November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

Wow luckyalready! :shock: I went through last pregnancy with only 2 pairs of jeans! But I'm cheap :haha:

Just saying hello - haven't been in for a while! xx
Belly or Bella bands are awesome! They are a must have.. you can wear them with your pre-preg jeans to keep them unbuttoned, but covered.. and you can wear them with maternity jeans to keep them up before your belly is filled out enough to hold them.. and later in the pregnancy it just feels good to have the extra support around your belly.
I do love having a lot.. not all of them are in my size tho.. I was much skinnier the first time around, and my sister has always been bigger so we literally have XS-L .. lol

My fav maternity clothes for comfy and inexpensive yet cute and trendy are Gap and Old Navy... my fav brand of mat jeans are Lucky Brand.. super cute styles
Helloo girls,

So i've added the signature too - thanks Sparkle. I hope I don't get told off for having too big a signature!

Desi and Allie I've been super hormoney this week, up until now I've been fine and this week its just hit me all of a sudden, but I stopped taking my Vitabiotics Preconception tablets this week and I wondered if it was something to do with that so I started taking them again.

Sun - good luck with the scan, its today isn't it?

Belly bands, now I've not got one of those, none of my pre pregnancy clothes fit now, my waistline has expanded so much but I do have some maternity jeans that are not quite staying up right just yet! Might have to give one of them a try!

Fallen out with OH this morning - blerghhhh just silly-ness really but it frustrates me becuase he always walks off when I want to say something back!!! Anyone else have this problem??

Han Xxxx
Hi Girls

Hee Tizzy- your signiture is getting prety big! Ive editted mine as my date has moved forward a day so im 13 weeks today!! yay!! And I can feel my placenta- just like you said Desi- hard and poking above hair line!

Ive also been massively hormonal! Glad im not alone Had a small arguement / cry with DH on Tuesday night. I was upset about my clot growing and he was annoyed with me as he wanted me to relax and celebrate baby was looking well. Which ofcourse I am thrilled about.. But think it is partly cos hormones are having a party but also I was pretty disappointed as ive been virtually housebound for 5 weeks now and was hoping to get some life back and be able to do a bit of exercise. Not find out clot had tripled.

We told two goods friend last night I was pregnant.. First people we'd told face to face- Everyone else that knows we had told on the phone when we thought i'd miscarried! It was nice to tell them but think are going to hold off on others until after ive seen the consultant on Tuesday. Im worried I'll tempt fate!

Im still having no problem getting into my clothes! I think its because I lost a few Ibs with morning sickess eveything still fits. Although I do get a bit of a belly at the end of the day. Sparkle- did you lose any weight as you were so sick??

Good luck today Desi. I'll be thinking of you. Ive got my check in appt with my midwife- first time i'll meet her!

Thanks,Sarah! I have got meetings back to back until my 12:30 appointment so hopefully I won't stress too much. I found myself stressing last night and kept telling myself that its gonna be alright. FOUR more hours. I CAN DO IT!

I will update you all as soon as I get back!

In other news, I have had practically no appetite the last couple of weeks and so haven't been eating much. It must have showed because I saw a friend after 3 weeks and she said I looked thinner than when she saw me last! Hmm...
My mom told me I looked thinner a few weeks ago as well. I had to laugh, she must not have noticed my unbuttoned jeans!

I got the Target Bella band, and I use it sometimes but I'm still working it out....I think it's too big still as it rides up or now.

Good luck today Desi!!! Not long now, can't wait to see a scan pic! :) Sarah, good luck with the midwife.

It seems like quite a few of us have had some tiffs with our OHs recently.

I might borrow Melissa's idea of giving my parents a cookie with the good news written on it. For some reason I'm so scared to tell my parents but at the same time I'm reallly excited and can hardly wait. I know they'll be so happy but once they know it's like really official and I would feel so bad if something went wrong, they are so excited to be grandparents.
Hi Girls.

I am back from midwife! She was adorable - she is not going to be my normal midwife an i wont get to meet my presecribed midwife next time either! But the lady today was brilliant! She basically spent ages going through my check in report and was getting all in a tizz with how you upload everything on to the computer. She was an 'older midwife' and not from the generation of computers! Very sweet and she kept apologising and thanking me for being so patient. She took my bloods, BP and pulse etc. My pulse is normally pretty low at 52 and today was 72.. Im not sure if it has gone up as I havent been able to exercise for 5 weeks or the baby? Has anyone elses incrased?

