ImSoTired - sorry about the BFN sweet :/ I hope you're okay!
AlmostThere - I know the feeling lovely and it's horrible isn't it! I took my temp this morning and it has lowered again :/ I honestly thought I had ovulated over the past few days . . . guess not :/ here's to OPKing for the rest of the month :/ gah! my plan is just to BD every other day and to hope we catch an eggy!!!
Mrs. JSH - test!

you'll probably be a bit disappointed, I know we all have been but try not to focus on it, just think oh well we've only really been having fun and not overly trying, if you get me? then at least you can get drunk and drunk

is always the funniest! tehe!!! hoping for your BFP sweet
Ladies I am sooo fed up today, it's not even funny

I honestly thought I OVed over the weekend, (pos OPK, watery/ EWCM, high and open CP) but my temperatures' say I haven't

tbh I don't think I can rely on my temps this month as Ive been poorly for about a week now and my temps keep coming out around 36.33, which I know is not high for most people but it is for me, mine is usually 35.80, I took my temp this morning and it was 36.08

I just don't know what to think?!

I thought I had OV pains today too so we're BDing tonight too but everything else points to not OVing yet/ haven't already!!!
gah I'm on CD 18 and so far no OV!
I'm scared that I'm not going to OV at all

I don't even care if it's CD 30, as long as I OV at some point!!!
merh! sorry for my ramblings ladies, I hope everyone else is okay today!!!