CRAMPING. If you're not bleeding, or your cramps aren't heavy or borderline awful, you have no cause to worry.

I've had a missed miscarriage a bit later in the first trimester, so I have not experienced regular early miscarriage symptoms. I did not have any cramping, but I began bleeding moderately at 10 weeks. I have participated regularly in the Loss forums, and those ladies who have experienced a typical chemical or miscarriage usually have A LOT of pain, And/or heavy bleeding.

My point being, AF cramps are a normal part of early pregnancy. Your uterus is already beginning to expand. Just wait until you pee your pants while laughing one day, are wide awake at 3:00am for no reason, cry during stupid commercials, and crave jalapeno poppers with your frosted flakes cereal. Oh, that's all around the corner, honey!!!!!

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! Try not to worry. A warm (not overly hot) bath will help the cramps. As long as it's not warm enough to raise your overall body temperature, it's fine.

I'm so happy that you're no longer obligated to spank DH off into a cup now, against his will and all! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that you're expecting, he HAS to be super nice to you. He CANNOT be a douche-packer. He can't say things like he's going to "beat you"...I'm telling you now, that once your pg hormones start to rage, he will need to take the high road, grow up, and be Mr. Nice Guy Incarnate. If he is less than Mr. Wonderful-I-Cook-Dinner-& Rub-Wife's-Feet-With-A-Smile, I will swing by your place, and put the hammer of justice down on his ass! Ask my ex-husband what that looked like!!! LOL!!!

Okay. I am so frickin' happy we now have 2 bfp's on here!!!

B&B needs a "like" button.

I use thanks as a like button! lol

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