Anyway i sked her if she would use a doppler and she got all in a cute flaff saying at 13 weeks she wont hear anything and id then get upset and she would feel terrible and wouldnt know what to do etc etc. She was being very sweet but eventually ' because its me and I seem a mature young lady and understand I might not hear anything (!!!) she agreed to do it! So lay on cuch and for first few minutes couldnt hear anything.... but then could hear it really load thumping away.... So fast! It was amazing- the most incredile sound. But what was so sweet wa that the midwife was happier than me- she was clapping her hands, gave me a hug ( for ages!!!) and was so chuffed she'd found it!! Anyway im definitley going to buy a doppler now!

On a more serious note - im getting pains around my uters area- i think its just stretching and it does feel like that- kind of like ive pulled a muscle. Anyone else had it?

S xx

PS- I think Cookie idea is brilliant!!
Aww..Sarah I am so glad you had a great experience. The way you narrated it I could totally 'picture' your entire appointment. I am glad you liked the midwife and hope your permanent one is also great :)!

Allie, I am sure your parents will be thrilled. I think we just cannot keep worrying that something is going to happen if/when we tell everyone, we just have to take the plunge. The argument that DH and I had was over this. He wanted us to tell everyone today after the u/s and I said not until I am "officially" in the second trimester. He just wasn't able to understand why I was so hesitant to share the news. But I think I won at the end :p! I told him I had two votes - one for me and one for the baby (stole this from Grey's Anatomy)! He seemed to agree with the two votes thing :D! We decided to tell everyone on June 2nd they day before I leave on my work trip!
Desi - good luck at your appointment today! I love the 'two vote' argument. I'm going to use that from now on when DH and I are disagreeing on something. :haha:

Sarah - Glad you had a positive experience with your midwife and got to hear the heartbeat. Let us know how you like your doppler once you get it. :)
I AM BACK!! If I thought the Doppler thing was cool last week, the U/S kicked Dopplers butt!!! OMG!! It was so awesome. Since I wasn't sure if they are doing vaginal/abdominal I drank a big glass of water about 30 min before so I would have a full bladder just in case. I went in and the Ultrasound tech introduced herself, asked me to lie down, said 'shirt up, pants down, please'. That made me giggle! Anyways, she warmed up the ultrasound gel apparently. It was nice and warm and the first thing she says is, 'oh! your bladder is nice and full'. Then she started taking pictures measuring the baby etc, and the baby wasn't moving at all. I asked her about that and she says, "we will wake it up". After a few minutes she kind of poked me and the baby startled. The tech then said that the baby might not be moving because of my bladder so she asked to empty it and after I got back, we saw the baby was MUCH MUCH MORE active, moving around. Doing flips. Waving both its hands and legs. Swimming like a little fish! It was so surreal to see all that! It is amazing. The tech showed us the baby's brains, the spine, etc and said everything looks good and normal. She said the NT measured 1.6 and they would like to see it under 3(?). DH and I were just spell bounded. I then asked the tech if she can guess what the gender is..she said she can speculate but it might not be correct. We asked her to go ahead and speculate anyways and after a bit more nudging the baby came to the right position. She froze the screen at one point, zoomed in and went "Well, there is nothing dangling right now, I'd say a GIRL"! I about cried when I heard that! I sew and as I was organizing my fabric last night and noticed how much cute, girly fabric I had and I made a comment to DH and said that if we were having a boy, I would get rid of all the fabric! LOL! I wouldn't but I just said it! She moved around a bit more and I think we got a total of about 15-16 min of Ultrasound time and then the tech asked if we were done :p! She then asked if we would like a paper picture or a CD. We were like "A CD, PLEASE THANK YOU"! She then wrote the CD and then I went to go get blood work done (it will be back next week).

Before we left the tech, I asked her about the 3D ultrasounds and she said they do them at 28 weeks and they start at $175. DH and I are now convinced that we will get a 3-D! I cannot wait!

Following are some pictures:


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Desi, OMG sooooooooooooo cute!!! What a great u/s tech you had and what a great experience. :happydance: Oooh, a little girl (probably). Really good quality pictures as well. So happy for you!

