I hope everyone is doing well!
I had a different OBGYN for my appointment on Wednesday and she was the biggest b*itch. She told me I was too fat and she was not going to use the doppler because we wouldn't hear it. Excuse me?? I have heard it since 13 weeks!! She also decided to set me up for an early gestational diabetes test because I MUST have diabetes because I am so FAT. Honestly, I am not skinny but I am certainly not fat and I take very good care of myself. I have low blood sugar and I monitor it regularly and it is well within the healthy range. She didn't even bother to look at my chart and just decided things based on how I look. And then put me on high-dose blood pressure pills because it was up a little. I have a kidney disease which makes my blood pressure run high anyway, it doesn't affect me, it is normal for me and I have specialist to contest to that. But she didn't care. Oh! And she also "decided" I have pre-eclampsia based on nothing accept not being skinny, and told me about how I will have to deliver my baby very early and the risks of him not making it. Again, she did not read my chart to see that my "symptoms" are actually from my disease that I have had my entire life. My baby is healthy, and I am according to my doctors and my other OBGYNs.
She was very rude to me and my fiance, and rolled her eyes when we said we were not married when she asked.
I don't plan on ever going back to her. She's awful...
/rant over lol
MY GOD that is awful!!! I am so sorry I assure you I am WAY heavier than you hehehe and my doctor doesn't even mention my weight. Obviously it is a concern but he doesn't bludgeon me with it at all. That is so terrible. This lady is a quack. You seem to have no luck with ANYONE in the medical field and I am so sorry for that. There are wonderful doctors out there but then there are these jerk doctors. Do you know the doctor that did this to you is EXACTLY the reason why overweight/obese women do succumb to their curable diseases because they shame us into thinking because we are fat we don't deserve proper medical treatment and make us feel so horrible about ourselves that we will suffer with sickness/diseases to avoid the shaming they bestow upon us!!!... This makes me very angry. My awesome former GP used to tell me all the time that I was healthier than most of his normal weighted patients. Weight does not mean unhealthy. Sometimes very skinny people are completely unhealthy. it's all about how you care for yourself. Genetics do play a huge roll in weight and because of that people tend to be heavy without overeating etc. Not every fat person eats a gallon of ice cream a day. My gallon of ice creams lasts at least a week!! hehehe Sorry trying to lighten the mood. This makes me so angry that you were weight discriminated.
Do you know ALL forms of discrimination have some kind of group that fights for their rights but Weight discrimination seems to be the only "acceptable" form of discrimination. WHY is that? shouldn't all people be created equal including size. Not all of us are lazy, overeating, slobs. I have been big my whole life. Never been skinny. I was a 9lb 13oz baby and I just went up from there! Do I have moments of overeating sure EVERYONE DOES! but I don't do it daily. I try to eat as good as I can and not over induldge. But I'm still huge.
This really disgusts me. I wish you could report her to someone this doctor should not be in practice!
Doctors here are just sooo focused on weight. I have a friend who has a lot of health problems and weighs 80 lbs but the doctors don't care because he is thin! Multiple doctors have also refused to even examine my Mother because they say she is too fat for an ultrasound or other tests, honestly my Mother wears an XL shirt at best and size 18 jeans... so what is wrong with this doctors???
I have been told I must eat all of the time as well, I wear a size 20 jeans and an XL in men's (because I have an H cup and women's shirts don't fit) and I don't consider that all that huge. It bothers me when people think I eat a lot because I am a recovering anorexic, the biggest I wore in high school was a size small in men's shirts which were baggy. But people can't seem to get that into their heads.
And you are right, you can be healthy and bigger, it just depends on the person. People are just ignorant.
Lol gallons of ice cream don't last long at my place, my fiance just grabs a spoon and goes to town on it lololol he eats all of the time and eats horrible foods, but he is 6'2 and 280lbs and apparently that is fine according to doctors lol