November 2011 Babies!

Oh wow that's really soon. Do you know how your gonna do it? I've thought about it but I don't think there's anything I can say to make her not yell at me.[/QUOTE]

i was thinking about taking her out for lunch or maybe easter sunday i plan on going to church the day . I think this is the best peaceful time , i hope i can manage to tell her this is what i want to do but when the day come i may not have the guts to tell her its hard !
Oh wow that's really soon. Do you know how your gonna do it? I've thought about it but I don't think there's anything I can say to make her not yell at me.

i was thinking about taking her out for lunch or maybe easter sunday i plan on going to church the day . I think this is the best peaceful time , i hope i can manage to tell her this is what i want to do but when the day come i may not have the guts to tell her its hard ![/QUOTE]

It's super hard. I totally know what you mean. I just told my mom yesterday and it was no fun. That sounds like a good plan. You know your mom so you know the setting that she'll feel most comfortable. I tried to tell my mom tons of times but I'd open my mouth and no words would come out. Good luck! You can do it. If you need any help or just want to vent or talk about it please feel free to PM me. You'll do great and it'll be fine. It feels better to have it out in the open, I can tell you that much.
Hey Everyone! It seems you guys have gotten to know each other over the past few weeks, and I'm only joining, haha. I'm 19, though I'll be 20 next month. I recently immigrated from Canada to marry my husband in the United States back in December. We thought we would save money for 3 years before trying for kids, but I guess someone else had other plans!

I'm 8 weeks 6 days today, making me due November 24th 2011 - Thanksgiving Day! I've been stressed until just recently because I did not have health insurance, and I cannot apply for Medicaid as I'm an immigrant. But, I have that covered now.

As for symptoms, my first symptom has always been that my left nipple has a bit of discharge (I had one prior miscarriage before this). However, now I have morning sickness, slight cramps from time to time, and fatigued. Just today, I noticed that I already have a lot of little stretch marks (30!) that are 3 inches long on my lower stomach. I'm nervous because my husbands family has twins, and my family history is not known as most of my family is adopted.

I'll stop rambling, but I'm glad I found this group. Hope everyone is doing well!

~ Amy
Awesome! Welcome, I'm really glad that you are here. I think it's easy to become close with the girls on here because we are all struggling a little bit in one way or another (whether its just being curious if something is 'normal' about their pregnancy or dealing with family/FOB drama) so it's nice to have that support. And welcome to the States. You're due on Thanksgiving? That's cool. The date they gave me was 11/11. I don't really have any stretch marks yet. I do have a scar on my stomach that I'm pretty curious as to what will happen as my tummy grows! I'm Abbie btw. I'm 16 and 10 weeks preggo. Twins, huh? That's something to think about! How would you feel about having twins? Feel free to PM me if you just need to chat about anything! Glad you found us
Hi :)
I'm 17 and 11 weeks pregnant.
And I'm due on the 3rd November :P
Good luck girls! x
Thanks Lola If I were to have twins I would be thrilled, but really nervous as well. I can legally work down here now, but my husband is still a student in College, and can only work part time. I just want to make sure I can provide the necessities for my baby(s). I was able to budget for one, but two is stretching it! The biggest thing is that my family in Canada won't be in my child's life at all pretty much. I don't know why I have stretch marks already. I'm above average in weight, so I shouldn't have started to get stretch marks yet. And I haven't been eating a lot because I can't stomach almost anything! Haha, oh well, the joys of being pregnant

Good luck on telling your parents. I was nervous at first, but when it came down to it, I knew that they'd come around, after all, it is their grandchild! Plus, how I like to think of things, what is the worst thing they can do? I'm sure they won't disown you as a daughter, and as long as you're prepared for lecturing and scoldings, you should be fine I told my parents after the first day that if they were going to continue yelling at me, then they can keep their comments to themselves. I needed support, not feeling guilty or ashamed. If people can't be supportive when you truly need it, then you don't need them. I have plenty of people supporting me now.

Anyways, hope you have success in telling your family. They'll always love you, and it's best if you tell them sooner than later (or worse, them finding out!).

