November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

Hi BumpHope, welcome!! :wave: Sorry for your losses. I had an early miscarriage about a year ago. :hugs: How wonderful you've been able to see your baby twice now and have video! So cute.

Sarah, I love the scan pic! Awww, so adorable, and yes I can see the eyes and smile.

Desi, awesome about the county program. What state do you live in? I researched this this morning and my county offers stuff for unwed mothers and teenage mothers but nothing for regular married people in their 20s. Oh, well. I also found a clinic that does a free u/s and pregnancy classes if you are 'considering your options'. It's an anti-abortion clinic. So, I guess nothing I can utilize.

Sorry stomach sleepers, I can relate. I'm a back sleeper and I'm trying to sleep on my left side but it's hard, I keep waking up on my back. That link lists all kind of bad things about sleeping on your back. Maybe I need one of those pillows to stop myself.
So, I have a random question. My DH has been accompanying me to all the appointments so far and he will be there for my next one - pap, breast exam, Doppler etc. I have never had my DH in room for my regular paps and I am wondering if it would be awkward for him if he was in there for the preg. pap? Is that 'normal'? I am guessing it is because eventually they are in the Labor & Deliv. with you but I just wasn't sure at the Dr. office. Those will prev. pregnancies what have you done?
OH My GOD LADIES, You are never going to believe the day I have had today. Its been horrible. And need to let you know there is a TMI wanring in this

I went into work this monring and started getting cramps but to be honest I thought it was more bloating and constipation. I ignored it for a few hours but then went to the loo. On my way to the loo i felt my trousers felt a bit damp aroud the crotch and basically got to the loo and I had bright red blood all down my legs to my knees, knickers were soaked through, it was all soaked into my trousers. We're talking MASSES of bright red blood. My heart just collapsed. I called my husband and we were both so upset. I went back to my desk ( thank god I was wearing balck trousers) packed up my stuff and just left without telling anyone. I went staright to hospital where I met my husband ( I had to get public transport to the hospital as its quickest way in London and aside topic here, but bloody typical but got to station as no trains were running as someone had committed suicide this morning and then all the tubes were delayed) I cried the whole way to the hospital on the tube and scared all the other passengers. I just couldnt believe this could be happenin after such a gorgeous scan yesterday.

Anyay I got to the hopistal where they mardy moody receptioist said they couldnt scan me as walk in closed at 11am and it as midday. I was stood there in tears with blood tripping down me legs. It was hideous. Then the radiographer who scanned me yesterday walked in and said that she'd see me. My husband and I went in for the scan but we knew it was game over. I lay on the plinth and then the radisographer amazingly and wonderfully said 'Babys fine!' She showed me the screen, its heart was beating away, it was kicking and wringling inside me and lookd fine!! I just couldnt believe it and couldnt stop crying. I was still bleeding heavy and didnt understand it. The doctors said they dont know whats causd this bleed but baby is fine and I am not more risk of miscarrying just because of a bleed... She said bleeding isnt dangerous. Im just in shock and so relieved. It was petryfying. I cant explain it.

Ive been told to rest up and am now on the couch struggling to keep my eyes open. I feel exhausted.

Anyway girls - that was my day. Horrible horrible experience but with a happy ending. I am now the most scanned woman ever- today made it my 7th!!

S xxxx

PS - Welcome Bumphope!
OMG Sarah, that must have been so scary!!! But I am glad it all worked out in the end.

One of my friends who now has a four year old and a two year old had this experience with her first one. After 12 weeks she had this unexplained bleed and she bled profusely like you are describing. When she went for an emergency scan, they found that the baby was happy and healthy. She went to have that healthy baby and another one 2.5 years later. They are adorable little girls! Her doctor couldn't explain the bleed and said sometimes it just happens.
Oh Sarah, that must have been just so frightening! :hugs: I am just so glad you were seen and you were okay. I don't understand how the receptionist could just sit there and say you can't be seen. :growlmad:. I'm so glad baby is in there and doing well. I'm sure you're exhaused from all of the stress and adrenaline, I can't even imagine. I hope you're getting some rest now. :hugs:

Weird thing is I had a dream about this same thing last night...I dreamed that I had bright red bleeding and went to the ER but they were making me wait, and then I woke up.

