November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

Aww sorry about your pet. :( Dinner and a movie is always great! What did you see? We just did that ourselves...we went and saw Prom, which is a kid's movie but whatever, I like cheese. And going out to eat was such a milestone for me as I haven't been able to do it in weeks! So my MS was a little better today and I ate a lot. Now I don't feel so well again but it was worth it haha!

Lucky 80% accuracy, that's amazing!! I'm too tired to move now but I think I'll send Alex (hubby) out tonight to get me pickles (I'm actually craving them lol), paper cups and baking soda so I can do it tomorrow. :)

Yay for another girl for you!
Okie dokie, I just did the baking soda test and I'm not sure....there was not really any fizzing until I swished it around and then it got a little bit of white bubbles/fizz. Are we talking super fizzy vs. a little fizzy or not fizzy at all for a girl? :shrug:
Ok Girls..I woke up and did the baking soda test. I put a couple of tsps of baking soda in a cup, put my pee in it, and it didn't fizz AT ALL. When I swished it, it just made half a second of tiny tiny fizz and that is about it. May be a GIRL!!! I will be super super excited if its a girl!!!!!!!

We did the dinner thing last night with some friends. We went out with 5 other couples, one of them has a 4 year old, 3 others are pregnant with their first one right now and so you can imagine the whole talk revolved around babies. It was hard to keep my mouth shut and pretend I had NOTHING do with babies :D! I cannot wait to tell them all in a few weeks. All three of my friends are all due within a few weeks of my due date.
The thing with Chinese Gender Charts is that 1) Chinese follow a Lunar calendar (as do Indians :)), 2) Some charts go by mothers age as on conception date 3) Some other charts go by delivery as on Delivery date. So a lot of factors depend on that and who knows what the original Chinese gender chart said? We will never know....
Desi, wow how fun to have so many pregnant friends at the same time as you! Playdates galore! :) Well dont keeping your mouth shut, I bet that was really hard. Cool they are a bit ahead of you as you can get some labor tips.

Ooh, it looks like a girl for you, too! Exciting. Did yours have bubbles at the top at all? Mine had a few bubbles that just sat there.

Okay so today I have had a new's like a sharp cramp that maybe feels like I've pulled or stretched a muscle. It has only happened when I go from sitting to standing and it's like I pulled a muscle in my uterus. :shrug: Any ideas?????
No bubbles Allie, just some fizzy sound. The baking soda was also pretty old. May be I should buy a new box and try?

Hmmm..have not experienced that cramp you are describing..may be someone else has?
I've experienced that cramp a week ago! All seems fine though, just more stretching no doubt!
Desi that will be so cool when you announce that you're pregnant too!! :)
My did no fizzing, no bubbles.. no nothing. Also all the online wives tale tests and the charts all say Girl for me. My fiance has one 10 year old girl and we have one 2 year old girl.. Im wondering if he is even capable of making boys?!! LOL. Im leaning towards wanting a girl more than a boy.. but I think its just because I know girls now :) He also wants another girl.. he says he isnt manly enough to have a son! LOL.. he isnt into realy into sports or hunting or many manly things I I mean he is, but isnt really big into them.
Anyway.. I thinking Im going to try the ring on the string, or is it hair? IDK.. I will have to look it up and do that one tonight.
Im having AWFUL heartburn the past 4 days.. bring on the cosco sized tums smoothies!
I am with you on that heartburn!! While we were waiting for our table last night, I got this INTENSE heartburn and had to go get a glass of ice water from the bar just so I could get through the wait...

Another question - For those in the US, does your county run a mother & child program? I checked into mine last week and they have a special program for expectant moms and they said if I qualify, I can ring them up with questions and a nurse will answer them. The nurse will even do a Doppler every month if I want to do that. It is pretty cool but I have a feeling we make "too much" to qualify for it. We are meeting with a social worker tomorrow who is going to determine if we qualify, I am really hoping we do :)! Anyhoo, just thought I would throw this out there in case any of you ladies want to check into your county programs.
I went for a scan today- 10 weeks 4 days! Baby is looking good. Heart bumping away and the CRL is 36.8cm. Ive tried attcahing scan but wouldnt work! Its so sweet - if you look closely you can see babys eyes and it looks like its smiling! Which I think is adorable but it creeped my hubby out!!

I did the baking soda test yesterday and no fizz at all.. Although im not sure if my pee to BS ratio was right! May have been too much pee as not even the tiniest fizz.. It was like id not added anything.
Allie- I get that pain quite a bit.. Especially when i laugh!
Hi everybody!

Sarah, I don't think you're meant to add too much pee so it looks a girl result for you! We'll have to see if this right because so far we're all having girls? Yay for a great scan!

Desi, I'm not sure if my county has that but I will look into it for sure. Did you find out if you make too much? I imagine we might as well but I will check it out.

I had really bad MS last night, ugh. I thought it was going to start getting better, and if kind of did for one day. I was also really moody yesterday, so I must be getting hormonal.

