Not Knowing Whether I'm Ovulating or Not is so Frustrating :'(

Hi everyone. I'm going to start the whole temping and using opks after this af (if it ever comes). I stopped taking bcp in may and have had 2 late cycles because of it. This cycle included. I am 9 days late. I may have spotted last night but then this morning ;nothing.:shrug:This is completely unusual for me but since coming off bc I guess anything is possible. I think I am ovulating though so I think it's just a case of late ov. I guess we will see when i start charting. Good luck ladies!:dust:

I guess you have used a HPT then? gah I have BCP!!!! grr it messes everything up!!!
Yes i tested on the 12th the day af was due and the 14th both bfn ( and a defective test also grr.....) and I was going to wait until today to test again but last night I had some VERY light spotting. This morning I woke up and nothing. So I didn't test but I'm still confused whether or not this is af starting. My husband and i did the bd yesterday so maybe that is why I spotted? I have no idea what is going on.:shrug: I'm so tired of waiting! BCP did make my cycles irregular. It makes me so angry!:growlmad:
aw I bet its the BDing with the spotting . . . stupid BCP :( just keep testing, it will either be a BFP or AF will come, eventuall . . . :/ hope it sort's it's self out lovely!
Yeah Thats what I was thinking this morning when I realized the spotting had stopped. It's just pretty upsetting because I can't try again until af starts ya know! And sometimes I do wonder whether or not I'm ovulating but I have had 3 normal cycles since coming off of bc so I think I'm fertile just....maybe I have lazy ovaries? Ya know, late ovulation due to coming off of bc.
Yeah Thats what I was thinking this morning when I realized the spotting had stopped. It's just pretty upsetting because I can't try again until af starts ya know! And sometimes I do wonder whether or not I'm ovulating but I have had 3 normal cycles since coming off of bc so I think I'm fertile just....maybe I have lazy ovaries? Ya know, late ovulation due to coming off of bc.

Yeah I know what you mean, not knowing where you stand is the worst part of it :( I do use OPK's and temping but I have a horrible feeling that I'm not ovulating :(
or the lazy ovary theory sounds good to me! are you taking any vits or suppliments?
Yeah Thats what I was thinking this morning when I realized the spotting had stopped. It's just pretty upsetting because I can't try again until af starts ya know! And sometimes I do wonder whether or not I'm ovulating but I have had 3 normal cycles since coming off of bc so I think I'm fertile just....maybe I have lazy ovaries? Ya know, late ovulation due to coming off of bc.

Yeah I know what you mean, not knowing where you stand is the worst part of it :( I do use OPK's and temping but I have a horrible feeling that I'm not ovulating :(
or the lazy ovary theory sounds good to me! are you taking any vits or suppliments?

Well since we began actively ttc which was my sept cycle, I have been taking evening primrose oil for hormones etc. I start taking it the first day of my cycle and then right up unitl my supposed ovulation ( the only way I guess is by cm) and then I stop them until I begin my next cycle. I also take just a multivitamin. We have only been trying a short time. I went off of every med I was on in may so they could get out of my system before we actively try and just when i thought I was getting my reg cycles back on track, BOOM! Another late cycle. sigh.....:nope:
sounds just like BCP to me! theres loads of ladies on here that describe what your saying . . . after my withdrawal bleed I was waiting 53 days for AF to show her face!
what multivit are you taking? is it a preggo friendly one? no vit A or D?
It is just a one a day women's vitamin it has some sort of folic acid and zinc etc. all sorts of stuff. Yeah after i stopped in may obviously I had my last bc cycle and then in june I got a normal cycle 29 days. Then I completely missed july and started in august at cd63! then sept and oct I started on day 33 so I thought I was out of the woods. Apparently not.:dohh:
aw no! I hope mine don't start messing up now :( or I get my BFP this month :/ I'm not overly hopeful though . . .
After going off my bcp in September, I had my withdrawal bleed and then I've had nothing for 80 days now, so I have no idea when AF will come or when I'm ovulating. It aggravates me and worries me sometimes, but for the most part I just try not to think about it, and I act like any time we bd could be the right time to make a baby, which I guess it kind of could since I literally have no idea when I might be ovulating. I tell the hubby that too and it makes bd-ing much more fun thinking we might be making a baby. I'm just going to stick with that plan for now as I don't feel like temping or anything until we've been trying for at least 6 months without anything happening. Just trying to keep it low stress.

