November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

Allie - Yes, the hospital seemed nice enough on the online tour. But even if it didn't, it's either this hospital or we have to drive 45 minutes away to one downtown. And if we need to go during traffic time, it would take much longer to get downtown. So we'll stick to this one since it's only 15 minutes away. I believe it's a relatively new hospital too so I'm guessing it should be pretty nice. And I'm just glad that we will definitely get a private room, whereas with the one downtown there may be a small chance we'd have to have a semi-private room if they are packed. We'll definitely do a real tour at some point though. :)

So I do not have a bladder infection which is great. MW said I might need to drink more water. Not sure how that fits into the equation of this bladder thing but I guess I'll start trying to drink more. I'm definitely getting at least 8 glasses a day of water plus drinking milk and sometimes OJ too. So I thought I was doing good, but I guess not. The Dr., on the other hand, told me last Friday that if it's not a UTI there's nothing to worry about and that baby is probably just pushing down on my bladder making me uncomfortable. I even pressed her further and said that I thought that the urge to pee should decrease around now, but she said it's not necessarily that way for everyone.

One more week until THE scan!! :yipee: I really can't contain myself! DH and I keep asking each other what we think it'll be, boy or girl? Hehe, I don't know how many times we can have the same conversation. :winkwink:
Hi everyone! Haven't spoken to you guys in ages! I had a bit of a scare, i'd been feeling the baby move until the last two days when I felt nothing. I tried cold water...nothing. Sugar....nothing. Lying on my left side...NOTHING! Cue major panic attack from me. At which point I called into work and told them i was going to be late. Waiting at the doctors was the longest 25 minutes of my life...went in, lay down and straight away...a loud heartbeat varying between 148-156 bpm. Cue HUGE sigh of relief from me! I can't wait to hit 25 weeks when kicks will be regular !

@Bumphope, I can't believe your scan is in a week. That's so cool! Mine's not until 8th July! AGES AWAY!!! 1 week and you'll know if it's a boy or a girl!
Aw, Sparkle glad to hear everything is okay! :hugs:
My understanding is that it is okay not to feel movement consistently at this point...what did your dr. say about that? Have you thought about getting a doppler? I wasn't all that happy with my Angelsounds doppler at first, but now that baby is easier to hear, I'm loving it and can't imagine not being able to hear baby whenever I want to. :)
Hi girls,

So we were talking about discharge before? Well, I had my midwife appointment today and mentioned I was a bit itchy, but discharge seemed normal, no smell, etc. She swabbed me anyways and just called back with the news I have bacterial vaginosis!!

I'm really scared. I have to go get antibiotics and start them today. I don't have any major symptoms either, just the itching. BV is apparently very common in pregnancy but any Google search of it shows that is increases your chances of preterm labor and miscarriage, especially when diagnosed in the first trimester or early 2nd trimstest I just a medical journal article and it's something like an 85% increased risk for preterm labor or pretmature rupture of membranes and then also a 2 to 5 fold increase in 'spontaneous abortion.' Who knows how long I've even had this since I don't really have any symptoms? I'm just going to assume it's only been a week or so. I'm so sad!

It's really scary because my only symtom was itching, and that is just a tiny bit, hardly even noticable!!! I am going to pick up my prescription now....
@Allie, sorry to hear about the BV babe, at least they've caught it now, and don't forget the internet can be ur worst enemy for poor information or scaremongering! I'm sure everything'll be ok. :hugs:

@Bumphope- i'm so tempted to get a doppler but at the same time i think it would personally make me psychotic!! I know what i'm like! I feel like the time goes faster between each week if i don't have something to focus on in terms of being pregnant. TBH i can't believe i'm 1 1/2 weeks off being 5 months!
Allie - Sorry to hear about the BV, but like Sparkle said, at least they caught it. Did your MW seemed concerned? I read that it's more common than yeast infections these days, so try to think positive and no more google! :hugs: Did she take a swab and then look at it under the microscope?? Just wondering because that's what my Dr. said she was going to do but then she pulled out the speculum and there was cottage cheese like stuff on the end of it (sorry, TMI) and she said she didn't need to look at it under the microscope. (Oddly enough, that stuff never came out in my discharge otherwise I would have been more alarmed sooner I'm sure.) In any case, I read that the symptoms can be similar for BV and YI so I wonder what they look for to distinguish between the two...?
Thanks girls.

