November 29th Due Date - I need a buddy!

Let me know if changing your diet works, Sarah! I need to figure out something.

Ooh, have fun on your holidays!! :happydance: Do you think the airline will make you show a note? That sounds like a wonderful babymoon. :) Very relaxing for you and hubby and baby bump. :)
Hi ladies! :wave: Where is everybody?!?!

I was just wondering, seeing as our original group starter is no longer participating in the thread, is there any way we can change the name of the thread to "Elevenses" ... :shrug: just a thought?
Hi Sparkle! :wave:

I wonder if a mod would be able to change it?

A lot of our previously active group has dissapeared recently as well....come back girlies!

BumpHope, how did your class go? It was today right?

How are you feeling Sparkle? How is everyone doing as we enter THIRD TRI?! :happydance:

I'm doing well...just don't have the stamina I used to have. I was ridiculously underdressed for the weather today so decided I needed to go buy maternity trousers...everything I have is shorts/capris. It was no fun as there was so little to choose from and I ended up buying something just for the sake of it because I didn't want to spend all day shopping and wearing myself out for nothing. Ha. Now I'm thinking I'm going to return the clothes anyways as I really don't like them. But yeah, things like shopping tire me out now!

We are picking up our crib tonight! :) We're getting this one: anyone having a baby shower? My mom is throwing mine on Sept 24th at my house (hers is too small). I know we're not meant to be involved in our own showers but hubby and I designed the invites as my mom is not technology savvy. She started mailing them out today...getting kind of excited as it should be fun. I don't really care about gifts but I love a nice party.
I know, where is everyone??! They've disappeared! Be good to meet some more ladies due in November as well which is why it'd be good to change the name to Elevenses! I'm fine, getting the life kicked out of me and loving every minute! My back is killing me by about 7.30pm each night and i go to the toilet ALOT! How about u?

Loving the crib , good to see you're so organised! I've got nothing!! It's ok though caus me sister is throwing me a baby shower but i don't know when!
Hi girls! :wave:

I am pooped lately. Not sure if it's the third trimester symptoms or the fact that I have a bit of anemia right now. I'm thinking it's third trimester though, because I had slight anemia throughout the pregnancy and still felt my energy surge in the second trimester. :shrug:

We had our childbirth class this weekend. It was good, glad we took it. My one concern now though is that we took it at the hospital close to us which is where we were planning on delivering...and therefore got a tour of that hospital. My insurance contracts a certain # of beds there and has OB's on call there. But now with my GD, I am guessing the insurance will want us to go to their hospital which is all the way downtown. And I have heard that the recovery rooms there are semi-private. :cry: Ugh. I'm going to ask the MW about it tomorrow.

Yesterday I had my GD class, which was fine...pretty much more or less the same stuff that the perinatal nurse told me on the phone last week. Except, we also learned how to use our glucometers so now I have to test my blood sugar 4 times a day. Between planning out the 6 meals a day and taking my blood sugar an hour after the first bite of each meal, this is turning into a full time job. *sigh* I really wish I didn't have to deal with this stupid thing. :nope: Actually, I think I'm more frustrated at the moment just anticipating our upcoming vacation later this week (we are going to my inlaw's place for 6 days, during which they are throwing us a baby shower). Not sure how I'm going to be able to control my food intake, especially in front of all the family that is going to also be in town there and staying with them. And we haven't told the inlaws or my folks about the GD and don't plan on it, because first of all, I'm sure they will tell all the extended family and someone is bound to say something stupid that upsets me or give me "medical advice"'s just inevitable when you have a large family filled with people who think they are all "doctors". :wacko:

Love the crib, Allie!

Sparkle, my back pain is on and off, but at the childbirth class we tried different labor positions and a few of them were better for back pain and boy did they feel good on my back which was hurting that day. So I am planning on using them before labor too! In the first one (and my favorite), DH sits in a chair with a pillow on his lap (make sure the height of the chair/couch is not too high or too low so you can bend over comfortably). You kneel on the floor on a pillow at his feet and put your head on the pillow on his lap (you can fold your arms so your head rests on your hands or whatever feels comfortable). Basically, your back and legs should be at about a 90 degree angle. DH can lean forward a bit and massage your upper and lower back. I made DH do it at home last night. He always gets a chuckle out of the positioning of it all, if you catch my drift. :haha:
Hi Girlies.