Good luck girls!!
After going off my bcp in September, I had my withdrawal bleed and then I've had nothing for 80 days now, so I have no idea when AF will come or when I'm ovulating. It aggravates me and worries me sometimes, but for the most part I just try not to think about it, and I act like any time we bd could be the right time to make a baby, which I guess it kind of could since I literally have no idea when I might be ovulating. I tell the hubby that too and it makes bd-ing much more fun thinking we might be making a baby. I'm just going to stick with that plan for now as I don't feel like temping or anything until we've been trying for at least 6 months without anything happening. Just trying to keep it low stress.

Good luck girls!!

I took the same approach before I got my AF back too! There's no point in worrying about it too much, the only reason I've started using OPKs and temping this cycle is because I'm terrified that ovulation hadn't returned after coming off the BCP!
ugh I worry far too much :(
It's hard not to worry about it all. I almost wish I was less informed so it would be easier to believe that it could just happen whenever. And it's especially hard when people ask you about getting pregnant a lot, which happens to me b/c I couldn't keep it to myself and told some friends when we started "trying" because I was so excited about it. And whenever they ask me about it and I say I haven't got AF yet they say "test, test, you must be pregnant!". But I've done enough research to know that's most likely not the case. I don't feel pregnant or anything like that and I've taken bcp for so long that I'm sure my body is just messed up. But I won't upset myself by testing and am putting off the stress of temping and all that till I absolutely can't take it anymore.

One of my husbands coworkers asked me at a gathering a couple of weeks ago if we would be expecting a baby soon, and I said hopefully if we're lucky. Seems like it's not that easy. And he said Of course it's easy, just do it a lot. Really??!! People have no idea. He and his wife were a couple of hippies who probably never used bcp and got pregnant when they were 20. They have no idea the challenges of long term bcp use. I just wanted to slap him upside the head! lol

Sorry, I have no idea where that rant came from...
After going off my bcp in September, I had my withdrawal bleed and then I've had nothing for 80 days now, so I have no idea when AF will come or when I'm ovulating. It aggravates me and worries me sometimes, but for the most part I just try not to think about it, and I act like any time we bd could be the right time to make a baby, which I guess it kind of could since I literally have no idea when I might be ovulating. I tell the hubby that too and it makes bd-ing much more fun thinking we might be making a baby. I'm just going to stick with that plan for now as I don't feel like temping or anything until we've been trying for at least 6 months without anything happening. Just trying to keep it low stress.

Good luck girls!!

I came off BCP's in sept as well, but silly me, i took the first week then stopped b.c DH was ready a few weeks early! I have had very very light spotting with minimal flow for AF since, you have not had any sign of AF at all? no spotting? FX you won't have to see it and get your BFP instead!!
It's hard not to worry about it all. I almost wish I was less informed so it would be easier to believe that it could just happen whenever. And it's especially hard when people ask you about getting pregnant a lot, which happens to me b/c I couldn't keep it to myself and told some friends when we started "trying" because I was so excited about it. And whenever they ask me about it and I say I haven't got AF yet they say "test, test, you must be pregnant!". But I've done enough research to know that's most likely not the case. I don't feel pregnant or anything like that and I've taken bcp for so long that I'm sure my body is just messed up. But I won't upset myself by testing and am putting off the stress of temping and all that till I absolutely can't take it anymore.

One of my husbands coworkers asked me at a gathering a couple of weeks ago if we would be expecting a baby soon, and I said hopefully if we're lucky. Seems like it's not that easy. And he said Of course it's easy, just do it a lot. Really??!! People have no idea. He and his wife were a couple of hippies who probably never used bcp and got pregnant when they were 20. They have no idea the challenges of long term bcp use. I just wanted to slap him upside the head! lol

Sorry, I have no idea where that rant came from...