Yes, she took a swab and put it under the microscope to test for both yeast and BiV. If the yeast infection treatment worked then I bet that's what it was. If it hasn't worked, then maybe ask to get tested? I'm just being super cautious now because I do not have the typical symptoms, I was really shocked it came back positive!

Sparkle, sorry, I missed your post i my panic; glad you heard LO and all is well!! I don't feel the baby every day myself, it's usually every other day or a few days a week for a bit.
Allie, At least they caught it. And please stop reading that stuff. What did your Dr/MW think about it? Are they going to test you again soon after you take the antibiotics to make sure its gone away? I had the slight yellow discharge too but it now seems to have gone away. I am itching all over my body but that is because I have Chiggers from being out in the garden the other day!

Sparkle - Glad you heard the HB. Thing about ME! My scan is not until July 11. I was able to get them to pre-pone it by a few hours. So I will know about 15 hrs sooner than I would have known according to my original date.

I also have another question - all day today I have been feeling this weird pain/pull in my vagina as if someone is poking me with a pin/needle? It comes and goes and when it comes it lasts for a min - 3 minutes. Then it doesn't happen for another 30-1hr or so and happens again.I have been in meetings since morning so didn't get a chance to call the nurse before they closed.I hope it goes away tonight! Anyone else have that? I Googled and a lot of women seem to have it right before they deliver..that is scary!!!!

Also, when the baby moves, does it also feel like you can sense that it has done a somersault??Is it just my abdomen playing tricks with me or can I really feel that??!
Desi - I have not had that vaginal pain you described. I have had some light vaginal pressure here and there throughout the pregnancy but not much recently. MW said it was normal. Hopefully your pain just goes away on it's own. :hugs:

I'm not sure about the somersault thing either. To me, the flutters feel I have a few butterflies down there. It feels like so much movement for a baby to make at once! But I don't think it's gas or a twitch of a vein or anything so I'm assuming it must be the baby. It will be so nice when we can really feel the baby (and when DH can feel too!). But then again, I have heard people getting bruised ribs from all the kicking so I hope baby doesn't go that crazy! :winkwink:
I get the somersault feeling sometimes! I've also had sharp needly pain in the vagina off and on...the midwife said my cervix was nice and long and closed so it must be a normal pain. Always worth asking about though.

The midwife didn't seem to think too much of it. She just told me it's not a major infection (judging from the slide I guess) and that the antibiotics are important (she stressed that when I questioned if they were safe) and when I told her I was worried about all of the possible complications all she said was "Don't worry about it!" Easy for her to say, though.
Allie- I had BV a few years ago. The antibiotics cleared it up right away. I was not pregnant at the time though. I understand why you would be worried. I worry about everything happening with my body and the things I put in my body. That still does not stop me from drinking a soda a day or eating a Subway sandwich though. I'm sure everything will be fine and you just have to quit googling it. At least you have that doppler to check the heart rate everytime you are worried. I worry every time I go to the doctor because I haven't heard it for 4 weeks.

I have not had any vaginal pain. Nor have I felt any movement. It worries me but maybe it is because my uterus is so big and baby has lots of room to move yet. It's crazy to think that the baby is the size of an onion and I don't even look pregnant yet. Well I think I look pregnant but my friends tell me that I just look heavy. :(

My best friend's husband is a resident doctor at the hospital I go to. When I told her I was pregnant, her husband suggested a OB doctor. It was nice to have that insider input. He said that a lot of doctors will rush to get the baby out and not care about tearing or having to do a c-section. The doctor I have is very patient. He is very busy though so he works with a midwife. Therefore, every other doctor appt I see the midwife instead of him. My friend also mentioned that baby comes and he is not working, I get the doctor on call. I am so hoping that I have the baby when he is working. She also mentioned that resident doctors start their rotations in July. The work a month in the different specialties and then switch. It is very possible that if I go into labor and my doctor is not there, I could be given a first year resident student who has never delivered a baby on his/her own. She suggested that I inform my doctor that I dont want a resident and sign a waiver.