Are you hoping for a girl or boy? And are you going to find out, or let it be a surprise? I'm hoping for a Girl, though of course I'd love a boy just as much. And I would like to wait till birth, but I'd die from anticipation!
Congrats and welcome new mommies to be!!
If anyone needs anything let me know!
I've been super emotional lately. ANNDDDD I got to see the little one today!!! I couldn't help but shed a couple tears! The heartbeat was so strong!!
Thanks! I'm so happy for you!! I have been moodier lately, but I'm not going to say more emotional. However, it's really going to hit me when I hear the baby's heart beat for the first time! I have my first prenatal appointment this coming Tuesday, so I don't know what that all includes. I'll be 2 days shy of 10 weeks.

Do you have any pet names for your baby yet? My Grandparents call it "Buttercup" (they feel a Girl vibe), and my husbands Parent's call it "Spot" (when they first found out, they looked online to see what it looked like, and it was only a spot). I wanted to go with Monkey, but so far, Spot has stuck :P
Thanks Lola If I were to have twins I would be thrilled, but really nervous as well. I can legally work down here now, but my husband is still a student in College, and can only work part time. I just want to make sure I can provide the necessities for my baby(s). I was able to budget for one, but two is stretching it! The biggest thing is that my family in Canada won't be in my child's life at all pretty much. I don't know why I have stretch marks already. I'm above average in weight, so I shouldn't have started to get stretch marks yet. And I haven't been eating a lot because I can't stomach almost anything! Haha, oh well, the joys of being pregnant

Good luck on telling your parents. I was nervous at first, but when it came down to it, I knew that they'd come around, after all, it is their grandchild! Plus, how I like to think of things, what is the worst thing they can do? I'm sure they won't disown you as a daughter, and as long as you're prepared for lecturing and scoldings, you should be fine I told my parents after the first day that if they were going to continue yelling at me, then they can keep their comments to themselves. I needed support, not feeling guilty or ashamed. If people can't be supportive when you truly need it, then you don't need them. I have plenty of people supporting me now.

Anyways, hope you have success in telling your family. They'll always love you, and it's best if you tell them sooner than later (or worse, them finding out!).

Are you hoping for a girl or boy? And are you going to find out, or let it be a surprise? I'm hoping for a Girl, though of course I'd love a boy just as much. And I would like to wait till birth, but I'd die from anticipation!

I told my mom. She didn't take it too well. But hopefully we can work through it in the next several months or so. I am hoping for a girl. FOB wants a boy but he hasn't really been involved in this at all so...I definitely want to find out beforehand. It would be cool to wait and find out but I know there is no way I could wait that long. What will you have your next ultrasound? You can find out if you've got two buns in your oven!
Thanks! I'm so happy for you!! I have been moodier lately, but I'm not going to say more emotional. However, it's really going to hit me when I hear the baby's heart beat for the first time! I have my first prenatal appointment this coming Tuesday, so I don't know what that all includes. I'll be 2 days shy of 10 weeks.

Do you have any pet names for your baby yet? My Grandparents call it "Buttercup" (they feel a Girl vibe), and my husbands Parent's call it "Spot" (when they first found out, they looked online to see what it looked like, and it was only a spot). I wanted to go with Monkey, but so far, Spot has stuck :P

I think my LO looks kinda like Snoopy in the sonogram so that's what I've been using- and now that I've told my friends it seems like that's all they wanna talk about, which is fine with me :thumbup:
I told my mom. She didn't take it too well. But hopefully we can work through it in the next several months or so. I am hoping for a girl. FOB wants a boy but he hasn't really been involved in this at all so...I definitely want to find out beforehand. It would be cool to wait and find out but I know there is no way I could wait that long. What will you have your next ultrasound? You can find out if you've got two buns in your oven!

I am going to my first prenatal appointment this Tuesday! I am pretty excited as I haven't heard a heart beat yet or anything (and I'll be 10 weeks!). I want to know if it's twins, or what's going on. I shouldn't be having 29 stretch marks this early in the game, haha. My mother is suggesting that I may be further along than I think! Either way, I'll be happy once I visit the doctors.