Im still around! But very excited as Im off on holiday tomorrow! Yay.. so will be MIA for 10days or so! Cant wait! I had to go to GP and get a fit to fly letter as airlines needs it post 28 weeks! We're off to Seville for 2 nights and then have a villa in Portugal!

I also had a check up scan this morning so got to see little bub! Was so nice to see baby again.. Obvioulsy baby is much bigger so couldnt see as clearly as you do at 20 weeks but his head was up by ribs and legs down by bladder- which is why I kept getting spasm in the bladder! I think he ikes that position. we are paying for a private 4d scan when we get back from holiday. they give you a 20minute DVD to take away which will be lovely ( i hope) as want to send to hubbys grandparents as thye live in Australia.

I also had a midwife appt.. had to wait 75minutes and was in there 5mins.. All she did was take blood. I feel like ive had no advice on labour, birthing plans etc... I dont knwo whan I get all this - eg when to call the hospital when I go into labout, when to go in etc? Its a bit rubbish. i was going to ask today but was so late for work from waiting so long to be seen! hey ho!

Bumphope- that does sound full on with your GD. Sensible not to tell fmaily about it.. Everyone seems to think they are qualified doctors these days and give out their advice and opinions. Hope you enjoy your baby shower.

Im not sure whether to have one.. they're not typically done over here - none of my friends had one so woudl feel cheecky if I do! I might have one and say no gifts.

Well girls.. Will catch up with you all post hol...

Hi bump and Sarah!

Bump, your GT does sound alot to deal with :( Keep ur spirits up :friends:

Sarah, have a wonderful holiday :) :thumbsup:

I've been told my iron is too low so I've been put on tablets, 1 a day :( it's the reason I've been so tired!

Ho hum!
Bumphope, I hope you have a good vacation! Good luck with the food. LOL @ the funny positioning for back pain....I hope you get to deliever at the hospital you had the classes at. FX. Insurance is so weird...why would they prefer the other hospital just because of GD?

Have a great holiday Sarah! I haven't been spoken to about labor or delivery either but I was given an information booklet from the hospital at my appt today. Do you know what hospital you'll be at yet? Maybe they offer something similar or childbirth classes or something. YAY for a scan! Glad you got see your LO....hopefully he turns down in the next few months!

AFM I had my 28 week appointment today and had my GTT....results today or tomorrow if they are positive (which I wouldn't doubt). Appt went well, but I'm a little confused. I got a pertussis vaccine...

I was told by a nurse last week that me and my immediate family should get the pertuss (whooping cough) vaccine as it's getting bad in the US and really affects newborns. I asked my doctor today and she said she needed to look into it (?!). A few minutes later the nurse comes in saying if I'm not up to date on it, I should get it. It's called the Tdap vaccine. I asked if it was safe during pregnancy and she said the docs all recommend it, and she gave me the shot.

I came home and researched it (of course) and even the CDC says it should be given post partum and not during pregnancy unless necessary. It's never been studied on pregnant women!!!!

I can't believe I did that....if I hadn't asked, I wouldn't have gotten it, and now I'm worried I've actually harmed my little boy. If he's autistic or something I am going to look back on this day. I just can't believe I did this when I was only trying to do what was right.......
Allie - I understand why you're concerned but im sure they wouldnt have given it to you if it wasnt safe. Medical staff are so cautious when it comes to pregnant women. You could always call up and ask if okay for reassurance? Im sure he'll be fine.. especially now we're so far along. More of a risk in first 12 weeks when organs are being formed. Now they're just growing. Try not to worry. Hugs..

Thought id post my 28 week bump before I head off!