Wow 8 glasses of water. I have never been much of a water drinker. That seems like a lot. I would be swimming. I make myself drink a bottle of water a day and eat watermelon. Sometimes I drink a powerade and then a glass of milk for dinner. I am already peeing every 30 minutes.

6 more days till I get my gender scan. I was told to drink a soda right before I go so that baby is active and not hiding it's parts.
Thanks Melissa. :hugs: I took my first dose of antibiotic and I'm going to stop Googling it.

That's pretty cool that you know a doctor and have gotten a recommendation! I can understand not feeling totally comfortable with a esident but one way of looking at is that they have the newest training and also as they are still 'green' are going to be really careful to do everything as they were taught and not get complacent.

Hubby and I had a huge fight this evening. This seems to happen about once a month with us. I feel so bad for the baby as I know they are getting all of my stress hormones! I was crying a lot and yelling. Sigh. I also feel bad because I read that the baby can hear now and was having to listen to us yell. :( Pregnancy hormones suck (though I swear this was DHs fault ha).
Hi girls. I'm not finding out but can't wait to hear what u r all having! Do most people find out in America? Over here I'd say the majority don't- maybe 30% do- but that's just my guess + my friends!

The maternity leave with u guys sounds awful! We get statutory pay from the government but most big companies have decent maternity pay- small business don't really offer more than governments pay. I'm pretty lucky where I work & get 6 months full pay so think I'm going to take a year off!

I'm still not sure if I'm feeling my LO or not- get strange twitches & twinches but never sure when it's baby or gas! Getting very bloated too- even having to unbutton maternity jeans after I eat!!
Just read back a few pages...
Allie - sorry to hear about BV. How u feeling now? And hope u & hubby made up. Arguements r shitty aren't they... But inevitable in every relationship.

Sparkle- good u got seen & heart hb. I love my Doppler- I'd be neurotic if I didn't have it!
Thanks Sarah! I'm feeling okay...I'm taking the meds and I have a mild tummy ache but I guess antibiotics always do that. I'm trying not worry, nothing I can do now....

Agreed out maternity pay is shocking here! Six months full pay sound awesome. :)
Sarah - The maternity pay sounds so awesome! Here in the US, at my job, even if I told them I would take 6 mo off withOUT pay, legally they are not required to hold on to my job until I get back. They can only hold it for 3 months and after that its fair game, they can hire someone else. It SUCKS!
Its been quiet on here this weekend. How is everyone doing? I had a relaxing weekend. We went to a nearby lake, rented a boat, relaxed, camped in a tent for the night and came back yesterday! It was very laid back and we went with a few good friends and their families. All in all a relaxing time!

I am counting down days to my scan now! TWO weeks and 4 hours! I think some of you have scans this week, so please keep everyone posted :)!
Sounds like a good weekend Desi!! Camping pregnant was okay?

Ours wasn't as great because we are moving house on Friday so it's kind of stressful here at the moment.

That's also the day of the big ultrasound. I am soooooooo nervous!!!! Excited but starting to get a teeny bit nervous as well.

How is everyone?
Hi girls, we had a nice weekend. Did a bunch of stuff around the house and then spent the day out and about yesterday at the beach and at a friend's kid's birthday party. When all was said and done yesterday, I was exhausted and had cramps all night. I attributed the cramps to being on my feet all day. :shrug: We are also getting ready for our vacation out east next week. Looking forward to seeing our family!

This Wednesday I have a MW appt, and then Thursday is the big day...anatomy scan! :happydance:
Jealous again! I will be watching this thread every min on Thu and Fri :)!

Allie, camping was so much fun! I was a bit worried that I wouldn't be able to sleep in the tent but I slept like a baby. Since we were boating all day long, I was pretty tired by the end of the day and that helped me sleep I think. Only woke up once to use the rest room and had to wake up hubby to come with me but other than that, it was great! We are thinking about going one more time before the third trimester begins :)!

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