Have you, or anyone else reading this, decided on any names yet? I have, but I'll wait till someone else replies first, as it'll take me a long post to explain everything :P
I have thought about it but don't have anything solid yet. I like River, Tucker, Holden (Catcher in the Rye is my favorite book), Samuel, and Elliot a lot for boys. For girls I like Lily Anna, Eden, and Amelia. But this is just an early list. I'm sure I'll change my mind a thousand times! What about you?
Oh it will be so fun for you to go get your ultrasound!! Have fun and good luck. Update and let me know if you're gonna have twins!
I have thought about it but don't have anything solid yet. I like River, Tucker, Holden (Catcher in the Rye is my favorite book), Samuel, and Elliot a lot for boys. For girls I like Lily Anna, Eden, and Amelia. But this is just an early list. I'm sure I'll change my mind a thousand times! What about you?
Oh it will be so fun for you to go get your ultrasound!! Have fun and good luck. Update and let me know if you're gonna have twins!

Alright, here's my lengthy reply, haha! My husband and I have been together for almost 5 years now (though only married for 4 months), and since we started dating, we knew what we were naming our children. Optimally, we want one girl, and one boy. However, things don't always plan out like that, so we have "back up" names. If we were to ever have 2 girls or 2 boys in a row, the third child would be done by Sperm Wash, where they can guarantee the gender. Some people debate that it's playing around with nature, and I admit that it is. However, my husband's Grandmother had 5 sons and no girls! Here are the names that we have picked:

Desirae Akia Sadie Price (First Born Daughter)
John Malik Shade Price (First Born Son)
Lily Faye Sara Price (Second Born Daughter)
Damian Victor Sirius Price (Second Born Son)

Alright, I'll just explain the first two names as chances are that is only what we're dealing with. Haha.

Desirae - I'm the first born female of my family and my name is Donna. My mother was the first born female of her family, and her name is Dawn. My husband's mother was the first born female of her family, and her name is Dena. We all start with D's. Therefore, I thought it'd be nice that our first born daughter would start with a D. It is literally the ONLY name my husband and I can agree on. The name means Desired.

Akia - Pronounced Uh-ki-uh. It is from Uganda/Africa, and it means First Born.

Sadie - Means Princess. My second middle name starts with a "S", and it is tradition in my family to have 2 middle names.

Therefore, Desirae's name means "Desired First Born Princess".

John - My husband's name is Jonathan (though he goes by Zak after his middle name), and his father's name is John, and his father's name was John, and it goes on for at least 8 generations. So, I had no say on this one! It means God Remembers.

Malik - Means King. My husband loves to have strong boy names like "John Malik" (he never includes the second middle name).

Shade - Means Darkness. My second middle name starts with a "S", and it is the ONLY one we could agree on. My husband is very hard to please!

John's name means "God, the King, Remembers Darkness". It's suppose to represent the whole When there was Nothing, and then something was made (beginning of time). But my husband jokes around and words it "God Remembers the King of Shadows". Sounds like we're carrying an Omen baby thing :/

All the names add up to 1 (and Lily and Damian's names equal to 5) for Numerology. I don't live my life by it, but I thought it'd be fun to do for the heck of it. Supposedly, those numbers are compatible with both my husband and I.

If I have scared any of you off, please come back! I'm honestly not as nuts as this makes me out to be. I just love planning, haha, and had (A LOT) of free time on my hands a few years ago.
Hey it sounds like you are a lady with a plan! I really like the names you have chosen! I'm glad that y'all could find some that you agreed on. My FOB is not very involved and hasn't wanted to talk about names so the only one I have to please is myself. My little sister (who is 12 right now, almost 13) asked me what I wanted to name the baby. I told her my list and she just scrunched up her nose and made a face like she'd eaten something sour. I took it to mean that she doesn't really like those names. But I really don't care. I figure I'll be saying the name more than anyone else on the planet so as long as it works for me, it works.
I've been calling him/her my little bean or little one or love of my life or just my baby! Haha. Just whatever pops in my mind! Still getting used to the whole baby idea! It's finally hitting me that I'm going to be a Mom.

I'm sorry the father hasn't been involved Abbie. I don't think I could do this without my love standing beside me or at least not as well.