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Allie - just a quick post on tdap, my dr wants me to get it too... I specifically asked today if it was better to get it now or after delivery and they said now would be fine, that ant time after 2nd trimester is okay. Hubby got it last week and his arm was all sore. I don't want a sore arm before I leave for vaca (so much to get done!) so I said I'd take it later. Also, they recommend anyone spending a lot of time with baby get I will be having all of my and dh's immediate family get it! :D
Thanks girls, that makes me feel better. I kept researching it and it seems okay...most of the people saying 'don't do it' are just random people posting online...the official guidelines as of June are to give it to pregnant women (as the antibodies will protect the baby during the first few months of his life before his own vaccines work). I'm glad you're getting it too, BumpHope, as it seems worst in California. DH got his and I will make sure my parents get theirs!! (Btw DH says his arm is all sore and he feels ill and I feel fine! Men!)

Sarah, gorgeous bump! :) You're looking fabulous!!

P.S. Have a fun vacation you two!
Oh Sarah! You are cute, love your bump.
Im starting to get uncomfortable too girls. The worst part is being so out of breath for everything! I feel so out of shape its ridiculous. And bending over is getting hard. Oh man, I remember being huge with my first, but my goodness it sure feels like I am a lot more worn out and sore this time.
My doc hasnt said anything about the vaccine.. I wonder if he will? I dont have my GD test until the 15th.. just the drink, and I hope I pass. What symptoms would I notice if I had it?
Hi Lucky!!! I don't know what symptoms you would have because I have had no symptoms, didn't even feel sick after the glucose drink yesterday.....

and I failed it!!! :( My blood sugar was 139, and the cut off was 135. I have to go in tomorrow for the 3 hour test. Waaah! I'm feeling sorry for myself now.
Oh man!! Allie! That sucks.. Im sorry.. but you know what? Thats so close that you might not fail it? My sister said she failed the glucose test by 2 points with her last pregnancy and she begged to retake it .. so a week later, she retook it and was normal. So? Maybe you are okay.
I fear it because I gained so much weight within the first 12 weeks.. 21 pounds to be exact. OMG right? It was because I was on a hardcare low carb diet and exercise before getting pregnant.. and we got pregnant on vacation, so I let myself go right off the bat.. Since, Ive only been gaining 1 or 2 pounds a it slowed down a lot, but I know they say its a higher risk for over weight people. I would def be considered over weight. Im only 5'2 and Im at 175!! Yikes.
Oh Allie, sorry to hear you failed the one hour. My cutoff was 130 and I got a 129 but then still ended up failing all three parts of the three hour. :( On the other hand, I have a friend who failed the one hour with a 180 and then passed the the three hour. So keep your hopes up!

Lucky, I think one of the problems with GD is that most people don't know they have it until they not sure u would necessarily have any symptoms.

I am trying to be positive about least I know now that I have it and can take steps to keep baby healthy. So far I'm doing well with the diet changes. :)
Aww thanks BumpHope. It's so disheartening to get those results, though, isn't it? I just burst into tears!!

Did you fast before your 3 hour and for how long? She told me to 'fast tonight' for tomorrow but didn't tell me for how long. I stopped eating around 8 so it should be like an 11 hour fast?
Yeah so the lab told me they wanted me to fast for 12 hours but I have read mixed things online. I have read anything from 8-14 hours I guess 12 hrs was reasonable as is was smack in the middle of that range. It is definitely disheartening and I went through feeling guilty too but again, at least there is something you can try to do to control it if it comes back positive. I'll keep my fingers crossed for u though! Take some reading material to get u through the three hours. Oh and also, they say you shouldn't be too active during the three hours either (like walking around the building a lot or leaving to kill time) bc it can skew the results.
Thanks BumpHope. I am at the hospital now. It ended up being a 12 hour fast which seems like a happy medium. I'm just sitting here like a lump now...I want to walk but don't want it to falsly lower my results. If I have GD, I'd really rather just know! I got a peek at my fasting level and it was 86. I think the cutoff for that is 95 so I'm already hovering quite high. Oh, well.
Good luck! :hugs: My fasting was 93. But really, I think the numbers can be so erratic! Last night after dinner I got an 86 (and I had enough food and carbs) and I thought the machine was broken. :D So I redid it right then and there and got an 89. :wacko: Normally I get in the 120's after lunch and dinner.

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