Sarah, what a great experience you had as well, yay for a good midwife, she does sound really cute and sweet. Hope the next one is as good! Glad you got to hear baby, it really is an amazing sound. :)
Oh and she said I was measuring ahead. I asked her if that is because babies grow differently each week and she said not at this point. She has put me at 12W6D and said the new due date is Nov 25 which is Thanksgiving day in the US :p! She then said it is up to the dr. to change the due date but she said she is pretty sure I am ahead. I guess I ovulated earlier than I thought :p!
Congrats Desi and Sarah on your brilliant scans and appointments!! Yay! Everyone doing well and we're heading steadily into second trimester! Wow!

Glad to see everyone's got the sig! :happydance:
Congrats Desi! So exciting!
Allie- I was afraid to tell my mom too. Thats why I brought cookies. I figured they would take the attention off of me. It didn't really work that way. My mom acted surprised and happy but I think she already knew. I had brought the cookies in the house and didn't find my parents in there so I went outside and then my mom came out like 10 minutes later. I went back in to get the cookies and she had put a baking dish of mine on top of the cookie box. I asked her if she had looked in there and she said no but I think that she did. Tomorrow we will tell my hubby's parents and my work.

I met with my OB today and he was dating me at my LMP date of 13w2d. I told him that according to the US I was at 12w3d. He told me he wanted to keep the LMP date. I then convinced him to use the US date because I want to make sure I will be able to tell the sex at my next US. I then convinced him to let me schedule today. I will find out if I am team blue or team pink on June 28. I am so excited. Oh and we heard the HB- 157bpm :)
I'm glad I'm not the only one scared to tell my parents! I kind of wish I could hear the heartbeat again for reassurance before telling them but I just heard the heartbeat the day before yesterday and I don't want to put off telling them forever! So your mom already knew, huh? I wonder if mine does!

Glad you got your scan scheduled, Melissa. I want to find out the gender too. So you've already had an ultrasound?

I just got home from a really great early pregnancy class my hospital offers called Great Expectations. Alex and I both went and got to mingle with other couples. And who should walk in but a couple we know from church! I gave her a big hug and we had a good turns out she's a week ahead of me. Small world. Anyways, we went over a ton of information and I got to ask lots of questions about the birthing center and various things. Now I can't for more classes but they aren't until 3rd tri.
Thats great Allie. Our hospital used to do those early prego classes but they apparently stopped. That reminds me I need to schedule those 3rd tri classes soon because apparently they fill up fast around here hmmm...
Yes Allie I did have another ultrasound. When I went in for my 8 week, they couldn't find the HB with the doppler so my midwife ordered a US. I just wish I didn't have to wait 6 weeks to see the baby again.

I have thought about taking classes. More for my husbands sake. I have been watching babies since I was in 10. I also watch all the baby shows and read up on anything I can. I also have had friends tell my all their labor horror stories so I feel I am as prepared for it as I can be. My husband on the other hand has no idea whats coming.

I guess I will have to look into it and see what the hospital offers.

I am excited to start feeling better soon. I am done teaching next week and will be feeling good for the summer. I didn't plan this very well cause I will be going back to work in late August. Hopefully I won't be too big and uncomfortable in the last couple months of pregnancy. It is really hard to keep up my energy with eleven 3-5 years old.

Well I am off to tell my coworkers and my in-laws. Have a good weekend everyone!
Oh Melissa I can only imagine! I used to work at a preschool and I can't imagine doing it pregnant. Enjoy the summer off while you can, though!

Have a great time telling work and in-laws today. :happydance:

I can't sleep! I've been up for hours feeling nauseas and have a headache, just laying in bed thinking about everything from the class and actually starting to feel a wee bit panicky. I'm even considering going to our mid-wife walk in clinic (oh man, now that I found out about that, I'm going to be using it so much) because I've had this headache for 3 days and it won't go away.
Allie - I hope you get some answers about that nagging headache. Its no fun to have a headache on Friday!! I am maxing out on my vacation so I am taking Monday off! Looking forward to the 3 day weekend :)!

Melissa - How did it go with your parents/coworkers? I bet they are all excited. We told some of our extended family last night and they were very excited for us!

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