Names! AHH. I'm so nervous about names! I want it to be meaningful and the baby's dad agrees, but so far we haven't agreed on many. I love the names Kyle, Liam, Bentley, Adam, and Jeremy for a boy. For a girl, I like Lorelai, Hope, Lauren, Jane, and Emma. He likes Amelia for a girl.

I'm so glad I didn't get a surprise of twins... I don't think I could handle that! Well, I'm sure I could, but getting used to the idea of one is already overwhelming!

I really need some help getting excited about this. I have been so stressed about friends, family, work people, and other's reactions plus working on my relationship with the Dad and trying to figure out the living and work situation. I just can't focus and be happy about baby! I feel like if I could just breathe and stop thinking about everything else, I could be more excited! Anyone else having focus/excitement issues??
I've been calling him/her my little bean or little one or love of my life or just my baby! Haha. Just whatever pops in my mind! Still getting used to the whole baby idea! It's finally hitting me that I'm going to be a Mom.

I'm sorry the father hasn't been involved Abbie. I don't think I could do this without my love standing beside me or at least not as well.

Names! AHH. I'm so nervous about names! I want it to be meaningful and the baby's dad agrees, but so far we haven't agreed on many. I love the names Kyle, Liam, Bentley, Adam, and Jeremy for a boy. For a girl, I like Lorelai, Hope, Lauren, Jane, and Emma. He likes Amelia for a girl.

I'm so glad I didn't get a surprise of twins... I don't think I could handle that! Well, I'm sure I could, but getting used to the idea of one is already overwhelming!

I really need some help getting excited about this. I have been so stressed about friends, family, work people, and other's reactions plus working on my relationship with the Dad and trying to figure out the living and work situation. I just can't focus and be happy about baby! I feel like if I could just breathe and stop thinking about everything else, I could be more excited! Anyone else having focus/excitement issues??

Okay, first Abbie - I too am sorry that the Baby's Daddy is not more involved. My husband was in denial at first too, so perhaps he'll start paying more attention to you soon. This is a big step in life, and I guess some people take it harder than others. And your names were lovely! I liked River for a female at one point or another. And you're right; you're the one who is going to raise him/her, so you can name them whatever you want!

Leah - Your names are also really pretty! Getting to agree on names is the hardest thing. My argument the whole time was that if I'm carrying the baby for 9 months, and delivering without an epidural, then I should have last say on what the baby's name is! I'm happy we were able to find names though.

To be fully honest, I felt more pregnant when I was worried about it than I do now. I think it's from feeling sick all the time, and people not being over-the-top excited. It is hard to bond with something when it's only the size of a Green Olive! My husband has a trick though, and it seems to work with me and him. If you act happy, even though you don't feel like being happy, you actually become happy (does that make sense?). So, don't let others bring you down. Just smile, shake your head, and continue on your way. Keep thinking about your lil' baby. Touch your stomach, and know it's only a few inches below your hand. And in only a short few months, you'll be holding onto something you created. Something that is fully dependent on you, and loves you unconditionally. It's hard right now, but once you start to show, nothing will stop you from showing your happiness! Good luck!
I've been calling him/her my little bean or little one or love of my life or just my baby! Haha. Just whatever pops in my mind! Still getting used to the whole baby idea! It's finally hitting me that I'm going to be a Mom.

I'm sorry the father hasn't been involved Abbie. I don't think I could do this without my love standing beside me or at least not as well.

Names! AHH. I'm so nervous about names! I want it to be meaningful and the baby's dad agrees, but so far we haven't agreed on many. I love the names Kyle, Liam, Bentley, Adam, and Jeremy for a boy. For a girl, I like Lorelai, Hope, Lauren, Jane, and Emma. He likes Amelia for a girl.

I'm so glad I didn't get a surprise of twins... I don't think I could handle that! Well, I'm sure I could, but getting used to the idea of one is already overwhelming!

I really need some help getting excited about this. I have been so stressed about friends, family, work people, and other's reactions plus working on my relationship with the Dad and trying to figure out the living and work situation. I just can't focus and be happy about baby! I feel like if I could just breathe and stop thinking about everything else, I could be more excited! Anyone else having focus/excitement issues??

