November 2011 Babies!


Mar 31, 2011
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Hey new mommies! :flower:
Leah here! I'm 19, working part time as a server, and newly preggo!

This is the last place I expected to be right now! Just found out a couple days ago that little bean is 5 weeks and 5 days old! :baby: Due date is November 29th.

I'd love to have some other teen moms to walk through this with, so if you just found out and your baby's due in november, let's chat!

At this moment, I definitely know I'm carrying another person. I have all the typical symptoms: nausea, heart burn, cramping, missed period, exhaustion! :sleep:, and everything else.

Hope to find bump friends soon!
Hello and welcome to BNB :flower: Congratulations on your pregnancy sweetheart! My name is Chloé, I am 18, I am a full-time student and I am 25+4 weeks pregnant with my little one! I am due on the 11th of July and can not wait :happydance:

Oh God I had a terrible pregnancy at the beginning. I had morning, noon and night sickness from 3-16 weeks and had constant indigestion, heartburn and random headaches as-well. I was soo happy when the sickness stopped! But I still get the odd heartburn at night time :haha:

How did your family and FOB take your news??

I am 19...almost 20 haha but I am due november 21st!! I would love to have someone to chat with who is going through this around the same time as me haha. I am also enjoying those wonderful early pregnancy symptoms...this whole thing was a huge suprise to me but I am starting to get really excited about it!! I would love to also make some november baby friends :)
I'm so glad you found this!
Yay for November!!
I'm going through the super excited but its completely surreal stage. Kind of like an out of body experience, but its just the opposite!

Have you told your parents yet?
Hello and welcome to BNB :flower: Congratulations on your pregnancy sweetheart! My name is Chloé, I am 18, I am a full-time student and I am 25+4 weeks pregnant with my little one! I am due on the 11th of July and can not wait :happydance:

Oh God I had a terrible pregnancy at the beginning. I had morning, noon and night sickness from 3-16 weeks and had constant indigestion, heartburn and random headaches as-well. I was soo happy when the sickness stopped! But I still get the odd heartburn at night time :haha:

How did your family and FOB take your news??

Congrats to you too!!
Thankfully, my symptoms aren't terrible and don't stop me from everyday life. They're just a nuisance.

I still haven't told my parents... They're very VERY Christian and don't agree with all of my choices. So, that's the most terrifying part of this experience. I'm not afraid of having a baby, just of my parent's reaction.
Little bean's dad is completely supportive and excited as well, which is really encouraging for me :)

How did you go about telling family/friends?
Hey. Yeha i told my parents. they are also really really christain. I grew up in church haha. I actually kinda hinted it to my then she asked me if i was and i told her I dont know. She had me take a test nd when it came back positive she was shocked. But almost imidiatly she hugged me and both my parents dont agree with me having sex before marrige living with my fiance etc. but they said they willsupport me and are starting to get excited. Dont be scared to tell your rents...if they love you they might be dissapointed etc but they will get over it.
I grew up in church too.. But life happens!
Well, I had a scare last year and told them. They were less than supportive at first. My mom didn't talk to me for like a week and my dad just kept telling me how disappointed he was.
Now that I really know I am and I've gone to the doctor, it makes me even more nervous! Plus, they really don't like my boyfriend and don't know I'm still with him. So...with that combo, I'm gonna have some real issues. :/
ouch. I guess I am just lucky haha. But even if they are less then supportive at first...they will come around, your their daughter and they will come around. You just have to stay strong until you do. Stand your ground dont let them see that they are getting to you. My grandmother keeps trying to get me to get in touch of an adoption acency...and that really pisses me off, she knows I have no intention of getting rid of it but she still cant help herself. You are lucky like me to have your BF by your side to be excited with you. I dont know what I would do without my Fiance...hes been such a great support system and is so excited to be a father haha. Have you thought about how your going to tell your parents when you do?
Hey congrats :) I'm 17 & almost 8weeks pregnant with my first baby
my due date is November 15th
I aldo feel very pregnant as far as symptoms go lol
ouch. I guess I am just lucky haha. But even if they are less then supportive at first...they will come around, your their daughter and they will come around. You just have to stay strong until you do. Stand your ground dont let them see that they are getting to you. My grandmother keeps trying to get me to get in touch of an adoption acency...and that really pisses me off, she knows I have no intention of getting rid of it but she still cant help herself. You are lucky like me to have your BF by your side to be excited with you. I dont know what I would do without my Fiance...hes been such a great support system and is so excited to be a father haha. Have you thought about how your going to tell your parents when you do?

