November 2011 Babies!

[/QUOTE]I'll definitely PM you, I'd love to know about those sites. Thanks for your positive words. Yeah, I figure I'll let them have their fun. I mean everyone loves dressing a baby. There's just so much more to it. At least they can help with the fun stuff. I do have other options if my mom flakes out on me now. I can live with my brother after he graduates in June. I've been thinking about that more and more. Maybe a little space would be good for me and my mom - give her some time to cool down. I am excited though about it. I've tried to start thinking about baby names because that's really fun for me. And I love looking at stuff online. I haven't bought anything yet but I've tried to budget it all out for the essentials. Everything is just so darn cute![/QUOTE]

I figured out how to send you a PM! I'm so proud of myself!!! So, you should have the websites in your inbox now! You know, my parents and I didn't get along, and for good reasons too. They were very controlling, and treated my siblings differently than me. When I moved down here without giving them notice (which is pretty big! It's not like moving towns, but freakin' countries!), we didn't talk for 6 months. Before I knew I was pregnant, we started talking again, and the distance has actually brought us closer together. We don't have to see each other everyday, but we can still talk about the highlights of the week. It's funny how distance can bring people closer together. My sister and I also fought like nothing you've ever seen (literally), and now we're best friends. Perhaps having your own place, or moving out of the house would be good for you both. But take it one step at a time. I crochet a lot, so I have been making lots of unisex clothing right now. I've also bought some onesies so I can imagine my baby in them. I too have looked online and to be honest, if it's a boy, I'll probably be under budget which is good! But, I have a weak spot for dressing up girls, and making their rooms look spectacular... I have to try and resist!

We all have been talking on here not for too long now, so it is understandable if no one is comfortable yet to give out slightly personal information. However, if anyone is willing to Skype, Facebook, or Email from their personal accounts, let me know! I try to get on here as much as I can, but sometimes this site freezes up on me. I don't have MSN, sorry!!
Yeah I got your message. Thanks a lot that is so great! Wow you moved countries! That is pretty amazing. It takes a lot of strength and courage to do that so kudos to you. Yeah I talked to Daniel (my bro) again about is yesterday and so at least it's a possibility. My mom and I never really fought all the much but mainly because my two younger brothers are real troublemakers and they pretty much occupy a lot of her time. I was always cool with just flying under the radar. But I'm not under the radar now! I took a couple of gender predictor tests yesterday and most of them said 50% chance of girl, 50% chance of boy. But a couple just said boy. I kinda want a girl but I guess if it's a boy that'll be cool too. Guess I'll just have to wait! So do you want a girl?
I don't have facebook but I'd love to email! I know sometimes this site freezes and I can't get on. What is Skype? Several people have mentioned it.
Hey! I emailed you and answered all your questions in that; but for the sake of everyone else on here, I'll answer in short form :P

I am hoping for a girl, but more because my husband would love to have a daddy's little girl. But, I don't care either way. I just want them to be healthy.

To everyone else: Abbie and I have now exchanged Email Addresses as sometimes this site crashes and such. I will still continue to come on here and post, so everyone is involved, and future members can feel welcomed. However, if you want to exchange Facebook, Skype or Email Addresses, let me know!

Hope everyone is enjoying their holidays!
Yeah if anyone else wants to exchange emails just let me know since this site is not always operational.
My name is Brea, I'm 20 years old. My due date is Nov 28, so right around yours :hugs: Right now I work for Cox Communications full time doing tech support, so I am worried about what I'm going to do for childcare when baby is born. Definitely was not ready for anything like this to happen. Hope you have a happy and healthy nine months, congratulations on your pregnancy :flower:
My name is Brea, I'm 20 years old. My due date is Nov 28, so right around yours :hugs: Right now I work for Cox Communications full time doing tech support, so I am worried about what I'm going to do for childcare when baby is born. Definitely was not ready for anything like this to happen. Hope you have a happy and healthy nine months, congratulations on your pregnancy :flower:

Hey Brea! I too was worried about daycare/babysitters. I know the bonding time between Mom and Baby is important, but so is food on the table! Luckily, I was able to arrange a work schedule to only work on Saturday and Sunday from 8am - 4pm, which would give me 16 hours minimum a week, while my husband is at home. That way, I don't need a babysitter. If he is home during the week on certain days, I will be able to work then too.