Desi, I was wondering about that too, because at my next scan I'm getting a pelvic exam (no PAP though, had that done the month before my BFP). Hmmm, I hope someone with experience lets us know the norm, but I'm thinking I'll just keep hubby in there. They need to see what we go through being a woman! Hubby just had the Dr. do the turn your head and cough thing for the first time at his last physical and I was like HA! I've had Drs. literally exam me inside since I was 19 if you can imagine. Ah, to be a woman.
Thank you ladies for the warm welcome!

Sarah - what a horrible nightmare to have to experience, but glad to hear that there is a happy ending. :flower: I'm sure you are mentally and physically exhausted...hope you can take it easy for a few days.

Allie & Desi - I think it's perfectly normal to have your hubby in the room with you at any or all prenatal visits. At my first one at 7 wks, they did a pelvic exam (no pap since I already had one less than a year ago) and breast exam with DH in the room. At this point having had two previous MC's which both had trips to the ER, my DH has seen it all. So I say go for it if that's what you want.
Wow Sarah!! What an emotional roller coaster you were on!!! So happy the baby is okay!! :)
Alli and Desi - I dont know about your docs but mine is super fast when it comes to the pap.. so even with my DH in the room, he didnt even notice the doc did it.. Also your man will see you in ALL of your wonderful glory come the birth of this baby.. so there is no turning back now!!! LOL Let him be a part of everything just as you are. It goes by so quickly - I remember after having my daughter, I missed going to the appointments! LOL it became such a routine and my DH and I got to experience the time together too. :) He didnt come to every single appt... but some and Im happy he did and be a part of this ones appts too :)
Hi girls. Been resting all afternoon. I still can't believe this morning. It was the worst feeling. Truly petrifying. What really scared me was that my miscarriage I had in January was at 11 weeks which would be this week. I just felt like there was something wring with me.

I've contacted work and am working from home rest of week. Hubby isn't letting me do anything. I go to make a drink and he's shouting at me. Bless him. When he arrived at hospital today he looked a mess. We're both in shock.

Oh and top the stress we're having to move house this weekend!
Oh Sarah, that's horrible! What a nightmare day :( I'm glad u and baby are ok, best scanned baby ever!! How is everyone ?? :wave: I've been off for a while, feeling a bit sorry for myself with horrific nausea! But we're nearly 11 weeks!! Can't believe it! My bump is taking on a life of it's own! And my daughter keeps listening to it! Fell asleep for an HOUR underneath my desk at work today!! Not good! My opinion on the pap and hub thing is take him with you! Why not!? They're gonna see far worse in 6 months! Xx
hehe thanks girls. I will take the husband. I am NEVER comfortable with paps. I just tighten up and don't relax..hmm...I will have him stay near by head hehe! I don't know why my doc is doing a pap, I had got one about 6 months ago.

My husband is insisting that he will come to ALL appointments. We will see if that holds true or not because the nurse told me that after the first appointment, my appointments will only last 10 minutes.
I guess I'll have hubby in there too, he needs to get used to it! :haha:

How is everyone today?

Sarah, hope you're doing well. :hugs:
Hi girls!
Man oh man yesterday I was in some bad shape.. I had the worst back pain and internal pain, like my stomach was having sharp pains.. It worried me and I couldnt do much.. I couldnt eat much and I hadnt pooped in two days. Lets just say I feel a thousand times better today.. phew!!! lol
Here is my 10 weeks 5 days pic.
CUTE!!!! Look at that bump. :)

Glad you're feeling better today, sounds like constipation pains, ouch!

I am currently obsessed with fruit and sometimes its all I can eat, especially in the evenings when MS kicks in, so I'm really not having that problem :haha:
Wow- lucky- your bump is fab! I don't have anything!

