...No, relaxing will not get me pregnant...lucky CBFM girls!

Af would have been due this week. Only 22 more hours till my scan. Eek! Thank all of you guys for being patient with me and helping me through this. I couldn't do this without yall! :hugs:
Best of luck, Tryin'. I'm sure that baby looks great!
Holy Moses, do I have some catching up to do. I've been reading it all but my internet has been stupid!!

MrsB: That's so freaking exciting about your vacation! I'm so jealous of you all getting to go on vacations!! Yes, you get money for cans as someone else explained. Just bring them to a scrap metal place and they buy them from you. Do you check your CM or your cervix? I always break out before O too. Or sex drive increase? I'm a disney chick flick/romantic comedy type gal too. I'm such a hopeless romantic :) We tried finding True Blood on netflix instant que but apparently it's not available :( Twilight movies did no justice for the books I think. I'm a die hard Nicholas Sparks fan and I'm almost done with the book apple blossom sent me...I've read ALL of his books and they are AMAZING. especially "The Guardian" its about a psyco stalker and a great dane :) I feel the same about being in control. This TTC really grinds my gears! Your mood could be from clomid. It does affect moods. I got hot flashes and headaches well after I took the last pills because it doesn't kick in for a few days so your body is still making estrogen (making your eggs grow!) so the clomid is working hun!

Tryin: I'm sorry to hear about the dad thing and the car thing. All you can do is hope everything turns out and I'm glad you're okay. Only you truly know what to do about your dad. DH and I watched lost. You're going to be so disappointed with the ending...sorry doll. I'm sure the doctor will have great news tomorrow for you. TEXT me as soon as you have any news!

SLH: I'm surprised there isn't a place you can recycle cans! It's just a place that buys scrap metal. You get some good money for scrap metal around here and it's going up! Consider yourself lucky, I haven't even been to vegas in my life yet. Or NY. My DH LOVED the walking dead. I thought it was horror film so I made him watch it alone. Now I might have to watch it! That's so awesome to hear about your follicle! I can't wait for the day you announce your BFP which WILL be in the near future for all of us! STOPPPP GOOGLING! THAT'S AN ORDER! Tell your dh to get his ASS in bedd! That's an order too!

Wookie: I also am a self professed dingdong. I think DH considers himself that too. loL I call him a goon all the time...or he just gets "the look". Haha! i agree that the midwest is a completely different area. I've been here my whole life and I told dh the other day I wish we could just move away for a while just to experience somewhere different and get away from our sister in laws. The one sister in law I like lives halfway across country because her hubbys in the navy. My sister wanted to see devil inside...as for me...no thank you. DH loves horror flicks but the only time I watch them is halloween and then I have to watch a couple things after it to get them off my mind otherwise I start seeing things and having night mares LOL. Don't worry Wook, some people don't have any side effects with clomid at all. When I took it at night I had side effects like total depression and mood swings and headaches then When I took it in the morning the only side effect I had was hot flashes. It's different for everyone and I'm sure it will work for you.

Buckles: good luck and lots of :dust: with your upcoming O time.

Lekker: Good to see you back safe and sound!! Is there snow in NY? It looked pretty warm when the ball dropped! We're cycle buddies! I'm on cd 5 and AF is pretty well gone for me too! Which is a relief considering when I wasn't on clomid she was here for a full 7 days heavy.

Keekee!! soooo happy to see you doll! I missed you! I'm so happy your tatas are better and you're healing great! Never know about not getting much bding in! Tryin thought she didn't get enough in either!!