Yes you are!
I'll try not to, but its going to be tough.. I've supported my mom through years of cancer and all I want her to do is just say congratulations and not be a Debbie-Downer. But, either way I still have Zach (bf)'s mom. She's SUPER excited :)
I would be pissed too if someone was trying to change my mind. I thought about adoption for all of 2 seconds when my sister brought it up. I just couldn't handle knowing that I was completely capable of raising my own baby, but because it was going to be hard, got someone else to do it.

I'm going to write them both separate letters explaining everything. I'm so nervous. But, I think it's best so I don't get the brunt of anger/emotion/blow up and they get time to process.
Hey Hillary and Bosslady!! Congrats!!! So glad ya'll found this!!!! I've read a couple other threads of teen moms that did this and its so cool watch them go through the process together!
Has everyone gone to the doctor yet?? When's your first ultrasound??
Mine's scheduled for April 21st. Guaranteed I'm going to cry when I first hear little bean's heartbeat!
Hey Hillary and Bosslady!! Congrats!!! So glad ya'll found this!!!! I've read a couple other threads of teen moms that did this and its so cool watch them go through the process together!
Has everyone gone to the doctor yet?? When's your first ultrasound??
Mine's scheduled for April 21st. Guaranteed I'm going to cry when I first hear little bean's heartbeat!

mine is april 22nd also the day i turn 18 (: im so super excited ::happydance: i wanted to go sooner but i dont get put on my own insurance til then and my mom wont take me
ouch. I guess I am just lucky haha. But even if they are less then supportive at first...they will come around, your their daughter and they will come around. You just have to stay strong until you do. Stand your ground dont let them see that they are getting to you. My grandmother keeps trying to get me to get in touch of an adoption acency...and that really pisses me off, she knows I have no intention of getting rid of it but she still cant help herself. You are lucky like me to have your BF by your side to be excited with you. I dont know what I would do without my Fiance...hes been such a great support system and is so excited to be a father haha. Have you thought about how your going to tell your parents when you do?

Yes you are!
I'll try not to, but its going to be tough.. I've supported my mom through years of cancer and all I want her to do is just say congratulations and not be a Debbie-Downer. But, either way I still have Zach (bf)'s mom. She's SUPER excited :)
I would be pissed too if someone was trying to change my mind. I thought about adoption for all of 2 seconds when my sister brought it up. I just couldn't handle knowing that I was completely capable of raising my own baby, but because it was going to be hard, got someone else to do it.

I'm going to write them both separate letters explaining everything. I'm so nervous. But, I think it's best so I don't get the brunt of anger/emotion/blow up and they get time to process.

thats good that you do have some kind of support :) and writing letters is such a good idea!! you will have to let me know how it all goes, so sorry to hear about your mothers cancer, I know how hard it can be my mother has battled anorexia throughout my life. Hopefully all goes well though, fingers crossed eh? and i read on the note bellow you wrote that you get to go for your first scan in april!! I have to wait till the beggining of may it sucks!!! I could have gotton an early date but I really wanted thiscertain doctor( some one that delivered both me and my sister). So I guess thats the price I will pay. When are you thinking about handing out those letters to your parents?
ouch. I guess I am just lucky haha. But even if they are less then supportive at first...they will come around, your their daughter and they will come around. You just have to stay strong until you do. Stand your ground dont let them see that they are getting to you. My grandmother keeps trying to get me to get in touch of an adoption acency...and that really pisses me off, she knows I have no intention of getting rid of it but she still cant help herself. You are lucky like me to have your BF by your side to be excited with you. I dont know what I would do without my Fiance...hes been such a great support system and is so excited to be a father haha. Have you thought about how your going to tell your parents when you do?

Yes you are!
I'll try not to, but its going to be tough.. I've supported my mom through years of cancer and all I want her to do is just say congratulations and not be a Debbie-Downer. But, either way I still have Zach (bf)'s mom. She's SUPER excited :)
I would be pissed too if someone was trying to change my mind. I thought about adoption for all of 2 seconds when my sister brought it up. I just couldn't handle knowing that I was completely capable of raising my own baby, but because it was going to be hard, got someone else to do it.

I'm going to write them both separate letters explaining everything. I'm so nervous. But, I think it's best so I don't get the brunt of anger/emotion/blow up and they get time to process.

thats good that you do have some kind of support :) and writing letters is such a good idea!! you will have to let me know how it all goes, so sorry to hear about your mothers cancer, I know how hard it can be my mother has battled anorexia throughout my life. Hopefully all goes well though, fingers crossed eh? and i read on the note bellow you wrote that you get to go for your first scan in april!! I have to wait till the beggining of may it sucks!!! I could have gotton an early date but I really wanted thiscertain doctor( some one that delivered both me and my sister). So I guess thats the price I will pay. When are you thinking about handing out those letters to your parents?

