November 2012 Due Dates

my dr starts checking at 36 weeks. i have my second check up tomorrow!! praying for some progress!!! i was 1cm and 60 effected last time.
i also hope mommyh's silence is a good sign. i can't wait to hear the news!!!

my doctor starts checking at 36 weeks too, so i have my first check tomorrow to go along with my gbs swab.
YOu guys are LUCKY! I started having checks and NST at 30weeks....the checks are too bad in my opinion tho when I was at the nst on tuesday I told them I thought I was leaking fluid and they had to test, so they have to use the specular(SP) to open you up to swab and see it...and THAT HURTS! Thats uncomfortable when you arent pregnant and its 10x worse when you are pregnant and swollen...but the test came back neg. just excess discharge with all the changes happening in there(sorry tmi)I have ALOT of pain and pressure again today and some small contractions so I have been sitting on the ball again and I think I am going to take my son for a walk around the 8 block neighborhood we live in.(dont worry I always take my phone and my mil lives 6 minutes away)
Ah! Checks since 30 weeks? Ouch!

My doc starts at 36 weeks too... Although I'll go in this Friday at 35+2 and wonder if they'll just start them now? Hopefully I can talk them into 1 more scan before baby gets here :)
I didn't have a check until 37 weeks (except for when I went to L&D that night). I didn't get checked at 38 weeks but I am sure he will check me tomorrow for my 39 week checkup so he can see what is going on so that we can make a plan. My hands are starting to swell more and my feet a little more as well too. I have had a headache since yesterday morning. I thought it was due to the lack of sleep but it still hasn't gone away and I've gotten plenty of rest. Beginning to think it could possibly be pre-e again. I'm ready for my appt tomorrow so we can see what is going on.

I'm with you ladies in hoping that since MommyH has been so quiet it is good news for her :)
Oh yeah, Ashley! Wasn't your doctor going to talk to you about plans to induce? I would say if you're having signs of pre-e again, do it!! Keep us updated after your appt tomorrow.
Yes, Mrs. Tomorrow we will be discussing possibly inducing. I have lots of questions and I can hardly wait for my appt. It's not til 2pm. If he thinks possible pre-e again I would rather just do it before it gets too bad again. I will definitely update you all after my appointment.
Ashley -- bummer you're sick, but hopefully that means you're next!! :) how exciting!!

AMM-- i know the pain/pressure you're describing! Can only imagine what it's like with two babies!! I hope this week is your week!
Wow I'm only a week behind y'all and I'm not dilated yet as I know of.. I'm with be. She does the swab check me and blood work on Monday ill be 35and 3

I wonder how soon they are going to induce me?? Any ideas?
I have to go back to growth specialist on the 7th and then they will talk about inducing are possiable letting me go to 39 weeks but I thought with gd u couldn't let them go last two week bc of still born so 38 is the limit??

I been have a few shooting pains below and uncomfortable but that's it
So just got back to work from my Dr. appt. He said the baby is measuring small so he wants to do an ultra sound. I tried to get in today to do one but can't get in until next Wednesday! Not too excited about that. he didn't sound too concerned but I wasn't sure why he wants to do another ultra sound if there is really no reason to worry? Well at least I know if he doesn't come in the next week I'll still get to see my lil man:)
sorry, holl. i'm sure it's nothing to worry too much about. if it had been that urgent, i'm sure they would have made it a priority to see you a lot faster.
Holl it's just a precaution type of thing.. Don't get stressed over it.. It could have been measuring smaller bc the baby is laying different way are has dropped there r plenty of excuses why... So relax .. :)
We don't get checks at all until we're in labour!

As with my last pregnancy, I'm measuring small yet again (2 weeks behind). With my daughter, I carried on measuring small right up to the end, and Erin was 8lb and 53cm long when she was born!! I am getting extra growth scans this time due to a hormone imbalance (7 in total), but each one so far has shown that baby is growing exactly on schedule, or slightly ahead, despite again measuring small. I'm sure that your scan will also show your baby is perfect in every way :) It is also nice to get to see your baby more often before you meet them!! I can understand your anxiety, though, as I was pretty worried when I first got the results about my hormone issues. All the best for Wednesday, and keep us posted on how it goes!! xx
i am sre you are fine holls but i know what you mean! they tell you they want u have to check something then you wait a week or more and it feels like forever! i think sometimes they forget how worried and anxious us mommys are! :hugs:

like ashley, my appt isnt until 2pm tomorrow either! the wait is going to be veryy long. getting an ultrasound first then seeing the dr. depending on his growth (last time he was huge lol) we are discussing our plan of action!... i am so nervous and anxious!!! hurry up!
Holls, sometimes they measure behind just because of their position. I'm sure if it was anything serious your doctor would get you in ASAP. Hard not to worry, I know, but I'm sure everything is fine. :hugs:
I'm measuring small too so had a scan on monday. Luckily all the major bits looked ok, baby is just measuring on the smaller side of their scale. It is worrying though.
Hey ladies <3 Ela was born this morning at 7:43am pst And we are head over heels in love with her!!! I will write a birth story up later but I wanted to share a couple pics, she is so perfect <3 6lbs 13oz 20" long tons and tons of thick long black hair <3

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