I made the exact same mistake! me and my stupid big mouth!!!!!
I hate it when people ask me I feel so stupid for ever thinking it would be easy!! I hate these people that it just happens for them!! ( well more jealousy than hate tbh!! ) lol but yeh I know what you mean . . . just dont use anything and have lots of sex, yeh coz its that easy . . .
It's hard not to worry about it all. I almost wish I was less informed so it would be easier to believe that it could just happen whenever. And it's especially hard when people ask you about getting pregnant a lot, which happens to me b/c I couldn't keep it to myself and told some friends when we started "trying" because I was so excited about it. And whenever they ask me about it and I say I haven't got AF yet they say "test, test, you must be pregnant!". But I've done enough research to know that's most likely not the case. I don't feel pregnant or anything like that and I've taken bcp for so long that I'm sure my body is just messed up. But I won't upset myself by testing and am putting off the stress of temping and all that till I absolutely can't take it anymore.

One of my husbands coworkers asked me at a gathering a couple of weeks ago if we would be expecting a baby soon, and I said hopefully if we're lucky. Seems like it's not that easy. And he said Of course it's easy, just do it a lot. Really??!! People have no idea. He and his wife were a couple of hippies who probably never used bcp and got pregnant when they were 20. They have no idea the challenges of long term bcp use. I just wanted to slap him upside the head! lol

Sorry, I have no idea where that rant came from...

I made the exact same mistake! me and my stupid big mouth!!!!!
I hate it when people ask me I feel so stupid for ever thinking it would be easy!! I hate these people that it just happens for them!! ( well more jealousy than hate tbh!! ) lol but yeh I know what you mean . . . just dont use anything and have lots of sex, yeh coz its that easy . . .

Oh god I did the same! Luckily there were peole at work who I can talk to about tww, symptoms etc but others joke bout placing bets when I'm going to get pg etc !
every time I see one girl . . . shes like so you pregnant yet? it's like she's getting frustrated with me not getting pregnant!!!

I don't need a constant reminder! lol
Haha we should start a 'we should never have opened our big mouths' thread! :haha:
After going off my bcp in September, I had my withdrawal bleed and then I've had nothing for 80 days now, so I have no idea when AF will come or when I'm ovulating. It aggravates me and worries me sometimes, but for the most part I just try not to think about it, and I act like any time we bd could be the right time to make a baby, which I guess it kind of could since I literally have no idea when I might be ovulating. I tell the hubby that too and it makes bd-ing much more fun thinking we might be making a baby. I'm just going to stick with that plan for now as I don't feel like temping or anything until we've been trying for at least 6 months without anything happening. Just trying to keep it low stress.

Good luck girls!!

I came off BCP's in sept as well, but silly me, i took the first week then stopped b.c DH was ready a few weeks early! I have had very very light spotting with minimal flow for AF since, you have not had any sign of AF at all? no spotting? FX you won't have to see it and get your BFP instead!!

No, nothing at all! I was on Jolessa, so would have my period every 3 months. I finished my pack and the dr said my period would probably resume to a normal cycle, but I've had nothing. This past Saturday was 11 weeks, so I'm gonna wait and see if I get my period next week, as that would be 3 months, so I'm thinking maybe my body will just be acting like it did on the pill. If no AF that week, I'm going to take a test just to make sure, even though I really don't want to because I feel like it will be depressing. Then I'm going to call my dr and see what she says about it. I'd love to think it's because I'm pregnant but unless I'm like those crazy ladies on I didn't know I was pregnant, I doubt it, cause I've felt no noticeable symptoms. We'll see...

But thanks for the well wishes and positive energy :) Good luck to you as well!!:dust:
every time I see one girl . . . shes like so you pregnant yet? it's like she's getting frustrated with me not getting pregnant!!!

I don't need a constant reminder! lol

Same here! I love the girls I work with, but one of the two that I told talks to my belly like there's a baby in there all the time. Every morning she asks if I got my AF yet and when I say no she says hi little baby to my belly. It's nice because I know she is excited for me and wants me to get pregnant, but I've talked to her about the stuff I've read on BnB and how so many women are having a hard time getting preganant, especially girls who were on bcp for a long time, but it's like she doesn't believe me or something.

Oh well, people don't know what it's like till they're in the situation themselves.
my friend found out she was pregnant last week . . . shes 22 weeks!!! how she didn't know I will never understand!! lol and @CMARIE33 we deffo should!! us big mouthed ladies . . . imagine what we will be like when we get BFP's waiting out the 12 week period!!! HARD TIMES AHEAD!! haha

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