I'm doing ok today- not done anything but lie on the sofa and watch episode after episode of Sex In The City. I had crampy pains again this morning similar to yesterday which freaked me out but they eased off. And bleeding has virtually gone- just some residue bits!

I have had the biggest appetite past 2 days- been eating everything- just wolfed down a Chinese take out and ready to burst now.

How much weight have people put on? I've about 3lbs down which has surprised me although did hardly eat first 8 weeks so guess it does make sense. Are people exercising at all? I normally do lots especially running & swimming but not done anything for 5 weeks because of bleeds.

Hope everyone doing well.Xxx
What a cute bump, Lucky!! I can't wait until I have a real bump. I have had a lot of lower back pain too, but even worse is the sharp pain I get in my really lower back/upper right butt. Ouch! :wacko: It is definitely better than in previous weeks though.

I've lost 3lbs too since I just can't eat much these days. I have been eating a decent amount of fruit. Nothing else sounds appetizing and then all of a sudden I will crave something out of nowhere that we don't have in the house anyway. :dohh: The other day I saw Oprah eat a corn dog on her show and then that's all I wanted. It was so random...normally I hate corn dogs, I think I've only ever had them once in my life. I ended up buying a veggie version that is actually really yummy, since hot dogs are a no-no unless heated to a certain temp.

I haven't been exercising. Early on I was too scared to due to my history and then I started having the back pain which just made it hard to even walk around. Now that that is easing up though, I'd like to at least get into a routine of taking walks if nothing else since we have a lot of trails in our neighborhood. And eventually I'd like to do a prenatal yoga class.

Does anyone else feel like this trimester is dragging?? I wish it would hurry up and be over so my nerves can ease up a bit and so I can share the news with everyone. I've told a few friends and my mom, but it will be nice when we can share with everyone. DH is telling his parents in person over memorial day but I think we may wait to tell anyone else until my 14wk u/s on June 2nd. Seems so far away!
Sarah... I put on 14 pounds already. Holy shit right?! Yeah I feel awful too.. It because I was eating very little carbs before getting pregnant and my body was constantly in ketosis.. now thats ALL I crave and I cant I gained 51 pounds with my first.. and lost 30 pounds the first month and 8 weeks pp I had lost it all.. I guess my body just holds onto everything when I pregnant. :( urg.
lucky, that was a fast weigth loss and you look fantastic so I wouldn't worry about the weight at all!!

At my appointment last week I was maintaining my pre pregnancy weight, but this week I've only wanted to eat junk and I swear I feel bigger...I'm currently eating cookies
(5 of them) and scared to go weigh myself lol!

Yeah, and I've been scared to exercise as well. I do go walking the dog with hubby but then I poop out and walk back home while he continues. :)

bumphope, yes, I feel it is dragging a bit. I think we're going to wait until your 14 week appointment to tell everyone as well. I don't get an u/s then but we will hear the hb on the doppler that day.

Sarah, glad you are resting and enjoying SATC, sounds like a nice way to spend a day on the couch.
I gained about 3-4 lbs. I am mostly eating the same except for an additional cup of milk and a few more fruits than usual. It also helped that I barely had any nausea. That reminds me, we went out to Chipotle for lunch and I usually barely eat half of my burrito and bring the other half home but for the first time in my life I ATE THE ENTIRE CHIPOTLE BURRITO. Those who have eaten there before know what I am talking about!!!! My husband couldn't believe his eyes. And after that I had a piece of brownie for desert!!! I am blaming it all on the baby!

In doctor news, I have my NT scan scheduled. It is on May 19th. I finally found out today that insurance is going to pay for it. YAY!!
Thank you Allie.. I hope that I can bounce back that quickly with this baby too.. HOPING! :0)
Desi! Awesome!! Thats so exciting

Im kind of feeling like this isnt dragging.. I mean at first I thought it was going to be forever until I was out of the first tri.. but now Im thinking, oh my! It will be soon.. I have so many things going on lately, and my sisters wedding in June 18th, so I have a lot to do before then and Ive been procrastinating.. and if you procrastinate the dates sneak up on you FAR too fast!! lol

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