AFM: I'm going to kill that effing cat. I just got playing with kaya and working out. So I'm typing in my bra :haha: i'm naked with you guys!! Anyways, he jumped up on my shoulder and clawed me so I grabbed him to *cough*gently*cough* put him down and he latched on to my hand and made like a 3in long gash in it. washed it with peroxide and freaking neosporin because I used to work in the ER and I've seen cat bites and scratches...they can get REALLY infected. And lucky me its the same hand I burned cooking pork loin last night for my parents and sister. :dohh: I'm so graceful. AF is pretty much gone. Only a tinsy bit of pink this morning and otherwise nothing. I'm cramping a little and my boobies hurt so I'm hopeing my body will do its job not being on clomid and ovulate like a normal person instead of cd54. BAH! I will go crazy.Well, I worked out for the 5th day in a row...and so far so good. I think I'm losing weight already. On a side note, I'm a little sad because my DH's cousin put "Its a boy!" on fb (through ultrasound) and I'm good friends with his wife...or so i thought...and she STILL has not told me she is pregnant. :( But...my hot boss friend made me laugh a lot today at work. So it was a good day.
Gdane- The exercise will only help you, as long as it's done in moderation, and you don't overdo it. Best of luck! I was a fitness guru up until my pregnancy last year, and I've been waaaayyyy off the wagon ever since. But, the past few days, I've tried to eat as clean as possible, and drink about 2 liters of water a day. I don't feel up to training for running right now, but I may pop by the gym after school today, and walk 4 or 5 miles on the treadmill. We'll see. My students were WILD yesterday, so if today is similar, I may need a nap after school instead. LOL!

I'm on CD 6 right now too, so we're buddies this month!

Tomorrow a.m. is my last Clomid pill for this cycle. Here's to having higher progesterone and mature follies, and nice big egg. The OPK madness will begin at 4:00 p.m. on CD 10, hopefully followed by the BD marathon of January 2012...stay tuned!
Cheers wookie! Yay for cycle buddies! :hugs:

Noticed on my ticker I only have four weeks til our consult with our ferility specialist.
So I had a weird dream. Dh wasn't there at all. Im not sure what all of it was about but long story short I had the most beautiful baby girl I had ever seen in my life. I could not get over how gorgeous she was. But we had already decided in the name davanee marie for her but I couldn't help but think she looked more like a Layna. Anyways all of the sudden she was gone and I was being chased by people with guns then all of the sudden I was looking for my baby. Any sign of her at all. I was tearing the house apart. I could tell m my mom knew something but she wasnt telling me. I was like punching her and pulling her hair and the next thing I knew I was at supper at a bbq place with my family and I started asking about my baby again and my sister have me a look like she knew. So I started throwing cans of coke at their heads and they finally told she gave her up for adoption and I couldn't figure out how she could do that when I was over 18! Lol then I woke up thank God.

I have no idea where I got the name layna I have never heard it before. I told dh about it this morning and he said he likes davanee better. Then before he left he rubbed my belly and he said take care of davanee and layna. ;)
Gdane- no there is no snow here really which is VERY unusual for this time of year. You can completely see the grass but you can still see small patches of snow lingering. I'll post a pic for you guys in a little while. Yay for being cycle buddies...AF isn't completely gone for me yet but I think today will be the final day of spotting so I can get on with it lol. It's crazy how we synched up! Maybe YOU are the reason my AF finally decided not to toy with my emotions this year haha! That dream is crazy, ever since I made that bracelet I've had wicked crazy dreams too. I did buy on vacation some real moonstone earrings but I haven't wore them in about a week since my ears were kinda closed up when I got them. They are still healing from me being impatient and forcing them through the holes.

Tryin-I can't wait to hear about your scan!!!!!

AFM I feel like total and utter crap. I'm sick again and I'm pretty sure it's the start of strep. BUT I do have a dr's appt next week and I'll hopefully be able to just be like hey I'm sick fix me and just be done with it. I don't think March can get here fast enough though. I cannot wait to finally get the process started for the fertility treatments and to find out what's going on. DH is getting anxious too as he's started kinda talking about it a little more. Which is not like him...he never talks about stuff like this on his own, usually I have to generate the conversation. But it's exciting! :)
I come bearing horribly sad news. Tryinfor1 asked me to tell you guys she had her scan. She has a blighted ovum. She doesn't know when she will be back so just keep her in your prayers. My heart is breaking for her. :cry:
Oh no that's awful! Please send her my love and tell her that I'm thinking about her!

I was coming on here to moan ab but won't now!
Oh no :cry::cry::cry:. I am so sad to hear that. Please give tryin my love and tell her I'm thinking about her, as I'm sure we all are. Poor love. I don't know what else to say. My heart's breaking for her :hugs:.
Omgoodness tell tryun im so sorry to hear that ugh my heart is breaking as well..... ugh I don't know. What else to say either,,, been on my phone ill check up on everyone a little later on the computer... my heart is broken for her as we speak!
Well, my goodness. I just popped in, and saw the sad news.