I think I was lucky on figuring that out, and I know that's not for everyone. You should talk to friends, family, etc. to see if they can watch during certain hours. You may still need to get a daycare, but at least you'll cut down the hours, which means you'll also cut down the cost!

Hope you're doing well, and Congrats!
Went to my first Prenatal Appointment today!! They say my uterus is really far back, making room for either twins or a BIG baby. Because it was so far back, they couldn't find the heartbeat, but they said it was no big deal. I have a sonogram/ultrasound on May 10th, so I'll be able to hopefully hear it then. They also said I was due no later than November 13th! They said though it could be a bit sooner than that as well. Haha, oh well, no December baby for me!
Oh wow, it could be twins! That is awesome. Maybe you won't have to pick boy/girl because you will have one of each?!?
Anyway- sorry you couldn't hear the heartbeat girl. But at least you know everything is good and the baby is doing well.
I started responding to your email but had to go to work. I can't pull up my email from work- weird, it's like they actually want me to do work or something
hey ladies im 21(will be 22 next week) and I am 12 weeks pregnant today. This is my first baby and I have gone through a lot of similar things as you girls have.
I found out I was pregnant when I was 6 weeks along and was devastated at first. I only have a semester left until i graduate college and knew i'd have to wait until next may to graduate now since i will most likely be missing finals.
However, unlike most of you my family was extremely supportive and helped put me at ease. I told my mom before I even told my boyfriend because I was so scared and all i could do was cry. When I called my mom crying my eyes out she started screaming about how excited she was and was hoping it was twins. I finally told my boyfriend after getting off the phone and he ignored me and said I was lying (he told me a few months earlier he never wanted children) the next day he apologized and told me he was starting to get excited. now we are both excited and have already agreed on baby names (Jackson Reece Miller if its a boy and either Natalie or Madilyn Reece Miller if its a girl) my grandfather who passed away when I was 12 had the last name Reece so its important for me to include his name in this baby.
The only rough time I have had is I lost my job because of this pregnancy. I was a CNA in a nursing home for a year and informed my boss I was pregnant so they could keep me out of certain resident rooms so I didn't cause risk to my baby. They told me I wasn't capable of my doing my job since I was pregnant until I got a note from my doctor saying I could work. After I got a note saying I could work but couldnt lift more than 40 pounds I was told I couldn't work until the lifting restrictions were removed. I had some bleeding at my first doctor's appointment after the pap so he wouldn't lift the restrictions til the next appointment. My work then terminated me without informing and I've been talking to a lawyer trying to get something figured out because I have been too stressed about not having a paycheck and its hard enough to find a job these days but even harder while you are pregnant!

I hope we can all talk throughout our pregnancies it will make it a lot easier to hear what others are going through as well!!
hey ladies im 21(will be 22 next week) and I am 12 weeks pregnant today. This is my first baby and I have gone through a lot of similar things as you girls have.
I found out I was pregnant when I was 6 weeks along and was devastated at first. I only have a semester left until i graduate college and knew i'd have to wait until next may to graduate now since i will most likely be missing finals.
However, unlike most of you my family was extremely supportive and helped put me at ease. I told my mom before I even told my boyfriend because I was so scared and all i could do was cry. When I called my mom crying my eyes out she started screaming about how excited she was and was hoping it was twins. I finally told my boyfriend after getting off the phone and he ignored me and said I was lying (he told me a few months earlier he never wanted children) the next day he apologized and told me he was starting to get excited. now we are both excited and have already agreed on baby names (Jackson Reece Miller if its a boy and either Natalie or Madilyn Reece Miller if its a girl) my grandfather who passed away when I was 12 had the last name Reece so its important for me to include his name in this baby.
The only rough time I have had is I lost my job because of this pregnancy. I was a CNA in a nursing home for a year and informed my boss I was pregnant so they could keep me out of certain resident rooms so I didn't cause risk to my baby. They told me I wasn't capable of my doing my job since I was pregnant until I got a note from my doctor saying I could work. After I got a note saying I could work but couldnt lift more than 40 pounds I was told I couldn't work until the lifting restrictions were removed. I had some bleeding at my first doctor's appointment after the pap so he wouldn't lift the restrictions til the next appointment. My work then terminated me without informing and I've been talking to a lawyer trying to get something figured out because I have been too stressed about not having a paycheck and its hard enough to find a job these days but even harder while you are pregnant!