How are you all doing?
So girls, I had my first nurse appointment. I did express my concern and said that I would have liked some confirmation and the nurse pretty much said they are not going to do anything today and they have a rule that says that the first heartbeat has to be heard by a doctor. Of course, the doctors had no time/appointments, so I didn't press too much. I figured I have waited this long, I can wait a week more! She just went over some basic information, drew blood to test for Iron, HIV, Hep etc and then a urine sample. On my Nov 10 appointment, I found out that they do the Doppler, a Pap Test and a Internal exam to check for Cervix, Uterus etc. I am waiting eagerly for that one (not for the Pap/internal but the Doppler)!

Regarding the county, we had the appointment last night. They have NO INCOME requirements and everyone qualifies. So it was great. The Social Worker was really nice, extremely helpful and spoke to us for an hour getting family history, giving guidance, resources etc. She then created a profile for us, set us up with a Nurse appointment on Thursday evening. She said that I could meet with the Nurse every month and could possibly schedule them 2 weeks after my regular dr. appointment so that I get to see the doctor at the practice or the nurse at the county health every 2 weeks, that way I can hear the heartbeat throughout the pregnancy every 2 weeks. BUT the kicker is that the Nurse at the county will NOT do the heartbeat until the doctor(at my practice) has already listened so she will not use the Doppler this Thursday. I think the advantage with the County Nurse is that she will be another resource for me so if I have any questions, I can just call them up and ask them since the Dr. Office seems so busy always. After you deliver, they will also have the nurse come to your home show you how to bathe the baby, help with breastfeeding etc. They also have other programs from birth to 5 years so all in all it seemed pretty helpful! Hope your local county offices have such resources too!

I have also been feeling some nausea in the evenings, nothing major but that gag feeling that stays. It thankfully only lasts a couple of hours and then it goes away.
Sarah thats awesome!! So happy your scan went well! You might have to set up an account on Photobucket to host the picture.. once you upload it copy and paste the bottom link out of the 4 - I think it starts with ... then you just put the code in your reply on here. Hope that helps
Allie I was moody yesterday too.. and this morning I woke up with 2 zits.. hello hormones..ugh.
Desi that sounds like a cool program! We dont have many extra things like that around here, I live in Montana and we dont have a very high population, so any government or state run programs are pretty scarce as our taxes go towards other things.. dang!

I only got up once last night pee! Yay! I also woke up twice on my stomach, weird.. Im not even a stomach sleeper and it wasnt uncomfortable at all.. Im wondering if my bump is moving up higher? Not sure what week that happens...
I was a stomach sleeper pre-pregnancy and I have been doing the whole "sleep-on-your-left-side" routine lately but still wake up a few times in the middle of the night on my stomach!!! Apparently after 20 weeks or so it gets pretty hard to sleep on the tummy and I guess we will definitely feel uncomfortable, enough for us to wake up!
Ive tried again with photo so hopefully this will work.. Can you see the eyes and smile??



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Hi Ladies,

Can I join you? I'm due on November 29th. Last year I had two MC's (with the first one, mc'ed at 6wks; with the second, baby stopped growing at 6.5wks but it wasn't diagnosed as a MMC until 10.5wks and I didn't miscarry until 12.5wks). :cry:

I was a bit hesitant to get too excited this time around and the weeks leading up to my first u/s were pure torture, but we have now seen our beanie twice with a strong heartbeat :happydance: (at a 7+1 and 9+3 u/s), which we had never seen with my previous pregnancies. At the last u/s, beanie even waved to us several times. So exciting!! So now I finally feel a little more relaxed, but I doubt I will ever be able to let go of my nerves. My DH took videos of both u/s with his cell phone so I get to see my beanie whenever I want, which is really nice. I missed things while actually having the u/s, since the MW moved the wand around so quickly, that I now see on the videos. I am also having a nuchal translucency scan done on the 16th. Looking forward to seeing beanie again!

As for symptoms, I have had a lot of nausea (no throwing up though), fatigue, and back pain. Symptoms seems to be getting less, which hopefully is just normal at this point in the first trimester. But my back definitely still has its bad days. I have already gotten a pregnancy pillow which really helps my back at night.

By the way, I see that some of you have done the gender predictor tests. I haven't done one, but I just feel like it is going to be a boy. It will be interesting to see if "mother's intuition" is right or not. I would be happy with either of course, but probably a bit more ecstatic to have a girl...they are just so much more fun. :winkwink:
Hi Hope! :) So happy you joined us..and Im so happy you are growing a healthy baby!! I loved seeing my ultrasound.. so amazing huh? :) I am hoping for a girl too.. I tell everyone that Id be so happy with either, and really, I would.. but in my heart Im leaning more towards wanting another daughter.. but I wont tell the people around me because its awful when you know someone is hoping for one gender and they get the other.. its like a let down ..and I definitely dont want anyone to think Id be let down if I had a boy.. because it would amazing too.
Ok Im rambling.
Anyone been having preg brain?! I say the dumbest things and forget what Im doing or what Im about to say daily.. arg! lol

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