Yes it is really awesome. I'm so thankful for my support system :)
I will definitely let you know asap.
Sickness is hard. It affects everyone.
That sucks so bad. I couldn't wait that long. I'm already impatient now! haha.
I'm going to give it to them as soon as I write them. Probably tomorrow... I'm so nervous!!
Hey Hillary and Bosslady!! Congrats!!! So glad ya'll found this!!!! I've read a couple other threads of teen moms that did this and its so cool watch them go through the process together!
Has everyone gone to the doctor yet?? When's your first ultrasound??
Mine's scheduled for April 21st. Guaranteed I'm going to cry when I first hear little bean's heartbeat!

mine is april 22nd also the day i turn 18 (: im so super excited ::happydance: i wanted to go sooner but i dont get put on my own insurance til then and my mom wont take me

Awww!! That's going to be so special!! Pictures :D Btw, I'm a BIG picture person. I wanted to be a photographer. So ya'll might get tired of me and my pictures. Haha.

Oh I know. I would love to go like...tomorrow. Haha. I just feel so surreal about it so I want to hear Bean's heartbeat so it becomes reality! :cloud9:

Did your mom not take the news well? I'm nervous about that. But, thankfully my boyfriend has been offered a full time job at the company he's been working for and they offer health benefits. That would be ideal since he's been working 2 jobs and its making him kind of grumpy :(
Hey Hillary and Bosslady!! Congrats!!! So glad ya'll found this!!!! I've read a couple other threads of teen moms that did this and its so cool watch them go through the process together!
Has everyone gone to the doctor yet?? When's your first ultrasound??
Mine's scheduled for April 21st. Guaranteed I'm going to cry when I first hear little bean's heartbeat!

mine is april 22nd also the day i turn 18 (: im so super excited ::happydance: i wanted to go sooner but i dont get put on my own insurance til then and my mom wont take me

Awww!! That's going to be so special!! Pictures :D Btw, I'm a BIG picture person. I wanted to be a photographer. So ya'll might get tired of me and my pictures. Haha.

Oh I know. I would love to go like...tomorrow. Haha. I just feel so surreal about it so I want to hear Bean's heartbeat so it becomes reality! :cloud9:

Did your mom not take the news well? I'm nervous about that. But, thankfully my boyfriend has been offered a full time job at the company he's been working for and they offer health benefits. That would be ideal since he's been working 2 jobs and its making him kind of grumpy :(

My fiance took it amazingly. I told my mom she flipped and refused to take me to the doctor. Now shes in denial and getting my birth control(which i never took in the first place because im highly allergic to) prescription re-filled to give to me...i have no clue with that woman. thankfully i dont live with her. Our bigges fear is telling his mom. Shes so uptight and rather spoiled
Im about 6 weeks pregnant w/ my first!! Mom and sister know but Dad and brother dont...
Sister and Mom are really excited!!!

Is anybody else worrying yourself about miscarrying??? Cuz i am...but i have faith in God that he will keep my baby safe!!!

First ultra sound is April 6th!! Cant wait so i can breath a little easier!!!
Congrats to you too!!
Thankfully, my symptoms aren't terrible and don't stop me from everyday life. They're just a nuisance.

I still haven't told my parents... They're very VERY Christian and don't agree with all of my choices. So, that's the most terrifying part of this experience. I'm not afraid of having a baby, just of my parent's reaction.
Little bean's dad is completely supportive and excited as well, which is really encouraging for me :)

How did you go about telling family/friends?

Your parents may not take it as badly as you think :flower: You are a grown woman after all! I was terrified of telling my parents as-well and waited to 12-13 weeks to tell them and by then I had already had my doctors appointment, my booking appointment at my local hospital AND my dating scan! I told my 14 year old brother and 26 year old sister first and they were very supportive and excited. My sister actually came down and helped me tell my mum first. She was a little shocked at the beginning but mainly upset that I hadn't told her sooner (especially because I was soo sick) and then that soon changed to excitement. She told my dad as soon as he got back from caring for my grand-father and he was disappointed and shocked for the first 2 or 3 days but excited at the same time. I feel guilty now for not telling them sooner because they were amazing :flower:

My friends were fantastic as-well! There are a few girls I know with children and all my friends at least know some-one with a child so it wasn't a huge shock that they has never heard of an 18 year old becoming a mummy before! My OH and I have been together over 2 years and although baby wasn't planned, he couldn't be happier. As soon as he found out he was supportive!! :happydance: The only bad reaction we got was my OH's 20 year old sister who threatened me to have an abortion and said I would ruin Conor's life and their family. But she was kicked out of her house when her parents found out what she said. They are extremely Pro-life, love children and she was causing a lot of problems at home anyway

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