Tryin'- If for some reason you do pop in...I am so sorry for your loss. If you need anything, please PM me.

Gdane- In case she needs a long break from BnB, please tell her Wookie is so sorry to hear of her loss. She is absolutely welcome to PM me if she needs to talk... I'm sure she's positively gutted. Give her a cyber hug from me, and tell her we are all praying for her, and her DH.
I told her. She says she will eventually be okay but shes not now. She said she loves you guys too
I'm here. I cant go through this without the support of yall. My husband has been very gracious, although he found out about the clomid and didnt exactly know about that. He wasnt too pleased but given the circumstances he doesnt exactly care about that right now. My mom has been amazing support and came straight home from work when I called her. All my friends I have told have been awesome.

Thank you Gdane for telling the thread. :hugs:

I am scheduled for a D&C tomorrow morning. The DR said that is probably the best thing to do, and I would rather get it out of me since I know it is dead. The worst part, besides losing my child which is way worse, is that I carried my dead baby for two weeks. I saw its little body on the screen (which of course didnt look like a body yet obviously) and the sac.

Idk if I will be ttc again for a while as I think I need time to grieve. I am going to be getting a tattoo in my babys honor.

The only thing I can think about this is that something was wrong with the baby. It wasnt developing correctly and at least my body realized that now and didnt continue to let the pregnancy develop into something that would have abnormalities. I believe God will bless me with another child, one that will grow big and strong, when I am ready to try again.

I really pray and hope that when you guys get pregnant that you have the happiest and healthiest nine months ever. Textbook pregnancies. I love all you guys. :hugs:
I'm here. I cant go through this without the support of yall. My husband has been very gracious, although he found out about the clomid and didnt exactly know about that. He wasnt too pleased but given the circumstances he doesnt exactly care about that right now. My mom has been amazing support and came straight home from work when I called her. All my friends I have told have been awesome.

Thank you Gdane for telling the thread. :hugs:

I am scheduled for a D&C tomorrow morning. The DR said that is probably the best thing to do, and I would rather get it out of me since I know it is dead. The worst part, besides losing my child which is way worse, is that I carried my dead baby for two weeks. I saw its little body on the screen (which of course didnt look like a body yet obviously) and the sac.

Idk if I will be ttc again for a while as I think I need time to grieve. I am going to be getting a tattoo in my babys honor.

The only thing I can think about this is that something was wrong with the baby. It wasnt developing correctly and at least my body realized that now and didnt continue to let the pregnancy develop into something that would have abnormalities. I believe God will bless me with another child, one that will grow big and strong, when I am ready to try again.

I really pray and hope that when you guys get pregnant that you have the happiest and healthiest nine months ever. Textbook pregnancies. I love all you guys. :hugs:

Tryin'- I am so very sorry for your loss. I have been in your shoes, and know your devastation. You'll have your good moments, and at other times the grief will overwhelm you. I know exactly how you feel about carrying the deceased baby for 2 weeks...I carried mine like that for 4 weeks, and never knew. It's hard, but time will help you heal. I opted to try again immediately after my D&9, but everyone deals with TTC after a loss differently. Take it one hard day at a time, and don't let anyone try to minimise your feelings with insensitive remarks, advice, etc. People cannot relate to feelings associated with this type of loss unless they've been there...I did find it helpful to join some of the ladies in the Miscarriage and Loss Support forums.

Please let me know if I can be of any help to you. The D&C is nothing to be afraid of, as you will be completely sedated for it, and it does provide physical closure...at least it did for me.

Again, I'm so sorry. Please take care of yourself, and know we're all here to embrace and support you.
Tryin - here for you honey. Take care of yourself and take all the time you need :hugs::hugs::hugs:. We love you and are here for you whenever you need us. Thinking of you xxx
Trying, I am praying for you this morning through your D&C. It'll be over soon, sweetie. Don't be afraid to ask for anything.

It's going to be okay, kiddo. Sending a ton of hugs to you and DH.
Tryin, :hugs: hope today went as ok as it can

AFM: I booked my day 21 bloods in today, I cant remember if my doc wanted them done so I booked anyway lol. My CBFM has confused me today, the 1st line if I hold my stick in my right hand pointing left is darker today than yesterday... im sure that means lower?

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