Hi all. I hope you don't mind me jumping in. I'm so sorry for all of your losses.
We've been trying since November last year and earlier this week I got a BFP. I went to the doctor and he didn't do any blood tests but said I was 5 weeks and to look for a midwife. I was feeling pregnant, the nausea, headaches, exhaustion and sensitive boobs, which the doctor said was a really good sign.
Yesterday I took a test and the second line was very very faint and then I started bleeding very very heavily. All those pregnancy feelings disappeared. I rung my sister in law who is a midwife and she said to go to the doctor. I went to the doctor who said it's probably all over but because I've had no pains there could still be a chance. I know it's all over but I have a blood test and ultrasound this afternoon to confirm.
I just feel dizzy and exhausted, probably from the emotions. I know we will just get back on the horse and keep trying. From what I've read, we don't need to wait to try as along as we feel emotionally ready. I've read that we should wait 2 weeks to BD again though. Can anyone clarify? Thank you