Oh girl I am right there with you! I feel like it took about 3-4 weeks for me to accept the fact that I was pregnant. Now that I'm pretty stable on the idea I want to get excited. But there's so many barriers that keep getting in the way. Max isn't being supportive and I don't know if he's changed because I'm pregnant or just because he's an ass. And my mom is not at all happy about this and I don't know if she's gonna let me keep living here. At least my friends are really excited. I think they just wanna play dress up with the baby but I'll take it for now because they are the only ones that wanna talk about lil Snoopy. Plus there is the whole school thing and I know I'll be showing before school lets out. I'm not looking forward to the whole school knowing, and my teachers reactions! Ugh! stress....
[/QUOTE]Oh girl I am right there with you! I feel like it took about 3-4 weeks for me to accept the fact that I was pregnant. Now that I'm pretty stable on the idea I want to get excited. But there's so many barriers that keep getting in the way. Max isn't being supportive and I don't know if he's changed because I'm pregnant or just because he's an ass. And my mom is not at all happy about this and I don't know if she's gonna let me keep living here. At least my friends are really excited. I think they just wanna play dress up with the baby but I'll take it for now because they are the only ones that wanna talk about lil Snoopy. Plus there is the whole school thing and I know I'll be showing before school lets out. I'm not looking forward to the whole school knowing, and my teachers reactions! Ugh! stress....[/QUOTE]

Keep your friends close. Though they may be excited for slightly the wrong reasons (though dressing up is pretty fun!) you are right; they are the only ones you have right now. Your mom will get better, or so I'd presume. If she doesn't let you live there anymore, you have many options, but don't think about that right now. Try to think about today, and all the accomplishments your baby is doing!

There's a website I go to that tells you every day what your lil' one is doing! I even created a Facebook Page for Spot (which will be deleted upon his/her birth). It is only for those who would like to read what he/she is up to everyday. I can't post the link on here, I'm not allowed apparently! So, if you want it PM me!

I have a few other websites that I check out weekly, and it gets me pumped up every Thursday (beginning of my pregnancy week).

Hope you start feeling better. You're going to be a Mom! Celebrate!
Oh girl I am right there with you! I feel like it took about 3-4 weeks for me to accept the fact that I was pregnant. Now that I'm pretty stable on the idea I want to get excited. But there's so many barriers that keep getting in the way. Max isn't being supportive and I don't know if he's changed because I'm pregnant or just because he's an ass. And my mom is not at all happy about this and I don't know if she's gonna let me keep living here. At least my friends are really excited. I think they just wanna play dress up with the baby but I'll take it for now because they are the only ones that wanna talk about lil Snoopy. Plus there is the whole school thing and I know I'll be showing before school lets out. I'm not looking forward to the whole school knowing, and my teachers reactions! Ugh! stress....[/QUOTE]

Keep your friends close. Though they may be excited for slightly the wrong reasons (though dressing up is pretty fun!) you are right; they are the only ones you have right now. Your mom will get better, or so I'd presume. If she doesn't let you live there anymore, you have many options, but don't think about that right now. Try to think about today, and all the accomplishments your baby is doing!

There's a website I go to that tells you every day what your lil' one is doing! I even created a Facebook Page for Spot (which will be deleted upon his/her birth). It is only for those who would like to read what he/she is up to everyday. I can't post the link on here, I'm not allowed apparently! So, if you want it PM me!

I have a few other websites that I check out weekly, and it gets me pumped up every Thursday (beginning of my pregnancy week).

Hope you start feeling better. You're going to be a Mom! Celebrate![/QUOTE]

I'll definitely PM you, I'd love to know about those sites. Thanks for your positive words. Yeah, I figure I'll let them have their fun. I mean everyone loves dressing a baby. There's just so much more to it. At least they can help with the fun stuff. I do have other options if my mom flakes out on me now. I can live with my brother after he graduates in June. I've been thinking about that more and more. Maybe a little space would be good for me and my mom - give her some time to cool down. I am excited though about it. I've tried to start thinking about baby names because that's really fun for me. And I love looking at stuff online. I haven't bought anything yet but I've tried to budget it all out for the essentials. Everything is just so darn cute!

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