I hope we can all talk throughout our pregnancies it will make it a lot easier to hear what others are going through as well!!

Welcome to the group, and Congratulations! I'm glad your parents were so supportive. Having non-supporting parents is one of the hardest things that a teenage mother has to deal with. And I'm glad your boyfriend has come around as well. It seems a lot of girls on here had a problem when it came to that, so you should count yourself very lucky and fortunate! However, I must say I am SO sorry to hear about your job, and good for you to get a lawyer. You can still do the majority of your job (or so I presume), and they should not be able to get of you like that. Being a young mom is hard enough as it is, without worrying about where your next pay check is coming from. And I must agree, finding jobs while your pregnant is so hard. I luckily can still be passed for "fat", and you do not need to tell your employers that you're pregnant until you hit a certain month (or before you start to show noticeably). I wish you all the luck on that! If you have any questions on anything, I can vouch and say that all the girls on here are really nice and would be more than willing to help you! If there are any "too personal" questions as well, feel free to PM me.

~ Donna
tlh97990 - I just read your post and that totally sucks. Were you able to work it out?

Ah! I can't believe i'm 12 weeks. Doctors appointment next week! I can't wait to see my LO again and hear the heartbeat!!!
lola i still have yet to have everything fixed. my lawyer told me to get a note saying i had no lifting restrictions and bring it to work which i did but they are still avoiding putting me back onthe schedule. i also found out today that they denied my employment saying i quit when i never quit so im waiting for my lawyer to call me back. i will keep you guys posted though!
I'm really struggling girls. I want my old life back and so does BD... Help!!
Hey, I went through that too...I kept thinking I hate having to worry about my future now because I am not just worrying about me but also my child...but then the next minute I would be so happy and excited about my baby...last week though something clicked and there is nothing and no one that could make me not want this baby at all!! I am 20! I can do throw things at you and you just have to take them and make the best about them....hope this helps...its normal to feel like you just want your old life again...I am sure everyone on here has had atleast one thought about it. <3
Leah, Megan is definitely right. I have thought many times if I could only rewind and make sure this didn't happen, how happy I'd be. We were saving money to buy all new furniture, put my husband through school, save money for a down payment for a house, and a bunch of other things. We wanted to travel (never got to have a honeymoon because of immigration). But, now that I think about it, I want to fast forward to November. You may not be able to change what's happened, but the old life is exactly that; old. You're going to be able to be a mother, to give all your love and attention to, and become a wiser person. You'll see - once you hold your little one, you'll think about how if you DIDN'T get pregnant, how much you'd be missing out on life. Don't worry. You have all us ladies to help you :)
leah try to remember that you will get your old life back to some extent after your baby is born but you'll have a baby as well. it will def. take some adjusting but i keep reminding myself at least ill be young during my baby's entire childhood. i did not plan on getting pregnant this early on but i'll be able to enjoy every part of my kid's life and not feel too old to be a part of it. my mom didnt have me until she was almost 40 and was never involved at school activities or anything because she was older than everyone else
Leah I know how you feel. I will just have these moments of panic where I just think that I'm too young for this and I don't know what I'm doing/what I'm going to do. It's really hard to go through this and still live the daily life of high school and all the drama that entails. I miss having to just worry about me. Now I have tons of things to worry about- things far beyond my maturity level. But things have a tendency to work themselves out. It's going to be fine. It's a different life than I had before but I realize that I am going to get to experience things soon that will probably be the best pieces of my life!
Thanks girls! OH and I have really gotten excited lately and I've finally come to terms with all this. If this hadn't have happened, I would still be stuck in the same rut I've been in for a couple years.. I now know what I want to do, we have a house, and a new family! It's just so exciting!

How's everyone feeling??? It's been a while. I can't believe I'm almost at 15 weeks! It feels like just yesterday we all found out!
I know Leah! I can't believe I'm 17 weeks. It does feel like I just found out. So much has happened since then! My life looks drastically different than it did 5 weeks ago. I'm glad I didn't know then what I know now- woudla freaked me out more!
How are things with you?? You said that you and FOB were getting excited. That is so great!
I am actually starting to feel pretty good now. This past week my morning sickness finally stopped. I've been kinda tired but schools out now so that is great!!

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